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 * '''Translations Community wrapup''' (DavidPlanella)
  * Overview of all changes coming for Lucid.
  * Wrapup and discussion of any other pending items.



The purpose of this page is to list all suggestions for the UDS Lucid translation sessions to be used as a basis for the final schedule.

Session proposals

Final list


  • Improving documentation translation (AdiRoiban)

    • Cross session with the documentation team to discuss topics such as:
      • Feedback regarding the current ubuntu-docs translation process
      • Status of Kubuntu and Xubuntu docs
      • See how we can translate help files and other docs and training materials
      • Naming of translation templates for translation on Launchpad
    • Presentation of the doctemplate project (KyleNitzsche)

      • A new/developing LP project ( that provides a documentation template that can be added to packages or used for stand alone docs. Source is docbook article or book. It's fully localizable (images and strings), with pdf, html, html-with-javascript and docbook outputs. Also, discuss integration with LP: translation work flow, and possible LP improvements: Documentation tab, Doc privileges and assignment (like translations), import/export to/from LP, LP for image localization, LP display of localized content
  • Browser start page localisation (TimoJyrinki)

    • mailing list post - in summary, localisation of the "Participate" page and "Help" link URL (if deemed proper), how to escalat

  • Testing for Translations (AraPulido, DavidPlanella)

    • Cross session Translations/QA about test cases for translations. We could come up with a good blueprint for Lucid to add those kind of cases to the ISO tracker.

    • Suggestion: it would be interesting to have some advice from the testing team on:
      • Testing/finding out untranslatable strings
      • Testing language packs on stable releases
  • Improving translation status reporting (DavidPlanella)

    • We haven't got a Launchpad Translations API, but for gathering translations statistics, template names, etc, we've got daily updated data here -> Note: the data is not from the production database, which means that it is a couple of days behind

    • What can we do with that data?
      • Providing stats based on distro
        • How do we report on languages? Kyle suggests a tiered language approach.
      • Provide diferent views of templates, e.g. package sets (with links to LP for the actual translations)
      • Provide a list of old templates as possible candidates for being obsoleted
      • ...
  • Community participation in coordinating translations (DavidPlanella)

    • On the last cycle we saw the UbuntuTranslationCoordinators team building up. It has worked very well so far, and it would be interesting to have some feedback.

    • We want to have a well documented and transparent process, in which the community can contribute
    • Some of the actions the UTC is responsible for are already documented at These might need to be expanded and perhaps we can also come up with a schedule on when to do the regular actions. Also there are some actions only David and Arne can do right now, should they be expanded to the whole group?

      • Changing translation focus in Launchpad
      • Requesting language pack exports
      • ...
  • Kubuntu Translations feedback and improvements (DavidPlanella)

    • Status of Kubuntu translations
    • Feedback on the improvement effort discussed on the last UDS and fleshed out during the Karmic development cycle.
    • Using Launchpad Translations for projects using TS files
    • Look at KDE source packages that have all POT files in the same folder.
  • Increasing community developer contributions in Launchpad Translations (DavidPlanella)

    • Launchpad is now Open Source
    • There are lots of feature requests on Launchpad Translations, which the community could participate in or implement themselves
    • We'd like to discuss ways in which we could encourage or ease community developer contributions to Launchpad Translations.
  • Translations best practices and policies (DavidPlanella)

    • Currently there is no authoritative set of policies for better structuring the Ubuntu Translations process
    • We should discuss for which aspects of the translations process we'd like to have documented policies, draft those and let the Ubuntu translations community ratify them.

    • It would also be useful to have a collection of best practices for Ubuntu translation teams, including guidelines on how to run a team, how to accept new members, how to communicate within the team, how to interact with upstreams and how to work collaboratively and ensure translation quality.
    • Review of

    • Review and complete, see if there is any content that can be merged

  • planning for Lucid

    • We'd like to discuss OO.o translations on this informational session as well.


  • Launchpad Translations roundtable (Danilo, UrsulaJunque)

    • Roundtable session where the LP Translations devs can expose what's coming in the next cycle and get feedback and answer questions from users
    • Topics from translators:
      • Translation sharing between Ubuntu and upstream projects hosted in LP (AdiRoiban)

        • Now that we have message sharing between ubuntu series, see if we can share those translations between Ubuntu and upstream projects hosted in LP
  • Translations Community roundtable (DavidPlanella)

    • Roundtable session to discuss the status of the Ubuntu translations community, possible improvements, etc.
  • Status and feedback about the Ubuntu Translations project (AdiRoiban)

    • bugs handling
    • answer tracking
    • process documentation for translators and developers
  • Translations Community wrapup (DavidPlanella)

    • Overview of all changes coming for Lucid.
    • Wrapup and discussion of any other pending items.


These topics have not been included in the final list of sessions, but can nonetheless be discussed (e.g. in roundtables)

  • Indentifying the source package/template from UI strings (AdiRoiban)

    • see if we can have in LP a search feature that will look in all templates for a language
    • see how we can identify strings that are not marked for translations
    • Note: we can talk about this on the Launchpad Translations roundtable -- dpm 2009-11-05 12:39:56

  • Starting with Translations content (DavidPlanella)

    • The main entry point for new Ubuntu translators is Launchpad and the wiki pages
    • It would be very useful to have more dynamic content, such as tutorials/screencasts, which could also even be translated.


Translations/UDS/Lucid (last edited 2010-04-20 17:37:49 by 168)