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Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #64 for the week September 8, September 14.
- Arizona Loco Newsletter
- Sixty Fourth Edition
- Powered by Ubuntu
- Wednesday-September 17, 2008
Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ["ArizonaTeam"]
- Next meeting: Sunday September 21, 2008 9:00PM
- Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona
Greeting team members!! Don't forget ABLEconf this Saturday 9/20/08 in Phoenix. It's at the UAT campus, 2625 W. BASELINE RD., TEMPE, AZ 85283-1056. Conference times are 10AM to 5PM but we will be there setting up from 8AM on. Lots of talks so there should be something to interest anyone. Our team will have a booth/table and everyone should drop by and introduce themselves. An after conference party(wind down) will be at Borders on Broadway, and everyone is welcome.
Bring your spouse, significant other, or even a friend. Load up the car, the more the merrier!. http://www.ableconf.com/ for more info
Summary of the September 14, 2008 meeting
johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:01 PM
Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/08September14
johnc4510 began with the following announcements:
- Mark Shuttleworth has announced the name for the proposed Ubuntu release 9.04, and it will be "Jaunty Jackalope." Included in the new release will be faster boot time and resume time, blurring the difference between web services and desktop applications.
Jono Bacon reports that the next Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held at the Googleplex in Mountain View, California from Monday, December 8th to Friday, December 12th, 2008. http://www.jonobacon.org/?p=1278
johnc4510 wrote up a small blurb about ABLEconf and put it in the UWN this week. The issue is out and you can read the blurb here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue108 under "LoCo News"
TurnKey Linux: new project builds Ubuntu based Live CD appliances - The motto of Turnkey Linux is "everything that can be easy, should be easy". TurnKey is trying to make Ubuntu easier to use for certain types of (mostly server) tasks. http://www.turnkeylinux.org/ This looks to be an easy way for folks to auto-configure an Ubuntu Server LAMP installation.
johnc4510 then moved on to the ABLEconf Conference. Team flyer for ABLEconf here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=915359. johnc4510 is going to print a bunch out, but if some of you could print some too it would be a big help. Then just bring them to the conference. Big thanks to tyche for getting the flyer together for us!! These are flyer for our team to give out at the booth with cds, so people can know something about us and how to join us. johnc4510 then asked for volunteers to print out some of them. kennymc0 volunteered to print out some, and tyche volunteered to print out a dozen. johnc4510 then asked that everyone else print out whatever they could, and bring them to the conference.
We are meeting at the conference to set up at 8:00AM. Please be there on time and remember we have to tear down after it's over. The conference is from 10-5, with about an hour to tear down.
johnc4510 is suppose to get with soldats tomorrow to go to the printer for the banner. He's fronting the bill for the banner. so any donations back the day of conference would be appreciated. The cost will be about $80. kennymc0 and snarkster volunteered $10 each.
Bolders on Broadway: after conference party. All participants are meeting there for a little after conference celebration. It would be nice to have our group there. We'll deserve a break after all the hard work.
We need some power strips. johnc4510 said that he had 2 that he would be bringing, along with all his industrial power cords. tyche said that he would bring 1 power strip and power cord. johnc4510 then gave the Team the list of things that he would be bringing to the conference:
- Ubuntu CDs
- Convention Kit
- Table cover
- Ubuntu Banner
- Fliers
- Business Cards
- Extension cord
- power strip
- Folding chairs
- Ethernet Cables
- LCD Monitor
- laptop
Right now tyche is doing one presentation. It's on Copyright, Licensing, FLOSS and FUD. johnc44510 is doing one on community, one as a panel for community, and one on Ubuntu 8.04. It would be great if someone could do the Ubuntu presentation, but if not johnc4510 can do it.
Rides to the conference from Tucson: johnc4510 has room for 4 in his car. azteech stated that he would be driving, since his Girlfriend was coming as well as other things that he was bringing. azteech offered to give johnc4510 a ride. johnc4510 said we'll keep it open for now. He thinks he might get some others going.
johnc4510 then asked What about laptops when we're in a presentation? At the booth I mean. johnc4510'll have to have his for presentations. snarkster offered to let johnc4510 use his. It's running KDE4. johnc4510 said he just wanted to make sure we have at least one at the booth at all times. kennymc0 said that he would have his there, as he offered to let tyche borrow it for his presentation.
FernHans suggested to paul928_laptop that he can put up a rideshare request if he'd like and ask people to either email him or ask for him in here. paul928_laptop agreed that it was a good idea.
johnc4510 then said that the last thing we need to discuss is a game for the booth. tyche suggested a straight lottery. kennymc0 suggested something like jeopardy. We'd just have to come up with a bunch of questions. johnc4510 suggested that we just have people sign up for an hourly give-away, with their name and email address. That way we'd have contact information for them.
johnc4510 then asked if there was anything else that might be needed for the booth. snarkster suggested bikini babes. FernHans handed tyche a bikini. kennymc0 ran away from the thought of tyche in a bikini. So did tyche. So did johnc4510.
Levity aside, johnc4510 asked FernHans to make his announcements:
This week we have two Stammtische. Tuesday night we're in Tempe at Boulders on Broadway. It's a great opportunity to figure out where Boulders on Broadway is so you won't get lost on the way to the after event party after ABLEconf. We'll be upstairs at Boulders on Broadway both nights. Wednesday is the Avondale Free Software Stammtisch. That's at Buffalo Wings and Rings, not too far from the I-10 on Dysart. http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch.
- We have ABLEconf on Saturday.
There's an InstallFest the Saturday following ABLEconf, we'll need extra volunteers this time around. It's also at the UAT, so same place as ABLEconf. UAT does a great job of supporting the tech community, it's hosted the monthly InstallFest for several years and hosts regular events for several other groups.
johnc4510 will be putting out a email to the team mailing list tomorrow. We have been hitting the conference hard in the Team newsletter, but he felt a separate email is called.
paul928_laptop was wondering about the status of planning for a release party/installfest for the upcoming Ubuntu release. johnc4510 replied that we are having one in November for the next release. The next release is suppose to be out October 31, so we'll have a release installfest together.
johnc4510 then asked that everyone please stay in touch this week for any last minute stuff.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM.
- CraigAEddy
Parent pages: ["ArizonaTeam"] ["ArizonaTeam"]
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/08September17 (last edited 2008-09-17 16:51:03 by ip24-251-211-20)