
Revision 19 as of 2009-05-29 00:58:13

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May 2009 Team Reports

If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.

Ubuntu Governance

MOTU Council

  • MOTU Council 'Call' 2009-05-06
    • Attendees: Daniel Holbach, Michael Bienia, Jonathan Davies, Soren Hansen, Emmet Hikory
    • Current Applicants: Li Daobing (UCD), James Westby (core-dev), Jo Shields (MOTU), hyperair (UCD)
      • hyperair has not provided 1-week review period, will be encouraged to select a later meeting.
    • Rescheduling of the MOTU Council weekly meeting
  • After some great work on the Ibus input method packages (among other things), Li Daobing joined the Contributing Developers.
  • The MOTU Council unanimously decided to recommend James Westby for Core Developer membership.
  • Jo Shields' work in Ubuntu's and Debian's Mono world paid off: Jo joined the MOTU team. Smile :-)

  • MOTU Council 'Call' 2009-05-13
    • Attendees: Michael Bienia, Jonathan Patrick Davies, Daniel Holbach, Richard Johnson.
    • Current Applicants: Chow Loong Jin (hyperair): Contributing Developer, Charlie Smotherman (porthose): Per-package Uploader, Stefan Lesicnik (stefanlsd): MOTU.
    • Ongoing discussion of new meeting times.

Team Name

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Ubuntu Development Teams

Xubuntu Team

Team Name

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Team Name

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Ubuntu LoCo Teams

Team Name

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Asturian Team

  • May 16 2009: Install Party in Xixón / Asturies.
  • May 14 2009: Talk in the Asturian Letters Day, hosted by Xunta pola Defensa de la Llingua Asturiana.
    • Pictures 1 2

  • May 10 2009: Talk for asturian language students.
    • Pictures 1 2 3

  • May 15 2009: Meeting Chat Log

Cameroonian Team

* Attendance to G-Sept (University of Douala) between 25th and 30th May 2009

Danish Team

  • Held our annual community meeting and elected LoCo-leadership for the next year.

  • Started planning for Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala release party, with 3 suggestions for focus.
    • Community-minded - The LoCo gets together, socialises and make plans for the time to come.

    • "Spread the word" - Focus on the Danish family and their OS needs. Trying to spread the word of Ubuntu to the standard Danish family.
    • Corporate event - Focus on getting business and corporate attendees, to tell them how Ubuntu can strengthen their business.

Greek Team

Japanese Team

  • Our team members talked about our activity and Ubuntu community in ASCII Mediaworks' interview. This is described on a magazine "Sakusaku Ubuntu!" published on 27th May.
  • Fumihito Yoshida wrote an article "HP MIE Review" for a Japanese local magazine "Software Design".
  • Ikuya Awashiro wrote an article "Ubuntu 9.04 Tettei Kaibou" for a Japanese local magazine "ASCII.technologies".

Romanian Team

  • Apr 30 2009: Releasing Kiwi Linux 9.04, based on Ubuntu 9.04. Full release notes.

  • May 19 2009 the release of the Ubuntu for Romania, a localized version based on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope. The installation CD is localised into Romanian and holds the majority of the default Ubuntu applications. The disk has specific network conectivity applications and legal restricted multimedia codecs to ease the transition of the new users to the Ubuntu operating system.

  • There were several Jaunty release parties in cities around the country
    • Release party Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope in Cluj Napoca. After the usual presentation of the operating sistem, the audience and the organizers talked about:

      • Organising the local Ubuntu comunity
      • The help and support offered by the local Ubuntu comunity
      • The statistics regarding the use of the Ubuntu operating system in Romania
      • The means and the methods that should be used to increase the number of the events held by the local comunity
      • The usual group pictures can be found here

    • Release party Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope in Arad

    • Release party Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope in Targu Mures report: almost 25 people were present and this time we had some great discussions and beer talk. We also did some serious presentatations like what is new in jaunty jack : new gnome, new kde, new qt browser like arora or development IDE like qt creator, I also showed the new firefox 3.5 ( abrowser 3.5), quassel, gwibber (microblogging client), firebird 2.1.x and some extensive discussion about ext4 crash-ing and it's amazing speed

  • The local team was reprezented to the Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope release party in Moldova. The pictures can be found here.

Russian Teams

  • Compiling and translating report...

Saint Petersburg Team

United States Teams

US Teams Project

Chicago Team

  • Jaunty Release Party
    • Held at the Illinois Institute of Design on Saturday, April 25th
    • Approximately 15 people in attendance
    • Presentations on Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Ubuntu Server
    • Discussions of what the team is doing and how to participate with the team
  • Planning of our next Loco Activities
    • The team is discussing packaging jams as a recurring activity for the next few months.

Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team