
Differences between revisions 194 and 195
Revision 194 as of 2012-03-02 22:31:27
Size: 18161
Editor: 99-191-111-134
Comment: update to use flavor term for the derivatives working closely with the Ubuntu team and schedules.
Revision 195 as of 2012-03-12 01:52:52
Size: 18260
Editor: 81
Comment: + elementary OS (
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 188: Line 188:
 * elementary OS - user-experience-centric distribution with a custom DE

Ubuntu Ecosystem

Official editions

These editions are created and maintained by Canonical and the Ubuntu community. They receive full support from Canonical, its partners and the Community.

Recognised Flavors

These are derivatives that use Ubuntu as their foundation and and are recognised by Canonical as contributing significantly towards the project.

  • Edubuntu - Ubuntu for Education

  • Kubuntu - Ubuntu with the KDE desktop environment

  • Mythbuntu - Designed for creating a home theatre PC with MythTV

  • UbuntuStudio - Designed for multimedia editing and creation

  • Xubuntu - Ubuntu with the XFCE desktop environment

  • Lubuntu - Ubuntu that uses LXDE

Derivative Team Members

Derivative Team Members are created and maintained by individuals and organizations outside of Canonical and Ubuntu. Quality Assurance is maintained by cooperation between the derivative and Ubuntu. These derivatives are self governed but, work closely with the Ubuntu community.


Member localizations are created and maintained by Approved Ubuntu LoCo teams.


  • BackBox - Flexible Penetration Testing Distribution.

  • Baltix - GNU/Linux for Baltic states. (Mainly for Lithuania and Latvia)

  • Fluxbuntu - uses Fluxbox as the desktop environment.

  • Freespire - The link to is no longer available - Freespire is a community-driven operating system based on Ubuntu, but also provides users the choice of including proprietary codecs, drivers and applications as they see fit.

  • FrogLinux - French derivative primarily targeted at users in Québec.

  • Guadalinex - Spanish language Customization.

  • Itis Linux - Italian Operating System for Italian High Schools

  • Linspire - The company distributing Linspire was acquired by Xandros, and the Linspire OS is no longer developed or being supported.

  • ChristianUbuntu - Ubuntu Christian Edition

  • Ubuntu Mini Remix - Fully working Ubuntu livecd containing only the minimal set of software to make the system work. Ubuntu Mini Remix ISO image is only 133MB.

  • Sabily - Ubuntu Muslim Remix

  • Ubuntulite - Ubuntu with lightweight programs

  • UbuntuRescueRemix - The Rescue Remix provides a Free-Libre Open-Source data recovery software toolkit based on Ubuntu

Derivative Team Community

The Derivative Team Community consists of Ubuntu based distributions that have chosen to work less closely with the Ubuntu Community. Often, they are more experimental or are branching from the Derivative Teams mission.


  • Itis Linux - Italian Operating System for Italian High Schools

  • Ubuntu Mini Remix - Fully working Ubuntu livecd containing only the minimal set of software to make the system work. Ubuntu Mini Remix ISO image is only 150MB.

  • Ubuntu Privacy Remix - Ubuntu Privacy Remix is a tool to protect your data against unsolicited access:


Known derivatives have not yet chosen to work with the Derivative Team.



TODO Contact

TODO Create Page

Please create subpages for these distributions just like for others. Use the form below to create new subpages based on the default template. When you create a page for one of the following distros please move it up to "TODO Contact" section.

Other lists of derivatives

Join the Ubuntu Ecosystem

Derivatives please join us.

  1. Add your distribution to this page.
  2. Create a distribution information page.
  3. Create a distribution contact account in Launch Pad.
  4. Join the Derivative team.

If you are not interested in joining us at this time, please add your contact information so potential users can find you.

Create a derivative subpage

To create a new derivative subpage enter it's name below:



CategoryDerivatives CategoryAccessibility CategoryAccessibility

DerivativeTeam/Derivatives (last edited 2021-04-17 22:56:13 by roguescholar)