
Differences between revisions 63 and 108 (spanning 45 versions)
Revision 63 as of 2009-03-01 17:32:55
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Editor: ip68-0-181-84
Comment: cleanup
Revision 108 as of 2009-03-01 21:46:43
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Editor: ip68-0-181-84
Comment: correction
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## This document contains numerous comments to help make getting
## involved with the UWN easy and to help set some guidelines/standards.

## By contributing, you understand that your contribution may be appended to,
## modified, deleted, moved, copied, and redistributed without further
## consultation. Please feel free to add comments to help explain changes
## and/or additions to the UWN to other editors.

## Final revision will be approved and mailed by Corey Burger (Burgundavia),
## Martin Albisetti (beuno) or Cody Somerville (somerville32).

## For more information, please contact or
## visit #ubuntu-marketing on

## Good Luck from Cody Somerville, Corey Burger, Melissa Draper and Martin Albisetti.


## Edit the following to include issue number, date info, and a short list
## of the top articles in this release.

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #131 for the week February 22nd - February 28th, 2009. In this issue we cover ...

## Translations are welcome by anyone. Once you've finished yours, please remove the "Start one!" text.
## Feel free to add any other languages.
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #131 for the week February 22nd - February 28th, 2009. In this issue we cover: Jaunty Alpha 5 Released, Needed: Countdown to Jaunty Banners, Ubuntu Global Bug Jam Success, Voting for New MOTU Council seats, Ubuntu Server: Call for testing, Next Ubuntu Hug Day, Developer News: Issue #2, Lo``Co Team Meeting, Philadelphia Bug Jam, Chicago Bug Jam, Arizona team has new website, Launchpad Performance Week Roundup, Launchpad 2.2.2 released, Meet the Devs, Ubuntu podcast #20, Full Circle Magazine #22, UK government backs open source, Random Ubuntu Sightings, Feburary Team Meeting Summaries, Team of the Week(Ubuntu New Mexico), and much much more!
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## In this section, list major topics of interest using bullets.
## Format: * <Topic name>
## Ex: * Ubuntu overtakes Microsoft with 90% market share
 * Jaunty Alpha 5 Released
 * Needed: Countdown to Jaunty Banners
 * Ubuntu Global Bug Jam Success
 * Voting for New MOTU Council seats
 * Ubuntu Server: Call for testing
 * Next Ubuntu Hug Day
 * Developer News: Issue #2
 * Ubuntu Stats
 * Lo``Co Team Meeting
 * Philadelphia Bug Jam
 * Chicago Bug Jam
 * Arizona team has new website
 * Launchpad Performance Week Roundup
 * Launchpad 2.2.2 released
 * Meet the Devs
 * In the Press & Blogosphere
 * Ubuntu podcast #20
 * Full Circle Magazine #22
 * UK government backs open source
 * Random Ubuntu Sightings
 * February Team Meeting Summaries
 * Upcoming Meetings & Events
 * Team of the Week: Ubuntu New Mexico
 * Updates & Security
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For those interested in helping with testing, reporting and fixing bugs, the Alpha release can be obtainded from: For those interested in helping with testing, reporting and fixing bugs, the Alpha release can be obtained from:
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 * Optimized png, gif or jpg format or, if you're gutsy, a lightweight iframe containing static HTML (no php etc), javascript and images. No google anayltics or web bugs, no flash, small download size, only link will be back to the website. Animation should not be perpetual (i.e. stop after a few seconds) and should not annoy people. If you want to do the iframe thing ping me on IRC or email back to the list and we can discuss some ideas.  * Optimized png, gif or jpg format or, if you're gutsy, a lightweight iframe containing static HTML (no php etc), javascript and images. No google analytics or web bugs, no flash, small download size, only link will be back to the website. Animation should not be perpetual (i.e. stop after a few seconds) and should not annoy people. If you want to do the iframe thing ping me on IRC or email back to the list and we can discuss some ideas.
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=== Voting for New MOTU Council === === Voting for New MOTU Council seats ===
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 Date: 5th of March, 2009
 Target: flashplugin-nonfree
 Location: #ubuntu-bugs
 * Date: 5th of March, 2009
 * Target: flashplugin-nonfree
 * Location: #ubuntu-bugs
 * Page:
 * Info:
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  * Reinhard Tartler (siretart) resigns as MOTU Launchpad Liason   * Reinhard Tartler (siretart) resigns as MOTU Launchpad Liaison
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=== Infamous Bugs ===

## Delete if no infamous/funny bugs for this week.

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==== Top 5 contributors for the past 7 days ====

   * person (#)
   * person (#)
   * person (#)
   * person (#)
   * person (#)

==== Top 5 teams for the past 7 days ====

   * team (#)
   * team (#)
   * team (#)
   * team (#)
   * team (#)

5-A-Day stats provided by Daniel Holbach. See
dholbach is in the process of refining the 5-a-day stats page. Here are the finals for the latest Global Bug Jam as of the end of the event.

 * gbj-fr-0902 - 297
 * gbj-UK-0902 - 293
 * - 269
 * gbj-michigan-0902 - 266
 * gbj-oklahoma-0902 - 162
 * gbj-florida-0902 - 156
 * gbj-fr-paris-0902 - 149
 * gbj-chicago-0902 - 149
 * gbj-colombia-0902 - 135
 * gbj-fr-toulouse-0902 - 110
 * gbj-za-0902 - 71
 * gbj-pennsylvania-0902 - 68
 * gbj-chile-0902 - 63
 * gbj-berlin-0902 - 63
 * gbj-dcteam-0902 - 55
 * gbj-IE-0902 - 9

Total Bugs touched: 2315
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 * Allow overide of faulty resolution detection  * Allow override of faulty resolution detection
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=== LoCo Teams Meeting ===

The US Lo``Co teams held a meeing on the 28th of February to discuss and share experiences, learn from each other, and see how other Lo``Cos are "getting it done." Nick Ali(boredandblogging) chaired the meeting, and 78 nicks were in the #ubuntu-locoteams channel to participate. A great deal of discussion took place, and for that hour the channel was really jumping. Congratulations to the Lo``Co``Teams for an informative and productive meeting. You can see a list of the main points discussed at the link.
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The Bug Jam started out with introductions all around before it got down to some major bug squashing. All over the room, they had people triaging and fixing bugs. Whenever somebody had a question, there was usually someone in the room who had the answer. However, even with all of the knowledgeable people that were present at the event, a question regarding 5-a-day came up that nobody knew the answer to. Calls to several people in the greater Ubuntu Community finally produced an answer. All in all the Chicago Bug Jam was a success, and one team member really saw the meaning of what the Ubuntu Community is all about. The Bug Jam started out with introductions all around before it got down to some major bug squashing. All over the room, they had people triaging and fixing bugs. Whenever somebody had a question, there was usually someone in the room who had the answer. However, even with all of the knowledgeable people that were present at the event, a question regarding 5-a-day came up that nobody knew the answer to. Calls to several people in the greater Ubuntu Community finally produced an answer. All in all the Chicago Bug Jam was a success, and team members really saw the meaning of what the Ubuntu Community is all about.
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=== Ubuntu Arizona has a new website! ===

Ubuntu-Arizona has a new website and everyone is invited to visit and give their opinion concerning it. The team put this together from 2 servers, rack space, and internet connection that were all donated.  The better server is running the website, and soon will also be hosting LUG groups in Arizona.  The second is being used to test programs and for teaching server administration to team members.
=== Arizona team has new website! ===

Ubuntu-Arizona has a new website and everyone is invited to visit and give their opinion about it by voting in the poll on the website. The team put the site together using Drupal, and with the help of several team members. 2 servers, rack space, and Internet connection were donated to the team, making this site possible. The better of the 2 servers is running the website, and soon will also be offering free hosting to the LUG groups in Arizona. The second server is being used to test programs, and for teaching server administration to team members.
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== New in Intrepid Ibex ==

## This list is pulled by Corey Burger and dumped here in raw form for parsing.
## Choose a something you wish to write about a write a short piece about what
## has changed since the last version in Ubuntu. This might mean several upstream
## releases. To find this data, use the changelog in the package and look on the web.
## If you cannot find a usable changelog, simply drop that package. Try and group packages
## together logically, such as X, the kernel or GNOME.

## After all the package sections are written, organize them logically, based
## on desktop or server, GNOME, KDE, or Xfce4, etc.

## Sometimes bigger changes, such as a new development policy or a major new
## thing will be mentioned under a seperate heading
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As reported the beginning of February, Launchpad has been trying to improve the performance of page loading on their site. Bug pages now load only the first 80 comments, with a box in the space of the 81st allowing one to go beyond that. The subscriber list is loaded asynchronously, allowing the rest of the page to load without bottleneck. The PPA disk usage information and the detail for each package are both now loaded asynchronously with the detail only being loaded when you click on the header. There are other enhancements that have been done, and another Launchpad Performance Week will be performed in April. As reported the beginning of February, Launchpad has been trying to improve the performance of page loading on their site. Bug pages now load only the first 80 comments, with a box in the space of the 81st allowing one to go beyond that. The subscriber list is loaded asynchronously, allowing the rest of the page to load without bottleneck. The PPA disk usage information and the detail for each package are both now loaded asynchronously with the detail only being loaded when you click on the header. There are other enhancements that have been done, and another Launchpad Performance Week will be performed in April. Read more about the Launchpad Performance Week Roundup at the link.
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=== Meet Michael Hudson ===

Michael Hudson, a transplanted resident of New Zealand, works on the back-end of Launchpad. Looking out his office window he gets to see the spectacular view of . . . the back of his garage. However, he has had the opportunity to explore some of the beauty of the country as well as work on Launchpad and Loggerhead. See more at:

== Ubuntu Forums News ==

## This section is provided to include any interesting updates from the Ubuntu Forums.
=== Meet the Devs ===

Matthew Revell of the Launchpad Team published 4 Launchpad interviews this week in their "Meet the Devs" section. The interviews are diverse and in depth, and worth the read. The interviewees work for different Launchpad Teams: Launchpad Code Team, Registry Team, Bazaar, and Translations. The full interviews are at the links:

 * Michael Hudson:
 * Brad Crittenden:
 * Tim Penhey:
 * Jeroen Vermeulen:
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Marius Nestor of Softpedia shares some graphics of the upcoming Jaunty Jackalope. Ubuntu 9.04, according to him, will have a new, darker login screen with the Ubuntu logo in the lower right hand corner. Others may still be selected from the GDM preferences tool. Also up is a graphic of the revamped "Where are you?" step of the Ubiquity installer. He also gives us a look at the new notifications. Ubuntu 9.04 is getting closer and closer to the final release, so here's a sneak peek at some of the upcoming features. One of these new features that was introduced with this weeks updates was a brand new login screen a.k.a. GDM (GNOME Display Manager) theme. It is black and has a nice Ubuntu logo in the right bottom corner. The new login screen is entitled "Human" and it was created by Kenneth Wimer and Mat Tomaszewski for Canonical. Also included was a revamp "Where are You" which is part of the Ubiquity installer. Finally the new "Notification" area was also included in the updates. Screen shots of each of these improvements at the link.
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Alastair Otter from My``Broadband describes some of the desktop redesign that is taking place with Ubuntu 9.04.  The notification system, known as Notify-OSD, is intended to integrate better with Jaunty and provide system messages across all applications and keyboard actions.  These are meant to be slicker and less disruptive than previously.  Also, the login screen has been changed from the old brown screen.  Now there will be a new, mostly black login screen with redesigned graphics.  Further redesign will take place in Karmic Koala. Alastair Otter from My``Broadband describes some of the desktop redesign that is taking place with Ubuntu 9.04. The notification system, known as Notify-OSD, is intended to integrate better with Jaunty and provide system messages across all applications and keyboard actions. These are meant to be slicker and less disruptive than previously. Also, the login screen has been changed from the old brown screen. Now there will be a new, mostly black login screen with redesigned graphics. Further redesign will take place in Karmic Koala as it develops.
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Dana Blankenhorn of ZDNet examines the alliances that Mark Shuttleworth is building with Amazon and Dell.  With Amazon, it's the EC2 Cloud computing.  Amazon's cloud isn't specific to a particular company's applications, nor is it a custom built work.  Rather, it's a service business hosting serious applications. And with Dell, it's the full line of Ubuntu Netbooks and laptops. Unlike other companies, this is a single Linux distribution support. Dana Blankenhorn of ZDNet examines the alliances that Mark Shuttleworth is building with Amazon and Dell. With Amazon, it's the EC2 Cloud computing. Amazon's cloud isn't specific to a particular company's applications, nor is it a custom built work. It's a service business hosting serious applications. With Dell, it's the full line of Ubuntu Netbooks and laptops. Unlike other companies, this is a single Linux distribution support.
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Caitlyn Martin, writing on the O'Reilly website, relates her experiences with the Sylvania g Netbook.  Overall, she was not impressed with this early version of the Sylvania Netbook. The first crashed within 10 days, and the second out of the box. Though she showed that, by wiping the drive and installing Ubuntu it is possible to make it work, she suggests that people forgo it for the newer Sylvania g Netbook Meso with the preloaded Ubuntu Netbook Remix. Caitlyn Martin, writing on the O'Reilly website, relates her experiences with the Sylvania g Netbook. Overall, she was not impressed with this early version of the Sylvania Netbook. The first crashed within 10 days, and the second out of the box. Though she showed that, by wiping the drive and installing Ubuntu it is possible to make it work, she suggests that people forgo it for the newer Sylvania g Netbook Meso with the preloaded Ubuntu Netbook Remix.
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Michael Larabel of Phoronix tells us that Ubuntu 9.04 is now at feature freeze so there isn't much to expect in Jaunty Alpha 5, but there are a few items worth highlighting. For one, the new desktop notification system has landed in Ubuntu 9.04, which looks nice if you are running on a composite desktop. There is a new log-in screen for Ubuntu 9.04, which is mostly black with only a bit of orange. A completely new desktop theme will not be here until Ubuntu 9.10, the Karmic Koala. The Ubiquity installer for Ubuntu 9.04 has also picked up a new world map. Also changed in the Ubiquity installer is the home encryption support, which has been removed unless you pre-seed the option to Ubiquity. This option has been temporarily dropped since there is no encrypted SWAP support, which reduces the security benefit of an encrypted home directory. The final alpha of Ubuntu 9.04 will be out in mid-March, and the final release of Ubuntu 9.04 is scheduled for the 23rd of April.
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=== A quick look at the New Notifications in Ubuntu 9.04 === (NOTE: just use the info from the title above as this is from a Linux News Weekly issue)
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Paul Ferrill of Wi-Fi Planet takes a look at Ubuntu Mobile Edition, and notes that the mobile Internet device (MID) space is one of the fastest growing platforms with new concept designs appearing every month. Ferrill was able to pick up one of the original Samsung Q1s from, but he found out that while the Q1 XP Tablet edition combination is functional, it just seemed like it wasn't made to fit the small form factor. Installing software often produced the clipped dialog screen problem where you couldn't see the buttons at the bottom to click on them. Enter Ubuntu Mobile: Canonical and Intel have teamed up to sponsor the Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded (UME) project with a goal of providing the infrastructure and necessary components for mobile application development. Images are available for download on the UME Website for the Samsung Q1 Ultra and Elektrobit MIMD. The installation procedure was well documented and easy to follow, and once the Q1 was rebooted the user was presented a screen with large buttons that make it easy to launch different applications with a finger touch. Ferrill's overall impression is that Ubuntu Mobile Edition represents a good start toward making the Linux operating system a viable alternative to Windows for these ultra portable devices.
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Ctolbert from Yore Foundation introduces us to his favorite song from his freshman year "I Got Cha Open". This then tied into open source software like Mozilla's Firefox, which is used and recommended by many people and organizations. We are then lead into an introduction to Ubuntu. Ubuntu is an Operating system, which he compares to Microsoft's Windows and Apple's OSX. With netbooks coming out the way that they have, it has made people notice another option than just OSX or Windows, which is Linux. The price difference between netbooks with Windows XP installed and Linux are then compared, as Linux netbooks being cheaper than Windows netbooks. the blogger tells us about the benefits of Linux, specifically Ubuntu. The fact that it's free, and has many applications for everyday tasks, like web browsing, note taking, file sharing, document creation, and playing multimedia files. Then he points out that Linux doesn't need anti-virus software because, there's no viruses for Linux. The lower use on systems resources are then pointed out, and the ability to run as well on a low power machine as on a more powerful machine is mentioned. Ctolbert then goes into specifics about Open Office, which can read and write .doc, .wpd, .docx, and .xls files. Ctolbert from Yore Foundation introduces us to his favorite open source software like Mozilla's Firefox, which is used and recommended by many people and organizations. He then leads us into an introduction to Ubuntu. With netbooks coming out the way that they have, it has made people notice another option, and that option is Linux. The benefits of Linux, specifically Ubuntu, is evident. It's free, and has many applications for everyday tasks: web browsing, note taking, file sharing, document creation, and playing multimedia files. Linux also doesn't need anti-virus software, it uses lower systems resources, and has the ability to run as well on a lower powered machines.
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Christopher Tozzi from Works With U gives us his opinion on Mark Shuttleworth's recently outlined development goals for Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. He first outlines the development goals which are: better integration with cloud-computing environments, and the simplification of cloud creation using open-source tools on Ubuntu Server Edition, faster boot, seamless netbook support, taking advantage of kernel mode settings to make the boot process and virtual terminals shinier and snappier, and sprucing up the desktop by giving it a prettier default theme. He agrees with making it easy to use Ubuntu servers as hosts for clouds, and he believes it's critical to have hassle free netbook support. This blogger doesn't like the focus on making the boot manager and default theme look nicer. He concludes that, "the specifics of Ubuntu 9.10 won't emerge till the developer conference in May, so extensive criticism at this point is unwarranted. But I hope Shuttleworth and Canonical don't make the mistake of giving looks priority over what really matters." Christopher Tozzi from Works With U gives us his opinion on Mark Shuttleworth's recently outlined development goals for Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. He first outlines the development goals which are: better integration with cloud-computing environments, and the simplification of cloud creation using open-source tools on Ubuntu Server Edition, faster boot, seamless netbook support, taking advantage of kernel mode settings to make the boot process and virtual terminals shinier and snappier, and sprucing up the desktop by giving it a prettier default theme. He agrees with making it easy to use Ubuntu servers as hosts for clouds, and he believes it's critical to have hassle free netbook support. This blogger doesn't like the focus on making the boot manager and default theme look nicer. He concludes that, "the specifics of Ubuntu 9.10 won't emerge till the developer conference in May, so extensive criticism at this point is unwarranted. He hopes Shuttleworth and Canonical don't make the mistake of giving looks priority over what really matters."
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A blogger from Shape Shed did a side by side comparison between Ubuntu and OSX. He compared them by several aspects: appearance, text editor, Email client, web browser, music player, twitter client, office applications, ftp client, and workspaces. He had to work harder to get fonts they way he wanted, and still didn't like how Ubuntu's desktop looked so he gave his point to OSX for appearance. For text editor he compared gedit with textmate, and due to terminal integration in gedit he gave his point to Ubuntu. He didnt like Evolution in Ubuntu, but did like Thunderbird more than that he uses with OSX. This lead him to give the point to Ubuntu for email client. He then compared Firefox to Safari 4, and gave the point for browser to OSX. For music player he compared Rhythmbox to iTunes, and for functionality he gave it to OSX. For twitter client he compared gTwitter and Twitteriffic, and he didn't like how gTwitter worked so he gave the point to OSX. For office applications he compared iWork suite to Open Office, and with how bad iWork suite is, in his opinion, he gave the point to Ubuntu. For FTP client he compared Transmit with gFTP, and due to gFTP having a "clunkier" UI than Transmit he gave the point to OSX. For workplaces OSX just introduced Spaces which the blogger hasn't been able to get to work correctly so he gave the point to Ubuntu. His final score was OSX 5, Ubuntu 4. The blogger concludes this with "Granted my assessment criteria is very bespoke to me. For my daily development work my assessment is that Ubuntu would serve me well and I don't think it is that far behind.....I'm not going to be dumping OSX just yet but I've been really impressed with the amount that you can customize Ubuntu." Shape Shed did a side by side comparison the different aspects: appearance, text editor, Email client, web browser, music player, twitter client, office applications, ftp client, and workspaces. He had to work harder to get fonts they way he wanted, and still didn't like how Ubuntu's desktop, so he gave this point to OSX for appearance. For text editor he compared gedit with textmate, and due to terminal integration in gedit he gave his point to Ubuntu. He didn't like Evolution in Ubuntu, but did like Thunderbird more than leading him to give the point to Ubuntu. Safari and itunes got his nod over Firefox and Rhythmbox. For office applications he compared iWork suite to Open``, and he gave the point to Ubuntu. For FTP client he compared Transmit with gFTP, and due to gFTP having a "clunkier" UI than Transmit he gave the point to OSX. His final score was OSX 5, Ubuntu 4. Shape concludes that for his daily development work, Ubuntu would serve him well, and he doesn't think it is that far behind. He also liked that Ubuntu was much more configurable than OSX.
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Blogger Christopher Tozzi from Works With U looks into Red Hat's plans to go back into the desktop market, after concentrating on the server market so long. This has led people to believe that they are trying to go after Ubuntu. Mr. Tozzi points out that this is not the case, since Red Hat is working on a thin-client deployment. He also points out that Red Hat is already competing with Ubuntu with it's backing of Fedora. He then points out that they are more likely to be competing with IBM which recently announced a thin-client system. The difference between IBM's system and Red Hat's is that Red Hat has been saying that it's system will play nice with Windows, while IBM is sticking with using theirs to deploy Ubuntu workstations. This blogger once again assures us that, " Red Hat isn't set to challenge Ubuntu's dominance of the Linux desktop in any serious way, neither will it be stunting Ubuntu's encroachment into the server market, at least for now." Christopher Tozzi from Works With U looks into Red Hat's plans to go back into the desktop market after concentrating on the server market for so long. This has led people to believe that Red Hat is trying to go after Ubuntu. Christopher points out that this is not the case, since Red Hat is working on a thin-client deployment, and is more likely to be competing with IBM which recently announced it's own thin-client system.  Christopher thinks that, Red Hat isn't set to challenge Ubuntu's dominance of the Linux desktop in any serious way, or to encroachment into Ubuntu's server market for now.
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Blogger Joe Panettieri from Works With U talks about Unison Technologies fulfilling its promise to offer free unified communications software on Ubuntu Server Edition. "...Unison software is not opens source, but Unison will offer a free, advertising driven version of its unified communications software to customers running Ubuntu Server Edition." In a recent eWeek review of the software they concluded that, "Unison Server and Desktop unified communications software offers a good, basic UC experience, but lacks too many features to be useful to enterprises with advanced UC needs." The free price tag will still help with small businesses looking for cost-effective technologies. Mr. Panettieri concludes that, "Unison for Ubuntu Server Edition represents a small but significant step in Canonical's ongoing server initiative."

=== Why new Linux users should try Ubuntu first ===

Blogger possible248 from Coding Experiments goes over several aspects of Ubuntu that make him recommend it for new Linux users. Popularity is the first reason that he covers. This is because there are a large number of users, and the community is unlike many other linux distributions because it's so large. Next he talks about the large number of Ubuntu-specific tutorials. This makes it so that new linux users don't have to attempt to translate a tutorial to work for their distribution when trying to fix a problem. He then goes on to say that large repositories is another reason. This is due to some distributions not having all the dependencies for programs available right in the main repositories. He then goes on to say that media coverage is another reason. This is due to the fact that converted Windows users are more likely to have heard of Ubuntu before, and are thus more trusting of it. He concludes by saying that, "I don't mean to say that all users should use Ubuntu. I don't mean to say that Ubuntu works for all users. I don't mean to say that a user should try Ubuntu, even if it is explicitly obvious that Ubuntu will not fit the user's needs." He is just pointing out that, because of the reasons given Ubuntu is a good "first, but not always the only path taken."
Joe Panettieri talks about Unison Technologies fulfilling its promise to offer free unified communications software on Ubuntu Server Edition. "...Unison software is not open source, but Unison will offer a free, advertising driven, version of its unified communications software to customers running Ubuntu Server Edition." In a recent eWeek review of the software they concluded that, "Unison Server and Desktop unified communications software offers a good, basic UC experience, but lacks too many features to be useful to enterprises with advanced UC needs." The free price tag should help with small businesses looking for cost-effective technologies. Mr. Panettieri concludes that, "Unison for Ubuntu Server Edition represents a small but significant step in Canonical's ongoing server initiative."
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In this issue Nick and Josh bring you: In this podcast Nick and Josh bring you:
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Full Circle - the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community are proud to announce the release of our twenty-second issue. Full Circle - the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community is proud to announce the release of their twenty-second issue.
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The UK government has said it will accelerate the use of open source software in public services. Tom Watson MP, minister for digital engagement, said open source software would be on a level playing field with proprietary software such as Windows. Open source software will be adopted "when it delivers best value for money", the government said. It added that public services should where possible avoid being "locked into proprietary software". According to some in the open source industry, the shift from proprietary standards could save the government £600m a year. The UK government has said it will accelerate the use of open source software in public services. Tom Watson MP, minister for digital engagement, said open source software would be on a level playing field with proprietary software such as Windows. According to the government in the UK, Open source software will be adopted when it delivers best value for money. It added that public services should, where possible, avoid being locked into proprietary software. According to some in the open source industry, the shift from proprietary standards could save the government £600m a year.
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Martin Albisetti happened upon an Ubuntu user in a somewhat unique way. In a taxi, going to a friend's house, he strikes up a conversation with the driver. He's calmly talking about the work he does, working for a company that makes a Linux distribution called Ubuntu when the driver freaks out. The driver grabbed his cell phone (while he was driving), flips it open and displays the Ubuntu logo.
Martin Albisetti happened upon an Ubuntu user in a somewhat unique way. He was in a taxi going to a friend's house, when he struck up a conversation with the driver. Martin is explaining about the work he does for a company that makes a Linux distribution called Ubuntu. At that point the driver freaked out, and grabbed his cell phone (while he was driving), flips it open and displays the Ubuntu logo.
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  * Emmet Hikory sent a proposal to the Technical Board mailing list, which was discussed and largely agreed with a few generalisations (remove language making it specific to small sets of packages and small numbers of developers, and remove text about the lack of an existing maintenance team). The Board will deal with final polishing and ratify the proposal out of band.   * Emmet Hikory sent a proposal to the Technical Board mailing list, which was discussed and largely agreed with a few generalizations (remove language making it specific to small sets of packages and small numbers of developers, and remove text about the lack of an existing maintenance team). The Board will deal with final polishing and ratify the proposal out of band.
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  * Mark gave an update on the cdrtools inclusion situation. Joerg Schilling has declined to grant a specific permission on his CDDL code, and in the absence of that (or in the absence of a broader discussion between CDDL and GPL stakeholders to resolve the licence incompatibility), Eben Moglen of SFLC informs us that we cannot ship cdrtools. For the time being, the matter is closed.   * Mark gave an update on the cdrtools inclusion situation. Joerg Schilling has declined to grant a specific permission on his CDDL code, and in the absence of that (or in the absence of a broader discussion between CDDL and GPL stakeholders to resolve the license incompatibility), Eben Moglen of SFLC informs us that we cannot ship cdrtools. For the time being, the matter is closed.
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 * Got many bugs fixed thanks to the successful upload of AbiWord 2.6.6 and Xfce 4.6 RC1.  * Got many bugs fixed thanks to the successful upload of Abi``Word 2.6.6 and Xfce 4.6 RC1.
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 * Following the Grow the Xubuntu Community -specification:  * Following the Grow the Xubuntu Community specification:
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 * Following the Grow the Xubuntu Community -specification:  * Following the Grow the Xubuntu Community specification:
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 * The seeds for the Mobile flavours reflect the concepts inherent midway through the intrepid development cycle, and management thereof has not been adjusted to reflect changes in 8.10 final, those expected as part of jaunty, or those expected in preparation for the archive reorganisation. The Mobile seeds shall be adjusted to match a model expected to be stable for the next few cycles. This is not an end user visible specification  * The seeds for the Mobile flavours reflect the concepts inherent midway through the intrepid development cycle, and management thereof has not been adjusted to reflect changes in 8.10 final, those expected as part of jaunty, or those expected in preparation for the archive reorganization. The Mobile seeds shall be adjusted to match a model expected to be stable for the next few cycles. This is not an end user visible specification
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 * Whe participate in the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam: - Photo Gallery:  * We participate in the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam: - Photo Gallery:
Line 519: Line 501:
 * The Tampa Linux meeting of the Florida LoCo was held Saturday, Feb 7, 2009. The attendees set the direction for the next few monthly meetups and we managed to help a fellow member repair his Ubuntu installation. The meeting brought a bunch of new faces and several returning for more! Next meeting will be held on 7 March 2009. Meetup info: for details!  * The Tampa Linux meeting of the Florida Lo``Co was held Saturday, Feb 7, 2009. The attendees set the direction for the next few monthly meetups and we managed to help a fellow member repair his Ubuntu installation. The meeting brought a bunch of new faces and several returning for more! Next meeting will be held on 7 March 2009. Meetup info: for details!
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==== Ubuntu US Teams Meeting ====

 * Start: 22:00 UTC
 * End: 23:00 UTC
 * Location: #ubuntu-us
 * Agenda: Mentoring approvals

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==== New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo projects keep moving forward ====

On February 7, 2009 the New Mexico team began the final work of the installation of the Open Mesh network for the EPC campus. It took longer than they expected, including some attic climbing. Thanks to Lo``Co member Fred for getting covered in fiberglass insulation, and Lo``Co member Eric for purchasing the open mesh routers. Thanks to David from the EPC organization for "picking up lunch". The project still has some work to do, but was very sucessfull. The team has done many things for EPC including: creating a computer lab all running Ubuntu, computer classes being taught in the lab, and now a mesh router running througout the EPC campus. The team is looking to the future for more projects that they can perform for EPC, and other organizations. Pictures of the project can be found here:
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== UWN #: A sneak peek ==

## Articles that should have made it into this release but have been deferred should be listed here.
## Delete if unnecessary.
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## The following list is in chronological order.
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 * Your Name Here  * Dave Bush
Line 749: Line 740:
## Common acronyms  1. GDM - GNOME Display Manager.
 1. IRC - Internet Relay Chat.
 1. LUG - Linux User's Group.
 1. MID - Mobile Internet Device.
 1. MOTU - Master Of The Universe - Developers responsible for the Universe and Multiverse repositories.
 1. OS - Operating System.
 1. PPA - Personal Project Archive.
 1. UME - Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded.



  1. UWN Translations
  2. In This Issue
  3. General Community News
    1. Jaunty Alpha 5 Released
    2. Needed: Countdown to Jaunty Banners
    3. Ubuntu Global Bug Jam Success
    4. Voting for New MOTU Council seats
    5. Ubuntu Server: Call for testing(Suspend, Hibernate, Resume)
    6. Next Ubuntu Hug Day!
    7. Developer News: Issue #2
  4. Ubuntu Stats
    1. Bug Stats
    2. Translation Stats Jaunty
    3. Translation Stats Intrepid
    4. 5-a-day bug stats
    5. Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week
  5. LoCo News
    1. LoCo Teams Meeting
    2. Philadelphia Bug Jam
    3. Chicago Bug Jam
    4. Ubuntu-UK Bug Jam
    5. Arizona team has new website!
  6. Launchpad News
    1. Launchpad Performance Week Roundup
    2. Launchpad 2.2.2 Released
    3. Meet the Devs
  7. In The Press
    1. Ubuntu 9.04's new login screen and more
    2. Ubuntu bets on desktop sparkle
    3. Ubuntu allies with Amazon and Dell
    4. Netbook nightmare: My experiences with the Sylvania g netbook
    5. Subtle improvements to Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha 5
    6. Review: Ubuntu Mobile Edition
  8. In The Blogosphere
    1. Ubuntu runs one of every 3 Dell Netbooks sold
    2. Ubuntu is the new Windoze...Only Better...By Far
    3. Ubuntu 9.10: Better, or just better looking?
    4. Ubuntu vs OSX smackdown
    5. Is Red Hat taking aim at Ubuntu
    6. Unified Communications for Ubuntu Server Edition
  9. In Other News
    1. Ubuntu podcast #20
    2. Full Circle Magazine #22
    3. UK government backs open source
  10. Random Ubuntu Sightings
    1. Bumping into Ubuntu users
    2. London Bus Shelter
  11. Meeting Summaries: February 2009 Team Reports
    1. Ubuntu Technical Board
      1. Meeting 2009-02-10
    2. Ubuntu Development Teams
      1. Xubuntu Team
    3. Mobile Team
    4. Romanian Team
    5. Colombian Team
    6. Chicago Team
    7. Florida Team
    8. Pennsylvania Team
    9. Jordan Team
    10. Ubuntu Arabic
    11. Irish Team
    12. Arizona Team
    13. Full Circle Magazine
  12. Upcoming Meetings and Events
    1. Sunday, March 1, 2009
      1. Ubuntu Women Meeting
    2. Monday, March 2, 2009
      1. EMEA Membership Board Meeting
    3. Tuesday, March 3, 2009
      1. Asia Oceania Membership Board Meeting
      2. Server Team Meeting
      3. Desktop Team Meeting
      4. Kernel Team Meeting
      5. Community Council Meeting
    4. Wednesday, March 4, 2009
      1. Ubuntu-us-pa LoCo Team Meeting
      2. Foundation Team Meeting
      3. QA Team Meeting
    5. Thursday, March 5, 2009
      1. Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting
      2. Ubuntu Java Meeting
    6. Friday, March 6, 2009
      1. Jaunty Weekly Release Meeting
      2. Ubuntu US Teams Meeting
  13. Community Spotlight
    1. Team of the week
      1. New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo projects keep moving forward
  14. Updates and Security for 6.06, 7.10, 8.04, and 8.10
    1. Security Updates
    2. Ubuntu 6.06 Updates
    3. Ubuntu 7.10 Updates
    4. Ubuntu 8.04 Updates
    5. Ubuntu 8.10 Updates
  15. Archives and RSS Feed
  16. Additional Ubuntu News
  17. Conclusion
  18. Credits
  19. Glossary of Terms
  20. Ubuntu - Get Involved
  21. Feedback


Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #131 for the week February 22nd - February 28th, 2009. In this issue we cover: Jaunty Alpha 5 Released, Needed: Countdown to Jaunty Banners, Ubuntu Global Bug Jam Success, Voting for New MOTU Council seats, Ubuntu Server: Call for testing, Next Ubuntu Hug Day, Developer News: Issue #2, LoCo Team Meeting, Philadelphia Bug Jam, Chicago Bug Jam, Arizona team has new website, Launchpad Performance Week Roundup, Launchpad 2.2.2 released, Meet the Devs, Ubuntu podcast #20, Full Circle Magazine #22, UK government backs open source, Random Ubuntu Sightings, Feburary Team Meeting Summaries, Team of the Week(Ubuntu New Mexico), and much much more!

UWN Translations

  • Note to translators and our readers: We are trying a new way of linking to our translations pages. Please follow the link below for the information you need.

In This Issue

  • Jaunty Alpha 5 Released
  • Needed: Countdown to Jaunty Banners
  • Ubuntu Global Bug Jam Success
  • Voting for New MOTU Council seats
  • Ubuntu Server: Call for testing
  • Next Ubuntu Hug Day
  • Developer News: Issue #2
  • Ubuntu Stats
  • LoCo Team Meeting

  • Philadelphia Bug Jam
  • Chicago Bug Jam
  • Arizona team has new website
  • Launchpad Performance Week Roundup
  • Launchpad 2.2.2 released
  • Meet the Devs
  • In the Press & Blogosphere

  • Ubuntu podcast #20
  • Full Circle Magazine #22
  • UK government backs open source
  • Random Ubuntu Sightings
  • February Team Meeting Summaries
  • Upcoming Meetings & Events

  • Team of the Week: Ubuntu New Mexico
  • Updates & Security

General Community News

Jaunty Alpha 5 Released

Jaunty Jackalope Alpha 5 has been released. Pre-releases of Jaunty are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs. Alpha 5 includes a number of software updates that are ready for large-scale testing. Please refer to for information on changes in Ubuntu.

For those interested in helping with testing, reporting and fixing bugs, the Alpha release can be obtained from:

Needed: Countdown to Jaunty Banners

Once again, countdown graphics are needed. And this time the call is going out for others to help. This is a particularly unique opportunity because your creative work will be seen by millions and millions and millions of people across the world on many different websites.

Here are the guidelines for contributions:

  • Lets keep the same size as before. It worked great. 180px wide x 150px high.
  • Optimized png, gif or jpg format or, if you're gutsy, a lightweight iframe containing static HTML (no php etc), javascript and images. No google analytics or web bugs, no flash, small download size, only link will be back to the website. Animation should not be perpetual (i.e. stop after a few seconds) and should not annoy people. If you want to do the iframe thing ping me on IRC or email back to the list and we can discuss some ideas.
  • There are 32 images needed, days numbered 30 - 1, a "coming soon" for day 0 and an "it's here" once 9.04 is released
  • It is not needed nor recommended to try to incorporate the release code name "Jaunty Jackalope" into the design
  • We need to see results soon.

Ubuntu Global Bug Jam Success

Wow, what an incredible Ubuntu Global Bug Jam! Thanks to everyone who got involved. It's safe to say, it not only beat the number of bugs touched last year, but smashed it! Its events like this that really help us spread the Ubuntu Ethos. Thanks to everyone who got involved and helped make Ubuntu that bit better! Reports from the different events are still coming in, but there are lots of pictures at the link below so you can see for yourself.

Note: You can also read a short report on Global Bug Jam by Nathan(nhandler) here:

Voting for New MOTU Council seats

It has been decided to increase the MOTU council to seven seats. There are 3 community members up for nomination for the empty seats.

The nominees and their wiki pages:

Ubuntu Server: Call for testing(Suspend, Hibernate, Resume)

Dustin Kirkland reports on what he's seen of the the ability of a server to suspend, hibernate and resume. He was able to install the Ubuntu Jaunty Server on my hardware, both suspend and hibernate the system from the command line, and then remotely resume the system using wake-on-lan. Now he would like feedback from the Ubuntu Server community on their experiences. He provides detailed instructions on his blog for the information he needs and how to gather it.

Next Ubuntu Hug Day!

Martin Mai provides us with the next Ubuntu Hug Day information:

Developer News: Issue #2

The second edition of Ubuntu Developer News is out. For past items or to submit your own please see UbuntuDevelopment/News More submissions for the developer news would be very much appreciated.

In this issue of the Developer News they discuss the following:

  • Karmic Koala Announced
  • Jaunty Feature Freeze
  • Per-package uploaders and developer team structure
  • Python 2.6
  • Removal of aRts
  • Progress of the Mono 2.0 transition
  • Packaging large Java stacks
  • Kernel Stable Release Updates
  • White-listing external repositories in apturl
  • Kernel changes in Jaunty
  • Hardware Clock handling
  • The Stracciatella GNOME session
  • Pulseaudio in Jaunty
  • Status of Sugar on Ubuntu
  • Kubuntu and ports
  • Reinhard Tartler (siretart) resigns as MOTU Launchpad Liaison
  • MySQL and Amarok
  • New REVU Coordinator
  • Ubuntu Studio in Jaunty
  • Brainstorm for packaging requests?
  • REVU gets Filtering and Tags
  • Tools
  • Developer Changes
  • Meeting Minutes/Weekly Reports

You can read a short summary of the above points by following the link below.

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open (47558) +372 over last week
  • Critical (20) -2 over last week
  • Unconfirmed (19194) +414 over last week
  • Unassigned (39992) +404 over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (254327) +2151 over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Translation Stats Jaunty

  • Spanish (19982) +882 over last week
  • French (56307) +847 over last week
  • Brazilian Portuguese (64582) -367 over last week
  • Swedish (71985) -1822 over last week
  • English (Uk) (83808) +4239 over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope," see more at:

Translation Stats Intrepid

  • Spanish (15881) +/-0 over last week
  • French (61243) -148 over last week
  • Swedish (72656) +/-0 over last week
  • Brazilian Portuguese (73976) -388 over last week
  • English (UK) (81134) +/-0 over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex," see more at:

5-a-day bug stats

dholbach is in the process of refining the 5-a-day stats page. Here are the finals for the latest Global Bug Jam as of the end of the event.

  • gbj-fr-0902 - 297
  • gbj-UK-0902 - 293
  • - 269
  • gbj-michigan-0902 - 266
  • gbj-oklahoma-0902 - 162
  • gbj-florida-0902 - 156
  • gbj-fr-paris-0902 - 149
  • gbj-chicago-0902 - 149
  • gbj-colombia-0902 - 135
  • gbj-fr-toulouse-0902 - 110
  • gbj-za-0902 - 71
  • gbj-pennsylvania-0902 - 68
  • gbj-chile-0902 - 63
  • gbj-berlin-0902 - 63
  • gbj-dcteam-0902 - 55
  • gbj-IE-0902 - 9

Total Bugs touched: 2315

Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week

  • No file templates are installed by default
  • Resolution of unknown monitors is only 800x600 Pixels
  • Allow override of faulty resolution detection
  • rhythmbox doesn't auto-rate my songs
  • Whats happend after the updates?

Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or against another idea.

LoCo News

LoCo Teams Meeting

The US LoCo teams held a meeing on the 28th of February to discuss and share experiences, learn from each other, and see how other LoCos are "getting it done." Nick Ali(boredandblogging) chaired the meeting, and 78 nicks were in the #ubuntu-locoteams channel to participate. A great deal of discussion took place, and for that hour the channel was really jumping. Congratulations to the LoCoTeams for an informative and productive meeting. You can see a list of the main points discussed at the link.

Philadelphia Bug Jam

On Saturday Feb. 21st, the Philadelphia team of Ubuntu US Pennsylvania hosted their BugJam. PLUG member Art Alexion graciously offered them space at Resources for Human Development. They had a great room with wired connections for the event, and access to a kitchen for their eats. People started arriving around noon and they got things set up, retrieved the Oreo Cake and sticky buns donated by Pechter’s Bread.

The team started things off on a social level, answering basic questions, and getting everyone online with launchpad accounts. Lyz, (pleia2) had drafted some handouts the night before, and Jim Fisher supplied a bunch of printouts of the bug workflow charts. When people were finally settled in Connor Imes did a short presentation tour of the important Wiki pages and basics on how to find and handle bugs. The team did a great job with 9 participants and 6 hours of work. Pictures at the link.

Chicago Bug Jam

The Bug Jam started out with introductions all around before it got down to some major bug squashing. All over the room, they had people triaging and fixing bugs. Whenever somebody had a question, there was usually someone in the room who had the answer. However, even with all of the knowledgeable people that were present at the event, a question regarding 5-a-day came up that nobody knew the answer to. Calls to several people in the greater Ubuntu Community finally produced an answer. All in all the Chicago Bug Jam was a success, and team members really saw the meaning of what the Ubuntu Community is all about.

Ubuntu-UK Bug Jam

Ubuntu-UK actually held 2 bug jams. One in Birmingham starting Friday, and the other in London on Saturday. In both cases, the events were well attended. There were people that didn't have Launchpad accounts, either because they felt they didn't deserve one because they weren't programmers or because they'd never heard of Launchpad. However, everyone had an opportunity to participate in one way or another, and it was a great learning experience for everyone.

Arizona team has new website!

Ubuntu-Arizona has a new website and everyone is invited to visit and give their opinion about it by voting in the poll on the website. The team put the site together using Drupal, and with the help of several team members. 2 servers, rack space, and Internet connection were donated to the team, making this site possible. The better of the 2 servers is running the website, and soon will also be offering free hosting to the LUG groups in Arizona. The second server is being used to test programs, and for teaching server administration to team members.

Launchpad News

Launchpad Performance Week Roundup

As reported the beginning of February, Launchpad has been trying to improve the performance of page loading on their site. Bug pages now load only the first 80 comments, with a box in the space of the 81st allowing one to go beyond that. The subscriber list is loaded asynchronously, allowing the rest of the page to load without bottleneck. The PPA disk usage information and the detail for each package are both now loaded asynchronously with the detail only being loaded when you click on the header. There are other enhancements that have been done, and another Launchpad Performance Week will be performed in April. Read more about the Launchpad Performance Week Roundup at the link.

Launchpad 2.2.2 Released

Launchpad 2.2.2 has just made it easier to link to upstream bug reports. Launchpad developer Graham Binns explains:

  • Launchpad will now give you direct links to the bug search and filing forms in a project’s external tracker, so long as Launchpad knows the tracker’s location. To find the links, all you have to do is click “Also affects project” on the bug report and select the project you want to link to.

See more at Graham's blog post:

Meet the Devs

Matthew Revell of the Launchpad Team published 4 Launchpad interviews this week in their "Meet the Devs" section. The interviews are diverse and in depth, and worth the read. The interviewees work for different Launchpad Teams: Launchpad Code Team, Registry Team, Bazaar, and Translations. The full interviews are at the links:

In The Press

Ubuntu 9.04's new login screen and more

Ubuntu 9.04 is getting closer and closer to the final release, so here's a sneak peek at some of the upcoming features. One of these new features that was introduced with this weeks updates was a brand new login screen a.k.a. GDM (GNOME Display Manager) theme. It is black and has a nice Ubuntu logo in the right bottom corner. The new login screen is entitled "Human" and it was created by Kenneth Wimer and Mat Tomaszewski for Canonical. Also included was a revamp "Where are You" which is part of the Ubiquity installer. Finally the new "Notification" area was also included in the updates. Screen shots of each of these improvements at the link.

Ubuntu bets on desktop sparkle

Alastair Otter from MyBroadband describes some of the desktop redesign that is taking place with Ubuntu 9.04. The notification system, known as Notify-OSD, is intended to integrate better with Jaunty and provide system messages across all applications and keyboard actions. These are meant to be slicker and less disruptive than previously. Also, the login screen has been changed from the old brown screen. Now there will be a new, mostly black login screen with redesigned graphics. Further redesign will take place in Karmic Koala as it develops.

Ubuntu allies with Amazon and Dell

Dana Blankenhorn of ZDNet examines the alliances that Mark Shuttleworth is building with Amazon and Dell. With Amazon, it's the EC2 Cloud computing. Amazon's cloud isn't specific to a particular company's applications, nor is it a custom built work. It's a service business hosting serious applications. With Dell, it's the full line of Ubuntu Netbooks and laptops. Unlike other companies, this is a single Linux distribution support.

Netbook nightmare: My experiences with the Sylvania g netbook

Caitlyn Martin, writing on the O'Reilly website, relates her experiences with the Sylvania g Netbook. Overall, she was not impressed with this early version of the Sylvania Netbook. The first crashed within 10 days, and the second out of the box. Though she showed that, by wiping the drive and installing Ubuntu it is possible to make it work, she suggests that people forgo it for the newer Sylvania g Netbook Meso with the preloaded Ubuntu Netbook Remix.

Subtle improvements to Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha 5

Michael Larabel of Phoronix tells us that Ubuntu 9.04 is now at feature freeze so there isn't much to expect in Jaunty Alpha 5, but there are a few items worth highlighting. For one, the new desktop notification system has landed in Ubuntu 9.04, which looks nice if you are running on a composite desktop. There is a new log-in screen for Ubuntu 9.04, which is mostly black with only a bit of orange. A completely new desktop theme will not be here until Ubuntu 9.10, the Karmic Koala. The Ubiquity installer for Ubuntu 9.04 has also picked up a new world map. Also changed in the Ubiquity installer is the home encryption support, which has been removed unless you pre-seed the option to Ubiquity. This option has been temporarily dropped since there is no encrypted SWAP support, which reduces the security benefit of an encrypted home directory. The final alpha of Ubuntu 9.04 will be out in mid-March, and the final release of Ubuntu 9.04 is scheduled for the 23rd of April.

Review: Ubuntu Mobile Edition

Paul Ferrill of Wi-Fi Planet takes a look at Ubuntu Mobile Edition, and notes that the mobile Internet device (MID) space is one of the fastest growing platforms with new concept designs appearing every month. Ferrill was able to pick up one of the original Samsung Q1s from, but he found out that while the Q1 XP Tablet edition combination is functional, it just seemed like it wasn't made to fit the small form factor. Installing software often produced the clipped dialog screen problem where you couldn't see the buttons at the bottom to click on them. Enter Ubuntu Mobile: Canonical and Intel have teamed up to sponsor the Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded (UME) project with a goal of providing the infrastructure and necessary components for mobile application development. Images are available for download on the UME Website for the Samsung Q1 Ultra and Elektrobit MIMD. The installation procedure was well documented and easy to follow, and once the Q1 was rebooted the user was presented a screen with large buttons that make it easy to launch different applications with a finger touch. Ferrill's overall impression is that Ubuntu Mobile Edition represents a good start toward making the Linux operating system a viable alternative to Windows for these ultra portable devices.

In The Blogosphere

Ubuntu runs one of every 3 Dell Netbooks sold

A blogger from Netbook Digest says that "Dell has made a strong effort to support the Linux community." Dell's Director of Marketing announced that "A third of our Mini 9 mix is Linux, which is well above the standard attach rate for other systems that offer Linux." He mentions that the blogosphere was saying that Linux netbooks were having a rate of return that was four times higher, but Mr. Pinkert says that the return rate was comparable. The blogger speculates that MSI wasn't running Ubuntu so maybe the distro is the difference. He is interested to see how things change once Google's Android OS is release for the netbook market.

Ubuntu is the new Windoze...Only Better...By Far

Ctolbert from Yore Foundation introduces us to his favorite open source software like Mozilla's Firefox, which is used and recommended by many people and organizations. He then leads us into an introduction to Ubuntu. With netbooks coming out the way that they have, it has made people notice another option, and that option is Linux. The benefits of Linux, specifically Ubuntu, is evident. It's free, and has many applications for everyday tasks: web browsing, note taking, file sharing, document creation, and playing multimedia files. Linux also doesn't need anti-virus software, it uses lower systems resources, and has the ability to run as well on a lower powered machines.

Ubuntu 9.10: Better, or just better looking?

Christopher Tozzi from Works With U gives us his opinion on Mark Shuttleworth's recently outlined development goals for Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. He first outlines the development goals which are: better integration with cloud-computing environments, and the simplification of cloud creation using open-source tools on Ubuntu Server Edition, faster boot, seamless netbook support, taking advantage of kernel mode settings to make the boot process and virtual terminals shinier and snappier, and sprucing up the desktop by giving it a prettier default theme. He agrees with making it easy to use Ubuntu servers as hosts for clouds, and he believes it's critical to have hassle free netbook support. This blogger doesn't like the focus on making the boot manager and default theme look nicer. He concludes that, "the specifics of Ubuntu 9.10 won't emerge till the developer conference in May, so extensive criticism at this point is unwarranted. He hopes Shuttleworth and Canonical don't make the mistake of giving looks priority over what really matters."

Ubuntu vs OSX smackdown

Shape Shed did a side by side comparison the different aspects: appearance, text editor, Email client, web browser, music player, twitter client, office applications, ftp client, and workspaces. He had to work harder to get fonts they way he wanted, and still didn't like how Ubuntu's desktop, so he gave this point to OSX for appearance. For text editor he compared gedit with textmate, and due to terminal integration in gedit he gave his point to Ubuntu. He didn't like Evolution in Ubuntu, but did like Thunderbird more than leading him to give the point to Ubuntu. Safari and itunes got his nod over Firefox and Rhythmbox. For office applications he compared iWork suite to, and he gave the point to Ubuntu. For FTP client he compared Transmit with gFTP, and due to gFTP having a "clunkier" UI than Transmit he gave the point to OSX. His final score was OSX 5, Ubuntu 4. Shape concludes that for his daily development work, Ubuntu would serve him well, and he doesn't think it is that far behind. He also liked that Ubuntu was much more configurable than OSX.

Is Red Hat taking aim at Ubuntu

Christopher Tozzi from Works With U looks into Red Hat's plans to go back into the desktop market after concentrating on the server market for so long. This has led people to believe that Red Hat is trying to go after Ubuntu. Christopher points out that this is not the case, since Red Hat is working on a thin-client deployment, and is more likely to be competing with IBM which recently announced it's own thin-client system. Christopher thinks that, Red Hat isn't set to challenge Ubuntu's dominance of the Linux desktop in any serious way, or to encroachment into Ubuntu's server market for now.

Unified Communications for Ubuntu Server Edition

Joe Panettieri talks about Unison Technologies fulfilling its promise to offer free unified communications software on Ubuntu Server Edition. "...Unison software is not open source, but Unison will offer a free, advertising driven, version of its unified communications software to customers running Ubuntu Server Edition." In a recent eWeek review of the software they concluded that, "Unison Server and Desktop unified communications software offers a good, basic UC experience, but lacks too many features to be useful to enterprises with advanced UC needs." The free price tag should help with small businesses looking for cost-effective technologies. Mr. Panettieri concludes that, "Unison for Ubuntu Server Edition represents a small but significant step in Canonical's ongoing server initiative."

In Other News

Ubuntu podcast #20

In this podcast Nick and Josh bring you:

  • Ubuntu 9.04 release
  • New notification in Jaunty
  • Kubuntu 8.04.2 release
  • Ubuntu 9.10: Karmic Koala
  • US Teams seeking Mentors
  • Global Bug Jam summary
  • EPC in Albuquerque
  • Ubuntu wins LQ desktop of the year
  • and much more

Full Circle Magazine #22

Full Circle - the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community is proud to announce the release of their twenty-second issue.

This month:

  • Command and Conquer - Resizing Images With FFMPEG.
  • How-To : Program in C - Part 6, Web Development - Part 3, Installing CrunchEEE To The EEE PC, and Spreading Ubuntu.
  • My Story - Making The Switch
  • Book Review - Ubuntu For Non-Geeks 3rd Edition
  • MOTU Interview - Emanuele Gentili
  • Top 5 - DVD Rippers
  • PLUS: all the usual goodness...

Get it while it's hot!

UK government backs open source

The UK government has said it will accelerate the use of open source software in public services. Tom Watson MP, minister for digital engagement, said open source software would be on a level playing field with proprietary software such as Windows. According to the government in the UK, Open source software will be adopted when it delivers best value for money. It added that public services should, where possible, avoid being locked into proprietary software. According to some in the open source industry, the shift from proprietary standards could save the government £600m a year.

Random Ubuntu Sightings

Bumping into Ubuntu users

Martin Albisetti happened upon an Ubuntu user in a somewhat unique way. He was in a taxi going to a friend's house, when he struck up a conversation with the driver. Martin is explaining about the work he does for a company that makes a Linux distribution called Ubuntu. At that point the driver freaked out, and grabbed his cell phone (while he was driving), flips it open and displays the Ubuntu logo.

London Bus Shelter

An Ubuntu sticker has been sited on a bus shelter in south London.

Meeting Summaries: February 2009 Team Reports

Ubuntu Technical Board

Meeting 2009-02-10

  • Members present: Colin Watson (acting chair), Mark Shuttleworth, Matt Zimmerman, Scott James Remnant
  • Patent policy
    • Assigned to Jono, but no progress to report yet. Still on the radar because it blocks another TB ruling (ffmpeg).
  • Policy for per-package upload permissions
    • Emmet Hikory sent a proposal to the Technical Board mailing list, which was discussed and largely agreed with a few generalizations (remove language making it specific to small sets of packages and small numbers of developers, and remove text about the lack of an existing maintenance team). The Board will deal with final polishing and ratify the proposal out of band.
  • cdrtools
    • Mark gave an update on the cdrtools inclusion situation. Joerg Schilling has declined to grant a specific permission on his CDDL code, and in the absence of that (or in the absence of a broader discussion between CDDL and GPL stakeholders to resolve the license incompatibility), Eben Moglen of SFLC informs us that we cannot ship cdrtools. For the time being, the matter is closed.
  • Kernel firmware licensing
    • The Technical Board was approached with concerns about unclear licensing on specific firmware components shipped in Ubuntu. The kernel team has investigated this and has cleared everything except the DVB firmware, which is still a work in progress. This is on track for 9.04. In future, Pete Graner will review licences on all new firmware. This does not represent a change in firmware licensing policy, but rather simply ensuring that Ubuntu has the legal right to redistribute each item of firmware.
  • Kernel team upload privileges
    • Pete Graner asked the Technical Board to consider restricted upload privileges to kernel packages for Stefan Bader, who is responsible for kernel maintenance in stable releases. The Board approved Stefan's application and welcomed him to the development team.

Ubuntu Development Teams

Xubuntu Team


  • Preliminary ideas for Jaunty artwork.

Bug Triage:

  • Fixed the pages on the Xubuntu wiki for Bugs-Triage; made sure they agree with QA bugsquad pages.
  • Triaged a good number of bugs, some of the Xubuntu bugsquad participated in the Global Bug Jam, which was a big success.
  • Got many bugs fixed thanks to the successful upload of AbiWord 2.6.6 and Xfce 4.6 RC1.



  • Jim and Pasi are working to make Yelp look more Xubuntuish on Xubuntu.
  • Jim has been integrating updates from Ubuntu documentation into Xubuntu docs, and is finding the merge process helpful in fixing bugs and incorporating info about new features.
  • Much of the Xubuntu-specific documentation still needs to be written, but some of it can be adapted from previous versions of Xubuntu docs.
  • Jim will be filing bugs against problem areas to help direct people to areas where they can pitch-in during a Xubuntu-doc hug day.


Packaging, Development, & Testing:

  • Released Alpha 4
  • Uploaded all of Xfce 4.6 RC1 (Big Thanks to Lionel, Michael, Jeromeg, and the Debian Xfce Team).
  • Moved all our packages into bazaar branches and setup a number of imports for Xfce components.
  • Jeromeg uploaded xfce-switch-plugin (a user session switcher applet).
  • Lionel uploaded a new version of gigolo (formerly known as Sion).
  • Mario patched xfce4-session to not show the tips screen on first log in.
  • Jeromeg uploaded xfce4-power-manager.
  • Nathan Handler (nhandler) has been working with the samba browser patch for Thunar.

Mobile Team

Spent some time reviewing the specs. In summary these are:

  • The open source components of Ubuntu Netbook Remix (UNR) will be fully integrated into the Jaunty release. An installation image will be created by the distro team using the standard distro tools (ubiquity)and this will include a modified seed and a modified set of applications. These are:
    • netbook-config # a default UNR configuration (gconf settings, etc..)
    • netbook-launcher # the UNR launcher
    • desktop-switcher # a switcher between UNR desktop and gnome
    • human-netbook-theme # the default UNR theme
    • maximus # a window maximizer daemon
    • window-picker-applet # a window picker panel applet
    • go-home-applet # a go home panel applet
    • webfav # a firefox extension to save bookmarks to UNR launcher

      The source for most of these packages is available at The image will also include standard Ubuntu packages that were modified by the OEM Services Group most notably to make the UI fit in 576 vertical pixels. Also a modified kernel is available here;a=summary

  • For the Mobile images a mobile setup wizard allows user-customisation post-install to better support OEM rollouts. The setup questions asked were reviewed
  • The seeds for the Mobile flavours reflect the concepts inherent midway through the intrepid development cycle, and management thereof has not been adjusted to reflect changes in 8.10 final, those expected as part of jaunty, or those expected in preparation for the archive reorganization. The Mobile seeds shall be adjusted to match a model expected to be stable for the next few cycles. This is not an end user visible specification
  • Provide a softboot loader for ARM to address outstanding issues with the wide variety of methods used to boot ARM devices. One of the major problems with the ARM architecture is that there is no standardized boot framework like EFI/BIOS on a PC, or Open Firmware on a Mac, which makes supporting Ubuntu on ARM a rather difficult process since not only the kernel must be tweaked, but we also must add support to d-i for each boot configuration we want to support. The basis of the soft boot loader is to get a system to a point where it can load the main operating system. It makes more sense to use the Linux kernel to load all the necessary devices (IDE,USB etc), load the main kernel image, and then boot into it
  • With the armel architecture (Ubuntu supports the ARMv7 architecture) appearing in ubuntu it needs to be identified which selection of images should be built. ARM uses very specific boot methods for hardware that can vary from board to board, the currently vfat/syslinux or iso9660/isolinux image setup used for other architectures will not boot right away, ARM will need special treatment and we need to identify a bootloader process that works for the majority of the devices.
  • Reviewing the lpia v i386 issue. The lpia architecture is a maintenance burden for Ubuntu; we need to make sure it's useful enough or dropped: either by asserting that it is useful enough, or by changing it into something more useful. The lpia architecture also creates problems of its own (incompatibility with third party .debs)
  • David also cleaned up mobile related specs in Launchpad

Romanian Team

Colombian Team

Chicago Team

  • Planned for the Ubuntu global Bug Jam, securing office space & reaching out to members of the Free Software community who aren't regular participants in Ubuntu-specific events.

  • Actually participated in the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam, including about 25 on-site participants over two days!
  • Discussed possibility of updating the Ubuntu-Chicago website using the drupal loco-team template.

Florida Team

  • The Tampa Linux meeting of the Florida LoCo was held Saturday, Feb 7, 2009. The attendees set the direction for the next few monthly meetups and we managed to help a fellow member repair his Ubuntu installation. The meeting brought a bunch of new faces and several returning for more! Next meeting will be held on 7 March 2009. Meetup info: for details!

  • The Florida Team participated in the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam. We met several new contributors and triaged over a hundred bugs.
  • Planning continues for the 3/9/2009 Florida Linux Show. Ubuntu Florida will be exhibiting and demoing Ubuntu and new Jaunty features.
  • Next Meeting Date 3/3/2009

Pennsylvania Team

Jordan Team

  • Jad has resigned from Ubuntu Jordan. Khamis and Faisal taking care of the team now

Ubuntu Arabic

  • Jad is about to resign, still need to find a new team lead/contact.

Irish Team

Arizona Team

Full Circle Magazine

  • Issue #21 was released on time, and has been downloaded nearly 20,000 times.
  • Translations uploaded: #19 Italian. #20 Hungarian, Chinese and Turkish. #21 Russian.
  • All book and badge prizes up to #21 sent off, finally. Sorry for the delay folks!
  • FCM#22 nearly complete, just need to add a couple of space filler ads, some news, and it'll be ready for release this coming Friday, 27th February.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ubuntu Women Meeting

Monday, March 2, 2009

EMEA Membership Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Asia Oceania Membership Board Meeting

Server Team Meeting

Desktop Team Meeting

Kernel Team Meeting

  • Start: 17:00 UTC
  • End: 18:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: Not listed as of publication

Community Council Meeting

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ubuntu-us-pa LoCo Team Meeting

  • Start: 12:30 UTC
  • End: 13:30 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-us-pa
  • Agenda: None as of publication

Foundation Team Meeting

  • Start: 16:00 UTC
  • End: 17:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

QA Team Meeting

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting

  • Start: 12:00 UTC
  • End: 13:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Ubuntu Java Meeting

  • Start: 14:00 UTC
  • End: 15:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Friday, March 6, 2009

Jaunty Weekly Release Meeting

Ubuntu US Teams Meeting

  • Start: 22:00 UTC
  • End: 23:00 UTC
  • Location: #ubuntu-us
  • Agenda: Mentoring approvals

Community Spotlight

Team of the week

New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo projects keep moving forward

On February 7, 2009 the New Mexico team began the final work of the installation of the Open Mesh network for the EPC campus. It took longer than they expected, including some attic climbing. Thanks to LoCo member Fred for getting covered in fiberglass insulation, and LoCo member Eric for purchasing the open mesh routers. Thanks to David from the EPC organization for "picking up lunch". The project still has some work to do, but was very sucessfull. The team has done many things for EPC including: creating a computer lab all running Ubuntu, computer classes being taught in the lab, and now a mesh router running througout the EPC campus. The team is looking to the future for more projects that they can perform for EPC, and other organizations. Pictures of the project can be found here:

Updates and Security for 6.06, 7.10, 8.04, and 8.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

Ubuntu 8.10 Updates

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • John Crawford
  • Craig A. Eddy
  • Kenny McHenry

  • Jeff Martin
  • Dave Bush
  • Liraz Siri
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms

  1. GDM - GNOME Display Manager.
  2. IRC - Internet Relay Chat.
  3. LUG - Linux User's Group.
  4. MID - Mobile Internet Device.
  5. MOTU - Master Of The Universe - Developers responsible for the Universe and Multiverse repositories.
  6. OS - Operating System.
  7. PPA - Personal Project Archive.
  8. UME - Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded.

Ubuntu - Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu.


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list at and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send them to

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License CCL.png Creative Commons License 3.0 BY SA

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue131 (last edited 2009-03-01 21:46:43 by ip68-0-181-84)