Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
* 02 June – Tempe Ubuntu Hour hosted by Todd Cole.
- 6 attendees.
- Discussed Team Viewer issues.
- Discussed Ubuntu 16.04 paper cuts.
* 04 June - Linux install-fest/workshop co-sponsored by AZLOCO/PLUG.
- 26 attendees.
- 4 installs (Ubuntu, 2 Mint, and a dual boot).
- Built a virtual machine and configured the firewall.
- Worked on a member's server.
- Reconfigured partitions for two individuals.
- Introduced at least 7 new individuals to the AZLOCO community.
- Discovered that Ubuntu penguins can and do fly when prospective new members are introduced to the Team.
* 05 June - AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Todd Cole.
- 9 members present.
- Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events.
* 12 June - AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Todd Cole.
- 11 members were present.
- Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events.
* 18 June - Linux install-fest/workshop co-sponsored by AZLOCO/PLUG
- 14 attendees.
- 4 installs (2 Ubuntu, Mint, and Centos).
- Unsuccessful install of Ubuntu on a cell phone.
- Unsuccessful install of Ubuntu on a tablet due.
- Reconfigured a music program.
* 19 June - AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Ron Ash.
- 14 members were present.
- Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events.
* 23 June - Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour hosted by Rex Bouwense
- 6 attendees
- Discussed AZLOCO and CLUG upcoming events.
- Announced that one of our local members has been approved as a Ubuntu member.
- Discussed the establishment, security, and maintenance of a LAN.
* 23 June - Tempe Ubuntu Hour hosted by Todd Cole.
- 8 attendees.
- Discussed install-fest and procedures (how to decide disto and UI) no decision made.
- Discussed unity tweaks and options and telegram messaging.
* 26 June - AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Todd Cole.
- 9 members were present.
- Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events.
ArizonaTeam/TeamReports/16/June (last edited 2016-06-27 14:25:25 by rexbouwense)