
Revision 64 as of 2009-07-06 04:23:56

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Next Tennessee Team Meeting



The Tennessee Team is established in order to advocate and educate Linux users for the entire state of Tennessee and to promote Ubuntu Linux and the Ubuntu Community. We will focus on all derivatives of Ubuntu, including Edubuntu.

Next Team Meeting

The next meeting of the Tennessee Team will be held on Tuesday, August 4th @ 8PM EST/7PM CST on the IRC Channel #ubuntu-meeting To be discussed: Team Leadership Position....Final Presentation of Those Interested in Team Leadership, Discussion of Requirements and Qualifications and Voting. (w4ett)

Join us today

Here's how:


  • Create one main place where our members will be able to gather and share information about the distribution;
  • Initiate monthly face to face meetings at a predetermined facilities where users will be able to better interact and receive more support;
  • Plan some type of organized activity where we could perform Install Fests and such;
  • Advocate, advocate, and advocate! Smile :)

  • Create a place for Educators to come together and discuss how Ubuntu can positively impact their schools.

Team Meetings

05/02/2009, 0100 - Meeting Log

Primarily we addressed the team's lack of leadership. We reached consensus about which people will fill the leadership roles (IRC OPs and Launchpad admins). Organized a regular time for IRC meetings.

12/22/2008, 2000 - http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2008/12/23/%23ubuntu-us-tn.html - Meeting Log

w4ett held an informal meeting welcoming new and existing members and discussed face to face meetings. Members from the Eastern Region have planned a get together on Jan 10th, 2009 in Athens TN at Angela's Cafe 217 E washington Ave @ 1300 (1PM) Local Time.

10/30/2007, 1900 - http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2007/10/31/%23ubuntu-us-tn.html - Meeting Log

Agenda - Conclusion of Membership Expiration issue, Gutsy Install Parties, "Roadmap."

Saxonjf ran a short meeting in the absence of leader or admins.

  • The group finally agreed to maintain annual renewal of membership.
  • It was decided to forgo any further Gutsy parties, and attempt to organize a party for the release of Hardy Heron.
  • The group decided to contact Born Again Technologies, in Murfreesboro, in order to assist in building Ubuntu boxes there.
  • Saxonjf agreed to officially hold position of Team Secretary.


Oct 24, 2007

Additional Admins for the Launchpad Team functions have been approved...The backlog of pending membership approvals and expired memberships have been cleared. (10/10/07)

Our next scheduled IRC meeting is to be held on October 30th, 2007 at 19.00 hrs Central Time (7:00 PM CDT) Please place your suggested agenda items on the team whiteboard: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TennesseeTeam/Whiteboard or the forum thread.

We look forward to seeing all of you at the next IRC meeting. Please drop by the IRC channel this week (or post to the forum thread and or Whiteboard) and if you have further concerns and ideas, we'll get them addressed.

10/23/2007, 1900 - http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2007/10/24/%23ubuntu-us-tn.html - Meeting Log

Agenda - Resumption of Membership Expiration Issue (old business), Gutsy Install Parties (old business), Assigning Regional Team Groupings, Roadmap Definition and Planning, Assigning Position of Recording Secretary, Discussion of Team Logo.

  • Decision of Member Expiration was tabled again for one week, to be decided at the 10/30/2007 meeting.
  • Gutsy parties was also tabled to the 10/30/2007 meeting.
  • The team broke the state into three regions (East, Middle, and West), and assigned w4ett West Tennessee Regional Contact. desertc was proposed as Middle Tennessee contact, and xTEMPLARx was proposed as East Tennessee contact.
  • Tideline wished to record that w4ett volunteered to create a Team Phone list.
  • saxonjf was suggested as Team Recording Secretary for meetings. He had been present earlier, but his connection was lost.
  • Two team proposed TN Team logos were created by saxonjf, both had the Ubuntu symbol surrounding the Tennesse tristar circular field. The symbol with the blue field was chosen, and placed on the Team's Launchpad Page.
  • It was decided to brainstorm ideas to meet the Roadmap requirements, and discuss indepth next week.

10/16/2007, 1900 - http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2007/10/17/%23ubuntu-us-tn.html - Meeting Log

Agenda - Update of team administrator situation, Road map to LoCo approval, proposal for indefinite membership length, Gutsy Release.

  • Desertc and w4ett attained administrator position, and had approved all pending membership.
  • A proposal to extend membership from one year to indefinitely was tabled until the next meeting. A request to create a forum topic was made.
  • Discussion was made concerning a roadmap to LoCo Team Approval.

  • The Gutsy release was discussed, and desertc announced his Gutsy release party, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TennesseeTeam/GutsyReleaseParty , and invited all to join.

  • A motion was made and approved to formally congratulate and thank w4ett and desertc for the reviving the team and for their hard work in restarting it.
  • johncub stated that he wanted a simplified synopsis of how the Ubuntu community works and how everyone fits into it.
  • desertc took issue with the decision to preclude regional get-togethers from discussing formal team business. It was explained that meet-ups could discuss team business, but not make decisions for the team as a whole.

10/09/2007, 1900 - http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2007/10/10/%23ubuntu-us-tn.html - Meeting Log

Agenda - Membership Issues, Question of Leadership, Regional Meet-Ups, Future Meetings.

  • Group Agreed to allow regional meet-ups for social gatherings. No policy decisions allowed.
  • Question of Leadership informally tabled until end of year, to allow Team Leader MichaelBerger to return.

  • Group agreed to meet weekly on IRC Tuesdays at 7PM Central Time

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