You can use this page to nominate items for discussion by the Ubuntu Community Council. See the Community Council [ website] and [ launchpad] pages for more information.
The next meeting will be announced shortly.
General Agenda Items and Proposals
Who |
What |
Jono Bacon |
[:LoCoTeams/LoCoCouncil:LoCo Council Proposal] |
If you want to consider your team to be an Approved Team see LoCoGettingApproved and follow the instructions. If you get accepted for consideration, ensure you attend the meeting.
Country or area |
Wiki page |
Homepage |
Contact |
Date |
Member candidates for consideration
Before applying for membership, please read the NewMemberHowto. Please prepare your wikipage well before the meeting, so we can read it beforehand. Come well prepared, otherwise the meetings will take too much time.
Member candidates for next meeting
Name |
IRC nick |
Wiki Page |
Launchpad Profile |
Date added |
Jim Campbell |
j1mc |
[:j1mc] |
[ jwcampbell] |
June 6, 2007 |
William Lima |
deadwill |
[ deadwill] |
July 20, 2007 |
Magnus Hedemark |
viridari |
[:Viridari] |
[ viridari] |
July 31, 2007 |
Miguel Vazquez Gocobachi |
demrit |
[:Demrit] |
[ demrit] |
August 21, 2007 |
Ying-Chun Liu |
paulliu |
[:PaulLiu] |
[ paulliu] |
September 2, 2007 |
Nick Bauermeister |
Forlong |
[ forlong] |
September 14, 2007 |
Andrea Corbellini |
andrea-bs |
[ andrea-bs] |
October 1, 2007 |
Dominique Belhachemi |
domibel |
[ domibel] |
October 1, 2007 |
Ricardo Pérez López |
RicardoPerez |
[ ricardo] |
October 1, 2007 |
Bhavani Shankar |
coolbhavi |
[:Bhavani Shankar] |
[ bhavi] |
October 09 2007 |
Caspar Clemens Mierau |
ccm |
[ damokles] |
October 10, 2007 |
Marco Rodrigues |
Kmos |
[ gothicx] |
October 12, 2007 |
Jamie Strandboge |
jdstrand |
[ jamie-strandboge] |
October 15, 2007 |
Lasse Havelund |
[ menza] |
October 20th, 2007 |
Siegfried-A. Gevatter |
RainCT |
[wiki:RainCT RainCT] |
[ rainct] |
October 23th, 2007 |
Julius Bloch(review) |
juliux |
[ jbloch] |
October 26th, 2007 |
Previous meeting discussions and decisions
Logs for previous meetings may be found at [].
September 3
October 09
The US MassachusettsTeam was approved
The following candidates were approved as members, welcome aboard!
- September 3
- [wiki:HMontoliu Hilario J. Montoliu]
[wiki:MyriamSchweingruber Myriam Schweingruber]
[wiki:HassanElJacifi Hassan El Jacifi]
[wiki:DanShufelt Dan Shufelt]
[wiki:DavidOvercash David Overcash]
[wiki:JimHutchinson Jim Hutchinson]
[wiki:LuisdeBethencourt Luis de Bethencourt]
- [wiki:Marplatense Mariano Mara]
- [wiki:bapoumba Isabelle Duchatelle]
[wiki:JonathanMarsaud Jonathan Marsaud]
- [wiki:Davromaniak Cyril Lavier]
[wiki:LaurentBigonville Laurent Bigonville]
[wiki:PhilippKern Philipp Kern]
[wiki:NealBussett Neal Bussett]
- September 27
[wiki:JeffreyElkner Jeffrey Elkner]
[wiki:PaulBartell Paul Bartell]
[wiki:NealMcBurnett Neal McBurnett]
[wiki:MatthewGallagher Matthew Gallagher]
[wiki:ChrisRohde Chris Rohde]
- [wiki:dendrobates Rick Clark]
- [wiki:Seisen Michael Price]
[wiki:MacoMorgan Mackenzie Morgan]
- October 09
[wiki:PalmaSalvatore Salvatore Palma]
[wiki:NaldiniPaolo Naldini Paolo]
[wiki:VetselPatrice Patrice Vetsel]
[wiki:OgMaciel Og Maciel] (renew)
- [wiki:Dpic Danny Piccirillo]
- [wiki:mayeco Mario Young]
- [wiki:Supremus Daniel Schwitzgebel]
[wiki:MaurizioMoriconi MaurizioMoriconi]