Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Agenda for next week
21:01 < scott_ev> +1 21:01 * johnc4510 says meeting time...who's here 21:01 < johnc4510> lol 21:01 < johnc4510> +1 21:01 < scott_ev> want me to say it again? 21:01 < johnc4510> nah 21:01 < scott_ev> cool 21:01 < johnc4510> tyche: ping 21:01 < johnc4510> azteech: ping 21:02 < supergeekdave> ping 21:02 < johnc4510> :) 21:02 < scott_ev> drunk soldats: ping 21:02 < Flakeparadigm> +1 21:02 < johnc4510> Flakeparadigm: did hans get you the info? 21:02 < Jeff_Martin> +1 21:02 < scott_ev> excellent jeff 21:02 < Jeff_Martin> Hola 21:02 < johnc4510> w00t Jeff_Martin is here 21:02 < scott_ev> evenin 21:02 < Flakeparadigm> johnc5410: yeah, I'm all caught up now. 21:02 < johnc4510> k, great 21:03 < johnc4510> and thx for doing it 21:03 < tyche> +1 21:03 < johnc4510> :) 21:03 < azteech> evening all ... 21:03 < Flakeparadigm> sure, no problem 21:03 < johnc4510> azteech: w00t 21:03 < johnc4510> word: ping 21:03 < word> :D 21:03 < johnc4510> hey 21:03 < johnc4510> bud 21:03 < johnc4510> :) 21:03 < word> yo 21:03 < word> dude 21:03 < word> ☺ 21:03 < johnc4510> lol 21:04 < johnc4510> ok lets get started then 21:04 < scott_ev> damnit, you want me to miss Pulp Fiction for this? 21:04 < tyche> Yes 21:04 < scott_ev> ok 21:04 < tyche> lol 21:04 < johnc4510> supergeekdave: we ususally ask the new folks to introduce themselves by typing a line of two of general info into the channel...could you please do that? 21:05 < johnc4510> tyche: hey 21:05 < johnc4510> about time 21:05 < johnc4510> lol 21:05 * xHans hands scott_ev some oranges, make yer own pulp 21:05 < scott_ev> nice 21:05 < johnc4510> just wipe your hands before typing 21:05 < Flakeparadigm> I've had plenty of that myself today. Orange juice is great. haha 21:05 < supergeekdave> new to Linux and Ubuntu, just want to see what its all about. 21:06 < johnc4510> :) 21:06 < Jeff_Martin> welcome supergeekdave, we will help out anyway we can 21:06 < johnc4510> what town supergeekdave ? 21:06 -!- Siph0n [n=Siph0n@ip98-167-157-88.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-az 21:06 -!- [R] [n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 21:06 < scott_ev> +1 siphon 21:06 < supergeekdave> Just outside of Florance, Johnsons ranch area 21:06 < Siph0n> lol sorry 21:06 < Flakeparadigm> let siphon do it himself :P scott_ev haha 21:06 < johnc4510> cool 21:06 < Siph0n> not here for the meeting, have company over 21:07 < Flakeparadigm> welcome supergeekdave 21:07 < supergeekdave> thanks 21:07 < johnc4510> supergeekdave: feel free to hang out here...ask any questions as they arise...we're here to help 21:07 < johnc4510> and welcome 21:07 < johnc4510> :) 21:07 < johnc4510> ok, we've got a lot to cover so lets get my announcements out of the way first 21:07 < johnc4510> . 21:07 < johnc4510> Karmic Alpha 4 freeze ahead: The fourth Karmic alpha release is planned for next Thursday, August 13. For more info visit this link: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-August/000598.html 21:07 < johnc4510> . 21:08 < johnc4510> Landscape: Canonical Systems Management and Monitoring Tool: Landscape provides the growing number of businesses deploying multiple instances of Ubuntu on servers and desktops with the means to more easily manage and maintain their systems. The tool significantly reduces the cost of ownership and improves the efficiency of resources for any Ubuntu deployment. Landscape will now be available in two architectures: installed on-site or host 21:08 < johnc4510> . 21:08 < johnc4510> When available in late September 2009, Landscape Dedicated Server will be offered at $150 per node plus server, installation and support fees. Those interested in being the first to get updates on this as well as the latest information may register at: http://www.canonical.com/landscape-server. The Landscape hosted service is currently available for a free 60 day trial at http://www.canonical.com/landscape/register. http://www.ubuntu.com 21:08 < johnc4510> . 21:09 < johnc4510> Landscape should help make inroads for server ITs 21:09 < johnc4510> . 21:09 < johnc4510> Good article here on Migrating to an Encrypted Home Directory: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/06/migrating-to-encrypted-home-directory.html 21:09 < johnc4510> for everyone who has a home directory that wants for make it encrypted 21:09 < johnc4510> . 21:10 < johnc4510> Full Circle Magazine #27 - the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-27/ 21:10 < johnc4510> . 21:10 < johnc4510> Ubuntu-UK Podcast: Day of Reckoning - Ubuntu-UK Podcast: Day of Reckoning - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/ 21:10 < johnc4510> . 21:11 < johnc4510> Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue154 21:11 < johnc4510> . 21:11 < johnc4510> ok, lets get going on the installfest for tucson 21:11 < johnc4510> scott_ev: has been in contact with lenards working on the location 21:12 < johnc4510> it lookis like the computer dept is wanting to get with us on this event 21:12 < johnc4510> and 21:12 < johnc4510> we could be in a room similar to this: http://cdb.uaav.arizona.edu/RoomDetails_fview.asp?roomID=386 21:12 < johnc4510> nice nice...wifi, hard links, projectors, etc 21:12 < tyche> That shows potential 21:13 < soldats> its the perfect place, the ilc is so awesome for this 21:13 < johnc4510> they are also wanting to make it an event that reoccurs 21:13 < johnc4510> soldats: yep 21:13 < johnc4510> scott_ev: you here? 21:13 < scott_ev> yup 21:14 < scott_ev> see, the cs dept has migrated alot of their machines to ubuntu 21:14 < xHans> a recurring Installfest in Tucson would be awesome 21:14 < soldats> well it will reoccur for sure if i goes well which it looks like it will 21:14 < scott_ev> so they want to draw attention to ubuntu 21:14 < azteech> if that happens .. will open the door to host ABLEConf here ... 21:14 < Flakeparadigm> If I am able to get there, I will probably bring a couple of people with me. 21:14 < scott_ev> and the high profile on campus could help their budget 21:14 < johnc4510> scott_ev: how often will they want to hold it?? or do we know yet 21:14 < johnc4510> ? 21:15 < scott_ev> we don't know that yet 21:15 < johnc4510> k 21:15 < scott_ev> lenards has a meeting with them this week to g=find our alot more 21:15 < johnc4510> well, the great thing is they want to give it a try!! 21:15 < johnc4510> great 21:15 < scott_ev> hell, they are excited 21:15 < johnc4510> excellent 21:15 < johnc4510> this is the kind of u of a involvement i've been dreaming of 21:16 < scott_ev> exactly 21:16 < johnc4510> so we want to do it right :) 21:16 < scott_ev> it sounds like they are chomping at the bit for something like this 21:16 < johnc4510> ok, so we should have the final on the location this next week scott_ev ???? 21:16 < scott_ev> and they realize that we'll have to start with baby steps 21:16 < johnc4510> k 21:16 < scott_ev> then grow it 21:16 < johnc4510> right 21:16 < scott_ev> I think we;ll have it finalized this week 21:17 -!- RiceStitcher [n=RiceStit@ip70-190-55-98.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 21:17 < scott_ev> and we'll have to consider football home games in our future scheduling 21:17 < johnc4510> supergeekdave: installfests are events we sponsor where we give out ubuntu cds, help people install ubuntu, or help them with open source software 21:18 < johnc4510> scott_ev: great...yeah, and basketball right after that 21:18 < scott_ev> ah 21:18 < supergeekdave> cool, love Tucson 21:18 < johnc4510> but we can work around those 21:18 < tyche> Geeks go to games? 21:18 < johnc4510> :) 21:18 < johnc4510> lol 21:18 < scott_ev> dunno tyche 21:18 < johnc4510> yes 21:18 < Flakeparadigm> tyche: In my case I have to go to highschool games ;) I march at them. lol 21:18 < xHans> supergeekdave: there's also a monthly Installfest in Tempe the last Saturday of the month 21:18 < johnc4510> ok, so once we get the final tyche we'll want to get the flyer ready 21:19 < scott_ev> ok, john 21:19 < soldats> flyer time again 21:19 < tyche> NP. I just need to know the details 21:19 < scott_ev> the CS dept will want to get top biling 21:19 * xHans points Flakeparadigm at #teensonlinux 21:19 < scott_ev> lenards will have some ideas on how to handle that 21:20 < tyche> Can you get permission to use the u of a logo or the CS department logo? 21:20 < johnc4510> supergeekdave: we are also working with the state LUGs and SIGs to host our second ABLEconf in Oct...this is an open source conference with talks, demos, etc 21:20 < johnc4510> tyche: thx 21:20 < Flakeparadigm> xHans: I have gotten so many links tonight! 21:20 < johnc4510> lol 21:20 * johnc4510 christens Flakeparadigm as no longer a rookie 21:20 < johnc4510> lol 21:20 < scott_ev> ha 21:20 < Flakeparadigm> haha 21:20 < scott_ev> that's generous 21:21 -!- [R] [n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has joined #ubuntu-us-az 21:21 < xHans> Flakeparadigm: lots of info in these groups :) 21:21 < tyche> More like "OK, baby, there's the pond. SWIM!" 21:21 < Flakeparadigm> I've noticed. ha 21:21 < johnc4510> ok, so...equipment won't be a problem for the installfest...we might want to have a few RJ45 cables 21:22 < johnc4510> tyche, if he gets to come is going to do a netbook demo i think ?? 21:22 -!- [R] [n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has quit [Client Quit] 21:22 < tyche> Informal, but yes 21:22 < johnc4510> i would love to have one or two other demos to run sometime during the day 21:22 < johnc4510> tyche: that's what we need 21:23 < johnc4510> and with access to the projectors it should be a good thing 21:23 < scott_ev> ask lenards to demo wubi 21:23 < johnc4510> ah, that would be great, especially if we get the game server going 21:23 < johnc4510> i email zach be no reply yet 21:23 < johnc4510> however 21:23 < scott_ev> hmm 21:23 < xHans> johnc4510: we need to talk to someone else, I'll email him and ask him to contact you 21:24 < johnc4510> i was discussing this with Jeff_Martin and he is willing to help us get this set up 21:24 < johnc4510> on the test server 21:24 < johnc4510> xHans: k 21:24 < scott_ev> ya know, some one was asking me to join a group playing a linux game group that plays a networked game 21:24 < scott_ev> I'll try to remember 21:24 < Jeff_Martin> johnc4510: you want games running on the test server? 21:24 < johnc4510> i'm sure slofgren would help too??? slofgren ?? 21:24 < johnc4510> Jeff_Martin: if it can handle it 21:24 < johnc4510> if not 21:24 < Jeff_Martin> lol 21:24 < tyche> scott_ev: Wasn't that SlickMcRunFast? 21:24 < SlickMcRunFast> game server! 21:24 < scott_ev> yeah 21:25 < johnc4510> on the regular server on a temp basis 21:25 < Jeff_Martin> make a list of games -- if you can handle the bandwidth 21:25 < johnc4510> SlickMcRunFast: hey 21:25 < scott_ev> there he is 21:25 < johnc4510> Jeff_Martin: right...do you see a problem with that?? 21:25 < Jeff_Martin> nope 21:25 < SlickMcRunFast> whats happening? 21:25 < Jeff_Martin> sounds fun 21:25 < johnc4510> SlickMcRunFast: installfest in tucson 21:25 < Jeff_Martin> frakkin great frag time 21:25 < johnc4510> right now 21:26 < SlickMcRunFast> ah you Tucson bums 21:26 < azteech> johnc4510, we have a link up for the fest? 21:26 < SlickMcRunFast> with your high Ubuntu population 21:26 < johnc4510> k, so if we don't get info from ASULUG about games...what should we plug into the server to run? 21:26 < johnc4510> azteech: not yet...i'll try to make up a wiki page this wk 21:26 < Jeff_Martin> ioquake, open arena, tremulous, 21:26 < johnc4510> thx for the reminder 21:27 < azteech> :P 21:27 < Jeff_Martin> other games? etqw? 21:27 < soldats> nexiuz is alright 21:27 < scott_ev> open arena? is that like aloen arena 21:27 < scott_ev> alien 21:27 < johnc4510> ok, we want some open source games and some games we can demo wubi on???? 21:27 < Jeff_Martin> those are all open source ;) 21:27 < johnc4510> k 21:28 < xHans> johnc4510: don't forget calimer's stuff :) 21:28 < Jeff_Martin> apt-get them all ( etqw is free demo ) 21:28 < johnc4510> xHans: ??? 21:28 < johnc4510> ah sandbox?? 21:28 < xHans> johnc4510: yup 21:28 < johnc4510> k 21:28 < soldats> calimer had some good stuff for his sandbox 21:28 < johnc4510> great 21:28 < johnc4510> ok, any other games?? 21:29 < johnc4510> should they all be muti-person games?? 21:29 < scott_ev> yes 21:29 < johnc4510> k 21:29 < soldats> they all are i believe 21:29 < Flakeparadigm> Real quick, is this stuff planned for the installfest? 21:29 < Jeff_Martin> they don't have to all be multi , tuxracer 21:29 < johnc4510> ok, i was thinking of chromium...which is a single person scrolling shooter game 21:30 < johnc4510> it's a good game...at least i like it 21:30 < soldats> nexiuz is multi fps 21:30 < Jeff_Martin> yeah, and that Ghosts and Goblins redux would be fun 21:30 < johnc4510> SlickMcRunFast: any ideas on games for the server? 21:30 < scott_ev> Flakeparadigm: that's what we're planningright now. it's all gonna be thrown together at the last minute, of course 21:30 < johnc4510> you're the gamer i think LOL 21:31 < SlickMcRunFast> hmm 21:31 < johnc4510> Flakeparadigm: yeah 21:31 < xHans> scrolling shooter? isn't it hard to keep the scroll open while you're shooting? 21:31 < johnc4510> lol 21:31 < soldats> lul 21:31 -!- hobbet1 [n=frank@ip68-98-98-58.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-az 21:31 < Flakeparadigm> That's how half the things in my life are: thrown together at the last minute. lol 21:31 < scott_ev> Flakeparadigm: we work well under pressure 21:31 < SlickMcRunFast> UGN has played Warsow, Alien Arena, AssaultCube, Savage 2, Urban Terror, and soon Spring 21:31 < soldats> yep 21:31 < johnc4510> ok, Jeff_Martin are you making a list of these games we've discussed? 21:31 < Flakeparadigm> Same here. Except when I come in half way though. 21:32 < SlickMcRunFast> http://gwos.org/doku.php/event:followup 21:32 < johnc4510> ok, i have a question 21:32 < johnc4510> for all 21:32 < Jeff_Martin> we just need a place to download files from -- or you ( johnc4510 ) can put in the dvd/cds 21:33 < johnc4510> would it be better to have a LAN event instead of a gaming server?? 21:33 < johnc4510> Jeff_Martin: i have no game cds lol 21:33 < azteech> we may have to watch bandwidth use ... if we do LAN event 21:33 < Jeff_Martin> johnc4510: people could give them to you 21:33 < johnc4510> ah good point 21:33 < johnc4510> Jeff_Martin: sure 21:34 < johnc4510> i was just hoping you'd keep track of the open source games we've mentioned :) 21:34 < scott_ev> I would seriously consider just having one or two games available. we want this to be an installfest, not a game tourney 21:34 < scott_ev> haha 21:35 < Flakeparadigm> ha! 21:35 < johnc4510> ok, we almost have a location...once that's done we can do the flyer...equipment is provided...we have the CDs and the team banner 21:35 < johnc4510> scott_ev: good point 21:36 < scott_ev> we need to think about what else we want to have demo'd 21:36 < johnc4510> and getting the flyers out once they are printed 21:36 < scott_ev> xHans: would you be a speaker? 21:36 < xHans> scott_ev: for the Installfest? 21:36 < scott_ev> yeah 21:37 < johnc4510> scott_ev: can you ask the u of a group, or lenards, if they can distribute on campus for us if we supply the flyers?? 21:37 < scott_ev> sure, will do 21:37 < johnc4510> thx 21:37 < xHans> I've lost track, what day is it? 21:37 < scott_ev> 29th if all goes well 21:37 < johnc4510> aug 29th sat 21:37 < johnc4510> xHans: don't worry if you can't 21:38 < xHans> I might be able to make that 21:38 < johnc4510> i was just hoping for a couple of demos on something 21:38 -!- Jeff_Martin1 [n=jeff@student53264.student.nau.edu] has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ 21:38 < xHans> can't say for sure now, but if I could, I could do a presentation 21:38 < johnc4510> Jeff_Martin: wb 21:38 < johnc4510> xHans: thx 21:38 < Jeff_Martin1> oh I HATE laptops after owning one 21:38 -!- Jeff_Martin [n=jeff@student53264.student.nau.edu] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 21:38 < tyche> xHans: Uniform of the day is kilts 21:38 < scott_ev> xHans: that would be sweet 21:38 < johnc4510> i can give a general talk and walk thru of ubuntu and the teams etc 21:38 < scott_ev> I better order my kilt tomorrow 21:39 -!- Jeff_Martin1 is now known as Jeff_Martin 21:39 < hobbet1> guess i wont be able to check it out, have a dj obligation ugh lol 21:39 < johnc4510> hobbet1: bummer 21:39 < Jeff_Martin> scott_ev: just wear a sun dress 21:39 < scott_ev> otay 21:39 < johnc4510> hobbet1: but if this works out we could be doing them on a regular basis 21:39 < johnc4510> :) 21:39 < johnc4510> we hope 21:40 < hobbet1> that would be good, hope it does, would like to check it out 21:40 < johnc4510> ok, let's let xHans do his open source community annoucements 21:40 < johnc4510> hobbet1: great 21:40 < johnc4510> xHans: your up if you're ready 21:41 < johnc4510> xHans: you around? 21:41 < johnc4510> lol 21:41 < scott_ev> pee break? 21:41 < johnc4510> put your fork down 21:41 < johnc4510> lol 21:42 < xHans> tyche: is the kilt too breezy when you put your leg up on the side while driving the jeep? 21:42 < johnc4510> lol 21:42 < xHans> johnc4510: sorry, was catching up :) 21:42 < hobbet1> lol 21:42 < johnc4510> he's a scot...tough 21:42 < xHans> classes start in two weeks, but this week is usually make or break week 21:42 < johnc4510> np, i just need to pee 21:42 < johnc4510> lol 21:42 < xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes 21:42 < tyche> xHans: I haven't rigged the Jeep for taking the doors off, yet. 21:42 < xHans> we need a couple more students for the intro GNU/Linux class, CIS126DL 21:43 < xHans> we need a bunch of students for the OpenOffice.org and shell scripting classes 21:43 < johnc4510> brb 21:43 < xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/CIS239DL.html 21:43 < xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/BPC110.html 21:43 < xHans> please note that the OpenOffice.org class is online and available outside Maricopa County 21:43 < xHans> tyche: you had the doors on? 21:43 < xHans> Prescott Free Software Stammtisch is Tuesday night 21:43 * xHans handles slofgren promo work :) 21:44 < tyche> I've never yet taken the doors off a Jeep. My son has, but not me. 21:44 < xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch 21:44 < xHans> http://www.lugy.net/ 21:44 < xHans> PLUG east side meeting this Thursday 21:44 < xHans> * ASUS EeePC with several different distros 21:44 < xHans> * The Mozilla Suite: Songbird and Chatzilla 21:44 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/134 21:44 < xHans> tyche: my Thing would be a convertable if I got a top for it :) 21:44 < xHans> BlenderCAD in person and online mtgs this Saturday 21:44 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/1148 21:45 < xHans> Both Tempe and Avondale Stammtische are next week 21:45 < xHans> hope everyone in the Valley shows up for at least one or the other :) 21:45 < xHans> ABLEconf will have a call for presentations out this week 21:45 < johnc4510> back, and thx for the break...whew!! 21:45 < xHans> social networks for ABLEconf were updated this week 21:45 < xHans> http://www.ABLEconf.com/networks 21:46 * xHans finishes his tap dance and turns it back over to johnc4510 21:46 < scott_ev> thanks xHans 21:46 < johnc4510> xHans: thx bud, we, and especially i appreciate it 21:46 < johnc4510> :) 21:46 < johnc4510> ok, one last thing 21:47 < xHans> johnc4510: thanks for giving a chance for the cross-promotion 21:47 < johnc4510> we have about 3 or so members in Flagstaff now...so i'd like to see us get an installfest going up there to down the road 21:47 < johnc4510> xHans: np 21:47 < johnc4510> anyone have anything they need to discuss before we adjourn? 21:47 < xHans> how about starting a Flagstaff Stammtisch? 21:47 < johnc4510> nods 21:48 < Jeff_Martin> ack sammiches? 21:48 < johnc4510> anything to get something going up there :) 21:48 < johnc4510> Jeff_Martin: lol 21:48 < Jeff_Martin> ham sammich 21:48 < johnc4510> yummy 21:48 < johnc4510> for 21:48 < johnc4510> the 21:48 < xHans> just requires going out for food and drinks once a month 21:48 < johnc4510> tummy 21:48 < xHans> Jeff_Martin: can be sammiches if you want 21:48 < Jeff_Martin> beer and pizza -- I love the idea 21:49 < xHans> Jeff_Martin: essentially :) 21:49 -!- [R] [n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has joined #ubuntu-us-az 21:49 < Jeff_Martin> sounds good to me 21:49 < johnc4510> ok, thx all.... Flakeparadigm thx for the help on ABLEconf... supergeekdave welcome to the team, glad to have you here 21:49 < johnc4510> meeting adjourned
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09August09 (last edited 2009-08-12 05:32:55 by ip98-165-3-120)