
Revision 11 as of 2010-02-28 15:05:29

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  1. UWN Translations
  2. In This Issue
  3. General Community News
    1. New Ubuntu Members: Americas Board Meeting
  4. Ubuntu Stats
    1. Bug Stats
    2. Translation Stats Karmic
    3. Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week
  5. LoCo News
  6. New in Karmic Koala
  7. Launchpad News
  8. Ubuntu Forums News
  9. In The Press
    1. A preview of Ubuntu 10.04
    2. An Update On The Boot & Power Performance In Ubuntu 10.04
    3. Ubuntu 10.04 to Include Built-In Music Store
    4. Ubuntu goin' gray, like the Mac OS way?
  10. In The Blogosphere
    1. Customizing the Ubuntu Application Stack Before Installation
    2. EFL brings Ubuntu Netbook Remix to ARM
    3. Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 3 Released - What's new?
    4. Ubuntu Linux Now Available to Fed Customers on GSA Advantage
    5. UbuntuOne Music Store - Your Questions Answered
  11. In Other News
    1. Full Circle Magazine #34
  12. Meeting Summaries: <MONTH> <YEAR>
  13. Upcoming Meetings and Events
    1. Monday, March 1, 2010
      1. Security Team Catch-up
    2. Tuesday, March 2, 2010
      1. Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting
      2. Developer Membership Board
      3. Desktop Team Meeting
      4. Kernel Team Meeting
      5. LoCo Teams Meeting
      6. Building multimedia into your app with GStreamer - Laszlo Pandy
      7. EMEA Membership Meeting
      8. Community Council Meeting
    3. Wednesday, March 3, 2010
      1. Ubuntu Beginners Team Meeting
      2. Ubuntu Women Project IRC Meeting
      3. Server Team Meeting
      4. Cameroonian LoCoTeam monthly IRC meeting
      5. How to run a Translation Jam
      6. Foundation Team Meeting
      7. QA Team Meeting
      8. Edubuntu Meeting
      9. Ubuntu-uk LoCo Meeting
    4. Thursday, March 4, 2010
      1. Ubuntu Java Meeting
      2. How to run a Packaging Jam
      3. Ubuntu Translations Meeting
    5. Friday, March 5, 2010
      1. Lucid Weekly Release Meeting
    6. Saturday, March 6, 2010
      1. How to Run a Jam
      2. BugJam
      3. DC Loco IRC meeting
    7. Sunday, March 7, 2010
  14. Community Spotlight
  15. Updates and Security for 6.06, 8.04, 8.10, 9.04 and 9.10
    1. Security Updates
    2. Ubuntu 6.06 Updates
    3. Ubuntu 8.04 Updates
    4. Ubuntu 8.10 Updates
    5. Ubuntu 9.04 Updates
    6. Ubuntu 9.10 Updates
  16. UWN #: A sneak peek
  17. Subscribe
  18. Archives and RSS Feed
  19. Additional Ubuntu News
  20. Conclusion
  21. Credits
  22. Glossary of Terms
  23. Ubuntu - Get Involved
  24. Feedback



Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #182 for the week February 21st - February 27th, 2010. In this issue we cover ...

UWN Translations

  • Note to translators and our readers: We are trying a new way of linking to our translations pages. Please follow the link below for the information you need.

In This Issue

General Community News

New Ubuntu Members: Americas Board Meeting

The approval results from the February 25th Americas Membership meeting are as follows:

Dylan Mccall

Dylan is a student from Vancouver, Canada who has been using and following development of Ubuntu since 2006. He is the maintainer of the slideshow that runs during Ubuntu's desktop installation process, simply named "ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu" and also contributes to the forums, writes patches and submits bugs.

Penelope Stowe

Penelope has been using Ubuntu since 7.04 and is currently involved with several projects in the community, including: Ubuntu Women, Ubuntu User Days as an organizer and now member of the Classroom team, Ubuntu NGO as co-head of the Advocacy team, has worked with Ubuntu UK and is also involved with research to create an open source device for people who cannot communicate orally or through sign.

Anthony Hook

Anthony is a Computer Science student at the University of Wisconsin and is currently the team lead for Ubuntu Wisconsin where he has hosted a successful release party, launched a new website and organized monthly team meetings. He also is involved with bug reporting, testing and has done some work with application development.

Robert Wall

Robert has been an active member of the California LoCo team since December 2008, working on many projects and events, including: the team's approval application, manning booths at both OSCON 2009 and SCaLE 8x 2010, handling mailing list, IRC channel and launchpad administration, and also even has time for the occasional forays into Launchpad Answers and Ubuntu bug triaging.

Brett Alton

Brett Canadian web developer and computer science undergrad who began using Ubuntu with 5.10. In addition to deploying over 60 Ubuntu installations, he is active on the forums, brainstorm ideas, bug reports, feature requests, blog posts and blog posts. He is currently helping the project with user interface work and doing work on the Ground Control project.

Pablo Rubianes

Pablo is a member of Uruguay's LoCo Community Council where he has done a considerable amount of work with the team site and wiki, handling administrative tasks and developing tutorials in Spanish. He is also a member of the Ubuntu Beginners team, was also instrumental in the recent Spanish version of Ubuntu User Day, has done translations and documentation work.

A big welcome from the Americas Board and the Ubuntu community to all of these great new members!

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open (77026) +335 over last week
  • Critical (26) +/-0 over last week
  • Unconfirmed (38964) -38 over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Translation Stats Karmic

  1. Spanish (10404) −210 # over last week
  2. English (United Kingdom) (16234) −3819 # over last week
  3. French (40201) −89 # over last week
  4. Brazilian Portuguese (40568) −1120 # over last week
  5. German (65160) Not listed last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala", see more at:

Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week

Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or against another idea.

LoCo News

New in Karmic Koala

Launchpad News

Ubuntu Forums News

In The Press

A preview of Ubuntu 10.04

Kenny Johnson of the PC Report acknowledges that Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is only in the Alpha stage of testing at this moment. It doesn’t look extremely different from the current version of Ubuntu but there are a few noticeable differences. Johnson decided to dig a little to find out what has been changed. The most notable differences to me are the games (or lack thereof) and a video editing software called PiTiVi. The games that come with Ubuntu 10.04 are AisleRiot Solitaire, gbrainy, Mahjongg, Mines, Quadrapassel, and Sudoku. The video editor known as PiTiVi looks similar to Windows Movie Maker in Johnson's opinion. Ubuntu Software Center has been upgraded, and when you click on the Games category the screen gets split and you can chose from a sub-category or scroll through the entire list of games. These are just the first few things Johnson discovered. Follow this link for more information:

An Update On The Boot & Power Performance In Ubuntu 10.04

Phoronix's Michael Larabel recalls that in December he wrote that Ubuntu 10.04 already shortened the boot time, which has been a great focus amongst Canonical and Ubuntu developers as they strive for a ten second boot. A lot has changed since that article was published last year, including the introduction of Plymouth and many kernel mode-setting improvements along with the introduction of Nouveau for NVIDIA KMS support. Larabel has ran a new boot performance comparison on two laptops and a netbook to see how the boot times are looking with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS when compared to Ubuntu 9.10. He also looked at how the power consumption has changed in the Lucid Lynx for these mobile devices. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx" is certainly on track to booting much faster than its predecessor, which will certainly please many mobile users particularly those with netbook computers. While it's not been an active area of interest for Ubuntu developers, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS doesn't appear to be any more power efficient than Ubuntu 9.10 besides with some notebooks now dimming to a darker state by default when running on battery power.

Ubuntu 10.04 to Include Built-In Music Store

Kevin Purdy of Lifehacker notes that looking to further its mission of making your software, and your media, free of restrictions, Ubuntu is bundling an Ubuntu One Music Store into 10.04, the next release of the Linux operating system due out in April. The store uses 7Digital as its provider, likely due to its greater international availability than Amazon's own offering, and looks to be integrated into the Rhythmbox music player. The Ubuntu One name implies a likely connection with the cloud-based file syncing service, and a blogger who came across a preview interface [1] says each track purchased can be downloaded 3 times on different computers.

Ubuntu goin' gray, like the Mac OS way?

Tech Source's Jun Auza reports that a source from inside the Ubuntu team has informed a blogger that there will be an important announcement coming from Canonical regarding a possible rebranding of Ubuntu. A lot of enthusiasts are quick to speculate that the changes will be all about the color schemes used by Ubuntu and that it may go from brown to gray. Evidence pointing to an Ubuntu makeover is this Ubuntu Single Sign On page where the logo being used is color gray and not the usual brown. There’s also this statement made by Shuttleworth from a recent interview in which he said: "We'll have some new styling which is going to be the starting point of another five year view. We've been Human for the last five years and now we're going to be light oriented." If indeed Ubuntu turns to gray or light oriented as they call it, how will the users react?

In The Blogosphere

Customizing the Ubuntu Application Stack Before Installation

EFL brings Ubuntu Netbook Remix to ARM

Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 3 Released - What's new?!+Ubuntu!%29

Ubuntu Linux Now Available to Fed Customers on GSA Advantage

UbuntuOne Music Store - Your Questions Answered!+Ubuntu!%29

In Other News

Full Circle Magazine #34

Full Circle - the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community are proud to announce the release of our thirty-fourth issue.

This month:

  • Command and Conquer.
  • How-To : Program in Python – Part 8, Digitally Retouching a Photo in GIMP, and The Perfect Server – Part 4.
  • My Story – a Linux User, and Powerpets.
  • Review – Acer UL30-A laptop.
  • MOTU Interview – Roderick Greening.
  • Top 5 – Reference Tools.
  • Ubuntu Women, Ubuntu Games, My Opinion, and all the usual goodness!

Get it while it's hot:

Full Circle Magazine now has a new podcast available. Created by Robin Catling, Ed Hewitt and Dave Wilkins, the podcast features tech segments, news, opinions, and fun tidbits. Check it out here:

Meeting Summaries: <MONTH> <YEAR>

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Monday, March 1, 2010

Security Team Catch-up

  • Start: 18:00 UTC
  • End: 18:30 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: nothing formal, just a weekly catch-up.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting

Developer Membership Board

  • Start: 15:00 UTC
  • End: 16:00 UTC
  • Location: None listed as of publication
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Desktop Team Meeting

Kernel Team Meeting

  • Start: 17:00 UTC
  • End: 18:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: Not listed as of publication

LoCo Teams Meeting

  • Start: 18:00 UTC
  • End: 19:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-locoteams
  • Agenda: Not listed as of publication

Building multimedia into your app with GStreamer - Laszlo Pandy

  • Start: 20:00 UTC
  • End: 21:00 UTC
  • Location: None listed as of publication
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

EMEA Membership Meeting

Community Council Meeting

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ubuntu Beginners Team Meeting

Ubuntu Women Project IRC Meeting

Server Team Meeting

Cameroonian LoCoTeam monthly IRC meeting

How to run a Translation Jam

  • Start: 15:00 UTC
  • End: 16:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-locoteams
  • Agenda: Not listed as of publication

Foundation Team Meeting

  • Start: 16:00 UTC
  • End: 17:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

QA Team Meeting

Edubuntu Meeting

Ubuntu-uk LoCo Meeting

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ubuntu Java Meeting

  • Start: 14:00 UTC
  • End: 15:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

How to run a Packaging Jam

  • Start: 15:00 UTC
  • End: 16:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-locoteams
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Ubuntu Translations Meeting

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lucid Weekly Release Meeting

Saturday, March 6, 2010

How to Run a Jam

  • Start: 19:00 UTC
  • End: 20:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-locoteams
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication


  • Start: 21:00 UTC
  • End: 23:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-us-dc and IRC channel #ubuntu-bugs
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

DC Loco IRC meeting

  • Start: 23:00 UTC
  • End: 24:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-us-dc
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Sunday, March 7, 2010

  • None listed as of publication

Community Spotlight

Updates and Security for 6.06, 8.04, 8.10, 9.04 and 9.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

Ubuntu 8.10 Updates

Ubuntu 9.04 Updates

Ubuntu 9.10 Updates

UWN #: A sneak peek


Get your copy of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter delivered each week to you via email at:

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • John Crawford
  • Craig A. Eddy
  • Dave Bush
  • Your Name Here
  • Liraz Siri
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms

Other acronyms can be found at

Ubuntu - Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu.


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list at and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send them to

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License CCL.png Creative Commons License 3.0 BY SA