
Differences between revisions 11 and 12
Revision 11 as of 2009-11-05 12:57:57
Size: 5988
Editor: 212
Comment: Rephrased some topics, added LP community contributions
Revision 12 as of 2009-11-05 13:17:47
Size: 6906
Editor: 212
Comment: Added translations best practices
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * '''Translations best practices and policies''' (DavidPlanella)
  * Currently there is no authoritative set of policies for better structuring the Ubuntu Translations process
  * We should discuss for which aspects of the translations process we'd like to have [[|documented policies]], draft those and let the Ubuntu translations community ratify them.
  * It would also be useful to have a collection of best practices for Ubuntu translation teams, including guidelines on how to run a team, how to accept new members, how to communicate within the team, how to interact with upstreams and how to work collaboratively and ensure translation quality.
  * Review of
  * Review and complete, see if there is any content that can be merged
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 * '''Translations Community roundtable''' (DavidPlanella)
  * Roundtable session to discuss the status of the Ubuntu translations community, possible improvements, etc.
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 * '''Translations Community roundtable''' (DavidPlanella)
  * Roundtable session to discuss the status of the Ubuntu translations community, possible improvements, etc.


The purpose of this page is to list all suggestions for the UDS Lucid translation sessions to be used as a basis for the final schedule.

Session proposals

Final list


  • Status and feedback about the Ubuntu Translations project (AdiRoiban)

    • bugs handling
    • answer tracking
    • process documentation for translators and developers
  • Translating Ubuntu Docs, help files, training materials ... etc (AdiRoiban)

    • Cross session with the documentation team to discuss topics such as:
      • Feedback regarding the current ubuntu-docs translation process
      • Status of Kubuntu and Xubuntu docs
      • See how we can translate help files and other docs and training materials
      • Naming of translation templates for translation on Launchpad
    • doctemplate (KyleNitzsche)

      • A new/developing LP project ( that provides a documentation template that can be added to packages or used for stand alone docs. Source is docbook article or book. It's fully localizable (images and strings), with pdf, html, html-with-javascript and docbook outputs. Also, discuss integration with LP: translation work flow, and possible LP improvements: Documentation tab, Doc privileges and assignment (like translations), import/export to/from LP, LP for image localization, LP display of localized content
  • and the links from there (TimoJyrinki)

    • mailing list post - in summary, l10n of Participate page and "l10n" of the Help link URL (if deemed proper), how to escalat

  • Testing for Translations (AraPulido, DavidPlanella)

    • Cross session Translations/QA about test cases for translations. We could come up with a good blueprint for Lucid to add those kind of cases to the ISO tracker.

    • Suggestion: it would be interesting to have some advice from the testing team on:
      • Testing/finding out untranslatable strings
      • Testing language packs on stable releases
  • Improving translation status reporting (DavidPlanella)

    • We haven't got a Launchpad Translations API, but for gathering translations statistics, template names, etc, we've got daily updated data here -> Note: the data is not from the production database, which means that it is a couple of days behind

    • What can we do with that data?
      • Providing stats based on distro
        • How do we report on languages? Kyle suggests a tiered language approach.
      • Provide diferent views of templates, e.g. package sets (with links to LP for the actual translations)
      • Provide a list of old templates as possible candidates for being obsoleted
      • ...
  • Community participation in coordinating translations (DavidPlanella)

    • On the last cycle we saw the UbuntuTranslationCoordinators team building up. It has worked very well so far, and it would be interesting to have some feedback.

    • We want to have a well documented and transparent process, in which the community can contribute
    • Some of the actions the UTC is responsible for are already documented at These might need to be expanded and perhaps we can also come up with a schedule on when to do the regular actions. Also there are some actions only David and Arne can do right now, should they be expanded to the whole group?

      • Changing translation focus in Launchpad
      • Requesting language pack exports
      • ...
  • Kubuntu Translations feedback and improvements (DavidPlanella)

    • Status of Kubuntu translations
    • Feedback on the improvement effort discussed on the last UDS and fleshed out during the Karmic development cycle.
    • Using Launchpad Translations for projects using TS files
    • Look at KDE source packages that have all POT files in the same folder.
  • Increasing community developer contributions in Launchpad Translations (DavidPlanella)

    • Launchpad is now Open Source
    • There are lots of feature requests on Launchpad Translations, which the community could participate in or implement themselves
    • We'd like to discuss ways in which we could encourage or ease community developer contributions to Launchpad Translations.
  • Translations best practices and policies (DavidPlanella)

    • Currently there is no authoritative set of policies for better structuring the Ubuntu Translations process
    • We should discuss for which aspects of the translations process we'd like to have documented policies, draft those and let the Ubuntu translations community ratify them.

    • It would also be useful to have a collection of best practices for Ubuntu translation teams, including guidelines on how to run a team, how to accept new members, how to communicate within the team, how to interact with upstreams and how to work collaboratively and ensure translation quality.
    • Review of

    • Review and complete, see if there is any content that can be merged


  • Launchpad Translations roundtable (Danilo, UrsulaJunque)

    • Roundtable session where the LP Translations devs can expose what's coming in the next cycle and get feedback and answer questions from users
    • Topics from translators:
      • Translation sharing between Ubuntu and upstream projects hosted in LP (AdiRoiban)

        • Now that we have message sharing between ubuntu series, see if we can share those translations between Ubuntu and upstream projects hosted in LP
  • Translations Community roundtable (DavidPlanella)

    • Roundtable session to discuss the status of the Ubuntu translations community, possible improvements, etc.


  • Indentifying the source package/template from UI strings (AdiRoiban)

    • see if we can have in LP a search feature that will look in all templates for a language
    • see how we can identify strings that are not marked for translations
    • Note: we can talk about this on the Launchpad Translations roundtable -- dpm 2009-11-05 12:39:56

  • Starting with Translations content (DavidPlanella)

    • The main entry point for new Ubuntu translators is Launchpad and the wiki pages
    • It would be very useful to have more dynamic content, such as tutorials/screencasts, which could also even be translated.


Translations/UDS/Lucid (last edited 2010-04-20 17:37:49 by 168)