Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy
*Note: Seemed to be an informal meeting without johnc4510, so this is what i figured would be kinda worth posting :). 21:04 < tyche> OK, important announcement: johnc4510 will be delayed, tonight. His mother is doing poorly, tonight. He hopes to join the channel about 9:30 PM 21:04 < matthewmpp> Sorry, to here that. 21:04 * xHans == matthewmpp 21:05 -!- SlickMcRunFast [n=mark@ip24-255-46-64.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-az 21:05 < matthewmpp> xHans: ? 21:06 < matthewmpp> Hi SlickMcRunFast 21:06 < xHans> matthewmpp: just saying that I agree with your sentiments 21:06 < matthewmpp> xHans: ok 21:07 * br24 comes back 21:07 * br24 gives tyche a wedgie 21:07 < matthewmpp> So, tyche are you running the meeting tonight? 21:08 < SlickMcRunFast> hi 21:08 < tyche> Nope. I have no idea what he had in mind, nor any idea of what information he has for us. We'll have to wait. 21:08 < br24> hello all 21:08 < tyche> For those that may have missed the announcement: johnc4510 will be delayed, tonight. His mother is doing poorly, tonight. He hopes to join the channel about 9:30 PM 21:09 < xHans> we can play werewolf while we wait 21:09 < tyche> Werewolf? THERE wolf. 21:09 < br24> who wolf? 21:09 < matthewmpp> brb sb 21:10 < todd3737> call the meeting to order then make it up from there 21:10 < tyche> todd3737: I'm not that creative. 21:10 < br24> why not tyche? 21:10 < tyche> I don't know. That's just the way I'm designed. 21:11 < todd3737> just ask about the Tucsan Install fest 21:11 < xHans> tyche's an undercover femmebot from the Bionic Woman 21:12 < br24> are you playing dressup again tyche? 21:13 < tyche> Maybe xHans should lead the meeting. He definitely shows remarkable creativity by thinking that there's ANYTHING bionic about me. 21:14 < todd3737> who got tickets to Jacksons funeral? 21:14 < xHans> let's start with a group singalong 21:14 < xHans> tyche: do you have a link to the Ubuntu theme song lyrics? 21:14 < tyche> WHAT Ubuntu theme song? 21:14 < hobbet1> there is a theme song lol 21:15 < xHans> tyche: there isn't one? 21:16 < tyche> Well, if there is, no one taught it to me. 21:16 < hobbet1> ubuntu cant even handle color, i hate the color scheme, all earth tone ugh, song yea right 21:16 < xHans> hmm, OK, you write one while I cover upcoming events :) 21:17 < tyche> hobbet1: I solved the problem of earth color. 21:17 < tyche> http://www.flickr.com/photos/22090195@N03/3618924602/ 21:17 < hobbet1> that would be better 21:18 < xHans> PLUG east side meeting is this Thursday night 21:18 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/131 21:18 < xHans> mathewmpp will be starting his series on Mozilla products by covering Firefox 21:18 < xHans> the next security hackfest is this Saturday 21:18 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/658 21:19 < hobbet1> can anybody go? 21:19 < xHans> the topic this month should be the topic I announced last month since it was supposed to be for this month rather than for last month 21:19 < xHans> hobbet1: yeah, all PLUG meetings are no cost and open to the public 21:20 < xHans> even when we go for food you don't have to buy anything. it's there if you want, but we don't set an obligation 21:20 < hobbet1> ok 21:21 < xHans> Steven Kaplan will be covering FreeIPA, which is an integrated security information management solution 21:22 -!- kirllz [n=mos@home.rubicon.cx] has joined #ubuntu-us-az 21:22 -!- kirllz_ [n=mos@home.rubicon.cx] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 21:23 < xHans> the Avondale Free Software Stammtisch is next week, but the Tempe Free Software Stammtisch is in two weeks 21:23 < xHans> I believe the Prescott Free Software Stammtisch is a week from Tuesday, slofgren can confirm that 21:25 < xHans> matthewmpp is changing the schedule for the BlenderCAD workshops, they will now be the 3rd Saturday of the month, so the next one is on the 18th 21:26 < matthewmpp> xHans: will you be adding that to the calendar? 21:26 < xHans> next Sunday's ABLEconf meeting will be full-size, so please join the ABLEconf discuss list and join us for our 20:00 meeting ( the hour before the LoCo mtg ) 21:27 < xHans> matthewmpp: we need to make sure you have access to update the event 21:27 < xHans> that's all the news I have 21:27 < matthewmpp> Yeah that sounds good. 21:27 * xHans turns it back over to tyche for the new Ubuntu song ;-) 21:28 < tyche> Tell me, xHans: Have you EVER heard me sing? 21:28 < word> [21:01] [CTCP] Received CTCP-PING request from matthewmpp to channel #Ubuntu-US-AZ, sending answer. 21:28 < word> :-/ 21:28 < tyche> I didn't think so. 21:28 < xHans> tyche: something about asking where someone's troosers are 21:29 < matthewmpp> Hi word 21:29 < tyche> And now we wait and see if johnc4510 shows up. 21:29 < tyche> You only saw the lyrics. You didn't hear me sing it. 21:29 < matthewmpp> The meeting has been more or less delayed. 21:29 * hobbet1 heard a screech 21:30 < word> matthewmpp: what was the ping for? :-/ 21:30 * word feels violated 21:31 -!- [R] [n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has quit ["Leaving"] 21:31 < matthewmpp> I pinged everyone on the channel at 9:00 for the meeting. 21:32 < matthewmpp> word: did not mean to offend, just wanted to wake anyone that was a sleep at their computers. 21:32 < tyche> Besides, word, it was only a LITTLE ping. Hee hee 21:32 * hobbet1 sleeps with his dell 21:33 < tyche> hobbet1 is a farmer . . . in his dell? I didn't think there was room in a computer for a person to sleep. 21:34 < matthewmpp> I took a look at the System 76 computers this weekend since I spend a lot of time waiting for my laptop to catch up, however, I will not be buying 1 just yet. (The one I wanted was just under $2grand.) 21:35 < hobbet1> ugh 21:35 < hobbet1> my hp was a grand, and even that i went ugh 21:35 < tyche> matthewmpp: You have expensive tastes 21:35 < matthewmpp> hobbet1: YEAH! 21:36 < matthewmpp> tyche: YEAH! 21:36 < hobbet1> i didnt know better at the time lol 21:37 < hobbet1> dont get me wrong i am happy with it, but man 21:37 < matthewmpp> tyche: Is there anything you can tell us about the news letter? 21:37 < tyche> Which newsletter? Team or UWN 21:38 < matthewmpp> Team (What is UWN?) 21:38 < tyche> UWN = Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter 21:38 < matthewmpp> Give us the highlights on both. 21:39 < tyche> The team newsletter is a summary of what happens at the team meetings, taken from the IRC logs 21:39 < tyche> As for the UWN, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue149 21:39 < matthewmpp> and the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. 21:40 < tyche> matthewmpp: the link I gave you is better than a highlight. It's the whole latest issue 21:41 < word> matthewmpp: i usually just read backlogs, as do a lot of irc people...in the future it'd probably be best just to ping the people who you know. :-/ Not trying to be mean here, i was just watching a good show. :( 21:41 < matthewmpp> word: Thanks for the info. 21:42 -!- [R] [n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has joined #ubuntu-us-az 21:50 -!- [R] [n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has quit ["Leaving"] 21:53 < matthewmpp> tyche: How do I sign up for the UWN? 21:54 < matthewmpp> xHans: Did you get the email with just the presentation? 21:55 < tyche> matthewmpp: RSS feed is http://fridge.ubuntu.com/uwn/feedhttp://fridge.ubuntu.com/uwn/feed 21:56 < matthewmpp> can you re-paste that? 21:56 < tyche> And the wiki is sequential. Just keep adding 1 to the previous number. 21:56 < tyche> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/uwn/feed 21:56 < tyche> Sorry, my finger must have stuttered. 21:57 < matthewmpp> thanks 21:57 < tyche> Also, it's announced in #ubuntu-news and #ubuntu-news-team, and you can get on the ubuntu-news mailing list and have it sent to you. 21:58 < hobbet1> tyche i could have sworn i signed up with loco az 21:59 < tyche> It's also announced on the Planet-Ubuntu. 22:01 < xHans> matthewmpp: no, I just got the zip file 22:02 < matthewmpp> xHans: I sent it about 10 min ago. 22:02 < tyche> hobbet1: You are signed up for the Team newsletter. You should be getting it every Wednesday (unless I forget and don't send it out until Thursday) 22:02 < tyche> If there's no meeting, there's no newsletter. 22:04 < tyche> You can also reach it from http://www.azloco.com, where a short version is on the front page followed by the link to the whole thing. Latest one is issue #98 22:04 < tyche> Look for the Siamese Cat. That's Tyche. 22:04 < hobbet1> tyche i tried signing into website, but i cant 22:05 < hobbet1> i use 2 different passwords for everything i have and 1 username, so i dont know whats wrong, i wanted to take poll lol 22:06 < tyche> You'd have to ask johnc4510, kennymc0, slofgren or jeff_martin to sign you up. I don't have the knowledge of how to do it. 22:06 < tyche> johnc4510 or kennymc0 would be the best options. 22:06 < hobbet1> ok, thanks tiche 22:06 < tyche> NP 22:06 < hobbet1> oops sorry tyche lol 22:06 < hobbet1> man typos today 22:07 < tyche> That's part of what I'm here for (as in deference to a minister: it's what he's hereafter.) 22:09 < hobbet1> i am tempted to go to tucson installfest, i think that is next one, i can install 8.10, but cant get 9.04 to work, maybe they can for me 22:10 < hobbet1> i was just reading that on az loco website
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09July05 (last edited 2011-10-19 18:13:05 by tcole3737)