February 2011 Team Reports


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Ubuntu Governance

Americas Regional Membership Board

The approval results from the February 18th Americas Membership meeting are as follows:

Community Council

Developer Membership Board

EMEA Regional Membership Board

Forum Council

IRC Council

  • Meeting 2011-02-13 (Full log)

    • Last meetings action items
    • Other Agenda Items
    • TOPIC: Ubottu bug parsing in #ubuntu
      • VOTE: Put ubottu bug parsing on in #ubuntu for trial until our next meeting..
        • Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5
      • ACTION: tsimpson to enable bug parsing in ubottu for #ubuntu
      • ACTION: topyli to do stats for the trial ubottu period
      • ACTION: elky to send mail to the -irc list to inform ops about the change.
    • TOPIC: Ubuntu Namespace scope
      • ACTION: jussi to put down some thoughts on namespace limits.
    • TOPIC: Dual cloaks
      • VOTE: Allow dual cloaks, with the possibility of */ubuntu.member.
        • Final result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 4
      • ACTION: tsimpson to change wiki
      • ACTION: tsimpson tosend the mail regarding the cloaking change.
      • ACTION: tsimpson to query staff about the cloak details and reservations
  • Meeting 2011-02-27 (Full log)

    • [TOPIC] Add eir to #ubuntu
      • Agree that we want eir, but we need to look into integration with ubottu and the notices before adding it.
    • [TOPIC] Standing Items
      • No new bugs, and most actions from last meeting were completed
      • Outstanding Actions:
        • [ACTION] jussi to document thoughts on namespace limits
        • [ACTION] topyli to do stats for trial ubottu period (re: bug parsing in #ubuntu)
      • [ACTION] nhandler to do post-meeting tasks
    • [TOPIC] Change Ubuntu IRC Members to restricted
      • Agree to make team restricted to help ensure that people follow the membership procedure
      • [ACTION] nhandler to change Ubuntu IRC Members Team to restricted, reject pending members, and update wiki and factoids
    • [TOPIC] Document expected behavior of people wearing ubuntu/member/* cloaks
      • rww was concerned about some behavior from Ubuntu Members taking place outside of the Ubuntu namespace.
      • We agreed that Ubuntu Members represent Ubuntu and agree to follow the Code of Conduct, and that a note about this on the wiki might be helpful.
      • [ACTION] topyli to update wiki page
    • [TOPIC] #ubuntu-ops-team creation
      • Agree to create #ubuntu-ops-team and review it after 2 weeks
      • [ACTION] jussi to get channel sorted out and send out necessary announcements
      • [ACTION] tsimpson to sort out the channel logging

LoCo Council

Meeting Held on February 15th, 2011.

The Ubuntu Global Jam is swiftly approaching, In our meeting we discussed things we can do to help promote participation.

The Ubuntu Global Jam event is an event where every cycle LoCo Teams can join together and devote a weekend in effort to help the impending release. With Unity shipping it's important to try and get as much participation as possible.

The question was raised, "How can we get more teams involved"?

Here are some of the proposed ideas:

Blog about it! Give a session about UGJ during Ubuntu Developer Week. Next LoCo Council meeting will be devoted to UGJ.

It was discussed in the past that there should be a focus on trying to get teams together, but we would like to encourage all Loco's and Loco Team Members that they don't need to have a huge event. If more than one person gets together and helps in any area that participation is just as valuable. Think Globally, and act Locally.

All of the council have agreed to blog at at least once a week about the UGJ, and we will also promote it on several key Mailing Lists.

Technical Board

  • Meeting 2011-02-08
    • Chair: Kees Cook
    • Present: Martin Pitt, Matt Zimmerman, Colin Watson
    • Apologies: Mark Shuttleworth, Scott James Remnant
    • Guests: Brian Murray
    • Action review. Carried over items:
      • Action: mdz - Review ubuntu-drivers membership and make sure it
        • includes (only) people who need to manage blueprints
      • Action: mdz - announce something to ubuntu-devel-announce about
        • drivers changes
    • Default ntpd configuration (104525)

      • Voted to "switch the default ntp servers to
        • {0,1,2,3}.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org plus ntp.ubuntu.com" passed, +4.
      • Action: pitti to update g-s-t for new ntp pool
      • Action: jdstrand to update ntp for new ntp pool
    • Reviewed open bugs and mailing list items
    • Other items
      • Action: kees - bring up TB rescheduling on mailing list
    • Next chair: sabdfl

Ubuntu Development Teams

Reviewers Team

Xubuntu Team

Xubuntu team report for February, 2011

Bug Triage

  • Triaged over 100 bugs this month.

Packaging, Development, & Testing

  • Packaged Xfce4.8.1 for Natty Narwhal
  • Many bugs have been fixed.
  • Natty Narwhal Alpha2 was released on time.
  • Xubuntu 10.04.2 was released, giving the users a much better experience when installing this three-year support release.

Website & Marketing



  • We are striving to get more users to blog about Xubuntu. We would like to get word out of the changes being made, as well as new releases.
  • The Xubuntu Community holds a regular meeting on Thursday at 19:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
  • Minutes and Logs from the meetings are available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings.

  • The community meeting was held on 2011-02-03, 2011-02-10 and 2011-02-17


  • Xubuntu documentation for 10.04.2 was released, enabling a much improved user experience.
  • Xubuntu documentation for Natty is being updated by Book_em_Dano
  • Xubuntu needs a Documentation Lead. Contact us per http://xubuntu.org/devel or email charlie-tca@ubuntu.com, if interested.

Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu LoCo Teams

Argentina Team

Asturian Team

Australian Team

  • PaulGear sent out various excess stickers and CDs from AustralianTeam/LCA2011Brisbane Open Day to a number of people who requested them on the mailing list. There are still quite a few CDs to give away.

  • PaulGear approached Redland City Library about providing Ubuntu training sessions and free CDs for their upcoming Explore IT Expo. The librarian had not heard of Linux at all (that just proves how widespread bug #1 is), but agreed to research it. Unfortunately i did not have any of my own or the team's business cards to give her, so she had to rely my messy handwriting to get the web site addresses. I will make another approach in a more prepared fashion in the near future.

  • February Meeting - Regular Team Meeting held 8th February, chaired by nisshh) and attended by 18 team members.

  • JaredNorris has been appointed as the replacement team contact made vacant by MelissaDraper's impending move overseas - mailing list announcement

Belgian Team

  • February 3rd: IRC Meeting with JanC, mongolito404, massimo21, clamam, woutervddn, Jean7491

  • February 5-6th: FOSDEM Brussels
  • February 6th: booth at computer fair in Kortrijk/Courtrai

  • February 10th: IRC Meeting with JanC, mongolito404, jimbauwens, ramtar, sylvaintechnic, woutervddn, Jean7491

  • February 15th: Wiki clean-up with woutervddn and mongolito404

  • February 17th: IRC Meeting with JanC, warddr, jimbauwens, massimo21, acraens, lofty40, djim-fey, woutervddn, Jean7491

  • February 20th: Fixed bugs #720428. Work done for #720577

  • February 24th: IRC Meeting with JanC, clamam, warddr, Jurgentje, djim-fey, woutervddn, Jean7491

  • February 26-27th: booth at Hobby and Computersdays in Antwerp

Cameroonian Team

The Frebruary activities's report.

Canadian Team

  • Ubuntu Hours in Kitchener, ON (Feb. 2 and 24).
  • Lunchtime weekly Ubuntu Hour started in Kitchener.
  • Planning started for Ubuntu Global Jam in Kitchener and (tentatively) Peterborough.
  • IRC Meeting, Feb. 15.

Catalan Team

  • February 1st: LoCo meeting about next install parties in different places.

  • February 12th: Ubuntu Install Party in Caldes de Montbui.
  • February 16th: LoCo meeting about next T-shirts design.

  • February 17th: Presentation Ubuntu 10.10 and install party at Marc de Vilalba Library in Cardedeu
  • February 26th: Ubuntu Install Party at Vilaweb, the leading Catalan digital newspaper.

China Team

Chilean Team

Ubuntu Colombia

Danish Team

Ecuador Team

French Team

  • Saturday 5th - Install Party in Vincennes, Paris suburbs.
    Around 10 people have got some help on installing Ubuntu.

  • Saturday 5th - Premier Samedi du Libre in Paris
    This is a multi-distribution small install fest where around 60 people come to get help configuring and installing their Linux system.

  • Saturday 5th and Sundnay 6th - FOSDEM
    Some Ubuntu-fr teammates gave a hand at the Ubuntu booth in Brussels Fosdem. Thanks to JanC for his invitation. More details on Fosdem/2011

  • Monday 7th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
  • Wednesday 9th - Launch of our new design for the french documentation.
  • Wednesday 9th - Soirée Ubuntu One a conference about UbuntuOne in Dijon.
    Drinking and eating event with discussion about UbuntuOne solution.

  • Saturday 12th - Install Party in Pau

  • Monday 14th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
  • Wednesday 16th - Ubuntu Hour in Paris

  • Thursday 17th - Jeudi de la bidouille in Lyon
    Jeudi de la bidouille is a hacking session. Other distribution hacktivist are welcome to share experience and knowledge.

  • Saturday 19th - Associative meeting in Dijon
    Regular event to inform about Ubuntu, in Dijon.

  • Sunday 20th - Workshop for the organisation of Ubuntu Party in Paris, we wrote and send a letter to invite groups of college students.
  • Monday 21st - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
  • Monday 21st - IRC meeting and workshop to rewrite the content of our event site http://ubuntu-party.org/

  • Saturday 26th - Install Party in Lyon
    Install party.

  • Monday 28th - weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting

German Kubuntu Team

Greek Team

  • New forum theme implemented!

Honduras Team

Hungarian Team

Indian Team

Ubuntu Ireland

  • Regular Monthly IRC Meeting was held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday 16th February 2011.

  • The Ubuntu Ireland LoCo Podcast crew released their 2nd podcast .

  • On Wednesday 23rd of February the Dublin Ubuntu Hour took place at 19:00 in the Trinity Capital Hotel.

  • On Thursday 24th of February the Limerick Ubuntu Hour took place in the Absolute Hotel at 18:00.

  • Members of our Loco meet with Engineer's Ireland about the upcoming event The IT Crowd

Ubuntu Israel

Japanese Team

Korean Team

Nicaraguan Team

Norwegian team

Philippine Team

Quebec Team

Romanian Team

Russian Team

Serbian Team

South African Ubuntu team

Swedish Team

  • LoCo meeting held on the 2nd

    • Discussed the future LoCo organization

Swiss Team

Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team

Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team

  • We exhibited at the Cloud Expo/Open Source expo, handed out 50 or so CDs, the show was rather quiet, but we did introduce quite a few people to Ubuntu who had little prior exposure to Free Software
  • Some of the team attended the launch of the Shape My Language exhibition at the Design Museum which is a display of the font art of Dalton Maag, particularly in celebration of the new Ubuntu font.

United States Teams

US Teams Project

Ubuntu California

Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team

District of Columbia Team

Florida LoCo Team

Please update with team activity from 11/February here.

Iowa Team

New York State Team


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* started planning for global jam participation and 11.04 launch parties in Syracuse, Manhattan and Rochester

Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team

Ohio Team

Pennsylvania Team

Virginia Team

  • Regular Monthly IRC Meeting was held at 8pm Eastern on February 7, 2011.

Washington Team

Ubuntu Venezuela Team

Zimbabwe Team

Additional Ubuntu Teams

Ubuntu Accessibility Team

Ubuntu Beginners Team

Ubuntu Classroom Team

Ubuntu NGO Team

Ubuntu Women

TeamReports/February2011 (last edited 2011-03-05 21:04:15 by ptr)