Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)

We were first approved on 11/29/2007

Thanks to all that helped!

Approval Application for The New Mexico Ubuntu Loco

The New Mexico Ubuntu Loco is a small but growing group of Ubuntu and Linux enthusiast with members through out the state of New Mexico in the United States of America. As New Mexico has not only a deep tradition but many historical events dealing with the early days of computing Microsoft and the Altair were started in New Mexico we feel as a group that the ideals behind Ubuntu, Linux, and Open Source Software will allow us to continue in those traditions.

We also are very lucky to have a diverse membership from college students and electrical engineers to business owners and Information Technology Professionals. This diversity gives us the unique ability to serve not only the Ubuntu community but promote the spirit of Ubuntu as well.

Key Details

Team Activity Archives


The New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo has become determined to be a vital part of the Ubuntu community, we have many but obtainable goals.


Promote, educate, and advocate Ubuntu in the state of New Mexico and world wide this really is the mission statement for the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo. The members of the LoCo truly believe in the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and strive to help others, as more and more users make the transition from other Computer Operating System to Ubuntu and other distributions of Linux we hope to be the support they need to help Linux and the end user succeed.

Starting in August of 2007 the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo established a consistent meeting time and date for weekly IRC meetings. These meetings have become the main communication avenue between members and people seeking more information on Ubuntu and the New Mexico LoCo. Our IRC information is located here.

Nothing beats meeting and talking with your fellow Ubuntu users and having a meeting once a month gives a certain creditability to the LoCo. Face to face meetings help with recruitment, morale, and knowledge. Here is a listing of the meetings we have had so far August 30th 2007 meeting, October 19th meeting, November 8th 2007 meeting. The December 2007 meeting is scheduled for the 14th.

We have a long term goal of creating a Linux expo in coordination with other New Mexico LUG's. We would like it to be similar in scope to the Utah Open Source Conference.

This will be the most challenging of all our goals, but we feel it is vital in the continued growth of Ubuntu. As new users start using Ubuntu they will need a place to go to get good quality hands on support. We've had plenty of discussions about this but have yet to come up with any proper solutions. Fortunately we have an ambitious project in the works that will require technical support from the New Mexico LoCo. The Endorphin Power Company project details on this project as well as it progress can be found here. Part of this project is the creation of a SLA or service level agreement, this document should lay the foundation of how we handle support in the future. We have four core members to date that have agreed to help with technical support in some from or another. Eric Krieger, Chris Brotherton, Michael Rimbert, and David Thomas.

We have started to create projects for the LoCo using the guidelines found in the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and the spirit of Ubuntu. Projects so far have included.

Current Projects

Past Projects

During are weekly meetings we keep the floor open to any other community projects that might be a good fit for the LoCo.

Membership growth is the cornerstone to a successful Ubuntu LoCo. The New Mexico LoCo started out with just two members and in just five short months have grown the membership to twenty one, with numerous others showing interest in joining we feel our membership will continue with this upward trend. With planned events like install fest, release parties, and community projects helping to spur further growth.

One of the main goals we first talked about after forming the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo was the desire to work closely with other New Mexico Linux groups. This has been a real successes story for us. Many of the different New Mexico Lug members are also members of The New Mexico LoCo, as well as New Mexico LoCo members being members of New Mexico LUGS. The New Mexico Member David Thomas is the Liaison between all the New Mexico LUGS and the New Mexico LoCo. He keeps the LUGS updated on the coming and goings of the LoCo as well as keeps the LoCo updated of the coming and goings of the LUGS. For more information about New Mexico LUGS just go here.

We have just started to get this project off the ground, our goal is to have quarterly install fest starting in January of 2008. Details can be found here.


The New Mexico Ubuntu Loco truly strive to maintain continuity in every thing we do . From meetings that are held at predictable times to email announcements that have a standard format.


September 27th 2009

The NM LoCo's EPC project was featured in Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 161!

September 24th 2009

The NM LoCo's EPC project was featured on The Fridge!

March, 2009

David Thomas of the NM LoCo is interviewed on Ubuntu Podcast Issue #21

March, 2008

The NM LoCo's EPC project was featured on Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 82!

Forum Contributions


NewMexicoTeamReApprovalApplication (last edited 2010-08-04 05:10:50 by 97-119-183-144)