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Revision 18 as of 2010-05-28 14:09:12
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Editor: 64
Revision 19 as of 2010-05-28 14:09:57
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Editor: 64
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Welcome to the Ubuntu User Days!

About Ubuntu User Days

User Days was created to be a set of courses offered during a one day period to teach the beginning or intermediate Ubuntu user the basics to get them started with Ubuntu. User Days is a series of online courses where you can:

  • learn how to install Ubuntu
  • find equivalent programs in Ubuntu
  • learn how to get help
  • learn the basics of how to use Ubuntu
  • learn how to get involved in the community

Find out more about the Ubuntu Desktop, Server, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Mobile, UNR, and download them.

The Timetable

Interested in teaching a course? Let Chris Johnston know!


You can access the Ubuntu User Day classes using your browser by clicking here or by joining #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat on the Freenode IRC network using your favorite IRC client. Check out How to Participate for more information.


Tweet/dent and blog about the Ubuntu User Days. Our official hashtag is #UUD<mmm><yy>, so the hash tag for the first one held in January 2010 would be #UUDJan10. Bring your friends and talk to people about the UUD sessions.

Ubuntu User Days in Spanish

Pablo Rubianes and Diego Turcios are currently putting together an Ubuntu User Day in Spanish, which will also be hosted on January 23, 2010. Please check out Dia del Usuario Ubuntu for more information. If you are interested in teaching a course in Spanish, please visit the Dia del Usuario Ubuntu Roadmap.

Ubuntu User Days in Myanmar

Ko Ko Ye` is try for Myanmar Local Ubuntu User Days, hosted on May 5, 2010. Please check out Ubuntu User Days Register for more information. If you are interested in teaching a course in Burmese , You can Register and Voting As Like Location of Myanmar Ubuntu User Days . This Myanmar Ubuntu User Days is Ko Ko Ye`'s 7th Ubuntu Show in Myanmar. Free Gift Ubuntu Lucid Lynx CD or DVD. How to Make Own Distro or Backup. Link kokoye2007 and register Ubuntu User Days

Ubuntu User Days in other languages

Some interest has been mentioned about doing an Ubuntu User day in different languages. We are looking for people who would be willing to help us with the setup and instruction of User Days in different languages. If you are interested, please contact Chris Johnston.

Open Week

Ubuntu Open Week is a week of IRC tuition and Q+A sessions all about getting involved in the rock-and-roll world that is the Ubuntu community. Find out more information here.

Developer Week

Ubuntu Developer Week is a similar to Open Week, but targeted more to developers. Find out more information here.

LoCoDays (last edited 2010-11-10 21:17:28 by 209)