June 2012 Team Reports


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Ubuntu Governance

Community Council

  • Set up poll for IRC Council member
  • 2012-06-07 Meeting (log):

    • Bot summary

    • Actions:
      • ACTION: dholbach to mail ~soaringsky about Defining support
      • ACTION: dholbach to talk to sabdfl about the CoC update
      • ACTION: Gwaihir to mail Forums Council about next meeting
    • Catch up with Edubuntu Council:
      • Little to do for the Edubuntu Council itself.
      • Great 12.04 release.
      • Some activity in the team.
      • 2 people from zentyal doing some work for edubuntu server (integration between zentyal and schooltool)
      • upgrading the website to drupal 7
      • dozen interview lined up for the website to showcase what schools and organisations are doing with edubuntu (on-hold because of website upgrade)
      • collaborate with Kubuntu team on supporting http://zareason.com/shop/zatab.html

      • contributors mostly involved with LTSP
      • get 5-10 requests via website each week
      • want to try public hang-outs
      • long-term aim for 14.04 is having a complete school solution, technology wise. Thin clients, work stations, tablets and servers
      • long-term goals need to finalised and announced by Edubuntu Council
  • 2012-06-21 Meeting (log):

    • Bot summary

    • Catch up with Forums Council
      • Greatest concern is that they still having hardware issues, spammers, and anxiously awaiting upgrade
        • Outstanding ticket 16733 which details the process with Canonical IS so far
        • Upgrade to v4 is blocked by continued SSO (single sign in) issues
        • Spam prevention software requires v4
        • When asked how much time is spent on handling spam now:
          • Iowan: It's what I do most of he time - and I miss 75%
          • coffeecat: I personally spent 2-4 hours per day for 14 days finding and banning toxic email domains.
        • dholbach suggested liaising with the folks in #canonical-sysadmin directly to move things forward
        • CC to review the ticket and see if there is any way they can help
        • The question of whether SSO is really required for the v4 upgrade, will follow up with sabdfl
      • Most sections of forums continue to be busy
      • No current issues with dispute resolution or similar
      • Continue to have contributors who are applying to become Ubuntu Members
    • IRC Council Poll closes today, once it's closed the CC will review the poll and make an announcement to the IRC folks about their new council member
    • CoC review is ongoing, CC needs to define what still needs to be reviewed
  • Announced new IRC Council member

Developer Membership Board

Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-06-04

Chair: tumbleweed (with help from stgraber)

Present: barry Laney micahg stgraber tumbleweed

Review of previous Minutes

  • cfalco got his upload rights
  • zentyl packageset and it's membership team was created
  • micahg to document the packageset: todo
  • stgraber to review the freeze process with bencer: in-progress
  • the membership monitoring script is working again.
  • cody-somerville and bdrung to vote in early meeting poll: cody still needs to vote

Contributing Developer Juan Negron

Not present, postponed.

MOTU application Jeremy Bicha

Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JeremyBicha/DeveloperApplication

Voting: +1 stgraber Laney barry tumbleweed

  • +0 micahg

The application is accepted.

Action: stgraber to add jbicha to MOTU (done)


Chair for next meeting: stgraber

rodrigo-moya appears expired from ubuntu-dev, tumbleweed pinged him in late April. Received no reply, so we agreed to remove his PPU rights for couchdb-glib and evolution-couchdb

Action: stgraber to remove rodrigo-moya's PPU rights (done)

Forum Council

IRC Council

LoCo Council

Membership Boards

At the 27/06/2012 1200 UTC Membership meeting we welcomed 3 new Members to official Ubuntu Membership!

  • Joel Addison (Wiki|Launchpad) - Joel is a software engineering student from Brisbane, Australia. His contributions to date have mainly centred around the Ubuntu-AU LoCo as well as localisation activities.

  • James Henstridge (Wiki|Launchpad) - James has been using and working on Ubuntu since 2004. He currently work on Ubuntu One for Canonical as well as previously contributing to the Launchpad development team.

  • Mohamed Alaa (Wiki|Launchpad) - Mohamed is a 13 year old python programmer from Egypt. Mohamed has made contributions to translation efforts and bug triaging.

The Membership results from the 21st June Meeting of the 2200 Board are as follows:

  • Roman Yepishev (Wiki|Launchpad) - He is currently involved in the Ubuntu One project, helping with ubuntuone-scripts, indicator-ubuntuone and some other services. He is also one of the OpenStack testers.

  • Nadeen Spirit (Wiki|Launchpad) - She is one of the active members of the Egypt LoCo team. She gives talks about Ubuntu at her college, helps people not only installing Ubuntu on their machines but also helping them with any problems they encounter.

  • Nicholas Skaggs (Wiki|Launchpad) - Nicholas is one of the guys behind QA. He does loads of great stuff.

  • Matt Fischer (Wiki|Launchpad) - Matt is involved in triaging bugs with the Bug Squad. He also likes writing stuff for Unity and he is one of the members of the Accomplishments team.

  • Marc Cluet (Wiki|Launchpad) - Marc is a member of the Server team. He maintains mcollective* and a few other packages. He is also an Orchestra developer.

  • Kurt Belgrave (Wiki|Launchpad) - Kurt is doing an awesome job with bringing Trinidad & Tobago LoCo team back alive. He organised events and helped spread Ubuntu. He also likes triaging bugs.

Technical Board

Ubuntu Development Teams

Reviewers Team

Xubuntu Team

Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu LoCo Teams

Argentina Team

Asturian Team

Australian Team

Belgian Team

Cameroonian Team

Canadian Team

Catalan Team

  • June 1st: LoCo irc meeting for conclusions about recent Ubuntu 12.04 Release Party.

  • June 16th: LoCo irc meeting.

  • June 30th: LoCo Team recreational activity including a pool and lunch.

China Team

Chilean Team

Ubuntu Colombia

Czech Team

  • informal session with Czech beer and with Ubuntu /Prague/
  • new partnership with IT service in Prague
    • possibilities for our future meetings, club and informal sessions
    • IT service for PCs with Ubuntu
    • all details will be announced during next month
  • preparations for internal meeting (Czech Ubuntu admins)

Danish Team

Dutch Team


At the moment it is calm. Precise has almost completely been translated (GUI and documentation). We're waiting with translating Quantal until String Freeze. The English version of the Ubuntu Manual will be released shortly. In the beginning of July we can start with translating that.


June 2nd there was a national release party in Beekbergen for the 12.04 release. A fotoalbum can be found here: http://www.ubuntuparty.nl/node/460

Foundation Support Ubuntu-NL

Many t-shirts have already been sold and flyers have been printed that can be requested from the website.

Source: http://wiki.ubuntu-nl.org/community/Meetings/Meeting20120610/VoortgangTeams


Ecuador Team

French Team

  • June 1st : meeting about Linux and freedom in Meythet.

  • June from 1st to 3rd : Festival Tant Libre ! in Meyzieu, where we had a booth.

  • June 2nd : premier samedi du libre (PSL) in Paris. This is a multi-distribution small install fest where around 60 people come to get help configuring and installing their Linux system.

  • June 2nd : meeting of Linux club in Wintzenheim.

  • June 6th : Ubuntu Hour in Paris, in a bar where we drank beers and took a good moment.
  • June 7th : Ubuntu Hour in Paris, in an other bar.
  • June 9th : meeting in Cognac, about Ubuntu and other free softwares.
  • June 10th : Ubuntu Party 12.04 in Paris (debriefing).
  • June 15th : initiation to Linux with Ubuntu in Quimperlé.
  • June from 19th to 21th : Solutions Linux in Paris.

  • June 23th : Install Party in Aix-en-Provence.
  • June 27th : interTICE 2012 – Logiciels libres, where we had a booth. It's an event for teachers, with the participation of Richard Stallman this year.

  • June 28th : IRC meeting of the Ubuntu-fr LoCo.

German Kubuntu Team

Greek Team

Report of June 2012

  • Ubuntu Greece is successfully reapproved by LoCo council on 19/6/2012

  • Ubuntistas issue #14 released
  • Ubuntu-gr forum has now 3 new moderators

Honduras Team

Hungarian Team

Indian Team

Ubuntu Ireland

Ubuntu Israel

Japanese Team

Korean Team

Montenegro Team

  • Ubuntu installation disks disseminating
  • We tried to send some disks out of Podgorica: Bar, Berane, Nikšić, Pljevlja

Nicaraguan Team

Norwegian team

Philippine Team

Quebec Team

Romanian Team

Russian Team

Serbian Team

* Ubunu hour - lectures for beginners were held in Belgrade haklab, every Tuesday.

* Ubuntu LoCo Serbia held lectures about free software in Zaječar, Bor, Niš, Beograd.

* Ubuntu held presentation at the RITUAL FEST about free software and usage Ubuntu Linux software in music production and mastering.

* Meeting with Digital Agenda, Serbian Ministry of Information Technology.

* On Saturday 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th June Administration team meeting was held.

South African Ubuntu team

Swedish Team

Swiss Team

Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team

  • Participation in "arabicmozilla meetup 2012"

Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team

United States Teams

US Teams Project

Ubuntu California

Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team

District of Columbia Team

Florida LoCo Team

Iowa Team

New York State Team

No Report This Month

Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team

Ohio Team

Oregon Team

Pennsylvania Team

Virginia Team

Washington Team

Wisconsin Team

* Event: This month's Madison Ubuntu Hour was June 16. This event is on the third Saturday of each month, and is hosted by Madison LUG. The next Madison Ubuntu Hour will be July 21.

* Monthly Meeting: There was no monthly meeting on IRC this month.

Ubuntu Venezuela Team

Zimbabwe Team

Additional Ubuntu Teams

Ubuntu Accessibility Team

Ubuntu Beginners Team

Ubuntu Classroom Team

Ubuntu NGO Team

Ubuntu Women Team

TeamReports/June2012 (last edited 2012-07-01 21:31:39 by lyz)