
Important Notes

Technical Roles


Ubuntu GNOME has 3 main Technical areas:


Needed Roles

Developing & Coding

  1. Developers.


  1. Packaging Contributors.


  1. QA Acting Team Leader.
  2. Testers.
  3. Bug Triage.

Non-Technical Roles


Ubuntu GNOME has 6 main Non-Technical areas:


Needed Roles

Human Resources

  1. Team Leader.
  2. Acting Team Leader.
  3. Recruiters.

Marketing & Communications

  1. Team Leader Found =

  2. Acting Team Leader Found =

  3. Social Media Administrator (Google+, Twitter and Facebook).
  4. PR Contributors.
  5. Blogger.
  6. Marketing Contributors.

Artwork & Design

  1. Artwork Designers.
  2. Website Designers.


  1. Team Leader Found =

  2. Acting Team Leader.
  3. Translators.


  1. Acting Team Leader.
  2. Brainstormers.
  3. Project Management Contributors.
  4. Project Planning Contributors.

Wiki & Documentation

  1. Team Leader.
  2. Contributors.

Tasks Suggestions

Wiki Pages


Marketing and Communications

Artwork & Design


Chose your language and add it at the end of each page. For example, for German Copy the code from English page and paste it to yours. Change the section "Read this site in your own language". The ||| Back to English Version || so if someone doesn't understand, he can go to the English page. At the top of the code, you'll find the code "Include(UbuntuGNOME/Header)". Change it to your language, eg "Include(UbuntuGNOME/Header/German)" When you have it ready, edit the English page and add next to Read this site in your own language, the following ||| German ||. Also, during translation, check if the links are to be translated. Some links/pages, it's better to stay in English. Regarding pictures, go to English wiki, right click on the picture and copy the image link, go to your page and paste the image link there. We don't want to upload the same picture again and again.

When you translate a page, go to the English one and subscribe, so you get every change.

If it's not easy for you to follow the above short rules, let us know to create the basic structure for you.

Basic wiki pages

Sub pages

Just before the release:

Continue to the Next Step - How To Join >

UbuntuGNOME/GettingInvolved/Roles (last edited 2016-09-02 20:08:08 by awjinahn)