April 2011 Team Reports
If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.
Ubuntu Governance
Americas Regional Membership Board
- The approval results from the April 21st Americas Membership meeting are as follows:
Kate Stewart (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KateStewart | https://launchpad.net/~kate.stewart)
Tiago Hillebrandt (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TiagoHillebrandt | https://launchpad.net/~tiagoscd)
Charlene Tessier (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CharleneTessier | https://launchpad.net/~cmmtessier)
Wuilmer Bolívar (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WuilmerBolivar | https://launchpad.net/~elwuilmer)
John Johansen (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JohnJohansen | https://launchpad.net/~jjohansen)
Julian Bohorquez (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/julianarmando | https://launchpad.net/~julianarmando)
Community Council
- Meeting 2011-04-19
- CC decided to close the Sounders mailing list. In essence, this is a decision to prune areas of the project which are offtopic or ungoverned, on the basis that they distract from our shared community focus on the goal of delivering free software in the best possible state, on particular terms (free of charge, cadence). While we appreciate that the Sounders list (and possibly other, similar forums) provide a particular social release for those who use them, we think there are better forums for each of the varied topics discussed there. Some of those are inside the project, most are elsewhere.
Together with DMB decided the exclusion of an Ubuntu member.
Ubuntu Wiki was relicensed to CC BY-SA 3.0.
- Meeting 2011-04-05:
- Discussion about RMB approval processes.
Developer Membership Board
Developer Membership Board meeting, 2011-04-25
Chair: Iain Lane
Present: Cody Somerville, Benjamin Drung, Mackenzie Morgan, Stéphane Graber, Michael Bienia
Review of previous action items
- Laney to update delegated teams to allow members to renew their memberships themselves: Done barring any accidental omissions
Developer applications for Christopher James Halse Rogers, Sylvestre Ledru
These applications are being processed on the devel-permissions mailing list[0][1]
[0] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2011-April/000189.html
[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2011-April/000190.html
MOTU application: Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mtrudel/MOTUApplication
This application was processed on the devel-permissions mailing list[2] and was voted on[3].
The result of the vote is: 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained.
Mathieu becomes a member of motu. The application is approved.
[2] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2011-April/000191.html
[3] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2011-April/000202.html
PerPackageUploader application: Jelmer Vernooij
Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JelmerVernooij/PerPackageUploaderApplication
The packages concerned are bzr, bzr-svn, bzr-git, bzr-grep, bzr-hg, bzr-gtk, qbzr, bzr-cvsimport, bzr-dbus, bzr-email, bzr-explorer, bzr-fastimport, bzr-loom, bzr-pqm, bzr-rewrite, bzr-search, bzr-stats, bzr-upload, bzr-xmloutput, bzrtools, trac-bzr, wikkid, dulwich, subvertpy, meliae, tevent, talloc, ldb, samba4, heimdal, openchange, samba.
The application was considered in two parts: bzr and samba.
The first vote was to grant jelmer PPU access to bzr, bzr-svn, bzr-git, bzr-grep, bzr-hg, bzr-gtk, qbzr, bzr-cvsimport, bzr-dbus, bzr-email, bzr-explorer, bzr-fastimport, bzr-loom, bzr-pqm, bzr-rewrite, bzr-search, bzr-stats, bzr-upload, bzr-xmloutput, bzrtools, trac-bzr, wikkid, dulwich, subvertpy, meliae. The result of the vote was: 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Jelmer gets access to these packages.
The second vote was to grant jelmer PPU access to tdb tevent talloc ldb, samba4, heimdal, openchange, samba. The result of the vote was: 4 for. 0 against. 0 abstained. Jelmer gets access to these packages.
Extension of the Zope packageset
Gediminas Paulauskas requested[4] 5 additional packages to be added to the Zope package set.
The DMB briefly discussed moving to an informal approval mechanism for this set, but it was decided that the set isn't well defined enough to allow for this. Cody noted that there is a Zope section of the Ubuntu archive that could potentially be used. It was decided to revisit this issue if adding new Zope packages becomes too time-consuming.
The packages to be added are: z3c.ptcompat, zope.applicationcontrol, zope.fixers, zope.logi, zope.pluggableauth. The result of the vote was: 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. The packages are added to the set.
[4] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2011-March/000168.html
Core Developer Application: Michael Terry
Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mterry/CoreDev
The application was discussed and voted on: 4 for, 0 against. 1 abstained.
Next meeting
The next meeting will be on 2011-05-09 14:00UTC.
Note that this meeting will be at UDS in addition to on IRC. We have requested a room for the meeting.
Chair for next meeting
EMEA Regional Membership Board
Forum Council
IRC Council
IRC Council Meeting 2011-04-24 (Full Log)
- Topic: Add eir to #ubuntu
- Work still ongoing with ubottu integration, review next meeting.
- Topic: Remove Idoru from #ubuntu because of false positives
- Vote: remove idoru from #ubuntu for a 2 week trial and see if heaven falls/bad things (tm) happen?.
- Final result is 2 for, 1 against. 1 abstained.
- Action: remove idoru from #ubuntu for a 2 week trial and see if heaven falls/bad things (tm) happen (nhandler)
- Topic: Ubuntu Namespace limits
- Action: Take "Define ubuntu namespace limits" to the mailing list. (topyli)
Other Items
Blueprint for UDS Created: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-irc-council
Wiki Page for ideas for UDS Created: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/UDS-O/Ideas
- Daniel0108 given admin privelidges in #ubuntu-at at the request of the loco council.
- 3 Appeals/Other requests dealt with
LoCo Council
Technical Board
- Meeting 2011-04-07
- Chair: Kees Cook
- Present: Scott James Remnant, Matt Zimmerman
- Apologies: Martin Pitt, Colin Watson, Mark Shuttleworth
- Guests: Doug Mandell, Rick Spencer, Dave Morley, Jorge Castro, James Westby, Chris Coulson, Scott Kitterman
- action review
- everything assigned last meeting was completed
- Classic Gnome Desktop by default (dmandell)
- Action: rickspencer3 will bring up the state of unity on the -desktop list for public review and discussion
- Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item)
- nothing needed discussion during the IRC meeting
- Check up on community bugs (standing item)
- 1 bug is closed (patches URL)
- Action: mdz to attach missing patches for debian bugs 151820 308832 35325 and 326677
- 2 bugs remain standing for LP rights
- 1 bug is closed (patches URL)
- Select a chair for the next meeting
- mdz selected
Ubuntu Development Teams
Reviewers Team
Xubuntu Team
Ubuntu Studio
Release Development
See the Natty release planning wiki page for details.
Website Update
- TODO - update this section with new URL
See the Website Update wiki page for details.
- Brian David emailed the dev mailing list with the example website files for testing
- Testers will need a local instance of Drupal
- Testers will most likely also need a local instance of MySQL
- Testing will need to follow the included README.txt file
ScottLavender agreed to prepare 2nd draft of site map focusing on primary features
See the -controls development wiki page for details.
- ailo and paultag have been hacking up code for the update
ScottLavender is getting anxious to get it built, testing, and pushed to the repos :/
See the Ubuntu Studio Backports wiki page for details.
ScottLavender firmed up details with ScottKitterman about backporting for Lucid
The Ubuntu Studio Backports wiki page was updated...a LOT
qjackctl backport bug #681873 updated and PPA package ready for testing
qsynth backport bug #729430 filed and PPA package ready for testing
yoshimi backport bug #729450 filed and PPA package ready for testing
inkscape backport bug #729474 filed and PPA package ready for testing
openshot backport bug #729488 filed and PPA package ready for testing
rakarrack PPA package ready for testing
qtractor backport bug #729750 filed and PPA package ready for testing
musescore backport bug #729811 filed and PPA package ready for testing
xsane backport bug #729898 filed and PPA package ready for testing
mcp-plugins backport bug #729926 filed and PPA package ready for testing
jamin backport bug #729955 filed and PPA package ready for testing
fluidsynth backport bug #729981 filed and PPA package ready for testing
gimp backport bug #729998 filed and PPA package ready for testing
fluid-sonfont backport bug #730130 filed and PPA package ready for testing
gimp-plugin-registry backport bug #730181 filed and PPA package ready for testing
Bug Reports
Opened Bugs
- Several backport requests were filed. See BACKPORTS section above for details.
Updated Bugs
Marked as Incomplete Bugs
Closed Bugs
Kernel Development
ScottLavender began building -lowlatency kernel with aboganni's assistance in hopes of getting it in Natty
- It is realised the window for getting the -lowlatency kernel in Natty is very slim
Ubuntu LoCo Teams
Argentina Team
Asturian Team
30 April - Natty Install Party & Presentation. Anounce post, Post after install, All pictures.
1 April - Ubuntu Natty Global Jam. Anounce post, Face-to-face Jam Picture and Online Jam Log.
Australian Team
April Meeting - Regular Team Meeting held 12th April, chaired by JaredNorris and attended by 7 team members.
Ubuntu Global Jam - A Translation Jam was held online for our LoCo in the team. We had 5 people all work towards translating enAU - details of activities available the wiki organisation page
Natty Release Parties - there were 5 Natty release parties organised around the country, details available at:
Belgian Team
April 3d: booth at computer fair in Genk
April 7th: IRC Meeting with JanC, woutervddn, massimo21, clamam, jurgentje, mimor, RamiAdrien, Bjorn_, Jean7491
April 10th: booth at computer fair in Ghent
April 14th: IRC Meeting with JanC, woutervddn, lofty40, jurgentje, sylvaintechnic, Jean7491
April 21th: IRC Meeting with JanC, mimor, wouter_vddn, massimo21, clamam, jurgentje, sylvaintechnic, gadeynebram, Jean7491
April 25th: IRL Meeting in Vilvoorde "Laying some foundation to the Belgian LoCo Team" with jurgentje, janb, mongolito404, pvandewyngaer, sylvaintechnic, JanC, RamiAdrien, nero_, Jean7491 - A Council of 6 members was constituted to lead, coordinate and support the Belgian LoCo Team.
April 28th: IRC Meeting with JanC, woutervddn, markvandenborre, RamiAdrien, pvandewyngaer, massimo21, clamam, jurgentje, sylvaintechnic, Wamukota, Jean7491
Cameroonian Team
This is the activities report of April.
Gnome 3.0 Release, April 09 at Yaounde.
Planning started for Natty Release Party.
Canadian Team
IRC Meeting IRL Meetup in Kitchener.
Release Party photos!
Catalan Team
April 1st: LoCo meeting about next release party.
April 2nd: Ubuntu Global Jam at La Borrassa Rural Lab in Les Borges Blanques. Some photos
April 16th: LoCo meeting about new install party.
China Team
Chilean Team
Ubuntu Colombia
Danish Team
Ecuador Team
French Team
April 2nd - Premier Samedi du Libre in Paris
This is a multi-distribution small install fest where around 60 people come to get help configuring and installing their Linux system.- April 2nd - Install Party in Quimper
- April 3rd - Ubuntu Global Jam in Paris
- April 4th - Ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
- April 5th - Ubuntu Party 11.04 in Paris - Organisation meeting
- April 4th - Ubuntu-fr-infra meeting
- April 10th - Ubuntu Party 11.04 in Paris - Organisation meeting
- April 10th - Install Party in Saint-Ouen
- April 11th - Ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
- April 16th - Permanence associative in Dijon
- April 16th and 17th - Week-end du libre in Angers where we helped for an install fest and some talks about Ubuntu.
- April 16th and 17th - Salon Angevin du Multimédia in Angers where we hold a both
- April 18th - Ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
- April 19th - Ubuntu Party 11.04 in Paris - Organisation meeting
- April 21th - Jeudi de la bidouille in Lyon
- April 24th - Ubuntu Party 11.04 in Paris - Organisation meeting
- April 25th - Ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
- April 28th - Release Party in Lyon and Paris
- April - We finaly switched our websites to our new servers. We are now ready to optimize them and add more tools like Sympa and Help. We started to test seeks for the internal searches on all our domain.
German Kubuntu Team
Greek Team
Honduras Team
Hungarian Team
Presenting at the Infosavaria Conference (a conference for ITC teachers) at Szombathely about Ubuntu: Summary (in Hungarian) | Photos
The Hungarian Ubuntu LoCo joined the Ubuntu Natty Global Jam at Budapest: Summary (in Hungarian) | Photos
We organized 3 release parties in 3 cities of Hungary: Budapest, Pécs, Szeged. Announcement (in Hungarian): http://ubuntu.hu/nattyreleaseparty
We had our monthly IRC meeting on the first Thursday of the month as usual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HungarianTeam/IRCMeetings
We regularly updated our loco site with the latest news: http://ubuntu.hu
- We did various translation-related tasks
Indian Team
Held monthly team meeting at #ubuntu-in. See Minutes of the meeting.
nigelb opened the membership of the Indian team on lp. See the MailingList
Manish blogged about Gnome.Asia.
Manish took a session on Zeitgeist API & Zeitgeist Application Integration during Ubuntu App Developer Week. (IRC Logs)
Abhinav fixed a couple of bugs in Ubuntu. (Bug #757635, Bug #765600)
Ubuntu Ireland
Regular Monthly IRC Meeting was held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday 20th of April, 2011.
Some members of our LoCo participated in Ubuntu Global Jam Dublin hosted by TOG, the Dublin Hackerspace on the 2nd of April, 2011 from 10am till 6pm. Details here
For the first time there was a second Ubuntu Global Jam event in Ireland. Other members of our LoCo participated in UGJ Limerick hosted by The University of Limerick Computer Society also on the 2nd of April, 2011 from 10am till 6pm. Details here
Our Natty Narwhal Release party was held on the evening of the release date, 28 Apr 11. Details here
Ubuntu Israel
Japanese Team
- We attended Open Source Conference 2011 Kansai@Kobe and held a seminar. Slides are available from the link below.
- A team member Hajime Mizuno wrote an article about Ubuntu 11.04 for the May issue of Software Design.
- Takashi Sakamoto joined Ubuntu Japanese Team.
Korean Team
Nicaraguan Team
Norwegian team
Philippine Team
Quebec Team
Romanian Team
Russian Team
Serbian Team
South African Ubuntu team
apologies for the catchup report
6 Feb: Feb Stellenbosch Ubuntu Hour
21 Feb: IRC meeting
6 March: March Stellenbosch Ubuntu Hour
9 April: Gnome 3 Release party in Pretoria. Photos
10 April: April Stellenbosch Ubuntu Hour
30 April: Natty Release Party photos
Swedish Team
Swiss Team
Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team
- Organisation of the ubuntu and Free Software Day at the "Higher Institute of Computer and Communication Techniques of sousse"
Photo album:http://ubuntu.nizarus.org/AtomCellEvent1104
- Organisation of the ubuntu and Free Software Day at"Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse"
Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team
We released http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2011/04/13/s04e04-back-in-the-village/
We announced http://oggcamp.org/
We had an event http://ucubed.info/
Les Pounder interviewed the Linux Outlaws http://linuxoutlaws.com/podcast/202
London release party for Natty http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/889/detail/
Les Pounder co-hosted the Fullcircle sidepod with Robin Catling http://fullcirclemagazine.org/2011/05/02/full-circle-side-pod-episode-eight-hardware-software-and-knitting/
UCubed videos are up http://www.archive.org/details/UCubed_Dan_Lynch_Talk & http://www.archive.org/details/Ucubed2011-AnnaMorrisTalk
United States Teams
US Teams Project
Ubuntu California
- Team Meetings
- Ubuntu Hours
Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
District of Columbia Team
Florida LoCo Team
Please update with team activity from 11/April here.
Iowa Team
New York State Team
20110423 8am - 6pm Rochester Linux Festival @ RIT Pictures
Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team
Ohio Team
Pennsylvania Team
Virginia Team
Washington Team
Planning and preparing for LinuxFest Northwest (LFNW) 2011
- Booth at LFNW 2011 April 30th - May 1
Ubuntu Venezuela Team
Zimbabwe Team
Additional Ubuntu Teams
Ubuntu Accessibility Team
The next article in the series of personas was published http://ubuntuaccessibility.wordpress.com/2011/04/06/meet-daniela/
We are organising an evening out at the invisible exhibition at UDS in Budapest http://ubuntuaccessibility.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/the-invisible-exhibition-at-uds/
Ubuntu Beginners Team
Regular monthly meeting on April 13(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings/20110413) - 6 members in attendance, 41 minutes long, with cprofitt holding the chair.
- The UBT Countil in conjunction with the team should develop a potential structure docmuent for prospective members to follow. This document would then be adopted by a vote in a future meeting
Ubuntu Classroom Team
1 Apr: Q & A with ARM Engineering Manager for Ubuntu David Mandala
5 Apr: Basics of Bug Triaging
8 Apr: Q & A with Desktop Experience Team Manager David Barth
Apr 11 - Apr 15: Hosted UbuntuAppDeveloperWeek
Ubuntu NGO Team
Ubuntu Women Team
- Of the 644 Ubuntu Members at the end of this month 5.31% are women
LinuxFest Northwest April 30-May 1, Valorie Zimmerman staffed a booth for the Washington State LoCo, displaying and handing U-W fliers and cards, and discussing the project with many people. http://www.linuxfestnorthwest.org/about
Full Circle Magazine, Issue #48 with interview of Ubuntu Contributor Jessica Ledbetter
Team meeting April 21st