November 2011 Team Reports
If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.
Ubuntu Governance
Americas Regional Membership Board
- Results from the November 17th Americas Membership Board meeting
Asia Oceania Regional Membership Board
The approval results from the 08th November Asia Oceania Membership meeting are as follows:
Aron Xu (happyaron) was informed they were able to renew their own membership and therefore wasn't required to participate in the meeting.
Ashickur Rahman (ashickur-noor | ashickur-noor) had applied in the previous month and had contributed in the mean time. He has again been asked to come back in a while and given some timeframes this time. Further discussions were had in to how he could possible join in on some other projects like UBT, translation and LoCos to assist with this development. Support was offered to achieve these goals in the near future.
Min Sik CHO (MinSik CHO | mscho527) was advised what the requirements of membership were. While being a relatively newcomer to Ubuntu has shown a lot of promise. Min has been given some advice and assistance in how to continue his contributions into the future.
Ko Ko Ye' (kokoye2007 | kokoye2007) was not present for the meeting.
Bone Pyae Sone (bonepyaesone | bonepyaesone) was also not present for the meeting.
Community Council
- UDS 31st Oct - 4th Nov:
Participation in Mini Leadership Summit
decision to invite teams and governance bodies to CC meetings to regularly catch up
Schedule of team catch-ups put together and documented on the CC agenda page
- Meeting 02 Nov 2011
- Held in person at UDS and streamed with only limited IRC involvement
- Meeting 17 Nov 2011
- We agreed to make use of the Shulze method for elections and if ties should occur, the CC will resolve them.
Reminder that we will do team catch-ups in the next meetings.
As part of the blueprint on building a bigger and better Design community, the CC will invite the Design team to CC meetings regularly and help by giving guidance. Some CC members agreed to join #ubuntu-design.
Update CommunityCouncil/Restaffing with regard to voting method and tie-breaking procedure.
Daniel to update team catch-up schedule (new meeting times) and add it to CommunityCouncilAgenda.
Update CommunityCouncil/Restaffing to explain how we deal with confirmation votes (number of seats = number of nominees).
Added Canonical Blog to Planet Ubuntu configuration.
Developer Membership Board
Meeting summary
- Review of previous action items
- Continue discussion about our package set management workflows (review TB feedback)
Creation of new desktop-extra package set
LINK: (bdrung, 19:08:06)
LINK: (micahg, 19:10:06)- Serge Hallyn's application for upload rights for the Ubuntu Server package set.
Creation of new desktop-extra package set
LINK: (jbicha, 19:31:18)
ACTION: jbicha to create a list of packages from the .modules files (bdrung, 19:43:38)- Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski's application for upload rights for linux-* packages.
LINK: (bdrung, 19:45:14)
LINK:;a=commit;h=41d202d80e829c0a489119ad63d7ece08a9786da (ogasawara, 20:02:35)
LINK: (micahg, 20:09:59) Stephen M. Webb's application for upload rights for the uTouch package set
LINK: (bdrung, 20:19:16)
Meeting ended at 20:50:24 UTC.
- Should Stephen M. Webb get upload rights for the uTouch package set?
- For: 4 Against: 0 Abstained: 1
- Should Serge Hallyn get upload rights for the Ubuntu Server package set?
- For: 5 Against: 0 Abstained: 0
- Should Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski get upload rights for the kernel package set?
- For: 4 Against: 0 Abstained: 1
Action items
- jbicha to create a list of packages from the .modules files
Action items, by person
- jbicha
- * jbicha to create a list of packages from the .modules files
People present (lines said)
- bdrung (83)
- micahg (55)
- meetingology (34)
- bregma (27)
- tumbleweed (26)
- stgraber (17)
- hallyn (14)
- cnd (12)
- jbicha (10)
- herton (10)
- geser (5)
- sconklin (5)
- ogasawara (3)
- Laney (2)
- apw (2)
- ajmitch (2)
- ubottu (1)
- tgardner (1)
EMEA Regional Membership Board
Forum Council
We have added 3 new council members (, Iowan & Artificial Intelligence) to bring the council back up to 7
12 new moderators have also been added.
A new anti-spam measure has been implemented.
Technoviking has been working on the forum upgrade but has hit more problems with the openid plugin. We are currently waiting on Canonicals input on how to proceed.
The forum council have re-established monthly meetings.
We have continued to promote Ubuntu Forums Membership, both within the forum staff and the community.
IRC Council
Meeting summary
IRC Council meeting 2011-11-27 - No quorum
- Review Bugs
- New bugs:
Launchpad bug 884671 in ubuntu-community "Ubuntu IRC operator recruitment is slow and ungainly" [Undecided,New]
- Policy change and needs a vote.
- topyli to email IRCC list for votes on this.
Launchpad bug 887544 in ubuntu-community "No measurable data on ban resolving process in #ubuntu-ops" [Undecided,New]
- Long-standing item.
- Carried forward
Launchpad bug 892501 in ubuntu-community "Floodbots - need a re-write to be under ubuntu operator team control" [Undecided,New]
- Having such powers invested in proprietary bots controlled by a single person is not ideal.
- Ljl and full council need to be present to proceed.
Launchpad bug 892500 in ubuntu-community "eir is still not fit for purpose in #ubuntu" [Undecided,New]
- Some mixed views, tweak it until it works better.
- Existing bugs:
Launchpad bug 788503 in ubuntu-community "IRC Guidelines too #ubuntu centric" [Undecided,In progress]
- The ether pad is still up, would like more feedback
Give it a little more time and advertisement:
Launchpad bug 883119 in ubuntu-community "Issues needlessly in the IRC Council's private issue tracker" [Undecided,Confirmed]
- topyli to close bug as fixed.
- New bugs:
- Review Last Meeting Action Items
- #lubuntu ops stuff
- topyli to draft ops call, jussi to review.
- IRC guidelines review
- In progress, needs help.
- #lubuntu ops stuff
- Any Other Business
- Change eir default behavior
- Carried forward.
- Clarification of IRCC appointment process
- Jussi to clarify and send mail
- Change eir default behavior
LoCo Council
Technical Board
- Meeting: 2011-11-03
- Chair: Colin Watson
- Attendees: Kees Cook, Martin Pitt, Matt Zimmerman, Soren Hansen, Stéphane Graber
- Action review
Colin to setup a survey for a new Technical Board meeting time -- DONE, should have responses soon
Stéphane to contact Stefano Rivera and if he agrees to be on the DMB, add him to the LP team and mailing list -- DONE
Stéphane to update the term of the DMB members to 2 years -- DONE
Stéphane to add the new members to the ARB -- DONE though still waiting for mailing list admin privileges
- LTS cadence
- By e-mail, Soren proposed codifying the long-term-support cycle length to two years, which has been the practical reality for some time anyway. Mark supported this, with the proviso that we allow ourselves to make a one-time shift of six months either way in the event that Debian moved to a two-year cycle slightly out of phase with us.
- We discussed various aspects of this in the meeting, but the board was aware that by this point people within the Ubuntu project were essentially operating on the assumption that the two-year cycle was fixed anyway, and the effect of making this official would mainly be to make us more predictable from other points of view. By now, this is simply what our users expect from us.
- The TB voted unanimously in favour of ratifying the e-mailed proposals.
- Streamlining package set management
- The Developer Membership Board (via Iain Lane) requested some minor changes to the package set management process to allow them to make small adjustments without the need for developers to present themselves at a DMB meeting, as long as those changes are advertised on devel-permissions@ with a waiting period.
- The TB felt that a waiting period was not necessary for such changes, given e-mail announcements to devel-permissions@. Aside from that, we approved Iain's proposal unanimously.
- Proposal for criteria to become and remain a recognized derivative flavor, and proposal for criteria to designate flavor release as LTS
- Kate Stewart proposed some criteria for derivatives of Ubuntu to be recognised as flavours that we build as part of the coordinated Ubuntu release processes, and criteria for them to be designated as LTS releases. (The former was largely codifying existing practice; the latter was new.)
- We suggested some tweaks, but on the whole, this was close enough to what we understood as existing practice that we approved it unanimously. The TB retains full discretion on designating a flavour as LTS (and some flavours are interested).
- Opening backports pre-release
- We had some initial discussion about this, but were unable to finish due to time pressure. This will continue at the next meeting.
- Next meeting is 2011-11-17.
- Meeting: 2011-11-17...
- Meeting: 2011-11-28
- Chair: Kees Cook
- Attendees: Kees Cook, Martin Pitt, Colin Watson, Soren Hansen, Stéphane Graber
- Apologies: Matt Zimmerman
- Action review: everything from last meeting completed.
- Opening backports pocket pre-release
approve opening backports pre-release proposal as updated in For: 5 Against: 0 Abstained: 0
- Edubuntu LTS Application
ACTION: highvoltage: produce list of source packages that will get security support.
ACTION: stgraber: invite Kubuntu folks to TB for LTS discussion.
- Recurring: Brain storm review (Next due: December 2011)
ACTION: pitti: document brainstorm review activity
ACTION: kees: perform brainstorm review
- Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item)
- nothing missed.
- Check up on community bugs (standing item)
- nothing needed action.
- Select a chair for the next meeting
- pitti volunteered
Ubuntu Development Teams
Reviewers Team
Xubuntu Team
Xubuntu Community Meeting 2011-11-07
- Packaging, Development
- xfce4-indicator-plugin fixed in oneiric-updates for some open issues
- micahg did some syncs from debian testing
- Bug Triage, Testing
- All testing will now be coordinated through the QA ISO tracker, including daily testing
- New process for images... if you break it, you fix it, and you get 3 hours
- We will start our daily testing between 24 and 28 November
- Website, Documentation
- Finishing touches are made for the website
- Discussion about website content at the developer mailing list, will give people at least a week to share their ideas and drafts
New website needs dynamic content, see the message on developer mailing list: Ideas for the new website content, including drafts, should be sent to the developer mailing list, and you can use too
- Marketing, Artwork (knome, 22:37:53)
- madnick works on Plymouth and lightdm to create a nice booting experience; we follow the artistic specification created for Oneiric
ochosi has created a dark style for xfce4-datetime-plugin; a patched version is available for testing in the shimmer PPA (thanks to mr_pouit). You'll need Greybird from git though.
Xubuntu Community Meeting 2011-11-13
- Packaging, Development
- Merged new upstream release of xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin from debian testing
- Uploaded to oneiric a SRU for exo to fix mailto: helpers
- Uploaded to precise a fix for a crash in xfce4-power-manager, the SRU to oneiric will follow this week
- Website, Documentation
- Website sprint to follow next week
- Marketing, Artwork
- Mostly planning... And trying to get GTK3 stuff to work
Xubuntu Community Meeting 2011-11-21
- Packaging, Development
- mr_pouit updated a few packages (micahg, 21:34:01)
- ristretto 0.3.0 is now in precise (micahg, 21:34:11)
- gmusicbrowser 1.1.8 should be coming after alpha 1 (micahg, 21:34:45)
- edii and knome worked with menu management UI, the specification is complete, but to be written
- Website, Documentation
- The website sprint went well.
ACTION: pleia2 to send email about next website sprint time
- Marketing, Artwok
- lightdm greeter is in progress
- Settings UI for lightdm is finalized
- Bluebird GTK3 is in slowly progressing
Ubuntu Studio
Ubuntu LoCo Teams
Argentina Team
November 3rd - UbuCon organization meeting (with Ubuntu-uy LoCo Team)
Asturian Team
Australian Team
November Team Meeting - This meeting was held on the 13th November 2011 and attended by 7 team members.
jpickett uploaded a series of videos to the Ubuntu-AU YouTube channel on how to get set up for Ubuntu Development.
A team goal of 95%+ completed strings for en_AU translations was surpassed - English (Australia) on Launchpad.
JaredNorris posted a quick update to the team regarding the website upgrade.
Further details for the Brisbane Installation Festival were posted to
- There were ideas thrown around at the meeting and on the mailing list in regards to having VOIP meetings/social events. Mumble, Skype and Google+ hangouts were in the mix.
Belgian Team
Cameroonian Team
Canadian Team
1 Nov 2011: IRC Meeting for Ubuntu-ca
4 Nov 2011: Kitchener Ubuntu Hour
16 Nov 2011: Ubuntu Hour Waterloo
Catalan Team
- November 1st: irc meeting about release party speeches details and more release parties.
- November 12th: Oneiric Release Party in Lloret de Mar.
Pictures by JosepGallart 4 pictures by SiscoGarcia 6 pictures by Joan Carles (palimsesto)
- November 16th: irc meeting about Oneiric release party and more release parties.
November 24th: Ubuntu 11.10 presentation and install party at the Library in Caldes de Montbui.
China Team
Chilean Team
Ubuntu Colombia
Czech Team
non official meeting in Pardubice - more information on our Czech forum here
Danish Team
Dutch Team
Creation of the Foundation Stichting Ondersteuning Ubuntu-NL freely translated to Foundation to support Ubuntu-NL
Setup of a community server aside of the ubuntu-nl server for development and tests, so the main server keeps stable
We got a stand on T-Dose, an open source event held in Eindhoven
We had a IRL Teammeeting to socialize and discuss team wide topics
Ecuador Team
French Team
German Kubuntu Team
Greek Team
Honduras Team
Hungarian Team
Our remix of Ubuntu has been officially accepted by the Hungarian Office of Education as a possible environment for the Hungarian ICT school leaving examination:
We had our monthly IRC meeting on the first Thursday of the month as usual:
We regularly updated our loco site with the latest news:
- We did various translation-related tasks
Indian Team
Ubuntu Ireland
Regular Monthly IRC Meeting was held at 9pm Irish time on Wednesday the 16th of November, 2011.
Activity was logged on both the mailing list and our IRC channel.
Ubuntu Israel
Japanese Team
- kuromabo and kazken3 are approved as administrator of Ubuntu Japanese Translators.
- We attended Open Source Conference 2011 Tokyo Fall.
- Exhibited Ubuntu 11.10 on note book and 11.04 on ICONIA TAB.
- Fumihito talked about Ubuntu 11.10 and ARM devices in seminar.
- Distributed Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Server 11.10 CD in the booth.
Korean Team
Nicaraguan Team
Norwegian team
Philippine Team
Quebec Team
Romanian Team
Russian Team
Serbian Team
South African Ubuntu team
Swedish Team
- Project "Svenska videoguider"(Swedish Screencasts) had its first projectmeeting on the 7th.
Regular monthly LoCo member meeting.
LoCo management team meeting held on the 17th
First management team meeting. The Swedish LoCo is trying out a new organization with a management team or council is perhaps a better word for it. It consists of the Team Contact and Team Leader aswell as representatives from different groups/projects such the IRC operators, the support group aswell as our translation team.
Swiss Team
Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team
- Organisation of the ubuntu and Free Software Day at the "National Engineering School of Gabes"
Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team
Various team members attended the Ubuntu Developer Summit Podcasts released . . .
United States Teams
US Teams Project
Ubuntu California
Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
District of Columbia Team
Florida LoCo Team
Please update with team activity from 11/November here.
Iowa Team
New York State Team
No Report This Month
Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team
Ohio Team
Oregon Team
- Team Meetings
- bkerensa met with Debian folks to plan December Ubuntu/Debian event
Pennsylvania Team
Virginia Team
Washington Team
Wisconsin Team
* Event: This month's Milwaukee Ubuntu Hour was November 4. This event is on first Friday of each month. The next Milwaukee Ubuntu Hour will be December 2. There was one attendee. If attendance is low in December, the event will be suspended pending a revamp.
* LoCo Application Update Meeting: Postponed due to scheduling conflicts and extra-busy schedules by some key participants. The application has been tabled for a few months.
* Event: This month's Madison Ubuntu Hour was November 19. This event is on the third Saturday of each month, and is hosted by Madison LUG. The next Madison Ubuntu Hour will be December 21.
* Monthly Meeting: Due to scheduling conflicts, there was no meeting this month. The busy schedule of some members is expected to continue through much of the winter. Other members are encouraged to take up the slack!
Ubuntu Venezuela Team
Zimbabwe Team
Additional Ubuntu Teams
Ubuntu Accessibility Team
Ubuntu Beginners Team
Regular monthly meeting on November 09( - 17 members in attendance, 60 minutes long, with cprofitt holding the chair.
Mohan_chml will update the BT pages with meeting minutes
cprofitt will be his second or fallback
MrChrisDruif will take primary role of posting meeting minutes.
Ubuntu Classroom Team
Nov 12: Ubuntu Women Career Days: From Developer to CEO: A Career in Tech
Nov 23: Ask Mark: Q&A Session with Mark Shuttleworth
Ubuntu NGO Team
Ubuntu Women Team
Ubuntu Women dinner at UDS (photo)
Team Meeting November 8th
Hosted second Career Days session "From Developer to CEO, a Career in Tech with Jane Silber
Full Circle Magazine, Issue #54 with article summarizing key focus for the Ubuntu Women project this cycle
TeamReports/November2011 (last edited 2011-12-10 23:20:16 by lyz)