Whomever adds a point to the page, kindly make 'Added by [your nick/name]:' as the prefix , so that it will be easy for us to discuss in the meeting with you on the side to give a brief explanation regarding your Idea/suggestion
Plans and Progress
Till 10/25/2011
List of "NOs"
There will be NO UBT Council - [ Alternate: There will be a POC for the whole UBT, so that people from the community can communicate through him/her to the whole team ]
There will be NO UBT membership - [ Alternate: There will be a separate flow of mentoring and membership for each Focus Groups ]
There will be NO Specific/group of chairpersons for the meeting - [Alternate: Anyone can chair the meeting(If he knows the meeting procedure and the bot, plus the members present in the meeting agree to let him/her to chair the meeting)
There will be NO orders - [ Alternate: There will be only 'Ideas', which will be discussed in the meeting and will be applied ]
List of "YESs"
Yes, UBT is an Open Team - Anyone can join UBT any time and can find the way to contribute to the community. There is no need to drop a mail. Just get into the IRC and get new friends and colleagues
Yes, You can give ideas from the first day you enter into the team. There is no condition that you should be a known person to everyone/ contributed already. (Hope we all are beginners in some fact
Yes, You can support/speak against any Idea ( If you have a valid point, it will be processed )
Yes, We are looking for the support from the whole Ubuntu community to help us work on the Focus groups, by providing some of their time in mentoring people and guiding them to contribute in the future.
Yes, You can help us in this restructuring process and suggest what you want to change/apply in UBT.
Have to frame a core team, who can help in restructuring.
Get people to work in the UBT wiki pages to make sure that people are aware of the restructuring and the team pages are under modification
Currently we have Myself, Unit193, Ap0gEE, Silver/NRWlion and Daniel on Board. We welcome people who can help with wiki.
Appoint a person to update the Wiki pages of UBT regarding the meetings and the activities going on in UBT Silver/NRWlion
Place a POC(or maybe 2) for UBT and place an Idea to circulate the POC of the Team once in 6 months or once an year. We can use the poll
Nominate the Leads of the BT FGs, who will be acting as the bridge between UBT and that particular Ubuntu FG.
Help the Leads in framing the structure,mentoring process and the procedure to join the FG Silver/NRWlion
Okay, This page will be updated if any new ideas/proposal is being suggested.
Plans after the first meeting
We got a wonderful and impressive speech by Charles, who chaired the meeting. the meeting logs can be found here.
According to the meeting,
MrChrisDruif will take primary role of posting meeting minutes
Unit193 will update the details about the next meeting in the wiki as well as the channels
All the ideas written above are discussed and will be implemented
Apart from that, we have major works to do. that is 'Identifying the FGs and the POCs between BT FG and the community FG'
Note: Volunteers are welcome. This is just a list and we can alter it any time
First, as talked in the meeting, AndrewMC was interested in Bug Squad. So I prefer him taking the ownership of being the bridge between BT FG and the community FG
Second, as talked in the meeting, duanedesign is interested in MOTU. Also, we have coolbhavi and PabloRubianes. So, we can start that new FG and nominate duanedesign as the bridge and coolbhavi to help him in in that.
PabloRubianes will work on bringing the heads of LoCo together for this purpose and speed it up.
Third, I am prefering head_victim for bridging the Docs team(contact Jared regarding this). If he is busy, myself(Mohi) and Unit193 will take care of it.
Fourth, BT dev team is not shining well. Have to talk to Bodhi and Charles regarding that. If any saviour wants to take the ownership, it will be appreciated. (Had a chat with coolbhavi, who stepped forward to help in both MOTU and dev. Have to ping him again
Fifth, for support. We have many in this area, which is our primary goal to achieve. So, no problem for now. We can discuss about it if the heat reduces.
Sixth, getting members to take sessions in Ubuntu-classroom - POC will be pliea2
Mohan_chml/BT_Restructuring (last edited 2011-11-16 06:40:18 by 65-208-210-97)