
Revision 231 as of 2011-08-26 18:46:52

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Ubuntu Join in the community: Become a Member | Chat on IRC in #ubuntu-au on Ubuntu


This is the home page for the Australian Ubuntu Local Community Team. The Australian team focuses on distributing, advertising and demonstrating Ubuntu within Australia. Through the development of our projects we focus on the areas of schools, business and home users.

Please see our website for the latest news on our activities and events! For other activities check out our Launchpad Page


On 12th of May 2010 the Australian Ubuntu LoCo Team lost its official status. The Team's LoCo Re-Approval Application contains the details of our application. Plans are being developed to have the LoCo officially recognised again and our renewed efforts are documented here. It will be resubmitted to the council on Friday the 08/07/11 all things going to plan, please feel free to add any relevant information or discuss the listed details on the mailing list.

How to find us

Team Events

  • Team Meetings - Online meetings are generally held at 9:00 PM AEST on the second Tuesday of the month. Feel free to join us on #ubuntu-au using your favourite IRC client. Alternatively you may prefer to use your web browser and go to Freenode Webchat.

  • Upcoming Events - a list of upcoming events hosted on the site team page.

  • Previous Meetings - an archive of details about past meetings.

  • iCal Calendar - this is a link to a feed you can add to your favourite calendar program (or smart phone!) to keep up to date with upcoming team events.


#ubuntu-au on Main (logged) Webchat or Offtopic (non-logged) Webchat in your browser!

If you would prefer to use a chat program XChat, Pidgin or Empathy also support IRC groups

Full details can be found at AustralianTeam/IRC.

Mailing List

The Ubuntu-au mailing list is a place to seek support and for general discussion on team related matters.

Various Web Groups

Planet Ubuntu

Planet Ubuntu-Au is a blog feed from various Ubuntu-AU members. It is not strictly “Ubuntu Only” content but offers a window into the lives and interests of Ubuntu-AU members.

Team Contact

The current team contact of Ubuntu-AU is JaredNorris.

For both Jared's contact details and also contact details of other relevant team personnel please see the ContactUs page.


See the New Members page if you are interested in joining.

The Members List has a list of all current members and what state they reside in.


To get involved and see what is currently going on within the team check out our projects page for details.

Team Wiki Links

The following linked pages are links to all the current Ubuntu-AU team wiki pages, feel free to browse and contribute.
