Technical Board Reporting Page

Welcome to the Technical Board reporting page. Every month this page should be filled with bullet points indicating the summary of some of the work you have been working on. As you work on something, try to summarise it here. A few guidelines for how to write good points here:

The Report

Meeting 2014-06-24:

  • Chair: Steve Langasek
  • Attendees: Martin Pitt, Stéphane Graber
  • Apologies: Adam Conrad, Kees Cook, Marc Deslauriers
  • Action review:
    • No outstanding actions
  • juju-core MRE
    • discussed with Robie Basak the proposal from the list
    • agreed to a provisional MRE, with a +1 from Martin and no objections
    • ACTION: pitti to formally record the provision MRE and follow up to the mailing list.

  • Meeting time
    • AGREED: Next meeting, July 8 @ 1600 UTC

    • AGREED: stgraber is chair for the next meeting

Previous Reports







TechnicalBoard/TeamReports (last edited 2013-09-02 20:38:39 by 82-69-40-219)