Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Agenda for next week
This will be posted after the meeting.
[Sunday 17 January 2010] [20:59:56] <scott_ev> Good evening everyone, thanks for being here and welcome to the weekly meeting of the Arizona Ubuntu LoCo Team. Please let us know you're here with a +1. Is there anyone here for the first time that hasn't had a chance to introduce themselves? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [20:59:59] <paul928> 1 min? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:00:07] <syn-ack> no [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:00:10] <LuftHans> will be in in a bit, finishing up PLUG mtg [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:00:11] <syn-ack> its 2100 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:00:17] <paul928> +1 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:00:29] <syn-ack> +1 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:00:38] <scott_ev> k hans [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:00:46] <scott_ev> is that it so far? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:00:49] <scott_ev> ok [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:00:52] <Thugal_> +1 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:00:52] <tyche> +1 I guess [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:00:59] <scott_ev> welcom [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:01:06] <scott_ev> I believe most of you know that I am only moderating meetings on a temporary basis: I am not the team leader. Our team leader, johnc4510, is taking some time off from moderating our meetings. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:01:08] Join Flakeparadigm has joined this channel (n=tann@c-98-225-121-106.hsd1.az.comcast.net). [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:01:13] <calimer> howdy [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:01:18] <Flakeparadigm> here! [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:01:24] <scott_ev> He is still around handling other aspects of running our LoCo and generally taking care of things that don't require a public presence. In time, this should change and we'll again be rewarded with the opportunity to interract with him. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:01:40] <scott_ev> Until then we'll just have to see what we can do to keep this team active and on track. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:01:52] <scott_ev> Feel free, at any time during the meeting, to ask questions, make productive comments or observations: we want your input. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:02:17] <scott_ev> Before we get started with the rest of the meeting, I'd like to introduce calimer. He's a long standing member of this team that we don't get to see ofter. Calimer has been living and working in New York for awhile. He's here tonight to ask us to give his project some support. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:02:24] <scott_ev> They have really been getting some recognition in the gaming industry. Calimer, tell us a little about you, your project, and how we can help support it. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:02:41] <calimer> okay if you don't mind me pasting the blurb [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:02:45] <calimer> and thanks for the intro :D [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:02:55] <scott_ev> that's perfect [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:02:59] <calimer> I'm happy to be a part of this team and also ableconf [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:03:07] <calimer> and to meet some great folks [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:03:14] <calimer> Platinum Arts Sandbox Free 3D Game Maker is an open source game design program for kids and adults. Through the ingame and cooperative editing and focus on ease of use the program is easy enough for kids to use but powerful enough for full game projects. Sandbox includes Save The Princess Gameplay, an RPG Maker, a Sidescoller maker, a Movie Maker aka Machinima, Save The Banana Base Capture, and more! Sandbox is already bein [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:03:14] <calimer> g used in many schools and colleges throughout the world and included in game design contests. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:03:34] <calimer> I originally started the project for my K-5 before and afterschool kids [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:03:50] <calimer> because I wanted some way for them to express their imaginations and create stories beyond just 2D stuff [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:04:21] <calimer> then I decided to release it online so other people and kids could enjoy it [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:04:32] <calimer> and a few years later it is up for best indie game of the year [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:05:05] <calimer> unfortunately it is a popularity contest and not a quality contest, but if you have a few minutes and would like to throw a vote our way it would be much appreciated [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:05:07] <calimer> http://www.moddb.com/games/platinum-arts-sandbox [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:05:29] <calimer> the instructions are towards the top, sorry the process is kind of annoying [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:05:52] <calimer> also I'm really excited that tyche is a part of our community [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:05:58] <calimer> and he will soon have some of his content in Sandbox [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:06:03] <tyche> BTW, if you want to see what can be done by an "amateur", see: http://tinyurl.com/yl72f8o [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:06:40] <tyche> many of the textures used in that map were created by me. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:06:58] <calimer> here is another nice picture [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:06:58] <tyche> Including the Arizona desert rock [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:06:59] <calimer> http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/games/1/10/9326/thumb_620x2000/FlagShip.jpg [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:07:10] <scott_ev> see, this loco team is more than just wasting time on IRC.... [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:07:29] <calimer> any friends you can tell, posts on facebook and wherever else are really helpful too [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:07:34] <calimer> every little bit helps [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:07:37] <tyche> calimer: you should say that the Ship was done by Eagle [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:07:48] <calimer> that ship was done by eagle, haha [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:08:21] <scott_ev> excellent, you have my support and hopefully others will help too [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:08:28] <scott_ev> anything else calimer?> [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:08:37] <calimer> the project has been kind of tough to get out there because people run away when they see the kids part [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:08:41] <calimer> but it really is for everyone [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:08:49] <scott_ev> nice [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:08:51] <calimer> and that is why winning the contest is important to us [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:08:57] <calimer> because of the cred [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:09:12] <calimer> we'll give away most of the prizes because we don't nee cds on modding halflife 2 haha [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:09:24] <calimer> also the competition is out of 12 thousand or so projects [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:09:32] <calimer> and we're in the final top 100 round [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:10:06] <calimer> I think I'm about set, hehe [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:10:15] <calimer> don't want to take up too much meeting time, but here is the link again [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:10:16] <calimer> http://www.moddb.com/games/platinum-arts-sandbox [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:10:46] <scott_ev> outstanding, thanks [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:11:01] <calimer> thanks for your time and support [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:11:04] <scott_ev> Ever wonder why we have LoCo teams? My opinion is that one of our main functions is to promote the use of an OS that allows people to be freed from confines of the closed, unstable, inflexible, expensive, Operating Systems that they may think they are stuck with - and we want to have fun doing it. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:11:17] <scott_ev> So we get together on IRC and set up Installfests, Release Parties, etc. Here's part of what Ubuntu has to say: [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:11:21] <calimer> that reminds me of a funny little story [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:11:23] Join toddnb has joined this channel (n=chatzill@67-60-15-0.cpe.cableone.net). [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:11:34] <calimer> this guy was telling his friend about sandbox [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:11:49] <calimer> and the dude went on a tirade about why doesn't it work for linux and no one makes anything for linux [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:11:53] <calimer> and we were like uh, it works on linux [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:12:08] <calimer> so yeah, we love linux :D [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:12:14] <calimer> a bunch of our devs are linux only users [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:12:29] <scott_ev> Ever since the birth of computers, enthusiasts and fans around the world have collected together in garages, universities and pubs to talk about their interest, learn from each other and help promote their interest. Combine this with the huge popularity of Ubuntu, and you have the Ubuntu LoCo project. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:12:45] <scott_ev> With the incredible success of Ubuntu around the world, the LoCo project is here to help groups of Ubuntu fans and enthusiasts work together in regional teams to help advocate, promote, translate, develop and otherwise improve Ubuntu. Our worldwide network of LoCo teams is providing a strong backbone to our already vast and extensive Ubuntu community. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:12:56] <scott_ev> Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid Lynx Alpha 2 Released [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:12] <syn-ack> It has been for more than 30 hrs. :P [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:14] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Ubuntu) [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:15] <scott_ev> http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Ubuntu Server for UEC and EC2) [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:17] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Ubuntu ARM) [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:20] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Kubuntu) [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:22] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Xubuntu) [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:23] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Mythbuntu) did that fit [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:23] <Flakeparadigm> And is working great! [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:26] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Edubuntu) [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:36] <scott_ev> Alpha 2 includes a number of software updates that are ready for wider testing. Please refer to http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2 for information on changes in Ubuntu. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:47] <Flakeparadigm> Nvidia drivers are all fixed up and the Gnome notifications no longer report their urgency. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:13:49] <scott_ev> flakeparadigm and I have been working on getting it installed and running properly. Flake, do you have a report for us? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:14:00] <Flakeparadigm> Nvidia drivers are all fixed up and the Gnome notifications no longer report their urgency. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:14:15] <Flakeparadigm> However I personally had one problem with Nvidia: [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:15:16] <Flakeparadigm> The nvidia-settings (yes, it was running as root) wouldn't save an xconfig file anywhere. If you have this problem, just click "Show Preview" on the save dialouge box and copy the contents of that and save it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:15:41] <syn-ack> Thank god for Intel. :P [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:16:16] <scott_ev> I'll be reinstalling tonighjt [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:16:20] <scott_ev> Plymouth In Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 2 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:16:20] <scott_ev> This is a Red Hat created splash program that leverages kernel mode-setting to provide a pleasant and flicker-free boot experience while being highly customizable and extensible. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:16:24] <scott_ev> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Nzg4MQ [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:16:33] Join [R] has joined this channel (n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox). [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:16:36] <scott_ev> Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 2 Removes HAL [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:16:37] <scott_ev> http://www.linuxpromagazine.com/Online/News/Ubuntu-10.04-Alpha-2-Removes-HAL [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:16:55] <scott_ev> There will be a 10.04 Lucid Lynx release party at Boulders on Broadway in Tempe (http://www.bouldersonbroadway.net/) on the 24th of April. Boulders on Broadway has a room upstairs that we will have all to ourselves. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:17:05] <scott_ev> We'll have wifi access too. It's going to be a good chance to eat some good grub, have a few drinks or brewski's and meet some of the other UbuGeeks that you have only met online. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:17:16] <scott_ev> You're not going to want to miss this. Ok, that brings up another point: We need volunteers for a couple of things: we'll need a few extension cords and power strips. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:17:27] <scott_ev> Who's planning on attending that can help out with that? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:17:57] <scott_ev> anyone know if they're commin? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:18:01] <bitflip_> I'll be there ... I can bring a power strip or 2 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:18:05] <LuftHans> Ubuntu's HAL? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:18:06] <scott_ev> nice [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:18:16] <scott_ev> Someone can pick out new features in 10.04 and present them or concentrate on one for example. Anything to do with Ubuntu will be OK. Things like how to navigate Launchpad and report bugs... [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:18:23] <LuftHans> who created the HAL? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:18:25] <syn-ack> If you dont mind a quick intteruption... I've been running Lucid since the toolchain drop due to what I've been doing with the project and I have to say that Alpha 2 is starting shape up quite nicely... and I thank god every day that HAL has finally been removed. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:18:32] <[R]> HAL is a freedesktop project [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:19:18] <scott_ev> Actually, if you have a favorite piece of software that you use you can present that even if it's not in Ubuntu's repos. Please be thinking about this. It will only make the Release Party more of a success [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:19:33] <syn-ack> heh [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:19:46] <scott_ev> Here is a link to the Lucid Lynx planning page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/LucidLynx Feel free to add to the ideas section or fill in anything that might be missing. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:19:59] <scott_ev> We will be heading there from the monthly installfest at UAT. http://tinyurl.com/yemru26 If you've never been to an installfest at UAT, you may want to consider checking it out. Our LoCo co-sponsors it with PLUG but we are poorly represented. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:20:13] <scott_ev> It's a chance to help another linux user or, better yet, possibly install Linux an a computer that currently is running that other OS. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:20:13] <syn-ack> and re the Party... I'm sorry to say that I'm not going to be able to attend since I'm in Tucson and will be working. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:20:16] <scott_ev> http://azloco.com/node/120 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:20:27] <scott_ev> too bad [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:20:36] <scott_ev> you can set up one down there [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:20:48] <bitflip_> I wouldn't mind doing some video encoding programs. I don't have enough material for a full presentation, but could pretty easily demo handbrake, makemkv, etc ... [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:20:52] <scott_ev> use that page I gave you [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:21:10] <scott_ev> bitflip_: get with me after the meeting, ok [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:21:17] <bitflip_> sure [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:21:21] <scott_ev> nice [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:21:51] Quit [R] has left this server ("Leaving"). [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:21:52] <scott_ev> I think Flakeparadigm will be doing something that will have to br presented without him [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:21:59] <scott_ev> he can't mnake it either [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:22:08] <scott_ev> It's a chance to help another linux user or, better yet, possibly install Linux an a computer that currently is running that other OS. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:22:11] <scott_ev> http://azloco.com/node/120 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:22:12] Join phatcatCane has joined this channel (n=elliot@ip70-190-161-137.ph.ph.cox.net). [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:22:43] <scott_ev> the planning page can be edited by anyonie with a LP login, si feel free to volunteer there, etc [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:22:45] <Flakeparadigm> I'm definitly hoping to get something. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:22:50] <Flakeparadigm> to make something** [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:22:53] <scott_ev> I monitor it pretty rugularaly [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:23:31] <scott_ev> It's a way off, but we're about to make fliers to be handed out at PLUG meetings , [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:23:35] <scott_ev> red7, etcv [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:23:47] <scott_ev> I finally made contact with a friend in Tucson that has the contacts we need for planning future Installfests at the University. He will be getting me in contact with the people on campus in the CS department that we coordinated with last time. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:24:00] <scott_ev> So, it's time to start thinking about how we want to organize this event. I'll need feedback from those of you that attended last time. And I'm open to input. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:24:12] <scott_ev> We'll need to do alot of planning so we can put on a good show for all attendees. Remember that the University called it a Windows Removal Event. That's because the CS dept has migrated to Ubuntu Linux! [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:24:23] <scott_ev> Id imagine they are wondering where we've been since they wanted us to schedule regular installfests. This would be a great opportunity to promote Ubuntu Linux to students and the general public in Tucson. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:24:29] <Flakeparadigm> That would be very convienient. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:24:35] <br24> sorry Im here [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:24:41] <scott_ev> welcome [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:24:50] <scott_ev> it's gonna be big.. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:24:55] <scott_ev> We'll need fliers, etc. etc. We'll need volunteers for a variety of duties so please please spread the word in channel and via email that we are calling for help. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:25:05] <scott_ev> If no one else steps up and offers to be the main contact point and organizer I'll do it. Is there anyone livint in Tucson that will volunteer to be the person to make face to face contact with our contacts on campus? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:25:24] <syn-ack> hrm [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:25:29] <scott_ev> I can drive down there fot thais, but if someone will be the face, it would save me money [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:25:49] <syn-ack> lemme think about it scot... Starting a new job for CPS so I'm not going to have quite as much time [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:26:06] <syn-ack> (Need something full time till I can get on with my venture) [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:26:16] <scott_ev> understood [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:26:41] <scott_ev> I'll be setting a date pretty soon since I have made contact woth the p[eople down there [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:26:50] <scott_ev> Also, I need someone to compose an email and mass mail everyone in our mailing list an announcement about this and the upcomming Release Party. Anyone that's willing to do this this week? tyche do you have the mailing list or can you get me a link to where it is? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:27:10] <tyche> Standby [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:27:12] <scott_ev> Be thinking about it and we'll revisit the issue next week. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:27:20] <scott_ev> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/LucidLynx [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:27:24] <scott_ev> tyche: ? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:27:44] <tyche> ubuntu-us-az@lists.ubuntu.com [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:28:02] <scott_ev> oh, I can't use the mail list because johnc4510 won't return my email [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:28:11] <scott_ev> I need to be an admin [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:28:34] <scott_ev> I'm proud to announce an Ubucon at SCaLE8X on Friday, February 19th, 2010. An Ubucon is an organized event for Ubuntu users that's halfway between an unconference and a convention. The main focus is for Ubuntu users to get together and meet others, share ideas, and improve their skills. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:28:38] <tyche> Send me what you want sent out, and I can send it. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:28:47] <scott_ev> k [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:28:58] <scott_ev> You might consider going to SCaLE8X since we live within driving distance. hutchnate and I have already registered and reserved a room for friday and saturday night. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:29:08] <scott_ev> Oh, if you don't know what SCaLE is, it's the Southern California Linux Exposition. And Ubucon is part of it. The Expo is heald at the Westin LAX. map: http://tinyurl.com/yacqsst [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:29:17] <LuftHans> scott_ev: thanks for getting that, I didn't have the details on the Ubuntu event [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:29:19] <scott_ev> Keynote speakers: http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/speakers [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:29:19] <scott_ev> http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/ [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:29:27] <scott_ev> sure [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:29:38] <scott_ev> xHans do you have any idea how many PLUG members are planning on going? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:30:01] <scott_ev> Are any of you planning on attending? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:30:01] <scott_ev> I need a volunteer to moderate the meeting on that Sunday night as I won't be home in time to prepair for or attend the meeting. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:30:14] <LuftHans> scott_ev: at leaset a half-dozen [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:30:21] <scott_ev> excellent [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:30:28] <scott_ev> One of our SCALE 8x speakers, Linux Journal associate editor Shawn Powers suffered a tragedy this morning when he lost his home and family pets due to a house fire. Many of you may know Shawn from his entertaining Linux Tech Tips as well as informative articles founds both online and in print. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:30:28] <LuftHans> both groups should co-ordinate on ride-sharing, etc. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:30:55] <scott_ev> definitely, I can be a contact point...do you have my email addy? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:31:09] <scott_ev> j dot scott dot gwin gmail [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:31:17] <LuftHans> scott_ev: yup [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:31:18] <scott_ev> One of our SCALE 8x speakers, Linux Journal associate editor Shawn Powers suffered a tragedy this morning when he lost his home and family pets due to a house fire. Many of you may know Shawn from his entertaining Linux Tech Tips as well as informative articles founds both online and in print. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:31:34] <scott_ev> Linux Journal has set up a Chip In site, http://helpshawnpowersfamily.chipin.com/help-shawn-powers-family, where people can donate funds to help Shawn & his family. Please give what you can. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:31:46] Quit phatcatCane has left this server ("Ex-Chat"). [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:31:52] <scott_ev> Announcing Ubuntu User Day - January 23, 2010 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:31:53] <scott_ev> This will be a very informative one day session geared towards beginner and intermediate Ubuntu users, as well as people who are interested in using Ubuntu. We have 14 classes covering topics ranging from installing Ubuntu, finding help, equivalent programs, using IRC, getting involved in the Ubuntu Community and more. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:32:04] <scott_ev> did that all make it? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:32:10] <br24> nothing else? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:32:17] <scott_ev> huh? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:32:23] <br24> oops [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:32:33] <scott_ev> These classes will be taught in #ubuntu-classroom with questions being asked in #ubuntu-classroom-chat on irc.freenode.net. Please visit http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays for a complete class list and schedule of classes. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:32:44] <scott_ev> Tux takes a bow: Linux makes presence known at CES [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:32:44] <scott_ev> Ars takes a quick look at some of the Linux-powered products that have been announced at CES [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:32:47] <scott_ev> http://tinyurl.com/yc7wl3q [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:32:59] <scott_ev> My Tracks - awesome GPS software that I use on my Droid [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:33:01] <scott_ev> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/map-your-adventures-with-a-free-gps-mobile-tracker-for-android/ [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:33:13] <scott_ev> Rogue Phishing App Found in Android Marketplace [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:33:14] <scott_ev> http://tinyurl.com/yfpryu3 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:33:25] <scott_ev> Motorola brings Android to your home phone [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:33:26] <scott_ev> http://tinyurl.com/yl9ml7l [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:33:37] <scott_ev> Video: Flash 10.1 running on Motorola Droid with 2.0 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:33:38] <scott_ev> http://tinyurl.com/yhnadnf [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:33:49] <scott_ev> Something we all should be paying attention to: [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:33:50] <scott_ev> http://www.savetheinternet.com/ [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:34:00] <scott_ev> Ubuntu v. Macintosh and Windows [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:34:00] <scott_ev> http://countrycontemplative.wordpress.com/2010/01/10/1963/ [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:34:11] <scott_ev> Canonical, IBM: Ubuntu Will Counter Windows 7 At Lotusphere [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:34:12] <scott_ev> http://www.thevarguy.com/2010/01/14/canonical-ibm-ubuntu-will-counter-windows-7-at-lotusphere/ [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:34:30] <scott_ev> Res [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:34:31] <scott_ev> tart MythTV via Remote [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:34:33] <scott_ev> http://www.baablogic.net/drupal/node/11 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:34:46] <scott_ev> Amarok 2.2.2 Released [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:34:47] <scott_ev> http://blog.lydiapintscher.de/2010/01/11/where-is-the-gold/ [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:34:54] <Flakeparadigm> I must add... [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:35:07] <scott_ev> ? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:35:15] <Flakeparadigm> Amarok is really shaping up, along with kde 4.4. I know most people don't like the kde 4x seriese [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:35:38] <Flakeparadigm> especially in comparison to 3.5.x (I must agree...) But It's starting to become stable finally [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:36:10] <scott_ev> after how many releases? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:36:23] <Flakeparadigm> Well, this would be the 4th [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:36:27] <scott_ev> 6 month release cycles are pure insanity [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:36:28] <Flakeparadigm> 5th** [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:36:43] <scott_ev> Call for testing: Cluster components of Ubuntu 10.04 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:36:57] <scott_ev> http://blog.init.hr/?p=69 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:37:12] <scott_ev> Ubuntu Global Jam comming up. It's a great way to help Ubuntu get better. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:37:13] <scott_ev> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:37:27] <scott_ev> Make Firefox a Productivity Powerhouse [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:37:28] <scott_ev> http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7672/1.html [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:37:41] <scott_ev> Furious Google throws down gauntlet to China over censorship [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:37:41] <scott_ev> http://tinyurl.com/ylpbsrl [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:37:52] <scott_ev> Researchers identify command servers behind Google attack [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:37:54] <scott_ev> http://tinyurl.com/y8rcexo [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:38:04] <scott_ev> Tegra 2 supports Ubuntu Linux: Interested in touchscreen technology? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:38:05] <scott_ev> http://soltesza.wordpress.com/2010/01/11/tegra-2-supports-ubuntu-linux/ [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:38:19] <scott_ev> Most of the info above came straight out of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter that Johnc4510 and tyche both work on. You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/uwn/feed [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:38:32] <scott_ev> Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:38:32] <scott_ev> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Current [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:38:34] <scott_ev> Or subscribe: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:38:35] <Flakeparadigm> Comment on Firefox... Chromium is really getting together too. Wth the addons and all [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:38:45] <Flakeparadigm> It runs much faster [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:38:57] <scott_ev> yeah, chromium finally has extensions [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:39:21] <scott_ev> and I've had chromium OS in VM....fast and basic [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:39:28] <scott_ev> Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:39:28] <scott_ev> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Current [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:39:29] <scott_ev> Or subscribe: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:39:47] <scott_ev> That's all I have for now. Does anyone have any announcements, questions, or comments? If not, I'm going to turn the meeting over to our frend zHans from PLUG. Hans, do you have any announcements for us? [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:40:17] <scott_ev> xHans: hellooooooo [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:40:22] <LuftHans> moin moin [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:40:24] <LuftHans> :) [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:40:28] <scott_ev> hello [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:40:34] <LuftHans> Classes start this week. C++ and intro to GNU/Linux start Tuesday. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:40:44] <LuftHans> Other classes as well. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:40:51] <LuftHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:40:58] <LuftHans> Both Valley Stammtische this week [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:41:08] <LuftHans> Tempe on Tuesday [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:41:14] <LuftHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch#Tempe [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:41:19] <LuftHans> Avondale/Goodyear on Wednesday [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:41:26] <LuftHans> http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch#Avondale [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:41:33] <LuftHans> West Side meeting a week from Wednesday [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:41:54] <LuftHans> topic is PCI compliance [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:42:05] <LuftHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/347 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:42:14] <LuftHans> PLUG/LoCo Installfest a week from Saturday [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:42:22] <LuftHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/158 [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:42:49] <LuftHans> and that's it for this week [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:42:57] <scott_ev> Ok, thank you very much xHans, that was informative as always. If there's nothing further we are adjourned. [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:43:22] <scott_ev> thanks everyone [Sunday 17 January 2010] [21:43:28] <scott_ev> come back often
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