Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with Johnc4510 or IanMcewen
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Teams
- Newsletter Team
- Education Team
- Server Team
Computers4Kids (Donations)
- Team Approval Process
- Next Week's Agenda
This will be posted after the meeting.
21:06 < johnc4510> **Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Loco Team Meeting. Please feel free to voice your thoughts, but try to stick with the topic being discussed. Thanks** 21:06 < johnc4510> welcome to all 21:06 < johnc4510> :) 21:06 < johnc4510> w00t 21:06 < johnc4510> we own the other team 21:07 < johnc4510> Introductions 21:07 < johnc4510> At the first of each meeting we try to let the new members and guest attending give a short introduction of themselves to help us get to know you a little better. When I call on you please tell us a little about yourself. Thanks 21:07 < johnc4510> donchriscoe: could you begin please 21:07 < johnc4510> ty 21:07 < donchriscoe> ok 21:08 < donchriscoe> I have been involved in computers since the mid 80s 21:08 < donchriscoe> this is both hardware and software including programming 21:09 < donchriscoe> this involvement has been exclusively ms dos and windows 21:09 < donchriscoe> I thought I would give linux a try about two months ago and decide on Ubuntu 21:10 < johnc4510> nice i see you are from Flagstaff welcome we have others from there as well 21:10 < donchriscoe> I think 2 others 21:10 < johnc4510> how do you like Ubuntu 21:11 < donchriscoe> I like the ease of installing and deleting programs with synaptic and add program manager 21:11 *** johnc4510 welcomes donchriscoe and urges all members to do likewise 21:11 < martyd215> yeah ubuntu does make that whole aspect of linux a lot easier 21:12 < br24> welcome donchriscoe 21:12 < martyd215> installing programs was the first thing I hated about linux 21:12 < martyd215> welcome donchriscoe 21:12 < johnc4510> thanks donchriscoe and welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona team 21:12 < jsonder> donchriscoe: welcome and beware of brainwashing; we do like Ubuntu 21:12 < jacob2440> yes welcome 21:12 < johnc4510> ok next 21:13 < johnc4510> flux_ intoduce yourself please 21:14 < johnc4510> flux_: you here? 21:14 < flux_> hello, i've actually been here before, im a student, i've been using linux for a while now. i work mostly on hardware and low level programming 21:14 < johnc4510> nice 21:14 < flux_> and i just found out that kiwii is not a good fruit to make icecream with 21:14 < johnc4510> hee hee :) 21:15 < johnc4510> lol 21:15 < jacob2440> haha 21:15 < jacob2440> good call 21:15 < flux_> thats all i got i guess 21:15 < br24> just add gravy 21:15 < johnc4510> flux_: where are you from? 21:15 < flux_> tucson 21:15 < johnc4510> great 21:15 < johnc4510> thanks for coming and welcome to ubuntu arizona 21:15 < flux_> sure 21:15 < br24> welcome flux_ 21:15 < nateh> welcom flux_ 21:15 < flux_> thx 21:16 < johnc4510> nateh: you next please 21:16 < johnc4510> :) 21:16 < nateh> I'm in Tucson, Sys Admin for SMB MS windows Shops 21:17 < johnc4510> ah 21:17 < nateh> Started with redhat 9 in 03 and been using some form of Linux ever since. 21:17 < johnc4510> nice 21:17 < martyd215> hooray 21:18 < johnc4510> nateh: we're glad you came welcome 21:18 < br24> sweet 21:18 < br24> welcome nateh 21:18 < johnc4510> ok one more if he is here 21:18 < nateh> Like everyone here trying to change the world one person/business at a time and learn about linux 21:18 < johnc4510> cool 21:18 < flux_> whats SMB? 21:19 < nateh> small midsize business 21:19 < flux_> oh 21:19 < johnc4510> pak33m-is visiting from the Florida loco team pak you here? if so could you intro yourself? 21:20 < pak33m> hi im jimmy (or pak33m) im from the florida team and visiting here 21:20 < donchriscoe> welcome jimmy 21:20 < pak33m> i install web apps and servers for a living 21:20 < johnc4510> jimmy you are always welcome 21:20 < johnc4510> nice 21:20 < pak33m> thanks you guys are makin me feel right at home 21:20 < johnc4510> np 21:20 < pak33m> already 21:21 < johnc4510> come anytime or just drop by to chat 21:21 < johnc4510> :) 21:21 < johnc4510> Announcements 21:21 < johnc4510> I want to welcome the new attendees and the any member who is rejoining the team after being away for a while. Nice to see you all here. 21:21 < johnc4510> :) 21:21 < johnc4510> welcome all 21:22 < johnc4510> I am act as moderator tonight. Ian who hosts the meetings so I can pay better attention to what is going on, is in FL and he is having a lag problem. 21:22 < johnc4510> We have an agenda for this meeting, and you can find it here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/07August05 21:23 < johnc4510> As has been usual during the summer, attendance is a little low and some sub teams may not be here. We will make the best of those teams that are here. 21:23 < johnc4510> The US Teams Project, with the help of a lot of state teams set up 9 new states teams last Monday and Tuesday. On Saturday evening they hosted a meet up in the #ubuntu-us channel. There were 103 members in the channel, and a good time was had by all. 21:23 < johnc4510> that ends the announcements 21:24 < johnc4510> . 21:24 < johnc4510> Newsletter Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Newsletters 21:24 < johnc4510> Jacob,you have anything 21:24 < johnc4510> tonight 21:24 < jacob2440> nothing really 21:24 < johnc4510> ok i have one thing 21:24 < jacob2440> just want to apologize for the delays on it 21:25 < johnc4510> np 21:25 < jacob2440> I will have it out wed morining from now on 21:25 < jacob2440> :) 21:25 < johnc4510> your doing a good job np 21:25 < johnc4510> Jacob you need to get with Marty and coordinate on what you what him to work on for the newsletter please. I'm sure Marty will be glad to help in anyway possible. 21:25 < jacob2440> will do 21:25 < martyd215> Surely 21:26 < johnc4510> great i will leave it to you two 21:26 < johnc4510> next 21:26 < johnc4510> Education Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Education 21:26 < johnc4510> br24: have you and paul gotten together yet 21:26 < br24> I apologize I have not been able to work on any Edu projects 21:26 < br24> not yet 21:26 < martyd215> jeez 21:27 < martyd215> *guilt trip* 21:27 < br24> I am the slacker 21:27 < martyd215> Just kidding! 21:27 < br24> all I ever think about is my biz 21:27 < johnc4510> br24: i will get you his email address ok 21:27 < johnc4510> br24: np 21:27 < br24> 10-4 21:27 < johnc4510> :) 21:27 < johnc4510> ok next 21:28 < johnc4510> i haven't heard from DX on the server 21:28 < johnc4510> i will email him this wk 21:28 < johnc4510> comp4kids - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Computers4Kids 21:28 < johnc4510> bluecat 21:28 < johnc4510> and i have some news on tax exemption 21:28 < johnc4510> bluecat9: you here? 21:29 < johnc4510> hmm ok i will give tax news 21:29 < johnc4510> I have been working on the tax exemption problem. There is good and bad news. 21:29 < johnc4510> The bad news is that this is going to take some time to accomplish. 21:29 < johnc4510> The good news is that the US LoCo Teams Project is going to work on this problem so the all the state loco teams will eventually be covered by one tax exempt id #. 21:30 < br24> nice 21:30 < jacob2440> so should we get our own/ 21:30 < johnc4510> Then each state team would be considered a chapter of the national organization. By doing it this way, all teams get exemption coverage at the same time, with no expence. 21:30 < jacob2440> Because until we get one we really cant take donations 21:30 < johnc4510> jacob2440: that's correct 21:30 < johnc4510> but how long will it take us 21:30 < johnc4510> ? 21:30 < jacob2440> well thats a good question 21:31 < johnc4510> and how much money 21:31 < jacob2440> free 21:31 < jacob2440> if i do all the work 21:31 < johnc4510> well ok 21:31 < jacob2440> its just rather hard 21:31 < jacob2440> and we have to come up with bylaws and such 21:31 < johnc4510> do you think about 6 mths? 21:31 < johnc4510> more 21:31 < johnc4510> less 21:31 < johnc4510> ? 21:31 < jacob2440> i will send you a list of all things needed 21:31 < johnc4510> ok 21:32 < jacob2440> well it could be one weekend if i sat down and really pounded this out 21:32 < jacob2440> i will start working on it when i get to the office on monday 21:32 < johnc4510> with this other way someone else will be having all the headaches of doing it 21:32 < jacob2440> correct 21:32 < johnc4510> jacob2440: something else 21:32 < jacob2440> when did they say they will have this setup? 21:33 < johnc4510> someone mentioned that instead of 501c3 21:33 < johnc4510> 501c8 i think it was 21:33 < johnc4510> ? 21:33 < jacob2440> hmm i will look into it 21:33 < johnc4510> i'll have to look at notes on that one 21:33 < johnc4510> and let you know 21:33 < johnc4510> jacob2440: it will take a while for the other way 21:33 < jacob2440> a 501c3 is the only way for tax excemotion 21:33 < johnc4510> k 21:34 < johnc4510> well, we will talk some more then 21:34 < johnc4510> k 21:34 < johnc4510> ? 21:34 < jacob2440> ok 21:34 < johnc4510> ty 21:34 < johnc4510> Team Approval Process 21:34 < johnc4510> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval_Outline 21:34 < johnc4510> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval_Outline/Resources 21:34 < johnc4510> . 21:35 < johnc4510> This is our on going Arizona Team project to qualify to be an approved team. Approved teams get special perks that unapproved teams don't. Such as bulk shipments of Ubuntu CD's, team blogging rights on Planet Ubuntu, and the ability to have a team page on the main ubuntu web site. 21:35 < johnc4510> . 21:35 < johnc4510> The first thing I want to do is direct everyone to this page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=516885 Please look over the cd cover sleaves made up by team member Marty. Especially the 3rd post down. Then lets discuss them. 21:37 < johnc4510> ok, has everyone had a chance to look it over? 21:37 < jsonder> yup 21:37 < donchriscoe> yes - I like the cd live part 21:37 < johnc4510> this is a prototype of what we might use on the cd's we are burning for the approval project 21:37 < jacob2440> yea 21:37 < br24> looks like tasty chicken 21:38 < johnc4510> please voice pros cons or other ideas 21:38 < johnc4510> marty did a great job 21:38 < johnc4510> :) 21:38 < br24> I would change the wording on "what is ubuntu?" 21:38 < jsonder> I prefer paper sleeve to jewel cases 21:38 < br24> Windows and MacOS are nore free, open source 21:38 < br24> not that is 21:38 < johnc4510> jsonder:me to 21:39 < johnc4510> i think these look pretty nice 21:39 < johnc4510> :) 21:39 < johnc4510> br24: let me look 21:40 < donchriscoe> just the right amount of graphics and verbiage for me fwiw 21:40 < johnc4510> br24: what would like it to say please 21:40 < johnc4510> ? 21:40 < br24> put a hyphen between software and based 21:40 < johnc4510> k 21:40 < johnc4510> anything else? 21:41 < br24> maybe something about Ubuntu being an OS, like Winders and Mac, only it is free 21:41 < johnc4510> martyd215: commments 21:41 < johnc4510> ? 21:41 < br24> I do like the "Linux is used in top supercomputers" part 21:41 < johnc4510> martyd215: you here? 21:42 < johnc4510> yes me too 21:42 < johnc4510> hmm marty doesn't seem to be around 21:42 < br24> johnc4510, are we going to include CDs with Screencasts? 21:42 < johnc4510> maybe 21:43 < johnc4510> it would be a separate cd 21:43 < johnc4510> though 21:43 < johnc4510> not enough room 21:43 < br24> yes I figured that much 21:43 < johnc4510> ubuntu takes up like 697 mb 21:43 < johnc4510> of a 700 mb cd 21:43 < johnc4510> :/ 21:43 < johnc4510> so it is still up for discussion 21:44 < br24> if we are, then maybe we can add that to the Dual Boot part, instead of searching 21:44 < johnc4510> but i like the idea myself 21:44 < johnc4510> :) 21:44 < johnc4510> br24: can you email what changes you would like to see to these covers? 21:44 < br24> okay 21:44 < johnc4510> ty 21:45 < br24> we should have Ubuntu-AZ wiki on there as well 21:45 < johnc4510> i will get with marty then true 21:45 < johnc4510> ty 21:45 < johnc4510> ok next 21:45 < johnc4510> I also want to note that members are not recording how many ubuntu cd's the are donating and burning. We need you to keep this info up to date please. Thanks 21:46 < johnc4510> new members feel free to voluteer for any of the projects just edit yourself in please 21:46 < jsonder> does this include alphas ? 21:46 < johnc4510> if you need help let me know 21:46 < johnc4510> no no alphas 21:46 -!- martyd215 [n=Jakob@ip70-171-221-46.tc.ph.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 21:46 < johnc4510> like the tribe 21:47 < johnc4510> ok next 21:47 < johnc4510> SloggerKhan is working on the flyer and he should have something to show us soon. He has been out of town for the last week. 21:47 < johnc4510> that i am looking forward too 21:47 < johnc4510> :) 21:47 < johnc4510> That is about all I have right now, unless any members would like to discuss anything? 21:47 < johnc4510> floor is open for now 21:48 < johnc4510> Ok, I will post the log and set the agenda for next week. Thanks for a great meeting. 21:48 < johnc4510> thanks to all and welcome new members 21:48 < johnc4510> meeting is over 21:48 < johnc4510> :)
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
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