Colorado LoCo Team
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The Colorado Local Community Team (aka CoLoCo) advocates the use of Open Source software and Ubuntu Linux in the State of Colorado, USA. This is done through CD distribution, team expansion, user-base support, and outreach programs.
The Colorado Local Community Team is not meant to replace our local LUGs but rather enhance their overall experience by having a dedicated place to discuss, contribute, and gain support from local Ubuntu users.
While we were not the first Local Community Team in the USA, we were the first to complete the official process and become fully recognized by the Ubuntu Community Council. We are a member of the US Team mentoring program.
About Us
Our Goals
- Increase awareness in the community and make our name known.
- Bring more teachers on board, especially elementary.
Develop more relationships like the one Paul Casey has with Longmont Free University.
- Execute our outreach program.
- LUG Talks
Enhance our web presence: /EnhancedLoCoWeb
What We Do
- Educate the public about Ubuntu
Supply Ubuntu (CDs & CD images)
- Support Ubuntu Locally
- Conduct outreach programs
- Ubuntu Activism
- Partner with local businesses and Educational institutions to further Ubuntu
Team Activities
Calendar of Events
2007 Team Events
2007 January 9 - Joey to speak at the Northern Colorado Linux Users Group
- 2007 February 2 - Team Meeting. 6:00 - 9:00 PM.
Location: Panera Bread (Meeting Room). 7739 Wadsworth Blvd - Arvada, CO 80003 Topics:
LoCo meeting results
- What's next? Where do we want to go?
- Do we want to get any presentations created on different topics so we can hit the lug circuit again. (e.g. Mitch on MOTUing)
- Team reports (education, marketing, etc.)
- Leadership shifts and new delegation.
2007 February 12th - Malcom Yates, Canonical's ISV Manager, does Denver. Informal chat session scheduled for 18:00 at the Falling Rock Tap House (basement)
- 2007 Marc 3 - IRC Meeting in #ubuntu-colorado on Various team members will be updating on progress of different projects and tasks. Possible discussion of advertising Feisty Fawn release party.
2007 March 10 - Joey to speak at CUGG @ 13:30.
2007 April 20 - Feisty Release Party and Team Meeting - 18:00, Falling Rock Tap House (basement), Denver
2006 Team Events
2006 June 1 - Dapper Release Party - 18:00 MDT (00:00 UTC June 2) - Location - Ziggy's Cafe, 4th & Main, Longmont.
2006 June 8 - Joey brought CDs and gave a talk at the Boulder Linux User's Group meeting.
2006 June 28 - Joey to speak at the Longmont Linux Users Group's next meeting at 6pm.
2006 July 11 - Joey and Neal scheduled to introduce our team at the next Community Council Meeting.
2006 July 26 - Joey did an impromptu presentation at the Longmont Linux Users Group regarding FOSS replacements for Windows programs.
2006 Sept 16 - Software Freedom Day Party - Canceled due to members schedules.
2006 Oct 27 - Edgy Release Party and Team Meeting - 18:00, Falling Rock Tap House (basement), Denver - Sponsor: system76
2006 November - Joey, Erik, and Carl attended the UDS in Mountain View. Neal made several sessions via phone. Photos are on Joey's blog.
Calendar Feeds
Team Contributions
Local CD Distribution
Need some CD's?
Denver/Colorado Springs/Mountains/West Slope - Contact David Overcash
Boulder/Fort Collins/Greeley/Estes Park - Contact Joey Stanford
Denver/Northeast Colorado/Ft Morgan/Sterling - Contact Mitch Mahan
Local ISOs and Packages
Local Ubuntu mirror: provided by our good friends at
substitute for and in etc/apt/sources.list.
Local Ubuntu mirror: provided by CU Denver Association for Computing Machinery group.
substitute for and in /etc/apt/sources.list.
ISO images available at
Misc Contributions
Joining The Team
If you are interested in joining our team please apply on our Launchpad page and then subscribe to the mailing list below. All that is required is residency in or near Colorado and a desire to see Ubuntu grow.
Members must sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. We encourage members to do this via Launchpad. Then please edit this wiki page and add your name to the team list further down.
Meet The Team
David Overcash (Lakewood) - LoCo Team Lead
- So far so little. A general enthusiast and willing to help with any Linux support questions.
Mitch Mahan (Denver) - LoCo Deputy Team Lead
Joey Stanford (Longmont)
Joey's contributions can be found on his "My Ubuntu" page.
Neal McBurnett (Boulder)
A little evangelism, bug reports, and providing ties to other groups like Boulder Community Network and FRUUG
Chris Yoder (Longmont) - Education Team Lead & Activism Team Lead
Carl Richell (Denver) - Sponsor
Eric Fetzer (Denver) - Sponsor
Jacob Rideout (Boulder)
- David Martin (Denver)
- Jim Kreuch (Denver)
Patrick McDuff (Denver)
- Manfried Meiser (Denver)
- Don Scwartz (Denver)
- Paul Casey (Longmont)
Mike Robbert (Denver)
- Ron Thomas (Denver)
- Kevin Dyer (Denver)
- Casey Watson (Denver)
- Anders Lankford (Westminster)
- Jeff Haemer (Boulder)
- Nick Verbeck (Broomfield)
Jeremy McCoy (Lakewood)
- Paul Schwartz (Longmont)
Members, add your info here please.
Contact Us
Launch Pad: Colorado Team LaunchPad Entry - Please sign-in here.
Mailing list: mailing list
IRC Channel:
Secondary: irc://
irc urls should be a hot link (see and
Corporate Sponsors
Appreciation Call-outs
- 2006 June 01 - Jeffrey Haemer for donating a huge amount of blank CDs to the Dapper Party Burning Session
- 2006 June 02 - Joey, for his boundless enthusiasm, energy, and good humor.
2006 July 01 - for the local repository.
2006 October 27 - system76 for sponsoring our Edgy release party
Colorado Linux Links
User Communities
CLUE - Colorado Linux Users and Enthusiasts
Hacking Society - see groups in Boulder, Fort Collins, Monument, or form your own anywhere in the world.
DC303 InfoSec Group - Has a large focus on Linux
Front Range Unix Users Group - since April 1981: the longest-running UNIX Users group anywhere
system76 - Ubuntu Computers and consulting
Ruffdogs - VAR and SMB Solutions - Consulting and web hosting
Technalign - Producer of the Commercial Ubuntu Derivative Pioneer Linux.
Ubuntu Related Links
Free Ubuntu Swag available to LoCo teams manning a conference booth.
Presentations available for team meetings or which can be reworked for outreach. This great poster is also available.
Smaller Team Logos
People unfamiliar with Colorado might want to know that our logo is based on the Colorado state flag.
Distribution Flyer (compliments of Mitch Mahan):
Sub-pages :