Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Agenda for next week
20:58 < johnc4510> who's here please? +1 20:58 < scott_ev> +1 20:58 < johnc4510> tim__: hang around for the meeting 20:59 < scott_ev> SlickMcRunfast: things are ok here. I just got my first acupuncture treatment tonight 20:59 < johnc4510> tyche: ping 20:59 < tim__> yes 20:59 < scott_ev> my knees feel better 20:59 < johnc4510> azmike: ping 20:59 < tyche> johnc4510: pong. 20:59 < johnc4510> hey bud 20:59 < kennymc0_> +1 20:59 < johnc4510> :) 20:59 < tyche> johnc4510 and all: I may have to drop out of the meeting at a moment's notice. 20:59 < johnc4510> dasunsrule321: ping 20:59 < johnc4510> word: ping 20:59 < scott_ev> azmike: was here a bit ago. I sent him to do a dmesg 20:59 < tyche> Paula came home sick. VERY sick. 20:59 < scott_ev> tyche: crap 21:00 < johnc4510> tyche: k, wish her well 21:00 < tyche> I do have it logged, though. 21:00 < johnc4510> for all of us 21:00 < tyche> I will 21:00 < johnc4510> kk, np 21:00 < tyche> I definitely will 21:00 < johnc4510> take care of her 21:00 < tyche> Of course. 21:00 < tyche> That's what I do. 21:00 < johnc4510> she more important than you hee hee 21:00 < johnc4510> :) 21:00 < tyche> Yep. No contest. :-D 21:01 < johnc4510> ok, let's get going. the rest can enter as they come in 21:01 < johnc4510> being easter it maybe slow tonight 21:01 < johnc4510> understandable 21:01 < johnc4510> ok, tim__ is new member here tonight 21:02 < tim__> I'm in Tucson , s/e side 21:02 < johnc4510> tim__: we usually ask new folks to introduce themselves 21:02 < johnc4510> a couple of general lines 21:02 < johnc4510> if you could please 21:02 < johnc4510> :) 21:02 < johnc4510> tim__: i'm on west side 21:02 < scott_ev> name, rank, serial number 21:02 < johnc4510> near starr pass 21:02 < tim__> I'm new to irc, but not so new to ubuntu. 21:03 < johnc4510> great, irc isn't that hard 21:03 < tyche> We can help with IRC, no problem. Welcome to AZ Team 21:03 < johnc4510> how long have you been using Ubuntu? 21:03 < tim__> 9 mnths 21:03 < johnc4510> yes. welcome 21:03 < johnc4510> ah good 21:04 < johnc4510> we're here to help in any way 21:04 < johnc4510> irc, or ubuntu 21:04 < tim__> almost exclusive now 21:04 < johnc4510> or anything else we can 21:04 < johnc4510> just ask 21:04 < johnc4510> great 21:04 < johnc4510> :) 21:04 < tim__> thx 21:04 < johnc4510> so i take it you're having a good experience with Ubuntu 21:04 < tim__> Very. I love it 21:05 < johnc4510> great...again welcome 21:05 < tim__> started with 8.04 21:05 < johnc4510> :) 21:05 < johnc4510> ok, lets get going 21:05 < johnc4510> 1st, aztech emailed me and visited the other day in channel 21:06 < johnc4510> he's had some problems 21:06 < johnc4510> but 21:06 < johnc4510> will try to participate where he can 21:06 < johnc4510> it was good to talk with him again 21:06 -!- You're now known as kennymc0 21:06 < johnc4510> so watch for him in channel 21:06 < scott_ev> k 21:06 < johnc4510> he's been a member for a long time 21:07 < kennymc0> yep 21:07 < johnc4510> Announcements 21:07 < johnc4510> . 21:07 < kennymc0> uh oh 21:07 < johnc4510> Steve Langasek reports that we are less than a week away from the Release Candidate for Ubuntu 9.04, Jaunty Jackalope. Proposed date for the Release Candidate is April 16, 2009. The archive is now frozen and will not thaw again before release. Uploads to universe should again follow the guidelines described here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-April/025259.html Next Thursday is RC date. 21:07 < johnc4510> . 21:07 < johnc4510> w00t 21:07 < johnc4510> . 21:08 < kennymc0> yay 21:08 < johnc4510> release candidate is one from final release 21:08 < johnc4510> . 21:08 < johnc4510> Ubuntu 7.10, Gutsy Gibbon, will reach end of life on Saturday, April 18th, 2009. It has been supported for the past 18 months, but following April 18th will no longer receive Ubuntu Security Notices or Updates. Note that upgrades to version 8.10 and beyond are only supported in multiple steps, via an upgrade first to 8.04 LTS, then to 8.10. Instructions and caveats for the upgrade may be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUp 21:08 < johnc4510> . 21:08 < johnc4510> for anyone using gutsy still, no more updates or security 21:09 < johnc4510> you need to upgrade or do a fresh install 21:09 < johnc4510> . 21:09 < johnc4510> The next Open Week takes place from Monday April 27th - Friday May 1st on IRC in #ubuntu-classroom. Ubuntu Open Week is a week of IRC tuition and Q+A sessions all about getting involved in the rock-and-roll world that is the Ubuntu community. The session are organized for the beginning of a new release cycle to help new contributors get involved. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek 21:09 < johnc4510> Tentative Schedule for Open Week here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep 21:09 < johnc4510> . 21:10 < johnc4510> these sessions are a great way to find out about the other teams of Ubuntu 21:10 < johnc4510> dev, bugs, media, etc 21:10 < scott_ev> bu!bugs 21:10 < scott_ev> !bugs 21:10 < ubot4> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots 21:10 < johnc4510> they are usually given by the team leaders 21:10 < johnc4510> . 21:11 < johnc4510> The next testing day will be on Monday, April 13, 2009. The team will be smoke testing any *buntu desktop of your choice. The goals on the day will be to test the installer and applications on the CD as well as those you download from repositories and use regularly. The team will be looking for any regressions or breakages in these packages and reporting faults to launchpad. Join them on #ubuntu-testing on the freenode network. Go to htt 21:11 < johnc4510> . 21:11 < johnc4510> another great way to get involved 21:11 < johnc4510> . 21:12 < johnc4510> New issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #137 is out today. Read it here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue137 21:12 < johnc4510> ok, that's it on the announcements 21:12 < johnc4510> on to team stuff 21:12 < johnc4510> . 21:12 < kennymc0> john an announcment back you missed the address 21:12 < kennymc0> just got htt 21:12 < johnc4510> Jeff Martin has been added as an admin on the team server. With slofgren busy with other things at the moment, Jeff was good enough to step in and help us out in this area. Thx Jeff 21:12 < kennymc0> hurray jeff 21:13 < tyche> Congratulations, jeff 21:13 < johnc4510> if you need an ssh account, or access to the test server, you can now contact jeff, me or slofgren 21:13 < johnc4510> . 21:13 < johnc4510> Need more members blogging on the team site please :) http://azloco.com/ Anyone needing an account please contact myself, tyche or kennymc0 21:14 < johnc4510> tim__: http://azloco.com/ is our team website 21:14 < johnc4510> we have our own servers 21:14 < kennymc0> i've been going in every couple of days and approving people that are on our team launchpad page that have tryied to register on the site 21:14 < johnc4510> that we admin ourselves 21:14 < xHans> where's info on the release parties? 21:14 < tim__> ok 21:14 * xHans doesn't see links on the site :( 21:15 < johnc4510> kennymc0: you have a new one: lenkalove 21:15 < johnc4510> lol 21:15 < johnc4510> you think that's spam 21:15 < johnc4510> ? 21:15 < johnc4510> lol 21:15 < kennymc0> i havent checked today 21:15 < kennymc0> checked yesterday 21:15 * slofgren looks around 21:15 < kennymc0> wasnt there then 21:15 < johnc4510> SlickMcRunfast: hey bud 21:15 < johnc4510> ooops 21:15 * kennymc0 shoves slofgren in the middle of the meeting 21:16 < SlickMcRunfast> ? 21:16 < johnc4510> slofgren: evening 21:16 < slofgren> hmm 21:16 < scott_ev> slofgren: welcome bud 21:16 < slofgren> howdy all 21:16 < johnc4510> :) 21:16 < johnc4510> glad to see ya 21:16 < slofgren> thanks 21:16 < slofgren> glad to be had 21:16 < johnc4510> ok, i brought the jaunty planning wiki page up to date 21:16 < johnc4510> Jaunty Planning: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/JauntyEvents 21:16 < johnc4510> from our last meeting 21:17 < johnc4510> look it over and make sure i got everything right please 21:17 < johnc4510> :) 21:17 < johnc4510> scott_ev: have you been emailing the lugs to let them know about the event?? 21:17 < johnc4510> lug coordinator 21:17 < johnc4510> :) 21:18 < tyche> johnc4510: You left out of Phoenix that the install fest is at UAT 21:18 < johnc4510> ah 21:18 < johnc4510> k 21:18 < scott_ev> I contacted zack at asulug 21:18 < johnc4510> great, any answer? 21:19 < scott_ev> yeah, he said thanks for letting him know and he would get the info out 21:19 < johnc4510> tim__: you know where silver mine subs is 21:19 < johnc4510> k great 21:19 < tim__> yes I work very close 21:19 < johnc4510> great 21:19 < kennymc0> tyche: the phoenix install fest is at boulders on broadway after the plug install fest 21:19 < johnc4510> btw, another old member is soldats...he's been in channel recently 21:19 < johnc4510> tucson guy 21:19 < scott_ev> kennymc0: that's a release party 21:20 < tyche> kennymc0: Nope. That's the release party at Boulders. 21:20 < kennymc0> that's what i meant 21:20 < johnc4510> kennymc0: yeah, i should have put UAT on there though 21:20 < johnc4510> my mistake 21:20 < johnc4510> thx tyche 21:20 < kennymc0> ok 21:20 < johnc4510> :) 21:20 < kennymc0> blah 21:20 < kennymc0> cant type 21:20 < johnc4510> i'll add it 21:20 < johnc4510> lol 21:21 < johnc4510> ok, i'm going to inform tfug and TCS via email this wk 21:21 < kennymc0> do we have any fliers to hand out? 21:21 < johnc4510> we don't 21:21 < kennymc0> we probalby should have some 21:21 < johnc4510> unless we alter the old ones 21:21 < kennymc0> pretty sure tyche is very good at that sort of thing 21:21 < scott_ev> johnc4510: I'll trty to contact slug 21:22 < johnc4510> kennymc0: go to the forums thread and find the old one and give us a link please 21:22 < johnc4510> if you would 21:22 < johnc4510> scott_ev: k 21:22 < johnc4510> and jeff is handling the Kingman event 21:22 < scott_ev> I wonder where matthew is 21:23 < johnc4510> don't know 21:23 < johnc4510> ok, so...installfest 21:23 < kennymc0> still looking for the old flier 21:23 < johnc4510> we really can't make too many plans until i find out about the bulk cd shipments 21:23 < johnc4510> i've been asking, and so have other team leaders 21:23 < kennymc0> ok here it is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=740610 21:24 < johnc4510> jono says he's working on it 21:24 < johnc4510> kennymc0: thx 21:24 < xHans> please also add info for the release parties as well as the monthly Installfest to your calendar :) 21:24 < scott_ev> Jono needs to step up 21:24 < kennymc0> i dont think we need the actual cds to make plans. we can still plan for the event and plan to make a few cds just in case we dont get the bulk shipment in time 21:24 < kennymc0> which is most likely going to be the case 21:25 < kennymc0> just my 2 cents worth 21:25 < johnc4510> xHans: Evening and we will 21:25 < kennymc0> and for the install fest we can hand out the old cds still 21:25 < johnc4510> kennymc0: we can take a cd or a usb for the new release and let folks use them if they need it 21:25 < kennymc0> there are a lot of people that steer clear of anything but an LTS 21:25 < xHans> if the CDs don't show up, then we can do it again next month and title it something like, "This time with CDs...and feeling" 21:25 < johnc4510> but don't burn a bunch of cds 21:26 < slofgren> kennymc0: for good reason 21:26 < kennymc0> i know slofgren 21:26 < xHans> yeah, LTS release needs big media event release parties 21:26 < johnc4510> kennymc0: yep 21:26 < slofgren> ubuntu drops the off in quality inbetween LTS versions 21:26 < scott_ev> hmmm 21:27 < johnc4510> xHans: you have announcements...fingers could use a breat 21:27 < johnc4510> break 21:27 < johnc4510> lol 21:27 < kennymc0> they try to put all the shiny stuff in so that they can get us to debug it for the next lts 21:27 < xHans> johnc4510: ok 21:27 < kennymc0> :) 21:27 < scott_ev> I've been sticking to *.10 releases 21:27 < xHans> Avondale Free Software Stammtische this week on Wednesday 21:27 < xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch 21:27 < xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/node/5498 21:27 < xHans> Tempe Free Software Stammtische next week on Tuesday 21:27 < xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/node/1521 21:27 < xHans> so, they are not back to back this month :) 21:28 < xHans> despite what I might have announced elsewhere... 21:28 < xHans> West side meeting a week from Wednesday 21:28 < johnc4510> tim__: xhans is our LUG friend from Phoenix who keeps us up to date on their goings on 21:28 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/356 21:28 < xHans> Red Seven Jaunty release party is a week from Thursday on the 23rd 21:28 < xHans> http://www.RedSevenLinux.com/events/ 21:28 < johnc4510> :) 21:28 < xHans> monthly Installfest and Jaunty release party for Phoenix a week from Saturday on the 25th 21:28 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/112 21:28 < slofgren> will be an interesting release 21:28 < xHans> PLUG chairman blog entry for the release parties 21:28 < slofgren> I hope you get high turn out 21:28 < xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/node/5659 21:29 < xHans> I've requested that the PLUG Installfest calendar event get updated with info on the release party 21:29 < johnc4510> k 21:29 < xHans> that's it for this week 21:30 < johnc4510> xHans: THX 21:30 < johnc4510> . 21:30 < johnc4510> ok, for future consideration 21:30 < xHans> I still haven't gotten confirmation that we can have upstairs at Boulders On Broadway, but we can still make the location work even if that falls through 21:30 < johnc4510> system 76 will print flyers for free for member teams 21:30 < johnc4510> xHans: k 21:30 < xHans> cool 21:30 < johnc4510> http://knowledge76.com/index.php/76er_Program 21:31 < xHans> system 76++ 21:31 < johnc4510> we would have to have the template done in advance 21:31 < xHans> but does that make them system 77? 21:31 < scott_ev> 78 21:31 < johnc4510> nah 21:31 < johnc4510> just a sponsor of the event 21:31 < johnc4510> like if red seven did it for plug or us 21:32 < johnc4510> it would save us having to expend our personal paper and ink to get it done 21:32 < johnc4510> thoughts? 21:32 < johnc4510> good bad ?? 21:32 < johnc4510> lol 21:32 < tyche> I'd have to look at what they have to offer. 21:33 < johnc4510> yeah 21:33 < johnc4510> i think it's worth looking into 21:33 < tyche> I'd heard about the plan, earlier, when we were working on the UWN. 21:33 < tyche> I'd heard about the plan, earlier, when we were working on the UWN. 21:33 < johnc4510> just to see 21:33 < tyche> Yep 21:33 < johnc4510> k 21:33 < tyche> I'll take a look when I have some time, and let you know tomorrow. 21:34 < scott_ev> it would require more advanced planning than we normally have 21:34 < johnc4510> hmmm, seems like there was something else but that's all in my notes 21:34 < johnc4510> tyche: scott_ev yeah 21:34 < johnc4510> ok, a big welcome to tim__ thx for coming...you're welcome it hang here anytime...we do :) 21:35 < tim__> thx 21:35 < johnc4510> np 21:35 < tyche> Just try not to make it by the neck. 21:35 < johnc4510> :) 21:35 < johnc4510> lol 21:35 < johnc4510> ok, it know one else has anything?? 21:35 < slofgren> welcome tim__ 21:35 < scott_ev> welcome tim 21:35 < tim__> Hi 21:35 < johnc4510> ok, we're adjourned then....thx everyone :)
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09April12 (last edited 2009-04-13 05:01:27 by ip98-165-20-5)