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Grant Bowman


I began using Unix in 1989 and have been using Linux since 1994 when I co-founded Silicon Valley Public Access Link (SV-PAL or, a FreeNet for Santa Clara County that is still a self-sustaining not for profit ISP today. While running various distributions I have contributed bugs and patches to several open source software projects as I have "scratched my own itch." I am a retired Debian Developer because packaging is not a passion of mine. I was a full time employee with the US branch of SuSE from 1999 to 2001.

Ubuntu Contributions

Summary: I have worked for over a year attending and organizing events in California including release parties, Linux User Groups and OSCON.

Detailed: Since June, 2008 I have been active with the California LoCo. I have represented Ubuntu at Lindependence in Felton, CA in June 2008 and numerous user groups while handing out CDs and answering questions. Due to the density of Linux activity in northern California I feel it makes sense to work with and support LUG efforts. I helped organize and/or attended Jaunty launch parties and was a co-organizer of our OSCON booth. I have worked to improve our team's wiki presence. I have been working with the team to expand the ways we communicate to include and Facebook with positive results. I have been volunteering in the KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy public middle school and CACS with Christian Einfeldt and Partimus preparing additional P4 and P3 Ubuntu and Xubuntu machines for use by students locally and in Mexico through I recently volunteered for the first time at St. Anthony's in the computer lab, assisting the San Francisco LUG in their ongoing efforts.

Present & Future Goals

Development of a consistent Ubuntu presence in California is my first priority, helping junior volunteers feel comfortable stepping forward into the roles I currently fill. I am pursuing Ubuntu Membership. I am always looking for ways to help promote the adoption of Ubuntu and Linux more broadly in support of bug #1.


I had the privilege of meeting Grant at the Community Leadership Summit and OSCON earlier this year. Grant's enthusiasm for the Ubuntu project and the continued success of the California LoCo team as well as various Linux groups is contagious. Grant is able to convey the "Ubuntu Spirit" in a positive and productive way. Grant continues to look for future projects to promote the advocacy and support of Ubuntu. Definitely should be a member. -- akgraner 2009-08-28 21:20:09

I met Grant Bowman for the first time at OSCON 2009. He is a very cool guy with a great attitude. He was very engaged with his team and their goals and was quick to help others. During the conference I stayed with a friend at his Sister's house and during the Community Leadership Summit prior to OSCON, Bryan and I walked close to a mile or so to catch the Train, then a bus, and finally arrived at the San Jose Convention Center for the first two days. That last day of walking we had went to dinner with the California team and Grant, when leaving offered us a ride. While dropping us off he said on days that he was available he would come and pick us up to save us the walking and fare. I really appreciated it. I think he winded up picking us up the rest of the week. I believe that Grant is a dynamite advocate for ubuntu and would make a fine ubuntu member, I also believe he would give you the shirt off his back! He and all of the members of the California LoCo Team made the visiting loco's feel more than welcome. -- itnet7 2009-08-27 19:42:46

I met Grant at the Community Leadership Summit that took place prior to OSON 2009. He had volunteered to help organize the event and did a fantastic job. Grant was also involved in organizing the Ubuntu Loco booth at OSCON 2009 with the rest of the California LoCo team. The two days leading up the exhibit hall opening, he worked tirelessly to make sure the booth was prepared and that the team would have everything they needed.- GarethGreenaway

Grant is a credit to the Ubuntu community and Open Source movement in general. His sheer commitment to Ubuntu and Free Culture is stunning and he is a pleasure to work with. I absolutely support his appointment as an Ubuntu Member. JonoBacon

Grant has been instrumental in supporting two public middle schools in San Francisco with FOSS, as he mentions above. Specifically, Grant has almost single-handedly triaged more than 100 computers for use in the Creative Arts School classrooms and Ubuntu lab, as well as the KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy classrooms. Currently, there are about 80 Ubuntu GNU-Linux machines running in these two schools that would not have been operational but for Grant's support. In addition, Grant has provided sys admin support to me in assisting teachers and students at these two schools. I am a level-one sys admin, who occasionally needs the help from a more educated, experienced sys admin in order to keep the machines at these schools running, and Grant has been instrumental in helping me when I encountered problems that I was not able to solve through recourse to community resources on the Internet. Also, Grant has provided me and others with nicely presented live Ubuntu CDs. It might sound like a minor thing, but Grant's planting of Ubuntu CDs has meant that we have had Ubuntu CDs at the ready when we did not expect a need for live CDs, which has been helpful in providing Ubuntu environments for newbies whom I have encountered on the fly. And the Ubuntu CD cover that Grant provides makes a good impression on newbies. einfeldt

Sub Pages

Related pages shows the search results for all the wiki pages that contain my user name, but not all that I have edited.
