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Ferrara, Italy

City of residence:

Milan, Italy


03 July 1993





Italian Wiki Profile:






About me

Technology addicted, Ubuntu fan, student.

Love challenges and, in free time, mountains.

Me and Ubuntu

Ubuntu Phone

I'm very interested in the Ubuntu Phone project, and I try to help the development reporting bug and writing some lines of code. I was involved in Ubuntu core apps hack days, during which I wrote various patchs and new functions, especially for calendar and calculator.

My works in the Italian LoCo Team

I became a member of the Italian LoCo Team December 2, 2012.

Web Group

I collaborate with the Web Group since May 2012. Our goal is to keep the site up to date and to add new features.


Since April 2012 I help users on the Italian Forum. My nickname there is WebbyIT.

FCM Group

I helped the FCM Group from June 2012 to February 2013, mainly as a translator.

Promotion Group

Newsletter I wrote some articles for the Italian Blog and the Italian Newsletter, from September 2012 to February 2013.

Social Media With Marco Buono, Dario Cavedon and Andrea Colangelo, I founded the Social Media Group in January, 2013. Our goal is to manage presence of the Italian LoCo Team on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook.


I wrote a couple of guides for the Italian Wiki.

Ask Group

I'm a member of team Ask Group (with Giuseppe Terrasi and Milo Casagrande), that launched chiedi.ubuntu-it.org, an Italian service of Q&A, like Ask Ubuntu. I edited the graphic theme with Leo Iannacone. At the moment I continue to manage the development and I'm one of the administrators.


All information about my contributions to the Italian LoCo Team (like list of articles translate, and some testimonial) are available in my Italian wiki profile.


  • A very passionate boy, he is really active in Ubuntu Italy and helpful. Last but not least, he knows what to do when he gets involved into a project. -- by deshack, 06/04/2013

  • Riccardo is a very great and helpful boy that has worked in a lot of projects in the Italian LocoTeam like Web team, FCM and Marketing Team. In particular, he has helped our community to get an active presence on various social networks. IMHO, he definitely deserves the Ubuntu membership! -- paolorotolo 2013-04-06 17:39:33

  • Every time you need help it's better Riccardo is nearby, because he is the solution to all of your problem. Riccardo not only knows the right answer but he teaches you how to do in the future. -- by, almaidinajad 2013-04-06 21:09:33

  • Riccardo is a very "useful" person, always available to help you do everything. He always put him in new challenges, like the social media team he help to found. Now he want to get involved in Ubuntu Touch, for example. He definitely deserves the membership. -- mapreri 2013-05-29 16:53:35
