April 2012 Team Reports



  1. April 2012 Team Reports
    1. Ubuntu Governance
      1. Americas Regional Membership Board
      2. Asia Oceania Regional Membership Board
      3. Community Council
      4. Developer Membership Board
    2. Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-04-23
      1. PerPackageUploader Application: David Henningsson
      2. PerPackageUploader Application: Cesare Falco
    3. Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-04-09
      1. EMEA Regional Membership Board
      2. Forum Council
      3. IRC Council
      4. LoCo Council
      5. Technical Board
    4. Ubuntu Development Teams
      1. Reviewers Team
      2. Xubuntu Team
      3. Ubuntu Studio
    5. Ubuntu LoCo Teams
      1. Argentina Team
      2. Asturian Team
      3. Australian Team
      4. Belgian Team
      5. Cameroonian Team
      6. Canadian Team
      7. Catalan Team
      8. China Team
      9. Chilean Team
      10. Ubuntu Colombia
      11. Czech Team
      12. Danish Team
      13. Dutch Team
    6. Translation Team
    7. Artwork Team
    8. Promotion Team
      1. Ecuador Team
      2. French Team
      3. German Kubuntu Team
      4. Greek Team
      5. Honduras Team
      6. Hungarian Team
      7. Indian Team
      8. Ubuntu Ireland
      9. Ubuntu Israel
      10. Japanese Team
      11. Korean Team
      12. Montenegro Team
      13. Nicaraguan Team
      14. Norwegian team
      15. Philippine Team
      16. Quebec Team
      17. Romanian Team
      18. Russian Team
      19. Serbian Team
      20. South African Ubuntu team
      21. Swedish Team
      22. Swiss Team
      23. Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team
      24. Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team
      25. United States Teams
        1. US Teams Project
        2. Ubuntu California
        3. Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
        4. District of Columbia Team
        5. Florida LoCo Team
        6. Iowa Team
        7. New York State Team
        8. Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team
        9. Ohio Team
        10. Oregon Team
        11. Pennsylvania Team
        12. Virginia Team
        13. Washington Team
        14. Wisconsin Team
      26. Ubuntu Venezuela Team
      27. Zimbabwe Team
    9. Additional Ubuntu Teams
      1. Ubuntu Accessibility Team
      2. Ubuntu Beginners Team
      3. Ubuntu Classroom Team
      4. Ubuntu NGO Team
      5. Ubuntu Women Project

If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.

Ubuntu Governance

Americas Regional Membership Board

Asia Oceania Regional Membership Board

The results from Asia Oceania Membership Board meeting (April) are as follows:

Efren Montales Jr. (kidsodateless) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/kidsodateless https://launchpad.net/~kidsodateless

Eduard Gotwig (gotwig) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Eduard%20Gotwig https://launchpad.net/~gotwig

are accepted as Ubuntu Member.

Community Council

  • 2012-04-05 Meeting (log):

    • Danny Piccirillo brought the agenda item "Bug #1"
      • "bug #1 is a bit vague because it is specific to microsoft"
      • Proposed new Bug 1

      • It was generally agreed that Ubuntu has grown beyond the "smallminded tease" that Bug #1 is, as it was never fully serious
      • Mark Shuttleworth summed it up as "i think it would be a mistake to turn bug 1 from tease to dogma"
    • Representatives from the Asia/Oceania Regional Membership Board were not available due to time zones
    • Decided to move teams page draft into production, updated version now live at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Teams

    • Reviewed some of the proposed changes to the CoC for v2.0, decided to do further review and then blog about it on fridge for community input which Laura Czajkowski will collect and put on a wiki page
  • 2012-04-19 Meeting (log):

    • Meet-up with ARB
      • WORKFLOW
        • queue:
          • ARB feel like they generally caught up.
          • need feedback → the entry disappears from the queue (bug #927588)
          • expire/reject would be nice (MyApps team is aware)

          • no rating / importance system
          • some confusion about how many items are in the queue (~20 need ARB attention right now, ~70 in the queue generally)
          • 8 apps launched last cycle, 2-5 apps new apps get processed each week, time-to-first-response less than a week
          • app developers who don't reply on feedback are a concern.
        • if submitter gets it right, the process is fast enough
        • general process:
          • pick off quick responses
          • pick off apps which need slightly more investigation
          • clear out old apps which need packaging
        • app submitters need a lot of help
        • education and hands-on help is necessary, otherwise no apps go through the queue at all
        • some old apps are still in the queue which have no packaging at all (which is a requirement now)
        • /opt is a big problem (quickly, pkgme and all of our other tools basically don't adhere to it yet)
      • TEAM
        • need more volunteers
        • needs restaffing soon
        • staying motivated is hard - working together might help
        • communication seems to work well: IRC + votes on the list mostly, monthly meetings
        • idea of having an arb-helper team has been kicking around for a while
      • Current team in LP: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-app-review-contributors

      • TODO: set guidelines for the team, start using and promoting it
      • top prio problems on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Agenda

      • Miscommunication with Canonical Community Team
        • felt under pressure in January
        • differing views on how many apps are actually in the queue - due to 1) not being able to expire/reject, 2) needs info apps falling out of the queue
      • dpm's help with coordination was very useful, also his work on inspiring new contributors.
  • Membership Boards: Restaffing and Reorganization: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2012-April/001548.html

Developer Membership Board

Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-04-23

Chair: Cody A.W. Somerville

Present: Barry Warsaw, Benjamin Drung, Iain Lane, Micah Gersten, Stefano Rivera

PerPackageUploader Application: David Henningsson

Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Diwic/PulseAudioUploaderApplication

David Henningsson (diwic) applied for per-package-upload permissions to the pulseaudio package.

The application was discussed, voted on, and accepted: For: 6 Against: 0 Abstained: 0

PerPackageUploader Application: Cesare Falco

Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/c.falco/DeveloperApplication

Cesare Falco (cfalco) applied for per-package-upload permissions to btpd, mame, and mess (not in Ubuntu yet). Interview of the applicant was not completed before the end of the meeting and thus consideration of the application was carried and no vote occurred.

Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-04-09

Meeting was cancelled.

EMEA Regional Membership Board

Forum Council

An update from the Forums Council for April of 2012

1. The Tutorials & Tips Section are having a change of function, tutorials will be moved to the Community Wiki and the subforum will be used for direct support for people attempting to follow these guides. The staff are going to promote the transition to wiki effort.

2. The forum will now be adding staff from Ubuntu Forum Members. The process is going to be more open, in that the staff will be voted by the Ubuntu Forum Members rather that selections made by pooling the current staff for input on possible future staff members. The exact process is yet to be ironed out, but we are keen to see the community get more involved. We hope to have the exact process worked out by the next council meeting.

3. The Ubuntu Forums are still running an old version of vBulletin. The SSO was an issue that was overcome, but unfortunately it appears to be broken again. We need to get in contact with jcastro and get an update on the state of the fix.

4. The staff are going to continue to participate in wider community activities.

5. The Forum Council are going to continue writing the monthly forum reports.

6. The Ubuntu Forums are still not listed in Ubiquity installer or in the Firefox bookmarks on the installation cd. s.fox has handed the code for the ubiquity slide to the developers but it was not added. We are hopeful it will be included in the next release. We plan to push this through and have it included for 12.10. philinux has been working on the Firefox bookmarks and has submitted an updated bookmarks file. Again this was not included by the developers. We are also going to be pushing for its inclusion in the next release.

7. We have added one new Ubuntu Forum Member, cprofitt.

8. The Forum Council have agreed to close old disused forum team subforums.

9. The Forum Council have agreed in principle to add an Independent Ubuntu App Developer forum as a main category. The Forum Council are currently waiting on mhall119 to email with more information.

10. The U+1 forum has been created for the next release and given a more prominent place on the forum structure.

IRC Council

LoCo Council

Technical Board

Ubuntu Development Teams

Reviewers Team

Xubuntu Team

Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu LoCo Teams

Argentina Team

Asturian Team

Australian Team

A Team Meeting was held this month but little needed to be discussed. Attendees were sure May would bring a lot more topics to discuss after all the events surrounding the latest Ubuntu release had taken place.

April saw the release of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin and a number of release parties were held successfully to celebrate the latest release and draw attention to Ubuntu in the Australian community.

Adelaide held its release party on the 26th of April 2012 at the University of Adelaide English Language Centre in Adelaide and then a fine bar down the road.

Sydney beat Adelaide to the punch, holding their release party on Saturday the 21st of April 2012. Attended by 5 Team members at the Ampersand Cafe in Paddington. Photos available on the team flickr group.

As per usual, Peter Baker (jellywere on IRC) came to the rescue of Ubuntu users in Australia who must suffer slower download speeds than one would like. His Ubuntu CD distribution service made the new 12.04 LTS available swiftly to those in Australia who might otherwise not be able to get their hands on it. He also pointed out to the mailing list the really cool tour of Ubuntu 12.04 available at http://www.ubuntu.com/tour/en/.

Belgian Team

  • ...
  • ...
  • April 21-26th: Digital Week 2012 in Belgium
    • April 26th:2 presentations in the public library in Ostend

    • April 27th: Information booth in the Public Library in Middelkerke

Cameroonian Team

Canadian Team

Catalan Team

  • April 1st: LoCo irc meeting for preparations for Ubuntu 12.04 Release Party.

  • April 16th: LoCo irc meeting for preparations for Ubuntu 12.04 Release Party.

China Team

Chilean Team

Ubuntu Colombia

Czech Team

Danish Team

Dutch Team

Translation Team

In the weekend of 31 March to 1 April, the trnaslation team has helt a translation sprint. With great enthusiasm, a few members of the translation team has worked hard with the result that a great part of the GUI of Precise Pangolin is done. During the sprint, the members stayed in touch via #ubuntu-nl-mwanzo to help each other. The large document "ubuntu-docs" (GNOME Desktop Guide) is currently finished for 85%.

Artwork Team

Promotion Team

The organisation of participation in the nationl Linux event, the 'Linux Thema Dag', with HCC unfortunately had to be stopped due to a lack of sponsors. Organisation of the LTS release party continues.

Source: http://wiki.ubuntu-nl.org/community/Meetings/Meeting20120410/VoortgangTeams


Ecuador Team

French Team

German Kubuntu Team

Greek Team

Report of April 2012

  • 3rd Translation IRC meeting for Ubuntu 12.04
  • Ubuntu 12.04 is fully translated in Greek language
  • Ubuntu-gr received a conference pack for the Fosscomm 2012 conference
  • New logos and favicons for our community web pages. The new logos created by the graphics team of Ubuntu-gr

Honduras Team

Hungarian Team

Indian Team

Ubuntu Ireland

Ubuntu Israel

Japanese Team

Korean Team

Montenegro Team

  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Release Party at CIS, University of Montenegro in Podgorica
  • Ordered CD-s package
  • Started disseminating installation disks
  • Updated web site to reflect new logo

Nicaraguan Team

Norwegian team

Philippine Team

Quebec Team

Romanian Team

Russian Team

Serbian Team

* Ubuntu LoCo Serbia has start holding lectures about Ubuntu for beginners, every Wednesday in Belgrade hacker space.

* On Saturday 14th April Administration team meeting was held.

* On Saturday 28th April Successful presentation at the SHARE2 Conference was held. The main theme was "Linux trough statistic data in Serbia", and presentation of Ubuntu 12.04 SHARE2 Conference, Ubuntu LoCo Serbia YouTube Channel

* On Saturday 28th April Administration team meeting was held.

* On Sunday 29th April gathering of Linux users was organized by Linux Mint Serbia, and Ubuntu LoCo Serbia was present.

South African Ubuntu team

Swedish Team

  • Due to inactivity no LoCo meetings took place this month.

  • Project "Svenska videoguider" (Swedish Screencasts).
    • Screencasts about the Unity dash and Keyrings have been finished.
    • Currently finished and planned screencasts are available at this wiki-page.

Swiss Team

Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team

  • Richard Stallman conference in The "National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology" Tunis

Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team

United States Teams

US Teams Project

Ubuntu California

Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team

District of Columbia Team

Florida LoCo Team

Please update with team activity from 12/April here.

Iowa Team

New York State Team

No Report This Month

Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team

Ohio Team

Oregon Team

  • April 6th - Salem Ubuntu Hour
  • April 13th - Salem, OR Ubuntu Hour
  • April 20th - Ubuntu Hour
  • April 27th, Salem Ubuntu Hour
  • Precise Release Party (sponsored by Puppet Labs, 40 persons attending)

Pennsylvania Team

Virginia Team

Washington Team

Wisconsin Team

* Event: This month's Madison Ubuntu Hour was April 20. This event is on the third Saturday of each month, and is hosted by Madison LUG. The next Madison Ubuntu Hour will be May 19.

* Monthly Meeting: There was no monthly meeting on IRC this month.

Ubuntu Venezuela Team

Zimbabwe Team

Additional Ubuntu Teams

Ubuntu Accessibility Team

Ubuntu Beginners Team

  • Regular monthly meeting on April 11(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings/20120411) - 9 members in attendance, 43 minutes long, with bodhi_zazen holding the chair.

    • No action taken there in the meeting. Only Two pools where there.
      • Mission statement "To guide existing Ubuntu users to become part of the global Ubuntu community."
      • abolilsh focus groups and work as a team in #ubuntu-beginners-team

Ubuntu Classroom Team

Ubuntu NGO Team

Ubuntu Women Project

TeamReports/April2012 (last edited 2012-05-20 16:48:50 by lyz)