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=== Forum Council ===

July 2009 Team Reports

If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.

Ubuntu Governance

Community Council

Forum Council

Forum Council July 2009

  • Ubuntu To help integrate the Ubuntu Forums and Launchpad you may now log into the Ubuntu Forums with your Launchpad OpenID.

    Ubuntu Forums otherwise remain active (and fun).

July Meeting

  • Ubuntu We unfortunately did not have a quorum ans so no action could be taken.

    Ubuntu We did, however, listen to some of the issues brought up by the community.

    • We will discuss revising the Report Button on the forums. Thank you to everyone for the suggestions. See Report post icon should be changed for details.

    • Thank you to DougieRichardson (and others) to help improve discouraged posts / threads that end up in T&E. T&E is probably the best location for this activity as it prevents trolling.

    • The specifics of the plan are here. We do not think a specific team needs to be started for this activity on the forums, although perhaps contact the BeginnersTeam to see if a Focus group can be formed.

    • The staff will discuss the potential use of Launchpad to track staff members.
    • The FC will make efforts to keep Team Reporting up to date.
    • BodhiZazen will ask Hellow and Panickedthumb to head up the UA team with additional actions to be discussed next month.

    Ubuntu Logs of the meeting can be found here: Meeting logs (Starting at 23:18)

Thank You ~

LoCo Council

MOTU Council

Technical Board

  • Technical Board meeting, 2009-07-14
    • The Board agreed on the text for the Developer Application Board proposal and has passed it to the Community Council and MOTU Council for review. The outcome of this will be discussed at the next board meeting.
    • Colin Watson has proposed sets of packages based on the current seeds and intersections between distributions, Matt Zimmerman has an action to review this.
    • Based on this, Colin Watson will begin setting up interviews with developers whose upload permissions may change as a result of the seed changes.
    • The board has completed its review of the proposed patent policy text, and has asked Jono Bacon to provide a new draft by Tuesday next week to allow sufficient time for review before the next board meeting. Mark Shuttleworth has yet to review this text.
    • Matt Zimmerman presented his Release Manifest <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/ReleaseManifest> for comments.

    • It was agreed that the hostname for distributing images for Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud would be cloud-image.ubuntu.com
    • The Technical Board agreed to increase its membership, and undergo a nomination period. This will follow in a separate mail.
    • Colin Watson will chair the next board meeting.
  • Technical Board meeting, 2009-07-28
    • Review of outstanding actions
      • Action: Colin to set up interviews with developers regarding upload privilege reorganisation (for ArchiveReorganisation)

    • Technical Board nominations
      • Action: Matt to contact TB nominees to confirm they wish to stand
    • Developer Membership Board
      • The proposal has been well received by the Technical Board, Community Council and MOTU Council
      • Action: Scott to implement Developer Membership Board proposal (LP, mailing list, documentation, etc.)
      • Action: Jono to see that documentation is updated to reflect the Developer Membership Board
    • Patent policy
      • Voted to accept the draft patent policy as official
      • Action: Matt to communicate the new patent policy
    • Governance review
    • Select a chair for the next meeting
      • Action: Colin to chair next TB meeting

Ubuntu Development Teams

Xubuntu Team

Xubuntu team report for July 2009

Packaging, Development, & Testing

  • Cody investigated the new gdm and feasibility of adapting it for Xubuntu.
  • Cody patched gdm so that it no longer pulls in all of gnome (just quite a bit of it).
  • SiDi implemented and Mr_pouit packaged xfce4-volumed for the NotifyOsd spec

  • SiDi began patching Exaile for possible inclusion in Karmic

  • Cody seeded xfce4-power-manager in place of gnome-power-manager and sent out a call for testing.
  • Cody performed memory profiling on xfce4-power-manager and identified ways to reduce its memory footprint.

Marketing, Artwork


  • End-user support done.
  • SiDi created specification templates and app comparison templates

  • SiDi wrote specifications for the default music player and NotifyOsd

  • Ochosi wrote specifications for the default image viewer (with SiDi's help) and for the default mail client

Ubuntu LoCo Teams

Asturian Team

  • Day 24: Publication of the video: Edubuntu Experience in Asturian. Youtube. The Asturian LoCo team, testing Edubuntu with students and teachers.

Cameroonian Team

* Integration of Maelys within Jaunty

* Release of Ubuntu Apt pack 9.04

* Introduction of Camerlog, a custom bot, in #ubuntu-cm channel on Freenode.

Chilean Team

Danish Team

Greek Team

Irish Team

  • Face to face meet up on the 2nd of July in the Longstone.

  • Regular Monthly IRC Meeting was held at 9pm Irish time on Wednesday 15th July.

  • Shane Fagan part of the Irish Loco became a Ubuntu Member.

  • Preparation made for an event next month, We will be running another Geeknic in Dublin.

Japanese Team

Korean Team

Norwegian team

Romanian Team

Russian Team

Saratov Team

United States Teams

US Teams Project

Chicago Team

  • Team Report Item
  • Team Report Item
  • Team Report Item


New York State Team

Ohio Team

Pennsylvania Team

Ubuntu Beginners Team

  • Ubuntu Beginners Team Meeting 2009-07-14

    • Agree that the council should discuss ways to open up the -council IRC channel and get rid of the +mz channel modes
    • Announcement about new project to help create a "pipeline" from the Beginners Team to the wider Ubuntu community
    • Due to ajmorris disappearing, Silver_Fox_ stepped up to help co-lead the IRC Focus Group
    • Announce the Young New Users Focus Group Conduct Wiki Page

    • Agree that having some users accidentally coming to the main team channel instead of the support channel is fine, and that there is no need to rename/move the main channel
    • Dallas Wiebelhaus joined the Ubuntu Beginners Team. He has been a great participant in team activities, and definitely deserving of membership.

    • leoquant joined the Ubuntu Beginners Team. He is already a very knowledgeable Ubuntu member, and will make a great addition to the team.

  • Ubuntu Beginners Team Meeting 2009-07-28

    • Point out Folding@Home and the #ubuntu-folding channel

    • Agree to move mailing lists from lists.launchpad.net to lists.ubuntu.com
    • Discuss future of the Unanswered Posts Team and whether it should remain a separate team or be merged into the Beginners Team. The team was neutral in regards to merging the two teams.

    • The Wiki Focus Group's Summer of Documentation has seen some nice progress. There is still room for new users to help out if they wish.
    • The IRC Focus Group has seen a lot more activity over the past few days
    • The Ubuntu Community Learning Project is slowly forming, and is a separate team than the Education Focus Group

    • The Council will work with the Development Focus Group in order to help accommodate their desire to allow non-Beginners Team members to join the Focus Group.
    • starcraft.man joined the Ubuntu Beginners Team. He has been helping beginners for a long time, and has recently joined the Wiki Focus Group. We are glad to welcome him to the team.

Ubuntu NGO Team

TeamReports/July2009 (last edited 2009-10-05 07:03:37 by i59F77B4F)