Sunday 06 April 2025 |
Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #88 for the week March 30, April 5.
- Arizona Loco Newsletter
- Eighty Eighth Edition
- Powered by Ubuntu
- Wednesday-April 8, 2009
Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ["ArizonaTeam"]
- Next meeting: Sunday April 12, 2009 9:00 PM
- Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-us-az
Summary of the April 5, 2009 meeting
johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:00 PM
Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09April05
johnc4510 began the meeting by asking azmike to introduce himself: "Hi. I am Mike Cowan. In Vail, AZ, 20 miles S.E of Tucson"
johnc4510 then gave some announcements:
- The Ubuntu Developer Community is proud to announce the following new initiative to help YOU find your way into developing Ubuntu. Starting now, Thursday is Packaging Training day. The team will have regular one-hour sessions in #ubuntu-classroom on irc.freenode.net. The team will have speakers who present a packaging technique, with time for any packaging related questions you might have. The team will rotate session times to make sure the sessions work for all time zones. They'll follow a 1st Thursday 6:00 UTC, 2nd Thursday 12:00 UTC, 3rd Thursday 18:00 UTC, 4th Thursday 0:00 UTC (5th Thursday 6:00 UTC) pattern. For April, the following sessions are scheduled:
- 9th April, 12:00 UTC: James Westby, bzr builddeb –in-15-minutes
- 16th April, 18:00 UTC: Didier Roche, How-to update a package
23rd April, 00:00 UTC: <Tutor>, TBA
- 30th April, 06:00 UTC: Daniel Holbach, Getting Started with Ubuntu Development
This is a chance to learn a little developing.
- Time to get involved in making Ubuntu even better by participating in Hug Day!
- Date: April 9, 2009.
- Target: Bugs with Patches
- Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-bugs
Information: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs/
Get involved in helping to squash those pesky bugs! Bug days are meant to get the community involved in bug fixing. scott_ev is our resident bug fixer....so if you're interested talk to him for help.
Ubuntu Brainstorm: Call for Idea Reviewers. After observing the current trends and workload, the QA Team felt that there was a need for more idea reviewers. Therefore, they are looking for Brainstorm users who would be willing to volunteer for doing the reviews. You can read more about it here: http://blog.qa.ubuntu.com/node/44. Brainstorm is the idea section of Ubuntu where you can add your ideas and/or vote for others ideas for future releases.
Ubuntu Podcast Episode #24 - Mark Shuttleworth Interview: http://ubuntupodcast.net/2009/04/02/ubuntu-podcast-episode-24-mark-shuttleworth/
Ubuntu-UK Podcast: The Return - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2009/04/01/s02e01-the-return/
- For the last announcement...It looks like i'm going to be accepted to the US Team Board. This is a board that oversees the us locos and give direction.
johnc4510 then asked for PLUG announcements from xHans.
- The PLUG east side meeting is Thursday. Topics are Free Software gaming and phpNagios. We will also have a bunch of MCC students visiting that night. East side mtg is at Sequoia.
The next security hackfest is this Saturday with a presentation on pfsense and firewalling. Hackfest is at UAT. For more info on both of those see the PLUG calendar: http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/event
Both Free Software Stammtische are next week: http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch
johnc4510 then moved on to the release parties: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/JauntyEvents . Discussion was held about having the Phoenix release party at Peter Piper Piza. The date of Saturday, April 25 was agreed on. xHans mentioned that the PLUG install fest was on April 25th from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at UAT. UAT has a cafe for food during the day. A main party could then be held after the install fest. Boulders on Broadway was suggested for the party. The final agreement for the Phoenix release party was:
- Saturday, April 25, 2009
- Install Fest at UAT from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
- Release party at Boulders on Broadway following the install fest.
- scott_ev will be contacting ASU and inviting them to come out, too.
johnc4510 then said that he'd set up the Tucson release party at Silver Mines Subs again. Wifi is good, food is right there, and it's close to the college.
A discussion was also held concerning the RedSeven release party. Those have normally been held on the day of the release (which would be April 23), but precise day/time and location weren't known.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:39 PM.
- CraigAEddy
Parent pages: ["ArizonaTeam"] ["ArizonaTeam"]
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/09April8 (last edited 2009-04-08 16:52:39 by ip24-251-211-20)