Sunday, December 28th, 2008

No meeting due to holiday.

Sunday, December 14th, 2008


  1. SCaLE Planning!
    • Floor Map Our booth for SCaLE will most likely remain this year as #31, as corners are very beneficial.

    • With the advent of new, improved CD cases with the LoCo's contact info, we hope to give out fewer business cards, however, we should have a healthy supply just in case...

    • It's in 10 weeks! We need to start getting ready!
  2. December 28 meeting?
    • Discussion on whether to cancel a meeting on the 28th for holiday reasons will be moved to the list (It was canceled)
  3. UDS recap (Not previously on the agenda)
    • The Jaunty Ubuntu Developer's Summit (UDS) took place at the Google campus in Mountain View from Monday December 8, 2008 to Friday December 12, 2008 Schedule | Videos

    • For increased LoCo involvement to share best practices, there might be a "LoCo weekend" similar to "Open Week" for LoCos around the world to collaborate and share their ideas to spread Ubuntu even further.

  4. Case badges (Also not really on the agenda, but tangentially brought up)
    • We still have 'em!

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

No meeting due to holiday.

Sunday, November 16th, 2008


  1. Release Party Recaps
    • The release party at Chapman was a success. Nine people, dinner, games, and a lecture on Electrical / Computer Engineering. However, we haven't had any information on Northern California parties.
  2. SCaLE -- Begin Planning?
    • SCaLE 7x will be at the LAX Westin Hotel on the Feb 20-22 weekend. We're looking for volunteers to help out on the floor, or to lend demo computers. Monitors are not required, but preferred. If you can't bring a computer, there will be a wiki page of other smaller but still useful things to do in the future.
  3. Two Point Oh Silliness (Or, How I learned to stop worrying and love micro blogging)
    • And also a Facebook

    • An channel is in the works.

    • However, these lines of communication should not be substituted for the mailing list. The mailing list should be where all major discussions regarding the LoCo team should take place. These will probably be used for communicating and announcing before and during events.

    • Discussion regarding further social networking and other new communities has been tabled and moved to the mailing list for the time being.
  4. Ubuntu US Meeting moved (to 6pm, Dec 9)
    • Self-explanatory
  5. Upcoming Meetings around Holidays (Nov 30th and Thanksgiving? Dec 28 and Christmas?)
    • The meeting on November 30th may be shortened or removed depending on the size of the Agenda on the week before (November 23). We'll decide what to do on the 28th when that time comes.

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008


  1. Ubuntu Open Week - Next week

    • Ubuntu Open Week will be taking place on Mon, Nov. 3 to Fri, Nov 7 from 7am-1pm PST. These are highly informative IRC meetings in #ubuntu meetings, and the schedule is available on the Ubuntu Open Week wiki.

  2. Intrepid Release

    • There will be a release party for Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) at Zito's Pizza at 5 PM PST followed by a mini-bugjam and mini-installfest at Chapman University.
    • Cactaur needs a ride.

  3. Ubuntu-US Meeting
    • Introduced during the IRC meeting, there will be a meeting on November 13 in #ubuntu-us at 3 PM PST for anyone interested in taking part in interactions between the US LoCo teams.

Sunday, October 19th, 2008


  1. Feisty Fawn is now unsupported
    1. Its repositories are still online at, so when it's removed from the mirrors (in a few months), you can use them to update (which you'll need to do to upgrade to Gutsy)

    2. Gutsy/7.10 is supported for 6 more months. 8.04 is supported for a few more years.
  2. Intrepid Planning
    1. Upgrades from 8.04 to 8.10 reportedly work pretty well. New versions of GIMP, VLC, and GNOME are nice.
    2. We should have a release party.
    3. Intrepid release is October 30th.
    4. Consensus to plan something on the evening of Saturday, November 8th.
    5. Will hash out details (venue, activities, times) on the mailing list.
  3. BarCampLA 6

    1. Eric Hammond is going to be there and got 30 CDs to hand out from Canonical.
    2. It's "sort of an un-conference", where you're encouraged to sign up and give a presentation on something.
  4. Ubuntu US meeting on November 14th at 23:00UTC (3pm PST)

Sunday, October 5th, 2008


  1. Lindependence 2008
    1. In Portland, OR on 10/25
    2. lcafiero is looking for someone to represent Ubuntu in Portland at this event. Has talked to Jono and someone in the Oregon LoCo, but hasn't found anyone yet.

    3. Suggestions: ask Pacific Northwest team, Washington LoCo, Grant Bowman (who was at the last Lindependence)

  2. Intrepid release plans
    1. Likely have a release party (and maybe an installfest) at Chapman University
    2. Jono is doing something on the 30th in SF
    3. troyready has been using Intrepid and likes it.

Sunday, September 21st, 2008


  1. Firefox EULA announcement
    • Firefox got rid of their EULA. However, the trademarked logo still validates Iceweasel
  2. CaliforniaTeam/Projects/ToDoList - Up and Running!

    • We now have a ToDo functioning as a buglist for the wiki. Feel free to add to or fix issues. But don't delete them as of now, just mark them as done.

  3. Intrepid Activity?
    • An installfest/party is plannedfor SoCal, but not too many details.

    • Lcafiero is putting together an Intrepid installfest at Cabrillo College up at Santa Cruz. More details for both events later.
  4. BarCamp CSULB

    • Starts at October 16 @ 10 AM PDT until October 17.

Sunday, September 7th, 2008


  1. SGVLUG meeting recap
    1. We gave a presentation there, and also learned a couple of things: recording with the EyeToy, Cal Tech, JPL

    2. Presentation: Good slides prepared, working on recording video/audio for the future (put recordings on the web!)
    3. Flannel and nhaines took turns presenting on each slide
    4. For the future: cut down on the amount of text on the slides, put more images/diagrams/etc; bring copies of all the various ISOs (including alternate, different flavors, etc.); maybe attend a prior meeting and scope out the audience's experience level
  2. Wiki site One-A-Week
    1. Several CaliforniaTeam pages need to be updated frequently, and aren't; if people made one edit a week, we'd be able to keep on top of it.

    2. Will make a todo list to coordinate this.

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

No meeting.

Sunday, August 10th, 2008


  1. Jaunty Ubuntu Developer Summit
    1. It's going to be in Mountain View, CA, in December
    2. FOSSCamp the Friday and Saturday before (5th and 6th)
    3. UDS is open to the public, but is more focused on development than conferencing.

    1. San Diego, September 6 and 7, done by PDPC (same people who do Freenode)
    2. Look into getting an Ubuntu booth, maybe also do a talk
    3. Yasumoto will e-mail the FOSSCON people about it.
  3. LinuxWorld Expo recap by Grantbow

    1. He met Greg-g representing the Creative Commons, Ed Cherlin with the OLPC project (who runs a special interest group in SF).
    2. James of installed 700 computers with Ubuntu in a recycling effort

    3. Ubucon: saw Fabina Rodriguez from the Montreal support office give a general Ubuntu talk, and talked with John Mark Walker, the Ubucon organizer.

      1. Yasumoto didn't get a chance to email him in advance, so he didn't know about us.
  4. Bug Jam Recap

    1. The bug jam was awesome. We had an excellent turnout (10-15 people) and a lot of fun.
    2. nhaines gave a GPG howto. Yasumoto gave a presentation on bugs.
    3. Installed Ubuntu on three peoples' laptops, triaged 10 bugs, played Guitar Hero.
    4. danage took photos, but they aren't up yet.

Sunday, July 27th, 2008


  1. OSCON
    1. Info page:

    2. Joe went to it and will tell us about it when he gets back.
  2. Lindependence
    1. Report at

    2. Went really well! Everyone had fun, and there's talk of doing it again elsewhere.
  3. CaliforniaTeam/UserGroupContacts

    1. Email by Grantbow:

    2. nhaines is going to talk to OCLUG
    3. Flannel talked to NOCCC
    4. Need to make a decision on email addresses being on there, contact more LUGs, work on page layout
  4. CaliforniaTeam/HardwareSuppliers

    1. Some stuff should be moved back to the national project; our page should focus on CA-specific stuff
    2. National project is dormant; maybe we should resurrect it?
    3. Going to discuss more after the meeting.
  5. Linux World Expo is next week!

    1. the dotORG pavilion was full, so we'll be at the Canonical booth instead, maybe?
    2. Grantbow will send some CDs to BALUG
    3. Follow up on the mailing list
  6. CaliforniaTeam/Projects/GlobalBugJam
    1. August 9th, at Chapman University, in the City of Orange. Starting at 10am, going on pretty much all day
    2. Keysigning party at the beginning of the event, moving into triage at 11am
    3. Will be an IRC presence. Carpooling might be available.
    4. Questions to the mailing list
  7. SGVLUG Presentation
    1. August 14th. Meeting is 7pm to 9pm, and we'll be presenting for half of that

Sunday, July 13th, 2008


  1. Lindependence
    1. Lindependence is going on right now; a couple of people from the Lo`Co are there.

    2. Events list:

  2. Ubuntu Live

    1. Canceled this year Sad :(

    2. We weren't planning anything specific for it, but it was on our events list.
  3. CaliforniaTeam/UserGroupContacts

    1. Prototype version put together by Grant
    2. Maybe not a good idea to put email addresses on it (spambots), but the addresses are needed
      1. Maybe cover it on a case-by-case basis?
      2. Grant will remove them for now, and think about it later
  4. Linux World Expo
    1. Aug 4-7, in San Francisco; deadline for registrations was the 11th
    2. Free exhibit hall passes until the 3rd
  5. GlobalBugJam

    1. Weekend of August 8th - 10th. We'll be partitipating in it on one of those days
    2. Yasumoto is getting a room at Chapman University in Orange
    3. Hopefully will also have an IRC presence for the North California people
    4. Maybe have a keysigning party too
  6. SGVLUG Presentation
    1. We're giving a presentation to the San Gabriel Valley LUG on August 14
    2. Everyone welcome to attend
    3. Presentation topics: general overview of Ubuntu; new stuff in Intrepid
  7. Intrepid release party
    1. Intrepid's released on October 30th
    2. Some ideas: food, installfest, halloween theme!
    3. Discussion moved to mailing list
  8. UbuntuFriendlyHardwareSuppliers

    1. Several options: just going to local computer stores and talking to them about Ubuntu, asking to leave Ubuntu CDs, asking them to provide Ubuntu computers, etc.
  9. Ubuntu at Best Buy!
    1. Photos:

    2. Blog entry:

    3. 8.04 with 60 days of support for $20
    4. Package actually created by Valusoft
    5. Discussion on selling GPL software (yes you can!)

Sunday, June 29th, 2008


  1. Ubuntu 8.04.1
    1. 8.04.1 is coming out on July 3rd, so we should be handing CDs of it out soon after that
    2. Includes security updates, including the SSL vulnerability fix and Firefox 3
    3. 8.04 installations with all updates are the same as 8.04.1 installations
    4. Don't need to update CD packaging (which is at CaliforniaTeam/Projects/CDSleeves and DIYMarketing)

  2. SF Bay Area Ubuntu (in)activity
    1. Grantbow's working on getting some more activity in the Bay Area
  3. GlobalBugJam Aug 8 - Aug 10

    1. Bug Jams are scheduled days when Lo`Cos are encouraged to get together and have bug-fixing parties

    2. Since many people haven't done bug work before, the events mainly focus on teaching people how to fix or triage bugs
    3. Since nobody's very experienced with teaching it, a couple of people need to take crash courses in doing so.
    4. Two more meetings before it happens, so plenty of time to think up a venue
  4. Lindependence
    1. Information about it:

    2. First two dates are July 13 (1pm to 5pm) and July 15 (6pm to 10pm). (Sunday and Tuesday), with subsequent things TBA.
    3. Larry Cafiero is on the mailing list, so further questions can be asked there.
  5. Creating relationships with CA LUGs
    1. Would be beneficial to talk to LUGs in California so that they know about us, can invite us to speak at their events, and so their members can join our team
    2. Proposal that we create a wiki page with a list of LUGs we've contacted, and information about what they need, etc.
    3. Need to take stock of what sort of help we can give to LUGs
    4. Need to emphasize that we're different from LUGs: more advocacy than social, and not trying to encroach on their territory
    5. Further discussion moved to mailing list
  6. Speaker's bureau
    1. Grantbow is talking to Joey Stanford about creating a resource for advocacy talks, and thinks that Lo`Co people could help out with this

    2. Contact for more information

  7. Misc. discussion
    1. Flannel and nhaines are presenting on August 14th to San Gabriel Valley LUG; anyone is welcome to attend or help with the presentation
    2. Status of the origami sleeves: there's one design up on CaliforniaTeam/Projects/CDSleeves. There are also both Inkscape and GIMP templates, so you can use whichever you're more comfortable with. General ideas are welcome too.

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

No meeting.

Sunday, June 1st, 2008


  1. NOCCC (North Orange County Computer Club) presentation

    1. 50 people in attendance, passed out some Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs, and business cards.
    2. In the future, we might want sheets of paper with important URLs and information on them to pass out.
    3. Presentation slides are online:

    4. Some people asked us to come back again in a year or so to give updates.
    5. Link to Yasumoto's photos of the event will be on the mailing list soon
  2. SGVLUG Presentation

    1. Want us to come give a presentation about Ubuntu specifically (they're a LUG, so they probably know about Linux in general)
    2. Tentative date: August 14
    3. More information as the date gets closer
  3. Origami CD Sleeve Project

    1. Going to make CD sleeves: you print off a 8.5x11 sheet, then fold it into a CD sleeve, and it has information about Ubuntu on it
    2. Need designs for the sleeves, so we can design it collaboratively
  4. nhaines is an Ubuntu Member now!
    1. Yay!

Sunday, May 18th, 2008

No meeting.

Sunday, May 4th, 2008


  1. CSULB Installfest review
    1. Flannel and nhaines went on the radio the week before to promote it
    2. Venue was changed at the last minute. About 60 people turned up to watch Revolution OS
    3. Yasumoto and nhaines spoke after the movie about Ubuntu
    4. Nobody actually installed Ubuntu at the event, but lots of CDs got taken
    5. Pictures:

    6. Would have been nice to have more CDs and a banner
  2. Hardy Party
    1. Saturday, May 10th
    2. Somewhere near Irvine at a Chinese restaurant
    3. Discussion moved to mailing list

Sunday, April 20th, 2008


  1. CSU Long Beach InstallFest

    1. It's on Wednesday!
    2. Anyone who hasn't already should let Flannel know they're going so he can organize parking permits.
    3. Flyer:

    4. nhaines is going to be presenting. He'll be a little late, but should be there before the movie's over, so it's okay. Flannel is going too, and will also be late.
  2. Hardy flavor changes
    1. Mythbuntu and Ubuntu Studio are now official flavors of Ubuntu. There are mythbuntu-desktop and ubuntustudio-desktop packages in universe.
    2. Edubuntu is now an addon to existing K/X/Ubuntu installations, not a separate installer. There are metapackages for different age groups.
      1. LTSP is now an option in the normal alternate installer, so it's not an Edubuntu-only thing now.
    3. Kubuntu 8.04
      1. Not an LTS (unlike Ubuntu and Xubuntu 8.04).

      2. KDE4 "remix" for testing Hardy. The official release uses KDE3, though.
      3. The upgrade path for Kubuntu 8.04 is LTS-like (i.e., you can upgrade to it from an older LTS release), even though it isn't an LTS.
      4. Reason for lack of LTS is the KDE3 to KDE4 change: KDE4 isn't ready for LTS, and the Kubuntu team don't want to support KDE3 for the LTS time period.
  3. Hardy party
    1. No offers for locations yet, except CSULB. A couple of LUG meetups were mentioned on the mailing list.
    2. Consider making it more pary-oriented than installfest-oriented, considering the installfest at CSULB is close to it.
    3. Discussion moved to the mailing list.
  4. Team Reports
    1. Monthly report on the wiki containing a summary of what we've done that month
    2. We're just contributing to the US teams report, so we don't have to make one up every month.
    3. Keeping up with these will help us keep track of stuff on the wiki anyway, which is nice.
  5. Lug Radio Live Recap
    1. Photos:

    2. Very laid back. Lots of interest on Sunday. Everyone got an Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop CD in their swag bag.
    3. We gave out 6 Ubuntu 8.04 Beta CDs, 1 Kubuntu CD plus several official ones donated by the KDE booth, 5 Edubuntu CDs, and 3 Xubuntu CDs. We also received 3 Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop CDs from people who didn't need theirs, 16 Dapper CDs, and the KDE booth donated 61 Kubuntu 7.10 Desktop CDs.
    4. nhaines gave a 5 minute presentation during the "Gong-A-Thon":

    5. Jorge Castro, the External Projects Manager for Canonical, came by and thought the booth was good. Sun's Open Solaris demo was running Ubuntu.
    6. Someone was unhappy with the unofficial, non-pressed CDs: "If you don't start to step up and perform, other people will."

Sunday, April 6th, 2008


  1. Gmane Archiving: should email addresses be obfuscated?

    1. nhaines pointed out that obfuscates addresses a little, so we should set gmane to do it too. Everyone else agrees (after discussing what exactly the options are).
  2. LUG Radio Live 2008

    1. At the Metreon in SF on Apr 12-13
    2. nhaines will be there and offered to talk to any northern CA people who wanted to know more about the LoCo.

    3. LoCo representation in northern California is thin, would be good to reach out

    4. Registration is only $10 for the entire weekend and includes goody bags and light lunches
  3. CSU Long Beach InstallFest

    1. Flyer:

    2. Wednesday 23rd. Schedule: 6pm show Revolution OS; 7pm Linux OS "demo" plus overview of software available; 7:30 - 8pm InstallFest on stage. Installs in the lobby starting at 6pm for people who come to the event ready to install.

    3. Get names of people for parking to Flannel by the 20th

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

No meeting due to holiday.

Sunday, March 9th, 2008


  1. CSULB installfest
    1. Date set! Wed April 23
    2. Lots of people at CSULB don't know what Ubuntu/Linux are, or are scared of it, so this will also be an advocacy/information session
    3. Possible schedule: Revolution OS 6-7, demo Ubuntu from 7 to 7:30. Install from 6 - 10 in the lobby
    4. Info page:

    5. Available resources: 6 power strips, net connection, 4 port router, probably tables, okay wifi signal
    6. sn9 suggested Digital Tipping Point instead of Revolution OS, but DTP isn't finished yet so people preferred Revolution OS.
    7. Advertising: 8.5x11 flyers, announcements in Computer Science classes, story in school newspaper, 60 sec spot for KBCH Radio
    8. Moved further discussion of advertising etc. to mailing list
  2. LUG Radio Booth
    1. April 12-13 at the Metreon in San Francisco. More info at

    2. Jono Bacon is one of the founders, and also an Ubuntu community manager. He asked nhaines if our LoCo could do a booth there.

    3. Keep an eye on the wiki and mailing list for more info!
  3. Hardy Installfest
    1. Probably some time in May
    2. Will have one in the south, but would like to have a northern one too. Possibly Bay Area? Davis? Another university up there?
  4. Ubuntu-California Membership
    1. LoCos are primarily advocacy groups, not social groups, so it'd be nice if most of the people in this LoCo were active.

    2. Lots of people signed up for the Launchpad group but are inactive.
    3. Concept of membership needs to be fleshed out more (on the mailing list), but is something to think about.
    1. Should email addresses be obscured in gmane?
    2. Can import old history to gmane if it's in mbox format

Sunday, February 24th, 2008


  1. SCaLE6x

    1. At booth: three Ubuntu computers, Canonical-provided swag
    2. Estimate about 100-125 CDs given out
    3. What went well?
      1. Good location: a little far from the middle, but the corner was good because we could drop the outer wall and put up a table (felt accessible and inviting)
      2. Good booth volunteers! Show was friendly and relaxed, the people at the booth were welcoming, people had a good time (Canonical swag helped!)
      3. People were drawn to the CDs, stickers, and the big monitor
      4. None of the booth people insulted other distros/OSes (yay!)
      5. Harkonen's business cards were good! Handed them out with the CDs
    4. What didn't?
      1. Need to burn CDs in advance! We had trouble keeping up with demand.
      2. People thought we were official representatives (nhaines said this isn't a problem)
      3. Didn't have a banner because of time constraints
      4. Booth people disappeared frequently; maybe have an actual schedule next time?
    5. Pictures from SCaLE!

  2. April Installfest at CSULB
    1. Screen Revolution OS from 6-7pm and then installfest from 7 to 10pm
    2. April 16, 23 or 30: between Spring Break and finals
    3. Advertising for it: mention that you can dual-boot, that there are good tools for Ubuntu (GIMP, Inkscape, Krita, Scribus...)

Sunday, February 10th, 2008

No meeting due to SCaLE.

Sunday, January 27th, 2008


  1. IRC channel renaming
    1. The IRC council has decided that US state LoCo teams must use the #ubuntu-us-NN (where NN is the state regioncode) format for their channel names

    2. Several people think that switching from #ubuntu-california to #ubuntu-us-ca is a bad idea.
      1. It looks too formal.
      2. It makes state LoCo teams look like subteams of the US LoCo team, which they're not.

    3. Need to decide whether to put #ubuntu-california or #ubuntu-us-ca on the SCaLE business cards that harkonen is planning to make. He's not around, so the matter's deferred.
  2. SCaLE6x

    1. Planned resources: Four computers for demos, Canonical's conference pack, wifi router
      1. Clarified that demo computers aren't just for Compiz and will be available to demo the rest of Ubuntu too.
    2. nhaines asked who was going to be in the booth so he can print name tags for them
      1. Going to ask on the mailing list because everyone is/should be on it
    3. adaminla did research on a banner sign: 6x2 color logo, black lettering, $70.00, we get to do our own artwork for it

Sunday, January 13th, 2008


  1. Blog links on CaliforniaTeam/Members

    1. Maybe eventually set up a planetubuntu-california
    2. Nobody disagreed, motion passed
  2. SCaLE6x

    1. SCaLE is in four weeks at LAX Westin
    2. Things we need: power strip, switch/router (only one power and ethernet port), demo boxes for Ubuntu, tables, tablecloths, chairs, business cards, case badges, rolls of Ubuntu stickers, blank CDs
      1. Going to burn Ubuntu CDs at SCaLE on demand
    3. Banner for booth background (and for future use)
      1. Need to do investigation into price, sizes, settle on design, etc.
    4. Reference links: CaliforniaLinuxWorld06, CaliforniaTeam/UbuntuSCALE5x2007, BuildingCommunity/RunningCommunityStands

CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/2008 (last edited 2009-12-22 00:41:53 by c-98-234-77-177)