
Revision 309 as of 2012-02-28 16:28:01

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Welcome to the Ubuntu Open Week!

Takes place from Tuesday 1 May - Thursday 3 May 2012 on IRC in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat.

Road test our community

In just seven years, Ubuntu has become one of the most popular Linux distributions in the world with millions of users and a thriving community. Ever wondered what all the fuss is about? How have we achieved such a great feat in such a short space of time? Here's where you can find out. Ubuntu Open Week is a week of IRC tuition and Q+A sessions all about getting involved in the rock-and-roll world that is the Ubuntu community. We organise this week for the beginning of a new release cycle to help new contributors get involved.

Ubuntu Open Week is a series of online workshops where you can:

  • learn about the Ubuntu landscape
  • talk to some of the key developers from the Ubuntu project
  • find out about the Community and its relationship with Canonical
  • participate in an open Q&A with Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Ubuntu. (Mark is on vacation this week, but we'll schedule a separate IRC session with him, stay tuned!)

Find out more about the Ubuntu Desktop, Server, Kubuntu, Edubuntu Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Mythbuntu, UNR, and download them.

The Timetable

We organised a week long menu of events that touch many different areas of the Ubuntu community. If you are interested in being a part of the project, there is sure to be a session for you.

For more information on each session a Session and session lead wiki page

Logs can be found at MeetingLogs->Open Week Precise.


Tuesday 1 May

2100 UTC

Ask Mark - Mark Shuttleworth Hosted by DJones

  • Feel free to negotiate and move slots amongst yourselves but please don't move someone without their consent. (Mark is only available on Tuesday so that will be the only session that day. If we run out of session space we'll just add more!)

If you use identi.ca, you can subscribe to @ubuntuclassroom to be informed whenever a new Open Week is about to begin. (You can also follow @ubuntuclassroom on Twitter).

  • Hashtag for Ubuntu Open Week: #uow

* Note: For help on time equivalents around the world, visit Time and Date World Clock, and specifically for the equivalent of 15:00 UTC see 15:00 UTC around the world.

OpenWeek in other languages


El team Ubuntu Classroom-Es es organizador de la Ubuntu Open Week en habla hispana . Visita el vínculo y súmate para aprender más acerca de Ubuntu, la comunidad, como usarlo y aportar. Hay charlas para principiantes, usuarios avanzados y expertos link.

Coordinador Sergio Meneses

Proximamente estaremos suministrando mas información acerca del evento.


Take the survey and tell us how we can improve!

Developer Week

Ubuntu Developer Week is a similar workshop, but targeted more to developers. You can find out more information here.