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Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #97 for the week June 15, June 21.
- Arizona Loco Newsletter
- Ninety Seventh Edition
- Powered by Ubuntu
- Wednesday-June 24, 2009
Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ["ArizonaTeam"]
- Next meeting: Sunday June 28, 2009 9:00 PM
- Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-us-az
Summary of the June 21, 2009 meeting
johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:01 PM
Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09June21
johnc4510 then started with an announcement:
- Freenode no longer accepts Mibbit. Freenode has experienced some abuse due to mibbit. So, mibbit has been cut off and has it's own web portal: webchat.freenode.net .
johnc4510 then started a discussion about the Tucson install fest. soldats suggested OSCR, the U of A Computer Resource Center as a location and can be contacted throught the oscr.arizona.edu website. Another possibility was at Pima Community College. A third possibility was Bookman's on East Speedway. Next, a date for the install fest was discussed. July 27 and August 1 were both suggested. August 1 is on a Saturday, and seemed the most reasonable. johnc4510 also hinted broadly that anyone was welcome to attend the Tucson install fest. It wasn't restricted to only Tucson residents.
johnc4510 then asked xHans for any PLUG announcements:
PLUG west side this Thursday at 19:00. "Unetbootin and Asus EEE Install howto" will be one topic. It will be at a different location this week and the next two months, but we haven't yet decided where. http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/354 . Keep an eye on that URL for breaking news. Depending on space, I will likely also do a presentation.
There's an Installfest Saturday. http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/122 . That's co-sponsored by the LoCo, so y'all should show up.
Planning for ABLEconf 2009 kicked off this week. http://www.ABLEconf.com/participate . We will be having weekly IRC meetings the hour before the LoCo meetings. We also have a discuss mailing list for the main planning communication.
slofgren added *** LUGY NEWS ***
Saturday June 27 10AM - 12PM presentation meeting at The Prescott Public Library for lugy.net
The meeting was adjourned at 9:39 PM.
- CraigAEddy
Parent pages: ["ArizonaTeam"] ["ArizonaTeam"]
ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/09June24 (last edited 2009-06-24 16:49:37 by ip24-251-211-20)