Sunday 06 April 2025 |
If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Agenda for next week
21:00 * johnc4510 says greetings from Missouri 21:01 < johnc4510> who's here please +1 21:01 < tyche> Um . . . I think we'd better give you 5 or 10 minutes to get organized. A second wouldn't be enough. 21:01 < tyche> +1 21:01 < johnc4510> lol 21:01 < Jazzy_Jeff> me 21:01 < johnc4510> hey Jazzy_Jeff 21:01 < Jeff_Martin> +1 21:01 < Mauricio1> +1 21:01 < Jazzy_Jeff> howdy 21:01 < johnc4510> hey Jeff_Martin 21:01 < johnc4510> Mauricio1: hi 21:01 < johnc4510> kennymc0: ping 21:01 < tyche> I think kennymc0 is working 21:01 < Mauricio1> Hello johnc4510 21:02 < johnc4510> :) 21:02 < johnc4510> ok, let go then 21:02 < Mauricio1> Hello tyche 21:02 < azmike> +1 21:02 < tyche> Hi, Mauricio1 21:02 < johnc4510> sorry i wasn't here last wk...big storm, no power, no internet 21:02 < johnc4510> :( 21:02 < johnc4510> azmike: hey 21:03 < johnc4510> ok, Jazzy_Jeff is this your first meeting? 21:03 < Jazzy_Jeff> no, my third 21:03 < tyche> Um . . . Old age, again, johnc4510? 21:03 < Jazzy_Jeff> hehe 21:03 < johnc4510> yeah 21:03 < johnc4510> lol 21:03 < johnc4510> ok, any new members then 21:04 < johnc4510> if not, on to announcements 21:04 < johnc4510> . 21:04 < tyche> Now THAT'S the safe way to do it. Hee hee 21:04 < johnc4510> yep 21:04 < johnc4510> Karmic Koala Alpha 1 Released: Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 1 has been released. Pre-releases of Karmic are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stablesystem or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. This release consists only of the alternate and server CDs; the desktopCD will follow in the next Alpha release. 21:04 < johnc4510> Ubuntu: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/alpha-1/ 21:04 < johnc4510> Kubuntu: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/karmic/alpha-1/ 21:04 < johnc4510> Xubuntu: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/karmic/alpha-1/ 21:05 < johnc4510> ok, unless your a developer i would suggest not installing this early release 21:05 < johnc4510> you'll have lots of problems usually 21:05 < johnc4510> but it's great to see another new version in the works 21:06 < johnc4510> final release will be in October 21:06 < johnc4510> :) 21:06 < johnc4510> Landscape 1.3 released: Landscape is the package that allows server and desktop administrators to maintain Ubuntu on physical, or virtual servers, and to more easily manage their deployments. The new release, Landscape 1.3, also makes that service available to the Amazon EC2 cloud. Landscape is available as part of the commercial support package, or as a stand-alone service. http://www.ubuntu.com/news/manage-ubuntu-server-in-amazon-ec2-c 21:06 < johnc4510> ok, server pkgs are getting more user friendly with every release 21:07 < johnc4510> i think before too long it will be easy for the non geek to run his/her own server 21:07 < johnc4510> turnkey is another server product that is making it easier 21:08 < johnc4510> Ubuntu Podcast #28: http://ubuntupodcast.net/ 21:08 < johnc4510> WorksWithU Vodcast: Episode #1 - http://www.workswithu.com/2009/05/11/workswithu-vodcast-episode-1/ 21:08 < johnc4510> nick and josh have been asked to expand and are now doing workswithu podcasts 21:09 < johnc4510> they are entertaining 21:09 < tyche> Are they getting paid for it? 21:09 < johnc4510> and nick is a big person in the community 21:09 < johnc4510> tyche: i doubt it 21:09 < johnc4510> lol 21:09 < johnc4510> are you? 21:09 < johnc4510> :) 21:09 < tyche> Josh is a bigger person. But not necessarily in the community. Hee hee 21:10 < johnc4510> right 21:10 < tyche> Laurel and Hardy. 21:10 < johnc4510> ok, Jeff_Martin has a great idea for our future installfests 21:10 < johnc4510> Jeff Martin: Live streaming of installfests and other team events 21:10 < johnc4510> via ustream 21:10 < johnc4510> Jeff_Martin: you around? 21:10 < Jazzy_Jeff> that would be cool 21:11 < johnc4510> nods 21:11 < Jeff_Martin> Live Video Broadcast: InstallFest live feeds, with a small amount of preparation, we could run live video from our install festivals -- that is live from Tucson, PHX, and anywhere else we desire. 21:11 < johnc4510> :) 21:11 < johnc4510> do you still have the one up you had earlier today? 21:11 < Jeff_Martin> You can see examples of live feeds at http://www.ustream.tv 21:11 < johnc4510> ah 21:11 < Jazzy_Jeff> install fest Hawaii :) 21:12 < word> *sneeze* +1 21:12 < Jeff_Martin> The one I had earlier was live, but it is not running now 21:12 < johnc4510> word: hey 21:12 < johnc4510> k 21:12 < tyche> And, for some reason, it won't see my camera on the Mini 9 21:12 < johnc4510> hmmm 21:12 < johnc4510> tyche: is that a preinstalled webcam? 21:12 < tyche> Cheese does. But USTREAM doesn't 21:13 < tyche> Yep 21:13 < Jeff_Martin> Ustream.tv has many little gadgets that you can use: polls, scrolling text, video in video 21:13 < johnc4510> hmmmm 21:13 < johnc4510> Jeff_Martin: do you think we need a dedicated box to do that?? 21:14 < Jeff_Martin> I would suggest a desktop, it sure gives my laptop a workout 21:14 < johnc4510> i figured 21:15 < johnc4510> ok, well, i think it's a great idea and something extra to promote for the event 21:15 < johnc4510> ?? 21:15 < johnc4510> tyche: ? 21:15 < tyche> +1 21:15 < johnc4510> k 21:15 < Jeff_Martin> +1 ( I like it ) 21:15 < johnc4510> k 21:15 < Jeff_Martin> ;) 21:15 < Jazzy_Jeff> +1 21:15 < johnc4510> well, lets try it then 21:16 < johnc4510> :) 21:16 < johnc4510> Jeff_Martin: do we need an account at ustream? 21:16 < johnc4510> or any extra software installed? 21:16 < Jeff_Martin> accounts are easy to setup 21:17 < Jeff_Martin> and it works with FF and Flash10 21:17 < tyche> I'll say they are. Even *I* could set one up. 21:17 < johnc4510> ah ok 21:17 < johnc4510> lol 21:17 < azmike> lo0l 21:17 < azmike> lol 21:17 < tyche> johnc4510: I'll help you through it, if you have trouble. Hee hee 21:17 < johnc4510> that settles it, if tyche can do it, _maybe_ i can rofl 21:17 < johnc4510> lol 21:17 < Jeff_Martin> I think there is a trick to the cam setup, and I will write a how to ( for you tyche ) 21:17 < johnc4510> lol 21:18 < tyche> Jeff_Martin: Thanks 21:18 < johnc4510> Jeff_Martin: thx for poking tyche 21:18 < johnc4510> :0 21:18 < Jeff_Martin> I had problems, but figured it out 21:18 < johnc4510> k 21:18 < tyche> That was a poke? 21:18 < Jeff_Martin> nope 21:18 < johnc4510> ok, installfest phoenix 21:18 < johnc4510> i just realized that i was suppose to get the flyers sent off 21:19 < johnc4510> is that right tyche 21:19 < johnc4510> ? 21:19 < tyche> We were supposed to work on them, then get them off, yes 21:19 < johnc4510> ok, what do we still need to do? 21:19 < johnc4510> ah, asulug emblem?? 21:20 < johnc4510> take it off as i haven't gotten with zach 21:20 < tyche> Set up dates, times other groups that are in conjunction with us, after install fest events. 21:20 < johnc4510> i thought the time and date and location were set 21:20 < johnc4510> UAT...sat...last sat of the month.... 21:21 < johnc4510> for phoenix 21:21 < tyche> Well, pretty much. But the groups and after events weren't 21:21 < johnc4510> ok, after as in party at boulders on broadway? 21:21 < tyche> Yep 21:21 < johnc4510> xHans: YOU HERE? 21:21 < xHans> somewhere 21:22 < johnc4510> lol 21:22 < xHans> :) 21:22 < johnc4510> you want to party at boulders after the installfest 21:22 < tyche> xHans: he's shouting at you. 21:22 < johnc4510> lol 21:22 < xHans> tyche: that's OK, I'm mostly deaf 21:22 < johnc4510> :) 21:22 < xHans> johnc4510: that would be fine 21:22 < tyche> That's because you've been around johnc4510 too long. 21:23 < xHans> I could've arranged reseverations Friday, yesterday or today if you'd let me know 21:23 < johnc4510> ok, xHans what time frame is the installfest 10-4?? 21:23 < xHans> now you'll have to wait until Tuesday :) 21:23 < xHans> yeah, 10:00 - 16:00 21:23 < johnc4510> ok, then make it 5pm at boulders then if that's ok 21:24 < tyche> OK 21:24 < xHans> ok 21:24 < word> what day is the installfest? 21:24 < johnc4510> ok, thx xHans 21:24 < xHans> word: two weeks from yesterday 21:24 < xHans> bitte 21:24 < johnc4510> 30th 21:24 < word> k 21:25 < johnc4510> i'm planning on coming too 21:25 < xHans> cool 21:25 < [R]> i'm probably gona be at the installfest 21:25 < johnc4510> the last report i had on tyche wasn't great so i'm coming to keep him in line 21:25 < johnc4510> [R]: great 21:26 < johnc4510> !! 21:26 < [R]> and i'm hopefully bringing a guy from my work 21:26 < [R]> i've been bugging him long enough, he finally caved 21:26 < xHans> and keep his skirt down 21:26 < johnc4510> even better 21:26 < johnc4510> xHans: right 21:26 < johnc4510> we don't want him scaring people off 21:26 < johnc4510> lol 21:26 * xHans flashes tyche 21:26 < [R]> HEY NOW 21:26 < tyche> Baring flu and other unforeseen events, I've got permission to use my Jeep that day. 21:26 < [R]> no one wants to see that 21:26 < xHans> ... a toothy smile :) 21:27 -!- word [n=word@ip98-165-20-5.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 21:27 < johnc4510> :) 21:27 < Jazzy_Jeff> you scared word away 21:27 < xHans> wow, that scared off word 21:27 < johnc4510> ok, tyche, does that do it? 21:27 < johnc4510> need any more info 21:27 < tyche> Oh? "Let the wind blow high, let the wind blow low . . ." 21:27 < tyche> I don't think so. But how will we get them printed? 21:28 < johnc4510> ok, send me the file and i'll forward it to system 76 21:28 < johnc4510> we'll see how it goes 21:28 < tyche> OK. Tomorrow morning. Have you got an email connection now? 21:28 < johnc4510> i can receive on cox...i can send on gmail 21:29 < tyche> OK 21:29 < johnc4510> so use the cox or ubuntu.com email 21:29 < tyche> Yep 21:29 < johnc4510> and i'll forward it via gmail 21:29 * xHans hands johnc4510 a carrier pigeon. 21:30 < johnc4510> ok, we'll have one more wk of meeting to get equip. down 21:30 < tyche> I didn't know pigeons landed on carriers. 21:30 < johnc4510> we all know what we need pretty much 21:30 < johnc4510> don't send it to me carrier pigeon...we've had tooo many storms 21:30 < johnc4510> it'll get knock out 21:30 < johnc4510> lol 21:31 < tyche> Hmmm. Fried squab 21:31 < johnc4510> today was about the first day of sunshine we've had 21:31 < johnc4510> :( 21:31 < johnc4510> some vacation lol 21:31 < [R]> there is too much sunshine in az 21:31 < tyche> That's why MO is pronounced Misery. 21:31 < [R]> i would think a vacation would be to get away from the norm of home 21:31 < johnc4510> ok, xHans you have announcements from the lug groups? 21:32 < xHans> johnc4510: sure, a couple 21:32 < xHans> the Stammtische are both this week 21:32 < xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/node/1522 21:32 < xHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/node/5497 21:32 < johnc4510> [R]: i suppose, but being cooped up in the house while a tornado is going on is no fun 21:32 < [R]> omg this is HYSTERICAL... this guy in ##linux was having issues with his partitions and filesystems and i helped him... and some other crazy coocoois trying to convince him he has some kind of crazy rootkit 21:32 < xHans> we'll probably be talking about OpenStreetMap and maybe be doing some upgrades 21:33 * [R] loves linux 21:33 < johnc4510> xHans: nice 21:33 < johnc4510> [R]: rootkit is unneccessary 21:33 < xHans> MathewCPP has started doing weekly BlenderCAD meetings 21:33 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/772 21:33 < johnc4510> cool 21:33 < [R]> johnc4510: ? 21:34 < johnc4510> tyche loves cad 21:34 < tyche> Yea, but tyche does NOT love Blender. 21:34 < johnc4510> [R]: the...oh never mind lol 21:34 < xHans> he will also likely do some presentations for us once he gets the weekly group going 21:34 < johnc4510> cool 21:34 < xHans> tyche: try it out with Matthew and see if it can make more sense :) 21:35 < tyche> I may talk to him. 21:35 < xHans> the Installfest was already mentioned 21:35 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/120 21:35 < xHans> johnc4510, tyche: let me know when you have a public event or ad for that and we'll add a link 21:35 < johnc4510> k 21:36 -!- word [n=word@ip98-165-20-5.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-az 21:36 < johnc4510> word: wb 21:36 < tyche> WB word 21:36 < xHans> Dennis' class was full last I checked, but he can give overrides 21:36 < xHans> and that's it for this week 21:37 < johnc4510> xHans: thx bud 21:37 < word> note to self: don't do something you think will cause a crash for fun during a meeting 21:37 < johnc4510> lol 21:37 < xHans> johnc4510: bitte 21:37 < johnc4510> ok, who has anything else to discuss?? 21:37 < johnc4510> lets hear about it 21:37 < tyche> Note to self: Make sure johnc4510 doesn't touch any equipment. 21:38 < johnc4510> problems 21:38 < johnc4510> right 21:38 < johnc4510> :) 21:38 -!- [R] [n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox] has quit ["Leaving"] 21:38 < azmike> any Tucson eventa? 21:38 < azmike> events 21:38 < johnc4510> azmike: yes, we will have an installfest in June 21:38 < johnc4510> date not set yet 21:38 < azmike> loking forward to it 21:38 < johnc4510> but we will need a location with wifi 21:39 < johnc4510> so if you know of any, let me know 21:39 < johnc4510> we haven't had great luck with a good place lately 21:39 < Jazzy_Jeff> does anyone here use Cricket wireless internet? 21:39 < johnc4510> :( 21:39 < johnc4510> Jazzy_Jeff: i don't sorry 21:40 < johnc4510> you having problems? 21:40 < Jazzy_Jeff> just wondering how fast it was 21:40 < johnc4510> ah k 21:40 < Jazzy_Jeff> thinking about getting it 21:40 < johnc4510> nods 21:40 < Jazzy_Jeff> now that I know it can be set up in linux 21:40 < johnc4510> ok, if there is nothing else??? we're adjourned for tonight 21:40 < johnc4510> thx all 21:40 < johnc4510> :) 21:41 < johnc4510> nice to be back
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam
ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09May17 (last edited 2009-05-18 06:27:02 by ip98-165-20-5)