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Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #102 for the week July 27, August 2.
- Arizona Loco Newsletter
- One Hundredth Second Edition
- Powered by Ubuntu
- Wednesday-August 5, 2009
Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ["ArizonaTeam"]
- Next meeting: Sunday August 9, 2009 9:00 PM
- Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-us-az
Summary of the August 2, 2009 meeting
johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:00 PM
Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09August02
johnc4510 began by asking flakeparadigm to introduce himself: "Well, I've been using linux for a while, and I am interested in graphic/web design and a little bit of programing. I take up residence in the lovely city of Tucson " The Team welcomed flakeparadigm aboard.
johnc4510 , then gave some announcements:
- Canonical announced that it has launched new support services for individuals using Ubuntu desktop – and small businesses looking for cost effective alternatives to Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac. Canonical's Desktop Support Services includes three offerings: Starter, Advanced and Professional:
- The Starter Desktop Service provides support for installation, set-up and basic functionality – such as Internet, creating documents and playing music and videos.
- The Advanced Desktop Service is for more experienced users who need help migrating files and settings from a previously used operating system or assistance with desktop publishing and personal accounting.
- The Professional Desktop Service is for the business user who uses Ubuntu as their main environment. Installation support ensures the Ubuntu machine is set up on the corporate network and integrated into existing IT services. The Professional Desktop Service also helps set up desktop virtualization and ongoing support provides professional users with quicker access to support personnel.
Canonical’s individual and small business Desktop Services are available now and can be purchased from the Ubuntu shop at https://shop.canonical.com/
Free Books For Approved LoCo Teams - We can now order direct from the distributor at no cost, one copy each of the books: Official Ubuntu Book, and Official Ubuntu Server Book. I have already sent our request for our copies and I am awaiting conformation on the order.
johnc4510 then gave a report from lenards on the venue for the installfest:
"the Tucson Main Library is already scheduled for Aug. 29th. But, even if it was available - it wouldn't work because the wifi is extremely spotty in the lower level meeting room - so much so that they say it's not 'really available there.'
I did get a reply from Rebecca Mitchell from the UA Computer Science department. I don't know if we can get something together with them, but I'm still working on that.
Also - we could pursue another library location. The Himmel Library has a room w/ 3 tables, wifi and roughly enough room for 40 people. I think that it might handle are needs for just this coming InstallFest."
johnc4510 then added that Himmel is here: http://tinyurl.com/nnxsu5 . He also added that he was hoping that his U of A contact comes thru with something.
johnc4510 then asked tyche if he still had the "fill-in-the-blanks" flyer. He replied that he did, that everything was modifiable because it was all layers in GIMP, and that he could even take the System76 logo off of it, if we needed to print it out locally. It is set up as a 1/2 page flyer, not a full page. The current version can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/photos/22090195@N03/3702697843/
johnc4510 then asked xHans for the PLUG announcements:
Devel meeting is this Thursday. http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/559
Hackfest security mtg is this Saturday. http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/659
The official press release annoucing ABLEconf 2009 Phoenix went out last week. http://www.ABLEconf.com/press_releases/2009Jul29.html . We now need to get that press release out, so please help if you're interested. http://www.ABLEconf.com/wiki/index.php?title=2009Phx/Promotion
- Our call for presentations should go out in the next couple of weeks.
Free Software Stammtisch in Prescott is next week, bring pillows and diapers for slofgren
[Ed Note: slofgren just became the proud father of a baby girl.]
johnc4510 thanked xHans for his announcements.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:29.
- CraigAEddy
Parent pages: ["ArizonaTeam"] ["ArizonaTeam"]
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/09August5 (last edited 2009-08-05 16:55:30 by ip24-251-211-20)