La mia pagina in italiano qui. |
About Me
I'm not a computer expert but just one of the many free software enthusiasts. Since 2007, when I became a happy user and supporter of Ubuntu GNU/Linux, I have been involved in some Ubuntu Italian Community projects, like the Ubuntu Italian Marketing Team and the Ubuntu Italian Documentation Team.
mlazzari2 AT ubuntu DOT com
Public Key 7EA431C2
Ubuntu Stuff
Ex Ubuntu Italian Marketing Team.
Ubuntu Italian Documentation Team.
Ubuntu Italian Member.
Ubuntu Italian Forum: Local Moderator of the Documentation board.
Ubuntu Italian Documentation Team: Administrator of the Ubuntu Italian Documentation Team.
I attended at:
Bologna Italy: Ubuntu-it-meeting 22-23 May 2010. Bologna (Italy)
Photos → 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Videos → Ubuntu open community - RAI3 Neapolis show (RAI3 is a national TV channel)
Perugia Italy: DUCC-IT '10 → Italian Debian/Ubuntu Community Conference 2010 Saturday, September 18, 2010 at the Software Freedom Day. Perugia (Italy)
Photos → 1 - 2 - 3
Videos → DUCC-IT 2010
Schio Italy: Ubuntu-party 30 April / 01 May 2011. Schio (Vi) (Italy).
Photos - Videos → 1
Plans and ideas in the future
Finish work on the new style of Italian wiki.
Continue taking care of the Italian wiki and of my projects in to the Italian Marketing Team.
Join the Ubuntu Italian Testing Team.
Help other people to collaborate with us.
Improve my English for better collaboration with the international community too.
Thanks to
A special thanks to: PaoloSammicheli, PalmaSalvatore, MiloCasagrande and LeoIannacone for the excellent support.
ClaudioArseni: Matteo is a very kind person who is always trying to help people in any way he can. He is extremely active in Ubuntu Italian Documentation team doing a great work. He does an outstanding work in the Ubuntu Italian Marketing Team too, being a very knowledgeable, efficient and hard-working person. It is a pleasure having him in our community. Higly recommended for the membership!
-- claudio.arseni 2011-04-18 11:15:48
PalmaSalvatore: Matteo is very active in the Ubuntu Italian Documentation, reviewing several community-made guides. He is also active in the Ubuntu Italian Marketing, particularly in the projects Associazioni Consumatori, Venditori Ubuntu and Diffondi Ubuntu; therefore he really deserves the membership, in my opinion!
-- palma-salvatore 2011-04-18 17:38:20
GiuseppeTerrasi: Matteo is an Admin of Italian Doc Team and works hard to maintain it. Higly recommended for the membership. -- giuseppeterrasi 2011-04-28 13:43:52
PaoloSammicheli: Matteo has been a great contributor to the Italian team for a long time now, he is an excellent candidate for membership.
-- xdatap1 2011-05-02 08:03:33
MiloCasagrande: Matteo is a key player in the Italian Documentation team, his work is outstanding. He is a very passionate and kind person. He is also very active in the Italian marketing team, and you can always find him at our meetings helping people. I highly recommend him for the membership.
-- milo 2011-05-02 15:54:24
AndreaColangelo: Matteo really deserves the membership. His contribution within the Italian LocoTeam, where he does an amazing work within the Documentation Team, is extremely appreciated. He is a nice person, very precise and always eager to improve his skills. I highly recommend him for the Ubuntu Membership.
-- warp10 2011-05-03 07:10:17
mlazzari2 (last edited 2014-08-16 07:00:22 by host39-176-static)