
Revision 33 as of 2014-01-05 17:45:21

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Introducing Ubuntu GNOME Team

One of the things that is often asked is how could new contributors to Ubuntu GNOME help? There are several areas where you can contribute and help with. This page will cover each and every area. Then, it is for you to decide which area you would like to join as per your interests and experience. Please understand Ubuntu GNOME is a community project and all the members of this project are working on voluntary basis. We do what we do because we simply love it. If you have that passion, then you are indeed in the right place. Ubuntu GNOME needs you. With your help, we could be even better.

HOWTO Get Involved - Video

Instead of reading this page, you do now have an option to watch a full guide about this page and the whole process of getting involved - See This.

Who are we?

Are you interested to find out who are those behind Ubuntu GNOME? please, see the list of Ubuntu GNOME Team Members.

Where to contribute ?

There are many areas where you can contribute and help Ubuntu GNOME with. Choose whatever you like the most. ALL help and contributions are highly appreciated and more than welcome.

Ubuntu GNOME Sub-Teams


Our newest addition to the family. Ubuntu GNOME Packaging (Contributing Developers) Team for people that contribute towards Ubuntu GNOME development. This team is meant to serve a bridge between the other teams that get upload access (gnome3-team for the PPA's and Ubuntu-gnome-dev for the main archive) - See the announcement.


This area has so much fun and bring lots of experience. Excited to plan for the upcoming release of Ubuntu GNOME? Interested to learn about Project Management? come up with an idea, discuss it with the team, improve it, finalize it and find the best solution to any problem? do you believe in "All Of Us Are Smarter Than Any One Of Us."? then you are looking at the right place to start helping our team.

Testing and Reporting Bugs

You found a bug in Ubuntu GNOME and you want to help fixing it ? You like tweaking your system, and find problems? You can't wait 6 months to try out the next version of Ubuntu GNOME? Please, help the great testing team and join Ubuntu GNOME QA Team. Please, head to Testing Section for more details about testing.


You want to help us by writing Documentation and maintain the Wiki Area? Join Ubuntu GNOME Wiki and Documentation Team.

Marketing and Communications

You are a happy Ubuntu GNOME user, and you want to share it? Want to make Ubuntu GNOME more famous? Are you familiar with the Social Media (Facebook, Google+ and Twitter)? Are you a Linux Advocate and Supporter? Interested in spreading the word? Please, join Ubuntu GNOME Communications Team.

Artwork & Design

You like the Artwork of Ubuntu GNOME and you want to help? Let's go to the Artwork page for more details and if you are interested, you can join Ubuntu GNOME Artwork Team.


You language is not completely supported and you want to help ? Let's go the translations page.

Developing and Coding

You want to create programs and code, improve the applications included in Ubuntu GNOME? Go to the This Page.

How to Join?

Before joining, it is recommended to understand little bit about Ubuntu GNOME Community.

Ubuntu GNOME Community

Starting from 2-Nov-2013, we shall have 3 main groups: Beginners, Users and Members.

Ubuntu GNOME Beginners

Are you new to Linux and/or Ubuntu GNOME? do you have the passion and desire to start learning your first steps in this magnificent world? are you a good reader and listener? do you wish to help Ubuntu GNOME and make this system even better but your limited skills and experience hold you back? are you willing to dedicate some of your time in learning new stuff?

If the answer to the above questions is YES, then you are on the right place. Ubuntu GNOME Community is very friendly and extremely helpful. All of us have been there before. NO one was born with Linux Experiences or Skills, we have learned that the hard way or the easy way and we are still learning. We don't mind at all, while we are learning and building one of the most exciting Linux Distribution in the world, to help others to understand more about Linux/Ubuntu GNOME as long as they are willing to and want that Smile :)


Nothing except you join our General and Main Mailing List but it is very recommended to have a look at all our Official Channels and join our channels on Facebook, Google+ and/or Twitter if you have account on of of these social media channels.

Ubuntu GNOME Users

Ubuntu GNOME users are those who are interested in Ubuntu GNOME and using it. The purpose of this group is:

  1. To identify and organize Ubuntu GNOME users.
  2. Give Ubuntu GNOME users the opportunity to help the team by participating and contributing.

So, if you are a user who already started to use Ubuntu GNOME, have been using Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu or any official flavour for quite sometime and you are familiar with with many things, if you have been around for a while then you fit on this category or group.

Users are not required to decided many hours from their time to help and support the system on frequent basis but because most of Ubuntu GNOME users love the system a lot and very much willing to help, contribute and support the whole community as much as they can,they are then more than welcome to help and each help and contributions are highly appreciated.

Only whenever possible, whenever you have extra spare time and you would like to help Ubuntu GNOME grow bigger and better, you are more than welcome to contribute to Ubuntu GNOME project. We ask for at least one hour per week as the minimum time you can spare but means a lot for us Smile :)


So, the best help and support for Ubuntu GNOME users they can really provide is to help the beginners to understand the system and make their first step easily and correctly. This is a huge help that we do need and seek.

Note Those users who find themselves very much ready to take their contributions to the next level, then please have a read on the next section Smile :)

Ubuntu GNOME Official Members

If you can dedicate some of your time for Ubuntu GNOME, if you do have enough skills and experience, if you feel you can help Ubuntu GNOME to improve and be even better, if you are one of those with unlimited passion and strong desire and willing to go the extra miles ... then congratulations, you are at your second home Smile :)


To join as an official member of the Ubuntu GNOME team, please do at least these steps:


Please, note that our standard procedure is to have 90 days of Launchpad's Team-subscription which is renewable at your desire and wish so if you wish to help for the long term period, please consider renew it after 90 days (you will have 10 days time to renew). For example, if you are interested to join Ubuntu GNOME QA Team, your first subscription will be 90 days period and this is renewable at the expire day.

How to create a new Wiki Page

1- Open your browser and type this:

2- Login with your Launchpad Account:

3- Add the desired name for your Wiki Page. Most of us are using their username on launchpad, Ubuntu Forum, etc. After that, just press Enter.

4- Just click on Create new empty page as shown on this screenshot:

5- Now, start fill in your information that you would like to share with Ubuntu GNOME/Ubuntu Community like your launchpad link, email, etc. Introduce yourself and talk about your goals, experience with Ubuntu GNOME, etc. All that would be nice. For example, see this

For more information on how to edit your Wiki Page, please have a read on HelpOnEditing

  • You can now also watch this guide which explains the process of creating a Wiki Page.

After Creating Your Wiki Page

  • After you create your Launchpad account and your Wiki Page, please don't forget to add your name on the members list and subscribe to the mailing list

  • Please, also join our IRC channel is #ubuntu-gnome on

  • You can also join our Social Networks Pages:

See also - Contact Ubuntu GNOME

How to get started

  1. Send a new email to the mailing list to introduce yourself with a link of your Wiki Page.
  2. If you have a Social Network Account, join Our Social Networks Areas

  3. Welcome to Ubuntu GNOME Team Smile :)

Contributing to the GNOME project

If you are interest in contributing to GNOME, please visit the GNOME project website.

See Also