
Differences between revisions 6 and 36 (spanning 30 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2017-02-04 04:12:23
Size: 7067
Editor: rexbouwense
Revision 36 as of 2018-11-02 18:26:36
Size: 8299
Editor: rexbouwense
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## page was renamed from ArizonaTeam/Re-validationApplication2017
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    * Re-validation Date 17 September 2017     * Re-Verification Date 17 September 2017
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    * Membership - 288 direct members as of February 01, 2017     * Membership - 295 direct members as of December 11, 2017
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    * Forum -
    * Test servers -[[|]] currently not active

    * Big Blue Button Server - [[|]]
    * Forum -   
    * Big Blue Button Server - [[|]]
    * Test servers -[[|]] '''NOT CURRENTLY ACTIVE'''
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   * There are 288 direct members of the '''AZ LoCo Team''' and 296 people are members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships. [[|Member Count]]    * There are 295 direct members of the '''Arizona Local Community Team''' and 303 members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships. [[|Member Count]]
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   * The Arizona Team co-sponsors a Linux InstallFest on the First and Third Saturdays of each month with the Phoenix Linux User Group (PLUG) at [[|UAT]]. We first started collaborating with them doing Installfests in 2008 and as a result now offer two per month instead of one. We currently have 1 portable server to host ISO's and have just added a PXE server to speed up some installs.    * The Arizona Team co-sponsors a Linux Installation Festival on the First and Third Saturdays of each month with the Phoenix Linux User Group (PLUG) at [[|UAT]]. We first started collaborating with them doing Installfests in 2008 and as a result now offer two per month instead of one. We currently have 1 portable server to host ISO's and have just added a PXE server to speed up some installs.  Since March 2015 through December 2017 we have hosted 62 installation festivals (including one Tucson and three in Sierra Vista) attended by 960 people resulting in 208 successful installs and numerous repairs, Linux and FOSS instruction/training sessions, and personal and Team project completions.
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   * Ubuntu Hour Events are currently being held in Tempe AZ twice a month and Sierra Vista AZ once a month.    * Ubuntu Hour Events are currently being held in Tempe AZ on the 1st and 4th Thursday of each month and Sierra Vista AZ on the 4th Thursday of each month month. Since March 2015 through December 2017 we have hosted 104 Ubuntu Hours (64 in Tempe, 33 in Sierra Vista, and 7 in Surprise) attended by 706 people for an average of almost 7 people per event.
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   * IRC meetings are held weekly on Sunday nights at 9 P.M. MST. The IRC channel is open 24 hours a day to help users with questions and communicate with team members. ubuntu-us-az on    * IRC meetings are held weekly on Sunday nights at 9 P.M. MST. The IRC channel is open 24 hours a day to help users with questions and communicate with team members. ubuntu-us-az on Since March 2015 through December 2017 we have conducted 140 Team IRC meetings attended by 1302 people for an average of over 9 people at each meeting.
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       * [[|Phoenix LUG]]
       * [[|Prescott LUG]]
       * [[|Sunland LUG]]
       * [[|Cochise LUG]]
       * [[|Phoenix LUG (PLUG)]]
       * [[|LUG of Yavapai County (LUGY)]]
       * [[|Sunland LUG (SLUG)]]
       * [[|Cochise County LUG (CLUG)]]
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   * '''Prescott LUG:''' Attend meetings occasionally. Distribute CD/DVDs, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.    * '''LUGY:''' Attend meetings occasionally. Distribute installation media, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.
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   * '''Phoenix LUG:''' Attend East side meetings every month. Distribute CD/DVDs, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.    * '''PLUG:''' Attend East side meetings every month. Distribute installation media, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.
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   * '''Sunland LUG:''' Attend meetings occasionally. Distribute CD/DVDs, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.    * '''SLUG:''' Attend meetings occasionally. Distribute installation media, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.
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   * '''Cochise LUG:''' Attend meetings twice a month. Distribute CD/DVDs, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.    * '''CLUG:''' Attend meetings twice a month. Distribute installation media, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.
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   * '''Local Ubuntu Advocacy:''' Continue to burn and distribute Ubuntu DVD/CDs for release parties, Installfests, and for team members to distribute to family, friends, neighbors, etc.    * '''Local Ubuntu Advocacy:''' Continue to burn and distribute Ubuntu installation media for release parties, Installfests, and for team members to distribute to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.
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      * Our monthly Installfests at the University of Advancing Technology assists new users with DVD/CD's, installs, and training.
      * Our Team supports and attends the security events at Mesa Community College.
      * Our monthly Installfests at the University of Advancing Technology assists new users with installation media, installs, and training.
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    * Kenny Mc Henry (2009-02-20)
    * nhasian (2009-02-23)
    * j.scott.gwin (2010-07-06)
    * Todd Cole (2014-05-21)
    * Raoul Snyman (2015-02-15)
    * Rex Bouwense (2016-06-15)
    * Walter Mack (2017-02-02)
    * Mark Thomas (2017-02-02)
    * John Crawford (2008-06-26)
    * Kenny Mc Henry (2009-02-20)
    * Nasser Hasian (2009-02-23)
    * J. Scott Gwin (2010-07-06)
    * Todd Cole (2014-05-21)
    * Raoul Snyman (2015-02-15)
    * Rex Bouwense (2016-06-15)
    * Walter Mack (2017-02-02)
    * Mark Thomas (2017-02-02)
    * Paul Kairis (2017-02-15)
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We have held a workshop to instruct more AZ Team Members how to apply for Ubuntu membership. This process is on going. We have held workshops to instruct more AZ Team Members on how to apply for Ubuntu membership. This process is on going.

Key Details


  • There are 295 direct members of the Arizona Local Community Team and 303 members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships. Member Count

Scheduled Activities:

  • The Arizona Team co-sponsors a Linux Installation Festival on the First and Third Saturdays of each month with the Phoenix Linux User Group (PLUG) at UAT. We first started collaborating with them doing Installfests in 2008 and as a result now offer two per month instead of one. We currently have 1 portable server to host ISO's and have just added a PXE server to speed up some installs. Since March 2015 through December 2017 we have hosted 62 installation festivals (including one Tucson and three in Sierra Vista) attended by 960 people resulting in 208 successful installs and numerous repairs, Linux and FOSS instruction/training sessions, and personal and Team project completions.

  • Ubuntu Hour Events are currently being held in Tempe AZ on the 1st and 4th Thursday of each month and Sierra Vista AZ on the 4th Thursday of each month month. Since March 2015 through December 2017 we have hosted 104 Ubuntu Hours (64 in Tempe, 33 in Sierra Vista, and 7 in Surprise) attended by 706 people for an average of almost 7 people per event.
  • IRC meetings are held weekly on Sunday nights at 9 P.M. MST. The IRC channel is open 24 hours a day to help users with questions and communicate with team members. ubuntu-us-az on Since March 2015 through December 2017 we have conducted 140 Team IRC meetings attended by 1302 people for an average of over 9 people at each meeting.


  • State LUG Collaboration: Contact and pooling of resources with Linux User Groups (LUGs) across the state to promote events and further Ubuntu as a viable operating system. We have already established a relationship with:

  • Improve Global Jam participation: Schedule half of the install-fest session for Global Jam and invite chosen people for testing and debugging.

  • Release Party & Installfest: Do demonstrations of new features and installations for our team and local groups. Conduct release parties for LTS Ubuntu releases.

  • LUGY: Attend meetings occasionally. Distribute installation media, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.

  • PLUG: Attend East side meetings every month. Distribute installation media, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.

  • SLUG: Attend meetings occasionally. Distribute installation media, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.

  • CLUG: Attend meetings twice a month. Distribute installation media, exchange Ubuntu & FOSS information and demonstrate new programs.

  • Local Ubuntu Advocacy: Continue to burn and distribute Ubuntu installation media for release parties, Installfests, and for team members to distribute to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.


We have held workshops to instruct more AZ Team Members on how to apply for Ubuntu membership. This process is on going.

ArizonaTeam/Re-VerificationApplication2017 (last edited 2018-11-02 18:26:36 by rexbouwense)