
Revision 7 as of 2023-01-22 14:29:32

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Key Details


  • There are 307 direct members of the Arizona Local Community Team and 315 members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships. Member Count

Scheduled Activities:

  • The Arizona Team co-sponsors a Linux Installation Festival/Linux Workshop on the First and Third Saturdays of each month with the Phoenix Linux User Group (PLUG) at UAT. In addition we co-sponsor a semi-annual Installfest/Linux Workshop with the Cochise Linux User Group (CLUG) at various locations in Sierra Vista, AZ. We currently have 1 portable server to host ISOs and have just added a PXE server to speed up some installs. From January 2022 through December 2022 we have hosted 24 installation festivals/Linux Workshops attended by 170 people resulting in 11 successful installs and numerous repairs, Linux and FOSS instruction/training sessions, and personal and Team project completions. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the installfests in Tempe since March 2020 have been held on line becoming a Linux workshop.

  • Ubuntu Hour Events are currently being held in Tempe AZ on the 1st and 4th Thursday of each month, Phoenix AZ on the 2nd Thursday of each month, and Sierra Vista AZ on the 2nd Thursday of each month. From January 2022 through December 2022 we have hosted 41 Ubuntu Hours (20 in Tempe, 12 in Sierra Vista, and 09 in Phoenix) attended by 162 people for an average of 4 people per event. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic the Ubuntu Hours in Tempe and Phoenix have been held on line since March 2020.
  • Team IRC meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday nights of each month at 9 P.M. MST. Our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-az on is operational 24 hours a day to help users with questions and communicate with team members. From January 2022 through December 2022 we have conducted 24 Team meetings. The minutes of all Team Meetings are also sent to our mailing list to enable those who could not attend the meeting to remain current.


  • State LUG Collaboration: Contact and pooling of resources with Linux User Groups (LUGs) across the state to promote events and further Ubuntu as a viable operating system. We have already established a relationship with:

  • Release Party & Installfest: Conduct demonstrations of new features and installations for our team and local groups. Conduct release parties for LTS Ubuntu releases.

  • PLUG: Attend meetings occasionally to distribute installation media, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.

  • SLUG: Attend meetings occasionally to distribute installation media, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.

  • CLUG: Attend meetings occasionally to distribute installation media, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.

  • Local Ubuntu Advocacy: Continue to burn and distribute Ubuntu installation media for release parties, Installfests, and for team members to distribute to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.


  • Team Communication

    • We have maintained our team IRC channel #ubuntu-us-az which we also monitor on a daily basis with our own statistics reporting system Team IRC Stats.

    • We have published our own team newsletter twice a month to help encourage non participating members or members who missed a meeting to keep abreast of the latest LoCo happenings Team Newsletter

    • We keep logs of our team meetings Meeting Logs

    • We have maintained our team sub-forum AZ Team Thread although it has been under used lately.

    • We have maintained our team mailing list Team Mail List Archive

    • We have maintained our team wiki page AZ wiki

    • We have maintained our team portal Arizona LoCo Team portal

  • New Member Support:

    • AZ Team Forum Sticky about membership: Arizona LoCo Team Info

    • Our monthly Installfests at the University of Advancing Technology and in Sierra Vista assist new users with installation media, installs, and training.
  • Team Branding (Designed and approved by team)

    • Team Logo and slogan: Logo/Slogan

    • Team Subpage Header: SubPage Header

    • We encourage all team members to adopt the following signature on the forums to further promote our LoCo. The "ArizonaTeam wiki | Arizona Launchpad | and Membership"

    • We have continued to use our email to offer a team related mail address.
    • We have established an account on our Next Cloud server for any AZLOCO member who desires one. The Next Cloud server is also used to share Team documents.
    • Established a Cafe Press Store to augment the available Ubuntu merchandise available at Canonical. It offers merchandise with our own team branding on it. Cafe Press Store

  • Team Servers

    • Team Servers Page

    • We are still looking for a physical location to consolidate all of our servers.
  • Ubuntu Members:

We have held workshops designed to instruct more AZ Team Members on how to apply for Ubuntu membership. This process is ongoing.