Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Agenda for next week
This will be posted after the meeting.
[Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:01:00] <scott_ev> Good evening everyone, thanks for being here and welcome to the weekly meeting of the Arizona Ubuntu LoCo Team. Please let us know you're here with a +1 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:01:02] <Flakeparadigm> +1 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:01:02] <SlickMcRunFast> its 9 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:01:21] <scott_ev> how many is that? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:01:27] <scott_ev> Is there anyone here for the first time that hasn't had a chance to introduce themselves? Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about you. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:01:39] Join Crymson has joined this channel (~chatzilla@174-18-146-182.tcso.qwest.net). [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:01:44] <azteech> +1 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:01:48] Join hutchnate has joined this channel (~hutchnate@ [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:01:51] <scott_ev> I believe most of you know that I am only moderating meetings on a temporary basis: I am not the team leader. Our team leader, johnc4510, is taking some time off from moderating our meetings. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:02:01] Join ghopper has joined this channel (~chatzilla@ip68-108-207-112.ph.ph.cox.net). [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:02:07] <scott_ev> Feel free, at any time during the meeting, to ask questions, make productive comments or observations: we want your input. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:02:29] <scott_ev> What Individuals Can Do For Their LoCo Team [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:02:29] <scott_ev> http://ubuntu-us.org/?q=node/14366 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:02:41] <Doorman352> +1 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:02:42] <scott_ev> 5 reasons why Ubuntu Lucid Lynx may be a game changing release. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:02:59] <scott_ev> http://www.ghabuntu.com/2010/01/5-reasons-why-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-may-be.html [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:03:09] <hutchnate> +1 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:03:24] <scott_ev> Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid Lynx Alpha 2 Released [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:03:33] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Ubuntu) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:03:33] <scott_ev> http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Ubuntu Server for UEC and EC2) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:03:35] <Doorman352> I'm new to Linux but been doing Microsoft since DOS, I manage a small WAn in two states using Microsoft software and am here to learn Linux. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:03:36] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Ubuntu ARM) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:03:38] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Kubuntu) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:03:41] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Xubuntu) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:03:43] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Edubuntu) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:03:53] <scott_ev> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ (Mythbuntu)nice, welcome [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:03:57] <scott_ev> oops [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:04:00] <scott_ev> welcome [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:04:10] <scott_ev> we're just getting the meeting started [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:04:28] <scott_ev> with a few generic annmouincements then we'll get to team specific stuff [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:04:45] <scott_ev> anyone else new? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:04:53] <Crymson> Me :) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:04:54] <scott_ev> first timers? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:05:03] <Flakeparadigm> Doorman352: Welcome! Hope you can learn a bit here [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:05:05] <scott_ev> tell us a little about yourself [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:05:05] <slofgren> toddc: see pm [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:05:14] <toddc> k [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:05:17] <Doorman352> Thank You, I hope so too [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:05:49] <odameyer> +1 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:05:49] <scott_ev> Crymson: tell us a littel about your [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:05:56] <azteech> welcome to all the new visitors ... :) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:06:15] <scott_ev> yes, it's nice to have new people [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:06:33] <Crymson> Well I've been a Windows guy since I started using computers, I got to talking to my fiancee's parents friends and azteech gave me some linux info and a live cd and the magazine to go with it and invited me to join in here if i needed anything and what not. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:06:46] <odameyer> scott_ev: is the alpha 2 worth trying? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:06:59] <scott_ev> sweet, stick around and you'll have some fun [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:09] <Flakeparadigm> odameyer: Yes. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:10] <scott_ev> odameyer: it's bee good for me [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:17] <odameyer> okay then, downloading. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:18] <azteech> crymson, we shall have you converted yet .... lol ... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:24] <scott_ev> Alpha 2 includes a number of software updates that are ready for wider testing. Please refer to http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2 for information on changes in Ubuntu. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:34] <xHans> Crymson: www.PortableApps.com [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:44] Join word has joined this channel (~word@ip70-171-220-225.tc.ph.cox.net). [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:45] <scott_ev> Crymson: you can't go wrong with Ubuntu Linux [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:45] <Crymson> Haha well if not completely I'll definitely use it along side Windows [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:56] <scott_ev> Ubuntu's default search engine to change in deal with Yahoo [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:57] Quit word has left this server (Remote host closed the connection). [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:07:58] <scott_ev> http://tinyurl.com/yabprov [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:12] <scott_ev> Ubuntu Unleashed 2010 Edition Review [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:12] <scott_ev> http://www.thelinuxblog.com/ubuntu-unleased-2010-edition-revie/ [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:12] <scott_ev> http://www.buntfu.com/news,page,82,topic_id,content_pages [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:12] <scott_ev> Yahoo Pays Canonical, Now They're The Ubuntu Default [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:13] <scott_ev> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzkyNg [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:29] Join word has joined this channel (~word@ip70-171-220-225.tc.ph.cox.net). [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:31] <scott_ev> Firefox 3.6 STABLE Ubuntu Repository (PPA) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:32] <scott_ev> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/firefox-36-stable-ubuntu-repository-ppa.html [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:32] <azteech> lol crymson .... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:45] <scott_ev> I used 3.7 for a couple of hours.....it still needs a lot of work. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:57] <scott_ev> Ubuntu – The Kaizen Of Computing [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:08:57] <scott_ev> http://linuxmagazines.com/ubuntu-the-kaizen-of-computing/ [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:09:11] <scott_ev> Second Lucid Lynx alpha said to offer 15-second start-ups [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:09:11] <scott_ev> http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS3445113727.html [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:09:27] <scott_ev> Web Based Ubuntu And Debian Custom Installation / Live CD Creation Service [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:09:28] <scott_ev> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/web-based-ubuntu-and-debian-custom.html [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:09:39] <scott_ev> that's it for generic stuff [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:09:50] <scott_ev> We may have a chance to move the venue of the monthly installfest that has been at UAT for the last 1 1/2 yrs. If it happens, there's a good chance of it being advertised on TV and in the newspaper: it would be promoted by the city of Tempe. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:10:13] <scott_ev> This really could be a chance to bring lots of local attention to Open Source Software. We'll need a volunteer or volunteers to work with PLUG to arrange this if we get the go-ahead. They suggested we do install fest at both locations for a while before completely switching. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:10:32] <scott_ev> This sounds like a great idea because we don't want to burn a door with UAT before we know our new venue is actually going to be a good fit. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:10:45] <slofgren> that is awesome [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:10:45] <scott_ev> The PLUG guys that are always at installfest seemed to think this could be good, so we aren't stepping on anyone's toes by trying to do this. I'm bringing this up now, because if it happens, I'd hope our LoCo will represent. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:11:08] <scott_ev> no kiddin, huh? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:11:10] <xHans> scott_ev: where to? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:11:14] <scott_ev> Think about how much fun and productive it could be. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:11:18] <scott_ev> todd? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:11:34] <scott_ev> xHans: toddc is working on it [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:11:46] <toddc> I I will be have more info this week on location [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:11:51] <xHans> toddc: where to? :) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:12:04] <scott_ev> I forget where he said, but it will be big enough and will have brodaband wifi [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:12:17] <toddc> The city has several locations availible i need to go look at them [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:12:30] <xHans> a city-owned location? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:12:30] <scott_ev> We'll have morfe definite info next week [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:12:35] <scott_ev> yes [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:12:58] <scott_ev> xHans: would that be a problem? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:13:21] <xHans> not really, but I need to know about it :) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:13:28] <scott_ev> understood [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:13:40] <scott_ev> this is in the early pre planning stages [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:13:53] <scott_ev> like it's almiost too early to mention [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:14:10] <azteech> is the city looking to go open source, this being their interest in hosting the installfest? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:14:15] <scott_ev> PLUG will be very very well informed [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:14:15] <SlickMcRunFast> My taxes are help with install fests? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:14:21] <toddc> We are looking east tempe to keep it close for west siders [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:14:26] <SlickMcRunFast> going to [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:14:37] <scott_ev> SlickMcRunFast: yup [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:14:59] <xHans> east Tempe for west-side? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:15:02] <SlickMcRunFast> wow this local goverment might be okay besides taking forever to build roads [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:15:20] <toddc> west [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:15:45] <scott_ev> we'll have some more info next week. So, let's move on [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:15:56] <scott_ev> There will be a 10.04 Lucid Lynx release party at Boulders on Broadway in Tempe (http://www.bouldersonbroadway.net/) on the 24th of April. Boulders on Broadway has a room upstairs that we will have all to ourselves. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:16:18] <azteech> the other possibility may be to look at hosting two installfests up there ... on different dates ... one for the new location and the other being at UAT .... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:16:18] <scott_ev> We'll have wifi access too. It's going to be a good chance to eat some good grub, have a few drinks or brewski's and meet some of the other UbuGeeks that you have only met online [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:16:36] <azteech> we don't want to burn bridges with UAT for hosting ABLEconf ... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:17:00] <scott_ev> true. that's something we have to consider [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:17:17] <scott_ev> we might have to keep dooing installfests there and at the new venue too [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:17:27] <xHans> two Installfests in the same area would probably not be good [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:17:31] <scott_ev> if we can get people to show up to help [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:17:58] <xHans> we won't burn bridges with UAT, but that's why I need to be involved to make sure communication with UAT goes well [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:18:08] <Doorman352> tempe is a long drive for some.... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:18:23] <scott_ev> like I said this is just being discussed at this time and no decisiond will be made without alot of planning by us and by PLUG [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:18:34] <Flakeparadigm> Doorman352: You in Tucson? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:18:36] <xHans> we could also do an Installfest on the west side, we just need a venue and volunteers :) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:18:42] <Doorman352> nope North Phoenix [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:18:48] <azteech> fully agree that you need to be kept in the loop there xHans .... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:19:13] <scott_ev> xHans: you'll know everything that happens long before anything happens [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:19:26] <Flakeparadigm> Doorman352: Ah, the other direction of far away. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:19:27] <xHans> Doorman352: same for north Phx :) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:19:27] <azteech> Flakeparadigm ...Crymson is from tucson ... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:19:35] <Flakeparadigm> ah [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:20:07] <scott_ev> don't worry. we're just trying to help bring Open Source stuff to llarger audience and not wanting to do anything hasty [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:20:09] <Doorman352> perhaps rotating them... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:20:18] <scott_ev> lots of planning would have to go into this [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:20:48] <scott_ev> nothing is going to happen this week but some recon.... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:20:50] <azteech> agreed, lots of planning, and coordination will have to be done to make this effective, and successful ... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:21:03] <xHans> Doorman352: we don't want to rotate the monthly Installfest, but we could do a quarterly Installfest in different parts of the Valley [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:21:28] <Doorman352> just a suggestion for those who wont drive as far.... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:22:00] <scott_ev> In time that might happen... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:22:10] <scott_ev> on to other business, ok [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:22:16] <scott_ev> There will be a 10.04 Lucid Lynx release party at Boulders on Broadway in Tempe (http://www.bouldersonbroadway.net/) on the 24th of April. Boulders on Broadway has a room upstairs that we will have all to ourselves. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:22:29] <scott_ev> We'll have wifi access too. It's going to be a good chance to eat some good grub, have a few drinks or brewski's and meet some of the other UbuGeeks that you have only met online. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:22:40] <scott_ev> You're not going to want to miss this. Ok, that brings up another point: We need volunteers for a couple of things: we'll need a few extension cords and power strips. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:22:53] <scott_ev> Who's planning on attending that can help out with that? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:23:07] <scott_ev> an projector setup would be a real score too [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:23:16] <scott_ev> anyone have one we could use? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:23:21] <toddc> y [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:23:28] <scott_ev> excellent [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:23:39] <scott_ev> Someone can pick out new features in 10.04 and present them or concentrate on one for example. Anything to do with Ubuntu will be OK. Things like how to navigate Launchpad and report bugs... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:23:50] <Doorman352> I have one as well, not sure about schedule... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:23:54] <scott_ev> Actually, if you have a favorite piece of software that you use you can present that even if it's not in Ubuntu's repos. Please be thinking about this. It will only make the Release Party more of a success. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:24:04] <xHans> scott_ev: I have plenty of extension cords and power strips to loan [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:24:07] <scott_ev> kk, we have time to work it out [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:24:21] <scott_ev> xHans: ok than I'll quit asking [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:24:22] <xHans> green extension cords tend to be really cheap at the beginning of January every year.... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:24:29] <scott_ev> and will make arrqngements with you [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:24:39] <Doorman352> I can bring PowerPoint..... [Ducks] [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:24:40] <scott_ev> true [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:24:46] <scott_ev> hahaha [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:24:51] <scott_ev> you better run [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:25:04] <odameyer> hit the door Doorman352 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:25:12] <scott_ev> we only have one presentation comitted so far, but there will be a few more [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:25:18] <scott_ev> Actually, if you have a favorite piece of software that you use you can present that even if it's not in Ubuntu's repos. Please be thinking about this. It will only make the Release Party more of a success. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:25:19] <tyche> PowerPoint? Isn't that a pen? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:25:34] <scott_ev> Here is a link to the Lucid Lynx planning page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/LucidLynx Feel free to add to the ideas section or fill in anything that might be missing [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:25:36] <odameyer> tyche: don't you use quills [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:25:47] <scott_ev> We will be heading there from the monthly installfest at UAT. http://tinyurl.com/yemru26 If you've never been to an installfest at UAT, you may want to consider checking it out. Our LoCo co-sponsors it with PLUG but we are poorly represented. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:25:56] <ghopper> I also have a projector, if you need a backup. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:25:56] <scott_ev> There's a proposed flyer posted at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1388113 please give us your feedback in the form of a vote with coments if needed. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:26:01] <scott_ev> nice [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:26:23] <scott_ev> at this point all I want to know is that we're covered [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:26:34] <scott_ev> we'll sort out details closer tot he event [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:26:51] <scott_ev> It's a chance to help another linux user or, better yet, possibly install Linux an a computer that currently is running that other OS. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:27:03] <scott_ev> http://azloco.com/node/120 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:27:38] <scott_ev> I have no new news about installfest in tucson this week [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:27:53] <scott_ev> I'm proud to announce an Ubucon at SCaLE8X on Friday, February 19th, 2010. An Ubucon is an organized event for Ubuntu users that's halfway between an unconference and a convention. The main focus is for Ubuntu users to get together and meet others, share ideas, and improve their skills. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:28:05] <scott_ev> You might consider going to SCaLE8X since we live within driving distance. hutchnate and I have already registered and reserved a room for friday and saturday night. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:28:16] <scott_ev> well, now we're leaving a day earlier [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:28:35] <scott_ev> Oh, if you don't know what SCaLE is, it's the Southern California Linux Exposition. And Ubucon is part of it. The Expo is heald at the Westin LAX. map: http://tinyurl.com/yacqsst [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:28:45] <scott_ev> Keynote speakers: http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/speakers [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:28:45] <scott_ev> http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/ [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:28:56] <xHans> drive sharing to SCaLE as well [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:28:57] <scott_ev> Are any of you planning on attending? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:29:10] <scott_ev> definitely [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:29:38] <scott_ev> I believe hutchnate and I have a 3rd going with us,but there's more room, right nate? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:29:49] <hutchnate> yep [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:29:51] <xHans> scott_ev: I have an accepted presentation, but probably can't go :( [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:29:52] <odameyer> I have 2-3 spare power strips [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:30:11] <scott_ev> xHans: man, too bad there [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:30:16] <scott_ev> sorry to hear it [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:30:46] <scott_ev> I need a volunteer to moderate the meeting on that Sunday night as I won't be home in time to prepair for or attend the meeting. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:31:04] <scott_ev> odameyer: we mnight need them, we'll see [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:31:06] <hutchnate> well we'll try to attend [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:31:36] <scott_ev> I may be able to get teh meeting scripted on the road [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:31:38] <Flakeparadigm> hello huchnate [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:31:43] <scott_ev> but I'm not positive [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:31:44] <toddc> I should be able to [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:31:52] <scott_ev> OK, todd [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:31:56] <scott_ev> that would help [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:31:56] <hutchnate> hey flakey [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:32:09] <scott_ev> Ubuntu Us Teams Website [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:32:10] <scott_ev> http://ubuntu-us.org/ [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:32:22] <scott_ev> Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:32:22] <scott_ev> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Current [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:32:22] <scott_ev> Or subscribe: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:32:37] <scott_ev> Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:32:38] <scott_ev> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Current [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:32:38] <scott_ev> Or subscribe: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:32:47] <scott_ev> That's all I have for now. Does anyone have any announcements, questions, or comments? If not, I'm going to turn the meeting over to our frend xHans from PLUG. Hans, do you have any announcements for us [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:34:12] <xHans> yup, just a few [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:34:17] <scott_ev> k [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:34:29] <xHans> PLUG devel this Thursday [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:34:34] <xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/553 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:34:40] <xHans> PLUG planning IRC meeting next Sunday the hour before the AZLoCo mtg [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:34:45] <xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/2273 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:35:10] <xHans> show up to the PLUG meeting at 20:00 if you want to help do things for PLUG [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:35:18] <xHans> PLUG security hackfest a week from Tuesday [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:35:24] <xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/2135 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:35:30] <xHans> PLUG east side a week from Thursday [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:35:35] <xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/164 [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:35:41] <xHans> "Can a devote Emacs user find happiness using a GUI editor? Dennis Kibbe, [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:35:42] <xHans> Mesa Community College Linux Instructor, will give a presentation on three [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:35:42] <xHans> useful extensions to the GNOME gedit text editor. See how you can make [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:35:42] <xHans> this simple editor more versatile and fun to use." [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:35:49] <xHans> "Saving Money by Using Linux to Deploy Windows" [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:35:55] <xHans> Brian will be previewing his ScaLE OSSIE talk [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:36:01] <xHans> http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/presentations/saving-money-using-linux-deploy-windows [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:36:23] <scott_ev> nice [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:36:53] <xHans> as scott_ev already mentioned, SCaLE 8x is coming up. I highly suggest we all work together on ride-sharing and room-sharing [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:37:05] <scott_ev> true [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:37:10] <xHans> we've done that the last couple of years and it's worked out quite nicely [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:37:23] Quit word has left this server (Read error: Connection reset by peer). [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:37:25] <xHans> if I get to go at all, I'll fly in for my presentation and right back out [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:37:26] <scott_ev> people can contact me or find hutchnate on here during the day [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:37:42] <xHans> I started a thread on PLUG-discuss as well [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:38:03] <scott_ev> goog, I should as well on our forum [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:38:10] <scott_ev> good* [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:38:26] <hutchnate> sound goog scott_ev [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:38:29] Join word has joined this channel (~word@ip70-171-220-225.tc.ph.cox.net). [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:38:32] <scott_ev> ha [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:38:33] <xHans> we should cross-post links to both threads :) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:38:51] <scott_ev> Ok, I'll email you when i post [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:39:04] <xHans> http://lists.plug.phoenix.az.us/lurker/message/20100125.030435.571b7f98.en.html [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:39:13] <xHans> note that the response is from a guy in Tucson [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:39:24] * xHans stares at azteech and Crymson ;-) [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:39:32] <Crymson> >.> [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:39:39] <azteech> LOL .... [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:39:49] Quit word has left this server (Remote host closed the connection). [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:41:00] <scott_ev> anything else, sir? [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:41:19] <scott_ev> Ok, thank you very much xHans, that was informative as always. If there's nothing further we are adjourned. [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:41:22] <xHans> that's it for this week [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:41:33] <scott_ev> excellent, thanks everyone [Sunday 31 January 2010] [21:41:50] <scott_ev> next week: same bat time, same bat channel
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