Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Agenda for next week
20:59 < Siph0n> +1 21:00 < Flakeparadigm> +1 21:00 < Flakeparadigm> johnc4510? 21:01 < tyche> +1 21:01 < matthewmpp> +1 21:02 < todd> +1 21:02 < azmike> +1 21:03 < xHans> 42 * 13 ^ 2112 / 1984 - sqrt(-1) 21:03 < tyche> I wouldn't brag about squirting a negative one if I were you, xHans 21:03 -!- [R] [n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has quit ["Leaving"] 21:04 < matthewmpp> So, how did the install fest go? a lot of people? 21:06 < todd> 7-8 installs 7-10 members showed up very fun time was had by all 21:06 < Flakeparadigm> How many dual boots or single installs did you get? 21:06 < matthewmpp> anybody from UofA show up? how many total? 21:07 < xHans> todd: cool 21:07 < todd> some team members that will remain nameless did not make the trip 21:07 < tyche> At least one of which hasn't shown back up in channel since the last time he threw up 21:08 < todd> all installs were dual or virtual installs and several tfug members were there 21:08 < Flakeparadigm> cool, cool. 21:08 < xHans> we talked about it at the Phoenix Installfest :) 21:08 < todd> most of the installs seemed to be students in cs dept 21:09 < tyche> At least 2 of those showed up in channel after theirs were installed. 21:09 < todd> I am sorry my web cam was inop so I could not broadcast it 21:11 < Siph0n> i guess the meeting is cancelled, or delayed? 21:11 -!- Flakeparadigm [n=quassel@unaffiliated/tann] has quit ["http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere."] 21:11 < tyche> Pictures are at the bottom of the page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Installfest/Jaunty-Tucson 21:12 < todd> tyche is he feeling better at all? many tucson members wished him well and missed him 21:12 < tyche> I haven't heard from him since partway through the install fest. That's when he went back to bed. I haven't heard anything since. 21:13 < xHans> johnc4510 is out sick? 21:13 < tyche> We both wanted to be there. It just wasn't meant to be this time. 21:13 < tyche> No, scott_ev_ is out sick 21:13 < xHans> ah, well hope he gets better 21:14 < tyche> I don't know where johnc4510 is. He was in channel to do the UWN, but I haven't spoken to him since about 2;15 21:14 < xHans> tyche: I understand wanting to be there and yet having it not be an option 21:14 < todd> I never saw a camera there cool! 21:14 < matthewmpp> I just checked both the AZ-loco & PLUG calendars and I do not see the Tucson Install Fest on either of them. 21:14 < tyche> I think johnc4510 had his with him. 21:14 < tyche> it's been listed in the team newsletter. 21:17 < todd> should we do plug or abel news? 21:17 < xHans> tyche: does the loco have a news feed? 21:18 < xHans> todd: been preparing them :) 21:18 < todd> cool 21:18 < todd> thanks 21:18 < tyche> Well, there's this little orange square in the uppper left corner of the page: http://www.azloco.com/rss.xml 21:19 < tyche> Is that what you want? 21:19 < xHans> tyche: that should work 21:20 < xHans> getting added to the ABLEconf sponsor news aggregator 21:20 < tyche> I see that johnc4510 posted the Jaunty Installfest information on there, too. 21:20 < xHans> yup, so you should've made sure we had that up a couple of weeks ago :) 21:21 < tyche> The only reason I know that little orange square is there is because I JUST looked. 21:21 < tyche> I don't even know if it's functional. 21:22 < xHans> it's getting updates 21:22 < xHans> y'all didn't even have the site last year when I was last asking for a news feed 21:22 < xHans> now you do and you'll get added :) 21:22 * slofgren floats into the channel 21:22 < xHans> same goes for other group sponsors, as is listed for group sponsor stuff on the ABLEconf wiki 21:23 < xHans> shall I give ABLEconf/PLUG/SFD/LOPSA/Stammtisch/etc. updates? 21:24 -!- _MrsApple_ [n=apple@] has joined #ubuntu-us-az 21:24 < matthewmpp> Yeah, the RSS feed for AZ-loco works, I just never look at the feed. 21:24 -!- hobbet1 [n=frank@ip68-98-98-58.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 21:24 < matthewmpp> hi slofgren 21:24 < xHans> slofgren: would you update the LUGY page to show that the ABLEconf Call for Presentations has gone out? 21:26 < slofgren> sure 21:26 < xHans> danke 21:26 < xHans> ok, I'm going to give my updates while we're waiting 21:26 < xHans> ABLEconf early bird deadline for the Call for Presentations, http://www.ABLEconf.com/2009/Phoenix/cfp, is a week from tomorrow. Those who get proposals in before the deadline will be included in a prize drawing. 21:27 < xHans> http://www.SoftwareFreedomDay.org/ 21:27 < xHans> ABLEconf has decided to sponsor Software Freedom Day events this year. If you'd like to participate, please join the ABLEconf-discuss mailing list and keep an eye out on the ABLEconf web site. We plan on having events in at least Avondale and Mesa, but would love to have participation throughout the state, especially in Prescott. 21:27 * xHans looks at slofgren ;-) 21:28 < _MrsApple_> why prescott? 21:28 < xHans> slofgren: trying to get the other person I know in Prescott involved 21:28 < slofgren> xHans: done 21:28 < xHans> _MrsApple_: because slofgren's putting in a proposal to host an ABLEconf at the beginning of next year :) 21:29 < _MrsApple_> and he lives in prescott im guessing lol 21:29 < xHans> he still needs lots of help, so if you're in the area and willing to help organize the event let one of us know! 21:29 < slofgren> _MrsApple_: and i am really not all that bad of a guy ;) 21:29 < xHans> _MrsApple_: yup, he left Flagstaff for slightly warmer climes :) 21:30 < _MrsApple_> haha. i know slofgren .... oh. im still in flag. i could help if you need it... ill sign up for the mailing list and see what i can do :) 21:30 < xHans> _MrsApple_: danke! 21:31 < slofgren> can I make an announcement 21:32 < todd> the floor is yours 21:32 * matthewmpp listening 21:32 < slofgren> I would liek to reboot our main server (azloco.com) this evening to apply updates 21:32 < slofgren> it hosts lugy.net and our shell accounts 21:32 < xHans> slofgren: that's 2 of the 5 volunteers you have to have to form a local committee 21:33 < slofgren> xHans: I think I missed something 21:33 < slofgren> who? 21:33 < _MrsApple_> pauve! 21:33 < _MrsApple_> :) 21:33 * slofgren was dealing with soem baby poop 21:33 < _MrsApple_> <----- 21:33 < xHans> slofgren: _MrsApple_ volunteered to join the ABLEconf Prescott local committee :) 21:33 < slofgren> cool 21:33 < slofgren> thanks 21:33 < _MrsApple_> np 21:33 < xHans> slofgren: using the shop vac? 21:33 < slofgren> lol 21:34 < tyche> Fire hose. 21:34 < xHans> :) 21:34 < slofgren> xHans: i didn't poop it was a baby 21:34 < tyche> I know. I've had to deal with baby poop 21:34 < xHans> I've never seen a fire hose that actually has fire :( 21:34 < slofgren> lol 21:34 < tyche> Well, it's like this. It got fired. 21:35 < _MrsApple_> slofgren, didnt you just have a baby too? 21:35 < xHans> so, anyway, as I was saying, ABLEconf is going to do some Software Freedom Day stuff, let us know if you'd like to help 21:35 < slofgren> no but my wife did 21:35 < _MrsApple_> hahaha 21:35 < _MrsApple_> i just had my baby. aug 20th 21:35 < slofgren> lawlz 21:35 < xHans> we want to hit all parts of Arizona, but ABLEconf is especially interested in Phoenix area and Prescott events in order to help promote future ABLEconf events 21:36 < xHans> it would be awesome to have a Tucson event as a follow-up to yesterday's Installfest 21:36 < slofgren> prescott is gaining in it meetings 21:36 < matthewmpp> _MrsApple_: congrats 21:36 < xHans> _MrsApple_: congrats! 21:36 < _MrsApple_> thanks :) 21:36 < slofgren> yeah congrats _MrsApple_ 21:36 < xHans> _MrsApple_: and already up and typing again! 21:37 < xHans> ok, on with my announcements 21:37 < xHans> the long-time sponsor of the Installfest, Alexander, is moving out of state. We have a new volunteer from PLUG, but we also need a Ubuntu-US-AZ volunteer for the Installfest. The volunteer needs to make sure someone from the LoCo is there every month ( exceptions allowed for special events like this weekend's Installfest as long as the PLUG side is still there ) 21:38 < xHans> I will email that to johnc4510. Any volunteers to follow-up with him to make sure we get something worked out? 21:38 < matthewmpp> I am planning on attending more of the install fests. 21:39 < xHans> matthewmpp: you want to be the volunteer rep for the LoCo? 21:39 < matthewmpp> okay. 21:39 < xHans> doesn't require you to be there, but that is the easy way to make sure the LoCo has someone there :) 21:39 < xHans> danke 21:39 < xHans> PLUG devel is this Thursday at UAT. Topic: An Introduction to Trac 21:39 < matthewmpp> I would still like to get a set of Ubuntu disks. 21:39 < xHans> most Stammtische and PLUG meetings start at 19:00, but the devel mtg starts at 19:30. We want to be prepared for people at least a half-hour before the meeting, but since the sponsor ( also this month's presenter ) is coming in from out of town, he might not be quite so early 21:40 < xHans> matthewmpp: I'm certain we can make that happen, please also remind me to add you to the Installfest mail alias 21:40 < xHans> slofgren: if you have time and interest, he's coming down from Prescott 21:41 -!- Siph0n [n=Siph0n@ip98-167-157-88.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit ["Leaving"] 21:41 < xHans> speaking of Prescott gaining, Prescott Stammtisch a week from Tuesday. www.LUGY.net 21:41 < xHans> matthewmpp: did I forget anything? 21:42 < matthewmpp> looking... 21:43 < xHans> oh, I did, TEDx 21:43 < tyche> Who is TED and why should we pay any attention to him? 21:43 < xHans> www.TEDxPhoenix.com, it's looking for suggestions of what presentations to seek 21:44 < matthewmpp> BlenderCAD international online meeting is the 3rd Saturday of the Month, Noon MST, on #cad. 21:44 < xHans> tyche: Ted Gould is great, he's on the Ubuntu desktop team ( OK, that part isn't great because he's at least partially behind the evil update security bug ) and he's a Cononical employee 21:45 < xHans> but, he's not the Ted in TED :) 21:45 < xHans> matthewmpp: yeah, that's a couple of weeks away, so I left it off for now :) 21:45 < tyche> Then you still haven't answered my question. 21:45 < matthewmpp> np 21:46 < xHans> tyche: I did, but not with related content :) 21:46 < matthewmpp> tyche: http://www.tedxphoenix.com/ 21:46 < xHans> www.TED.com, it's from Technology, Entertainment, Design 21:46 < tyche> I saw that before. It still didn't explain anything 21:47 < xHans> it's essentially a conference series bringing talks from interesting people doing interesting things 21:48 < xHans> it's a great way to spend lots of time watching interesting presentations on youtube :) 21:48 < tyche> AH! and entertaining, too? Then you should have slofgren tell how HE had a baby. Hee hee 21:48 < xHans> tyche: there's a good idea 21:49 < xHans> "TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design." 21:49 < tyche> And by now he should have some high Technology Designs on me. So he's got it ALL covered. 21:50 < xHans> "The TED community is based on an open and respectful exchange of ideas." 21:52 < matthewmpp> xHans: the openoffice.org class at mcc starts tomorrow. 21:53 < xHans> matthewmpp: yeah, thanks, forgot that 21:53 < xHans> the database shows a few seats still available 21:53 < xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/BPC110.html 21:54 < xHans> it's an online OpenOffice.org class 21:54 < xHans> there is no regular meeting time, but there are weekly assignments 21:54 < xHans> Students will be learning OpenOffice.org applications with practical, hands-on exercises and assignments. There will be an emphasis on word processing, spreadsheets, databases and presentation software. Each topic will be covered for about 3 weeks. 21:55 < xHans> As matthewmpp pointed out, it starts tomorrow 21:55 < xHans> since there is no fixed class times I would think you can start anytime this week as long as you have time to do the first week's assignment 21:57 < matthewmpp> Is everybody ready to call it a week? 21:58 * matthewmpp thanks xHans for running both of tonight's meetings for us. 21:58 < matthewmpp> ttyl 21:58 -!- matthewmpp [n=chatzill@wsip-98-172-82-189.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009080315]"] 21:59 < xHans> well, didn't run this one, but I did usurp some of it :) 22:00 < slofgren> all hail xHans 22:00 < azmike> hail xHans 22:00 * xHans waits for ice from the sky 22:01 < xHans> or meatballs 22:05 < tyche> Time for bed. I'm falling asleep 22:06 < todd> night tyche! 22:07 -!- todd3737_ [n=todd@ip24-255-46-191.tc.ph.cox.net] has quit ["Ex-Chat"] 22:08 < xHans> n8 tyche 22:08 < azmike> good night all
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09August30 (last edited 2009-08-31 16:33:14 by ip98-165-3-120)