
Revision 35 as of 2010-02-07 17:45:01

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  1. UWN Translations
  2. In This Issue
  3. General Community News
    1. Open source industry veteran Matt Asay joins Canonical as COO
    2. Lucid Translations now open
    3. Ubuntu Developer Week Re-Cap
    4. Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS Maintenance release
    5. Lucid Ubuntu Global Jam Announced
    6. Project Awesome Opportunity
    7. New Ubuntu Review Team: Reviewing bug with patches
    8. Jane Silber Interview
  4. Ubuntu Stats
    1. Bug Stats
    2. Translation Stats Karmic
    3. Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week
  5. LoCo News
    1. Nicaraguan LoCo Team's Third Anniversary
  6. Launchpad News
    1. Report on Launchpad down-time of 4th Feb 2010
  7. The Planet
    1. Shane Fagan: Indicator and me menu, lucid looking awesome
    2. Chuck Frain: Columbia Area Linux Users Group Feb 11th Featuring Jonathan Riddell and Justin Kirby
    3. Melissa Draper: International Women’s Day Competition
    4. Sense Hodstede: Do something good for the world, adopt a package!
  8. In The Press
    1. The Top 7 Best Linux Distributions for You
    2. Ubuntu advances: Why Ubuntu server installations will surge in 2010
    3. 10 Kernel Vulnerabilities in Ubuntu 6.06, 8.04, 8.10, 9.04 and 9.10
    4. OpenOffice dropped from Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04
    5. Dustin Kirkland Interview: Encryption in Ubuntu
  9. In The Blogosphere
    1. Help The 'Ubuntu Welcome Tour' Project
    2. Ubuntu Lucid "Aero" style* GTK postponed to Lucid+1
    3. Canonical picks open-source leader for COO
  10. In Other News
  11. Meeting Summaries: January 2010
    1. Ubuntu Governance
      1. Community Council
      2. Developer Membership Board
      3. IRC Council
      4. MOTU Council
      5. Technical Board
    2. Ubuntu Development Teams
      1. Xubuntu Team
        1. Documentation
        2. Team Governance
        3. General
        4. Images
        5. Blueprint Work
        6. Summary
    3. Ubuntu LoCo Teams
      1. Catalan Team
      2. Colombian Team
      3. Czech Team
      4. Danish Team
      5. Ecuador Team
      6. Irish Team
      7. Japanese Team
      8. Philippine Team
      9. Russian Team
        1. Translations
        2. Resources
        3. Kuban Team
      10. United States Teams
        1. US Teams Project
        2. California Team
        3. Chicago Team
        4. District of Columbia Team
        5. FloridaTeam
        6. New York State Team
        7. North Carolina Team
    4. Ubuntu Beginners Team
    5. Ubuntu Women Team
    6. Ubuntu Community Learning Project
  12. Upcoming Meetings and Events
    1. Monday, February 8, 2010
      1. Security Team Catch-up
    2. Tuesday, February 9, 2010
      1. Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting
      2. Technical Board Meeting
      3. Desktop Team Meeting
      4. Kernel Team Meeting
      5. Global Jam Meeting
    3. Wednesday, February 10, 2010
      1. Server Team Meeting
      2. Foundation Team Meeting
      3. QA Team Meeting
      4. Edubuntu Meeting
    4. Thursday, February 11, 2010
      1. Ubuntu Java Meeting
      2. Ubuntu Mozilla Team
    5. Friday, February 12, 2010
      1. MC Meeting
      2. Lucid Weekly Release Meeting
    6. Saturday, February 13, 2010
      1. Ubuntu IRC Council Meeting
      2. BugJam
      3. DC Loco IRC meeting
    7. Sunday, February 14, 2010
  13. Updates and Security for 6.06, 8.04, 8.10, 9.04 and 9.10
    1. Security Updates
    2. Ubuntu 6.06 Updates
    3. Ubuntu 8.04 Updates
    4. Ubuntu 8.10 Updates
    5. Ubuntu 9.04 Updates
    6. Ubuntu 9.10 Updates
  14. Subscribe
  15. Archives and RSS Feed
  16. Additional Ubuntu News
  17. Conclusion
  18. Credits
  19. Glossary of Terms
  20. Ubuntu - Get Involved
  21. Feedback



Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #179 for the week January 31st - February 6th, 2010. In this issue we cover: Open source industry veteran Matt Asay joins Canonical as COO, Lucid Translations now open, Ubuntu Developer Week Re-Cap, Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS Maintenance release, Lucid Ubuntu Global Jam Announced, Project Awesome Opportunity, New Ubuntu Review Team: Reviewing bug with patches, Jane Silber Interview, Dustin Kirkland Interview: Encryption in Ubuntu, Nicaraguan LoCo Team's Third Anniversary, Report on Launchpad down-time of 4th Feb 2010, January Team Meeting Reports, and much, much more!

UWN Translations

  • Note to translators and our readers: We are trying a new way of linking to our translations pages. Please follow the link below for the information you need.

In This Issue

  • Open source industry veteran Matt Asay joins Canonical as COO
  • Lucid Translations now open
  • Ubuntu Developer Week Re-Cap
  • Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS Maintenance release
  • Lucid Ubuntu Global Jam Announced
  • Project Awesome Opportunity
  • New Ubuntu Review Team: Reviewing bug with patches
  • Jane Silber Interview
  • Dustin Kirkland Interview: Encryption in Ubuntu
  • Ubuntu Stats
  • Nicaraguan LoCo Team's Third Anniversary

  • Report on Launchpad down-time of 4th Feb 2010
  • The Planet
  • In the Press & Blogosphere

  • January Team Meeting Reports
  • Upcoming Meetings & Events

  • Updates & Security

General Community News

Open source industry veteran Matt Asay joins Canonical as COO

Canonical Ltd. announced this week that open source industry veteran Matt Asay has joined the company as chief operating officer (COO) -- responsible for aligning strategic goals and operational activities, the optimization of day-to-day operations, and leadership of Canonical marketing and back-office functions.

Most recently VP, Business Development for Alfresco, Asay has been involved with open source since 1998, and is one of the industry's leading open source business strategists.

“As more companies and people are embracing Ubuntu for their day-to-day computing, we felt it critical to bring in a person who knew not just open source, but has a long experience in making Linux relevant to businesses and users alike,” said Jane Silber, current COO and upcoming CEO, Canonical. “We think Matt brings to Canonical the perfect blend of industry, executive and community savvy.”

Lucid Translations now open

We are pleased to announce that Lucid translations are now open. You can now go to: and start doing your rocking job to translate your favorite distro as usual. There are some further notes listed in the announcement concerning Priorities,, Language packs, and Firefox. Please visit the link below for information on these added notes.

Ubuntu Developer Week Re-Cap

Here is a recap of the very successful Ubuntu Developer Week that just ended. Logs of each presentation are available at the links below so that you can catch up on any session you missed. Thanks to all who participated and a special thanks to all the presenters for a fantastic job!


  1. Getting Started with Ubuntu Development: we had a great start in the first session, between 300 and 400 people attended it and we were able to resolve lots and lots of questions around the initial steps of developing Ubuntu. Check out the log if you want to start your journey too.

  2. Fixing small Ubuntu bugs: I simply love these sessions. Nothing is as powerful as the realisation that you can really fix a bug and really get it fixed for millions of users. One of the small bugs we discussed yesterday was fixed in Ubuntu Lucid today.

  3. Django: Dave Walker gave an excellent session about Django. If you ever think “I need some kind of website”, make sure you read the session log and try it out yourself. Judging by the really sharp questions that Dave got we can expect more Django sites coming up soon.

  4. Working on the Bleeding Edge: I’m very glad that Kees Cook gave this session because one of the most frequent questions of new Ubuntu Developers is “Do I need to run the current development release? Won’t that break my system?”. Kees gave very good advice to stay sane and avoid problems on the “bleeding edge”. He also uploaded a presentation about the topic.

  5. Server oriented packages: Mathias Gug was up next and talked about the specifics of server packages: firewall rules, apparmor profiles, init scripts, etc. If you like servers, read the log and talk to the Server Team.


  1. Java libraries packaging: in four easy to understand examples Thierry Carrez explained how to deal with java libraries and how to make them build in the Ubuntu way. He managed to give a good overview of the current state of Java packaging, so let’s hope we see an increase in good quality java packages in the near future!

  2. Adding support for Ubuntu One to your applications: the wonderful Stuart Langridge was up next and showcased how simple and easy it is today to work with DesktopCouch as a data backend. His talk was full of nice examples so it should be easy for you to hook up your application with Ubuntu One. If you weren’t in the session, make sure you read the log.

  3. Internationalizing your application with quickly and Launchpad]: David Planella and Didier Roche are experts in their respective fields: Didier put a lot of work into Quickly and David knows almost everything about internationalisation and translations. Together they delivered a great show of how to easily make translated apps happen.

  4. Getting your applications in the panel: Ted Gould did a great job of explaining why the panel currently can get a bit crowded, what’s the plan in lucid and what you can do to make applications fit into the new scheme. It’s pretty easy to work with the new application indicators, so have a look at the log and talk to the Ayatana people about it!

  5. Automated server testing: Last of the day was Søren Hansen who talked to us about automated server testing, test suites and server-specific testing. Be sure to read the log to understand how this amazing technology works and what it has to do with the number of your favourite pizza guy.


  1. Writing good test-cases: this was a top-notch talk by John Arbash Meinel. Not only did he give a fantastic overview of today’s state of the art of proactively testing software, but also did he dive into the theory behind it and managed to get across a good feeling for what to bear in mind when writing test-cases.

  2. Launchpad Translations under the hood: amazing work by Adi Roiban and Henning Eggers. The talk covered quite well how translations work, which tools are used and how Launchpad makes use of all of this to become this fantastic translations platform.

  3. Getting Started with EC2: this great talk by Scott Moser was well-researched and full of information about the Cloud, how it works, its importance and why to try it out. If you didn’t attend the session be sure to check out the log.

  4. Developing and Testing in KVM: Dustin Kirkland was next and talked about one of the key players in virtualisation land. He covered what KVM is about, how it works and how to use it. Check out the “KVM hacks” section!

  5. Python Applications Packaging: Luca Falavigna did the last talk of the day and even spent a bit more than the regular hour to talk the audience through the prodecude of packaging Python applications. Seems like we need to add SABPDFT to the glossary from now on…


  1. Adopt-an-Upstream: Jorge and I had a great time giving this talk. It’s incredibly important for Ubuntu to have good and healthy relationships to other projects. During the session we gave an overview over adopting an upstream, what to bear in mind, why to do it and how it fits into the bigger picture of Ubuntu development.

  2. Kernel patches: Next up was Leann Ogasawara who rocked the house talking about patching the kernel, how the Kernel team works, how to get involved and how to get help. There was loads of questions and lots of interst. Let’s see how many new kernel hackers we’ll have soon!

  3. Getting more detailed bug reports: QA mastermind Brian Murray shed more light on one of his favourite tools: apport. What’s great about reporting bugs with apport is that it will get a lot of useful information from your system like the version number of the package, which kernel modules were loaded, etc. This eliminates a lot of bug question ping-pong. The best thing about it is though that it is easily extendable. Read the session log to find out how you can get more specific information for packages you’re interested in!

  4. Bazaar and packaging: Jelmer Vernooij did a fantastic talk about Bazaar, Launchpad and Ubuntu/Debian packaging and why they go so good together. In a couple of easily understandable examples he showcased very well how to use them and why they make working with packages so much easier. Awesome!

  5. How to get started hacking Launchpad: Ever wanted to fix a bug in Launchpad or improve it somehow? Be sure to check out the log of Karl Fogel’s session. It’s much much easier than you think to get from Getting Launchpad to Having contributed to it. Thanks Karl


  1. Writing Beautiful Code: this session unfortunately had to be canceled as Paul Hummer couldn’t make it. We’ll definitely repeat the session soon and I’ll let you all know about it.
  2. Doing merges right: an excellent session by Colin Watson. How changes make it from Debian to Ubuntu, how to get the most out of using Bazaar for the merging, how to deal with merge conflicts, etc. It all gets so much clearer after attending the session.

  3. Meet launchpadlib: if you have a project that needs data from Launchpad, check out Jonathan Lange’s session about launchpadlib. He uses a nice little example to explain how best to go about gripping into Launchpad’s brain and extracting data from it. In the most cases you should be done really quickly and launchpadlib incantations mostly just add a few lines of code to your project.

  4. KDE/Kubuntu Junior Jobs/Papercuts: Mackenzie Morgan and Lydia Pintscher replaced Celest Lyn Paul in this session and they gave a fantastic overview how to get started helping out with KDE and Kubuntu. Read the log and start helping out!

  5. Interpreting stacktraces: the last session of the day and of UDW was led by Emmet Hikory. He talked about reading stacktraces, tips and tricks how to use gdb, and covered enough background to help you figure out why a particular crash happens when you investigate it the next time.

Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS Maintenance release

The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the release of Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS, the fourth maintenance update to Ubuntu's 8.04 LTS release. This release includes updated server, desktop, and alternate installation CDs for the i386 and amd64 architectures. Ubuntu 8.04 LTS continues to be maintained through 2011 for desktops and 2013 for servers through online updates, but this is the final maintenance release of 8.04 LTS.

In all, some 70 updates have been integrated, and updated installation media has been provided so that fewer updates will need to be downloaded after installation. These include security updates and corrections for other high-impact bugs, with a focus on maintaining stability and compatibility with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.

To download Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS, or obtain CDs, visit:

We recommend that all users read the release notes, which document caveats and workarounds for known issues. They are available at:

Lucid Ubuntu Global Jam Announced

Are you good folks aware of what is happening on 26th – 28th March 2010. But of course, it is the Ubuntu Global Jam!

In the last few cycles we have organized and run an event called the Ubuntu Global Jam. The idea was simple: encourage our awesome global Ubuntu community to get together in the same room to work on bugs, translations, documentation, testing and more. And they did, all over the world, as can be seen here.

To make the event as simple and accessible as possible, we have picked five topic areas and we are encouraging you lovely people to organize an event with one or more of them:

  • Bugs – finding, triaging and fixing bugs.
  • Testing – testing the new release and reporting your feedback.
  • Documentation – writing documentation about how to use Ubuntu and how to join the community.
  • Translations – translating Ubuntu and helping to make it available in everyone’s local language.
  • Packaging – packaging software for Ubuntu users to install with a clock.

With five primary methods of getting involved, there is something for everyone in this rocking global event. In this event we are also adding an Upgrade theme too: upgrading to Lucid from Hardy or Karmic and reporting your upgrade experience.

One thing that I am keen that everyone remembers: you don’t have to be an official developer, packager or programmer to take part in the Ubuntu Global Jam. Also, lets not forget that Ubuntu Global Jam events are a fantastic place to learn and improve your skills: you can sit next to someone who can show you how to do something or explain something in more detail.

If this is all sounding right up your street and you fancy organizing an event, go and read this page and then add your event to this page.

Rock and roll: let’s make this one to remember. Start your engines, folks…

UPDATE: I have scheduled some regular meetings every two weeks in #ubuntu-meeting on Freenode to discuss the Ubuntu Global Jam, provide a place to ask questions and get together as a community to make the most out of the event and awareness of it. These meetings are on the Fridge Calendar.

Project Awesome Opportunity

In the continued interests of making Ubuntu a rocking platform for opportunistic developers, today we formulated the plan for Project Awesome Opportunity. The goal is simple: build an opportunistic development workflow into Ubuntu. You will install one package from Universe and your Ubuntu will be hot-rodded for opportunistic application development, making development more fun and more accessible for a glorious itch scratching smackdown.

At the heart of the project is Ground Control by Martin Owens and Quickly by Rick Spencer and Didier Roche. I have been thinking about the challenges of how we build a great first incarnation of a platform optimised for opportunistic developers, and it struck me that we can divide the first set of tasks into three broad areas:

Creating a Project – we need to help opportunistic developers ramp up as quickly as possible: they feel the itch and they are ready to scratch right away. Collaborating on a project – it should be really simple grab code, create a contribution and submit it to the project. Fixing a Bug – bugs are at the heart of software projects, and we should optimize the bug fixing process making it a doddle for opportunistic bug fixing developers to grab some code and make it work. A key part of this workflow which I designed yesterday is the Fixing a Bug component, and this is something I am really passionate about us trying to deliver in the Lucid timeframe. This is not a formal project that my team is working on, this is something that I am focused on in my spare time and coordinating with Ground Control author and rock star, Martin Owens.

For this feature to flourish and for us to rock the socks off opportunistic developers everywhere, we are going to need your help, particularly with testing and where possible bug fixes. Here are the main ways in which you can help:

  • Fixing Bugs – Martin is largely a one man band on this project and he needs help fixing Ground Control Bugs. If you are interesting in helping, see the bug list here and get involved. He will love you and I will hail you.
  • Testing – Testing is critical to this project. We have a tight timeframe on this, so we need you to help. How do you test? Simple, grab the dailly PPA of Ground Control set up by the awesome Nathan Handler, test it and report bugs.
  • Moral Support – Martin Owens is doctormo on Freenode. Ping him and tell him he is awesome. He and I hang out in #ubuntu-community-team: buy him a virtual beer.

So that is the goal. Let’s see if we can rock it and fire up more opportunistic developers.

New Ubuntu Review Team: Reviewing bug with patches

The Ubuntu Review Team has been created in an effort to address the volume of unfixed bugs with patches. Brian Murray has written a launchpadlib script that will subscribe the new team to any bugs with patches where the patch ahs been added after Feb. 1st. Depending on the throughput of that queue and the success of it, the team will then start subscribing to older patches. You can look over the bugs the team is currently subscribed to here:

The team is also setup with a mailing list for receiving bug mail. By subscribing to the mailing list you will receive notification of these bugs with patches. The process for handling these bug reports is being documented (its a work in progress as we encounter different types of bugs) in the Ubuntu wiki.

Please help to make Ubuntu even better by reviewing these patches and adding them to the proper queue for sponsoring!

Jane Silber Interview

Amber Graner's interview with Canonical's new CEO Jane Silber originally appeared in Full Circle Magazine and was added to The Fridge this week. Jane found some time during the transition COO to CEO to answer a few questions.

Jane discusses the joint goals of Canonical and Ubuntu as well as the individual goals noting that one of those common goals is making Ubuntu the most widely adopted free software platform.

Jane is asked about whether there is going to be a new R&D team lead by Mark Shutteworth since Shuttleworth will now be concentrating on product design and development. The short answer is no, but she does explain how the R&D process works within Canonical and Ubuntu.

Jane talks about the transition from COO to CEO and what challenges there are? Jane also notes in the interview that dramatic strategic change is not to be expected that she and Mark [Shuttleworth] are in agreement as to the current strategy.

In this interview Jane also discusses the following:

  • From some cursory searches on the web in referencing women CEO’s for OSVs (operating system vendors) I could not find a long or readily available list of women, it would seem you are blazing a trail and raising the bar, how does that feel?
  • Do you see yourself as a role model for other women not only in the Ubuntu Project but in Open Source as a whole?
  • As a strong leader and role model within the Ubuntu Community do you now or have you ever participated in FOSS projects or groups specifically created to encourage women? If so can you tell us a little about them? If not can you elaborate on why?
  • As the transition to CEO should be complete by March 1st , 2010, does this mean you will be announcing the -M name or will that still come from Mark? You will be opening UDS-M as the new CEO, have you thought about how you will inspire and encourage and keep the excitement and energy levels from undulating and remain steady and constant during UDS?
  • At UDS-L I had the opportunity to interview Mark about Canonical’s enterprise strategy, what is your strategy? I asked him specially when he named 10.04, Lucid Lynx, referring to a clear-minded, thoughtful, predator, I know wonder if that describes you and your plan of execution in taking on the enterprise market with this LTS release?

To find out the answers to these questions and more visit The Fridge at:

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open (76455) +85 over last week
  • Critical (38) -2 over last week
  • Unconfirmed (39307) -89 over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Translation Stats Karmic

  1. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  2. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  3. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  4. Language (#) +/- # over last week
  5. Language (#) +/- # over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala", see more at:

Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week

Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or against another idea.

LoCo News

Nicaraguan LoCo Team's Third Anniversary

José Ernesto can't hardly believe that the Nicaraguan Ubuntu LoCo Team is arriving to its third anniversary, and as celebration party we will be running a Hacklab at the Instituto de Informática y Sistemas of Monseñor Lezcano, Managua, the next Sunday, February the 7th starting at 10:00 am.

At this moment, we have scheduled the following activities: Leandro Gómez will show us how he edit the POSOL with Audacity, Marcelo Gutiérrez will share some tips on installing an running Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Alpha 2, Luis Landero will talk about RAID-1 and I'll be showing Lernid and possibly testing it in Fedora with the help of Neville Cross, Nicaraguan Fedora Ambassador.

The POSOL team will be recording the fifth episode of the podcast during the event and there is a new section for the english speakers.

Launchpad News

Report on Launchpad down-time of 4th Feb 2010

If you visited Launchpad between 13.30 and 15.30 UTC yesterday (4th Feb), you’ll have seen that Launchpad was largely unavailable.

Since then, I’ve spoken to quite a few people who use Launchpad regularly and I want to say thanks to everyone for your patience while we fixed the problem. As we all use Launchpad for our own development, we know just how painful unplanned down-time is and we’re sorry for the disruption to your work.

I’d like to explain what happened, how we fixed the problem and what we’re doing to avoid a similar situation in future.

As you’d probably expect, we run more than one database server for Launchpad. There are two master databases and then slaves, which are copies of the masters. The master databases replicate constantly to the slaves.

When Launchpad makes a read-only request, such as fetching the title and description of a bug report, we can reduce the load on the master databases by fetching that data from one of the slaves. However, to ensure the data you see is up to date, each time Launchpad is about to fetch data from the slave database, it checks how long it has been since the last replication from the relevant master database. If, for whatever reason, the replication wasn’t recent enough, Launchpad will instead grab the data from the master database.

Yesterday, it was this check that was taking far longer than expected and so causing the problems that you may have seen. We were able to implement a temporary fix, to bring Launchpad back online, by directing all database queries straight to the correct master.

In the longer-term, we’re going to overhaul the way that Launchpad checks the freshness of the data in the slave databases. Rather than checking each time a query is made, Launchpad will check once every so often and cache the result, meaning that this problem shouldn’t arise again.

Thanks again for your patience.

The Planet

Shane Fagan: Indicator and me menu, lucid looking awesome

Ive been testing out lucid since a little before alpha 1 and all is well from what I can see. What landed recently was the me menu and I have say that its cool. I love the idea of posting to twitter on the fly from the desktop rather than waiting for Gwibber to load up(which takes a good 20 secs ish on my machine). Oh and the new version of Gwibber from the daily ppa looks awesome. Some extra things to look forward to is the new indicators, an improved software center, Pitivi and the music store. I cant wait to try out the music store which should land alpha 3(ish) but what songs should I buy…? Screenshot of the "Me Menu" available at the link below.

Chuck Frain: Columbia Area Linux Users Group Feb 11th Featuring Jonathan Riddell and Justin Kirby

This coming Wednesday, February 11th is the next Columbia Area Linux Users Group meeting in Columbia, MD at the offices of Tenable Network Security.

Jonathan Riddell will be opening with his talk entitled “Kubuntu Community and Technology”. He will talk about the Linux distribution Kubuntu who makes it and the tools used.

Jonathan works for Canonical and started Kubuntu five years ago.

As long as Jonathan keeps to his contract and doesn’t do his Leno impression he’ll turn over speaker responsibilities to Justin Kirby*.

Justin will be presenting his talk “Making the leap from KDE user to contributor”. Justin will discuss simple ways for KDE users to become contributors, even without knowing a thing about developing code. His talk will provide specific details about various teams that exist within KDE, what you can do to help them out, and who to talk to if you have questions.

Justin Kirby is an active contributor to the KDE Promo team. He has been a user of KDE for about 3 years but more recently got actively involved in giving back to the community in July of 2009. You can learn more about the KDE Promo team on their wiki.

So join us at the Tenable offices at 6:30pm for pizza, wings and soda supplied by Praxis Engineering followed by the talks starting at 7pm.

Melissa Draper: International Women’s Day Competition

There’s only something like 2 and half weeks left for the women of all ages in all parts our community to tell us how they discovered Ubuntu for the International Women’s Day Competition.

That means that you really ought to get a move on!

The process is easy:

  1. Women and girls email us (address and rules in announcement) a description of how they discovered Ubuntu. Whether it was at school, work, from a partner or because they were sleep-computing and woke up to the sound of drums — whatever!
  2. In just over 2 weeks time, we put up the stories and let the community vote for their favourite
  3. On March 8th, the favourite is declared, and we make Jono earn his keep by announcing it and drawing the second surprise winner from a hat on his ustream channel or vidcast or whatever it is kids call that funky video stuff these days.
  4. Two lucky ladies get a share of some loot that includes bags, tshirts, magazines, books and other fun stuff

Help spread the word by telling all the women you know who use Ubuntu and by hitting up digg and /.

Sense Hodstede: Do something good for the world, adopt a package!

Have you always wanted to do something good for the world, but did you never know what to do? Here is your chance: adopt a package[1] and help making Ubuntu rock where you want it!

Every day a lot of new bugs are reported on Launchpad, adding to the number of open bugs reported against Ubuntu. Currently there are 81259 open bugs in Ubuntu, of which 43775 are in the ‘New’ state. This means that roughly 54% of all open bugs in Ubuntu are not or were barely touched and when this post will have been published the number is already larger. When handling such large numbers of bug even the omnipotent BugSquad can’t keep up. How can we make sure the important bugs don’t get lost in this superabundance of support requests for writing good defect reports?

If you’re working with something — in the case of Adopt-a-Package an application — you like, you’re more productive. If you work on something you can keep an overview of, work is easier. This is what Adopt-a-Package purports. You choose an application you’re familiar with, or particularly fond of, and focus on getting it into shape on Launchpad. What does this mean? A small list:

  • Triaging previously untriaged[2] — ‘New’ — bugs
  • Making sure no bugs are forgotten
  • Moving Confirmed bugs to Triaged[3]
  • Forwarding bugs upstream[4]

There are several ways to tackle the adoption. If you would like to adopt something as big as GDM[1] you’ll have a hard time if you’d try to do it all on your own, unless you have a lot of spare time. In such cases it’s better to form an AdoptionTeam and attack the bugs together with some other people. Smaller applications like ‘gedit‘ can be handled by one person, although it largely depends on your personal preferences and the amount of time you’re able or willing to spend on triaging. Of course you could always look for an existing group to join. As a matter of fact, I’m still looking for some more people to help out with Nautilus.

Adopt-a-Package is thoroughly explained on its wiki page, and it is that page you should use as your primary source of information. On this page you find a list of currently adopted applications and applications that we’d really like to see adopted. When you decide to adopt an application, whether you do it with a group or on your own, please check this page first to make sure you’re not duplicating efforts. After you’ve made up your mind about what you’re going to adopt, please add your name and the application to the list and notify the BugSquad maillist.

Are you interested but still have got some questions now you’ve read this? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment or drop by in the #ubuntu-bugs IRC channel. Also, in March there will be two sessions about Adopt-an-Upstream in #ubuntu-classroom, one by me at 4 March on 17.00 UTC and one by Jorge Castro at 18 March on 23.oo UTC. You can find them listed in the Ubuntu Classroom schedule.[5]

In The Press

The Top 7 Best Linux Distributions for You

Brian Proffitt of says that there are various approaches to answering the question of which Linux distribution is best. The broad answer is: "any of them," but that's not very helpful if you're just looking for a place to start. To help users discover the Linux distribution that's best for them, this resource will definitively list the best candidates for the various types of Linux users to try. The use-case categories will be:

  • Best Desktop Distribution
  • Best Laptop Distribution
  • Best Enterprise Desktop
  • Best Enterprise Server
  • Best LiveCD
  • Best Security-Enhanced Distribution
  • Best Multimedia Distribution

Proffitt declares Ubuntu the Best Desktop Distribution because its development team is constantly focused on the end-user experience. Canonical and the Ubuntu community have spent a lot of time and resources on bringing ease-of-use tools to this distribution, particularly in the area of installing Ubuntu and installing applications within Ubuntu. Follow this link to see which distributions Proffitt ranked in the other categories:

Ubuntu advances: Why Ubuntu server installations will surge in 2010

IT World's James Gaskin notes that while desktop Ubuntu shines as the leader among Linux distributions, with analysts estimating their share up to 95 percent of the Linux desktop market, Ubuntu's server version lags. Expect huge advances in Ubuntu server installations during 2010 as a result of Ubuntu improvements, customer concern as SunOS comes under Oracle control, and restlessness among the Red Hat user base. Unlike Ubuntu server clients, Red Hat server clients must pay license fees, necessary because many applications remain Red Hat specific. Troy expects the Ubuntu server to make substantial advances attaining more application support and certifications. Follow this link for Gaskin's additional reasons why Ubuntu Server will surge in 2010:

10 Kernel Vulnerabilities in Ubuntu 6.06, 8.04, 8.10, 9.04 and 9.10

Softpedia's Marius Nestor reports that Canonical announced a the immediate availability of a new Linux kernel security update for the following Ubuntu distributions: 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake), 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron), 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex), 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and 9.10 (Karmic Koala). The update also applies to Kubuntu, Edubuntu and Xubuntu and it patches 10 important security issues discovered in the Linux kernel packages by various hackers. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to update your system as soon as possible!

OpenOffice dropped from Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 tells us that acording to the latest Ubuntu Netbook Remix Blueprint, the Ubuntu community have decided to drop OpenOffice from the default installation of Ubuntu Netbook Edition for the upcoming Lucid Lynx release, atleast for now. Now documents will be opened by default in Google Docs. The developers have been removing applications that are irrelevant on a netbook. While document editing is clearly a not irrelevant on a netbook, the developers feel that with netbooks being used mostly for internet related works, Google Docs will suffice.

Dustin Kirkland Interview: Encryption in Ubuntu

Slo-Tech interviews Dustin Kirkland, an Ubuntu Core Developer who is working for Canonical on the Ubuntu Server. Kirkland's current focus is developing the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud for the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS release, but previously he had worked on a number of Ubuntu features and packages, including Ubuntu's Encrypted Home Directories. Kirkland is also the upstream maintainer of eCryptFS, the cryptographic filesystem used to provide Encrypted Home Directories. Slo-Tech talks to Kirkland about the design and inner workings of eCryptFS, and touches briefly on Ubuntu One. Click on the following link to read the interview.

In The Blogosphere

Help The 'Ubuntu Welcome Tour' Project

OMG!Ubuntu, discusses the "Ubuntu Welcome Tour' Project. In this article the mentions of how the idea for a "Welcome Tour" with an introduction and orientation became stalled. It is noted that there is an "introduction" to Ubuntu that plays during the installation. OMG!Ubuntu points out that Ubuntu User Brian Voidal believes that that and interactive desk top tour is an idea worth reconsidering and has begun creating a framework for a "tour". To gain perspective on what this is important readers are asked to "Put yourself in the position of someone who has just booted up Ubuntu for the first time." It's about making users feel more comfortable. According to OMG!Ubuntu, "The idea is a sound one and if you'd like to help Brian Vidal is looking for help."!+Ubuntu!)

Ubuntu Lucid "Aero" style* GTK postponed to Lucid+1

OMG!Ubuntu article in Dec. '09 reported on "a super-duper enhanced version of GTK+ that adds RGBA support (think Windows Aero) and client side window decoration. " being added to Lucid. In this article they give is the update: all this awesomeness is being postponed to Lucid +1. OMG!Ubuntu notes that "This isn't really a great surprise as there were many applications that wouldn't play nice, bugs were spouting out here and there and, lets face it, Lucid is all about the stability factor"!+Ubuntu!)

Canonical picks open-source leader for COO

Computerworld Blogger, Steven J. Vaugh-Nichols, talks about Matt Asay being announced as the new Canonical COO. Vaugh-Nichols writes "As the COO, Asay's job will be make sure operational activities match up to the company's strategic goals and make sure that day-to-day operations go smoothly. He will also head up Canonical's marketing." He also point's out that, "Asay is extremely well known and respected in open-source business and technology circles." With references to how great a fit Asay will be to Canonial and the Ubuntu Vaugh-Nichols states, "I agree. I think Asay will help Canonical a great deal. He has the knowledge, expertise and energy that's needed to take Ubuntu from being the darling of Linux fans to also being a popular business operating system choice."

In Other News

Meeting Summaries: January 2010

Ubuntu Governance

Community Council

  • 2010-01-19 meeting
    • no agenda item for 11 UTC meeting
    • Daniel decided to take the wiki licensing item off the agenda as he can almost never make the 21 UTC time and to discuss the agenda item with mdke over email.
    • Developer membership couldn't be discussed because the DMB election is not closed yet.
  • ~universe-contributors is not administered by the CC, so the decision was moved to the TB

Developer Membership Board

  • Developer Membership Board meeting, 2009-01-05
    • Chair: Matt Zimmerman
    • Review action items from previous meeting
      • mdz to drive election for DMB, based on existing members of TB and MC
        • voting is in progress now
        • persia very much appreciated the second call for votes: something rarely seen in these polls.
        • 77 votes cast out of 146 eligible voters
        • the vote will end in 13 days, 2009-01-18
        • mdz noted that there was not much guidance available on how to conduct the election, some aspects had to be made up as he went (possible Community Council topic)
    • MOTU direction (ScottK, cjwatson)
      • No progress since the previous meeting
      • [ACTION] ScottK+cjwatson to pull joint fingers out and write up proposal

    • Next meeting
      • The next meeting will be conducted by the new DMB, based on the outcome of the election
      • cjwatson and pitti agreed to attend that meeting for continuity

IRC Council

  • IRC Council Meeting 2010-01-31
    • Revisit #ubuntu-ops policies including 'no idling' & +v

      • Will discuss further on public mailing list
    • Should the IRCC members be direct members of ~ubuntu-core-ircops and named channel operators?
      • 0 for, 4 against, 0 abstained. Total: -4
    • Discussed IRCC Charter:

      • Pending CC approval, the following changes were agreed upon:
        • Decisions will be made when a majority of the seated council is in agreement
          • 4 for, 0 against, 0 abstained. Total: 4
        • The Council will have a chairman with a casting vote, elected by the IRC Council every year
          • 4 for, 0 against, 0 abstained. Total: 4
    • Discussed formal Operator Requirements:

      • Accept the current operator reuirements and probation docs. We will formally review in 4 months
        • 4 for, 0 against, 0 abstained. Total: 4

MOTU Council

  • 2010-01-08 Meeting:
    • Charlie Smotherman (porthose) was approved as a MOTU.
    • Ilya Barygin (randomaction) was approved as a MOTU.
  • 2010-01-21 MC Call
    • Pending term ends and future of the MC
      • Four of the seven members of MC have terms expiring by the end of the month
      • The DMB has not yet heard, or taken decision on community-lucid-motu

      • It would be difficult to hold an election for roles that are currently undefined, and may have no meaning
      • In light of the current uncertainty, the MOTU Council has resolved (4 votes in favour, 3 abstaining) to cease activities when these terms expire.
      • If the DMB determines that there is a need for a MOTU Council, and delegates the selection of membership in that MOTU Council to the current MOTU Council, a new selection process will be undertaken to fill the outstanding 4 seats.
    • Potential future (or lack thereof) of MOTU Council
      • To better inform the DMB in the decision process, the MOTU Council will present arguments both for and against continuation of MOTU Council

Technical Board

  • Technical Board meeting, 2010-01-12 (chair cjwatson)
    • Prior action review, leaves the following still to do:
      • [ACTION] kees to follow up with Debian TC on units policy
      • [ACTION] cjwatson to follow up with mythbuntu-dev to get
        • ubuntu-core-dev added
      • [ACTION] ScottK to update Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy based on Kubuntu
      • [ACTION] sabdfl to propose to CC that the TB is a CC delegate, and
        • clarify his role
    • Units Policy
      • We discussed briefly whether to recommend that developers go ahead
        • with implementation in advance of feedback from the Debian TC. The majority of the board preferred to wait for at least a while, since we've requested feedback and should wait for it, and since the benefit may not outweigh the cost of carrying another stack of patches.
      • Check back on status next meeting.
    • When is it a good idea to fail out of a maintainer script?
      • (MattZimmerman)

      • While there is loose agreement that "something ought to be done"
        • about this, the technical options are not yet clear enough to decide something at the TB level. Shelving for the moment; mdz will bring this up on ubuntu-devel if and when he gets the chance to put together some detailed options.
    • Execute Permission Policy (KeesCook)

      • After some discussion, the TB ratified this policy
    • Check up on community bugs (standing item)
      • The only item already has an associated action.
    • Next meeting is 2010-01-26. Chair: Keybuk
  • Technical Board meeting, 2010-01-26 (chair kees)
    • Prior action review, leaves the following still to do:
      • [ACTION] ScottK to update Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy based on Kubuntu
      • [ACTION] sabdfl to propose to CC that the TB is a CC delegate, and
        • clarify his role
      • Archive reorganisation (cjwatson)
        • persia mentioned that he handled "Update Ubuntu developer and process documentation to reflect changes" task
        • [ACTION] persia to update documentation with anything discovered to be missing
      • Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy
        • still waiting on Kubuntu upstream
      • Units Policy
        • waiting to hear back from Debian TC
      • Check up on community bugs (standing item)
        • Waiting on update from sabdfl.
    • Next meeting is 2010-02-09. Chair: Keybuk

Ubuntu Development Teams

Xubuntu Team

Xubuntu team report for January, 2010

This has been our best month ever.

  • Jim has begun work on Xubuntu docs, ported off of Ubuntu docs. The bzr branch is located here (, and will be merged to the current Xubuntu doc branch once stable. Conservatively, this will be ready within the next two weeks.

  • Once that is done, Jim will need help from Pasi to work on the CSS theming and the landing page.

Team Governance
  • The team met in early January to discuss team governance. A detailed framework was established, but it is not yet finalized. This will require follow-up.

  • The team continue on with the most successful cycle yet. Images are available for both the Freescale iMX51 and Marvell Dove platforms and Lucid is proving to be a decisive release for the mobile teams ARM efforts.

  • The Freescale iMX51 image is in great shape although it is still missing the new 2D based netbook-launcher-efl UI, but this is expected to land very soon. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the Marvell Dove image. The archive rebuild to gain ARM optimisations has triggered complications and the team continue to search for solutions.
  • The fail to build package list was a focus of much attention this month and is now in great shape. ARM specific breakage is minimal.
  • The team continued to welcome kernel patches by vendors to improve our kernel images with positive results.

Blueprint Work
  • There was work on the live-cd slowness issues. Jamie Bennett's (JamieBennett) investigative work and early code looked promising although the complete solution was not ready yet. Parallel to this ongoing work with kernel patches and general tiding-up helped to produce a much more pleasant boot process on ARM hardware.

  • A major change to ARM images this cycle is the inclusion of a 2D Ubuntu Netbook Edition styled UI. Based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (, work was needed to bring several packages into main to meet the dependency issues of canonical's EFL implementation. At times stalling, issues have now been resolved and we should see the default seed change shortly.

  • The archive rebuild to enable Thumb2 has been a mixed blessing. iMX51 images have gained improved performance whilst dove images have at times been completely unusable. This month has seen lots of work trying to resolve issues but unfortunately there is no conclusion as yet.
  • This month also saw Google's Chrome browser building and pleasing most who had hardware to benchmark it. It seems much faster than any of the other browser offerings at this time. Thanks should be directed to Alexander Sack (asac) for his efforts.
  • Ubuntu's community offering for mobile devices, Ubuntu Liquid, saw renewed effort. The team worked closely with the community to help progress this along with the hope that alpha-3 will bring solid results.
  • To complete the improvement in images, Paul Larson's (plars) work on improved test methods was contributing to increased test coverage and it is hoped that the final image will be the most tested yet.

  • The team is enjoying a positive and fruitful cycle so far but there is a realisation that much work it yet to be done. There is also a looming issue with archive optimisations that have somehow adversely effected the Marvell Dove platform and a thought that if this cannot be resolved, drastic actions may be need. This takes the gloss off the month's work a little but optimism that a solution can be found is still prevalent.

Ubuntu LoCo Teams

Catalan Team

  • January 3rd: meeting with Rubén Romero, from Nicaragua LoCo Team in Barcelona.

  • January 10th: new Launchpad team for organization of LoCo activities:

  • January 16th: LoCo meeting. Decided the placement for the next release party: València.

  • January 23rd: Install party at Germinal cooperative in Barcelona.
  • January 30th: install party at the Library in Caldes de Montbuï.

Colombian Team

Czech Team

Danish Team

  • Started planning the danish release party for 10.04.
    • Will most likely be a 2-day event, the largest the DanishTeam have had so far.

  • Discussing a "release camp" after each release, where we will meet in-person, and discus our planned activities until next release.
  • Started updating our organization's guidelines.

Ecuador Team

  • First Community foryour 2010.
  • We support the initiation of the nascent Ecuador Debian community.
  • Meeting for create a subdistro called "MINGA" based on Edubuntu, for Ecuadorian education.

Irish Team

Japanese Team

Philippine Team

Russian Team



Kuban Team
  • We are distributing Ubuntu 9.10 and 8.04.4 LTS as well as repositories for Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS.
  • We had continued preparations for the project ( of typical automated information management system for business (SMB) based on Ubuntu LTS distributions.

United States Teams

US Teams Project

California Team

Chicago Team

District of Columbia Team


New York State Team


  • 20100112 7pm - 9pm cprofitt gave a hands-on how-to demonstration of GIMP RCSI - Rochester Computer Society
  • 20100107 7pm - 9pm cprofitt gave a hands-on how-to demonstration of GIMP Barnes and Noble @ RIT

North Carolina Team

Ubuntu Beginners Team

* Ubuntu Beginners Team Meeting 2010-01-05 (

  • Channel movements -
    • #ubuntu-beginners-help was redirected to #ubuntu-beginners
    • #ubuntu-beginners-team was created for team discussions
    • ##cabaret was for off-topic chat
  • Roadmap - duanedesign had been working on that and created a wiki page - currently at their sandbox duanedesigns' sandbox (

  • Userdays took place at the end of the month with collabaration with members of UBT Chris Johnston (

  • Votes - excluding channel votes summarized above
    • It was agreed to keep the Stalker Focus Group
    • It was agreed to decide new leads at the next meeting
    • It was agreed to use Launchpad as official member list for FGs and remove wiki lists.
    • Logging of main channel was postponed for more discussion in light of the channel changes
    • It was not agreed to unvoice members of the beginners team in #ubuntu-beginners
  • ( joined the Ubuntu Beginners Team.

  • ikt ( joined the Ubuntu Beginners Team.

Ubuntu Women Team

Ubuntu Community Learning Project

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Monday, February 8, 2010

Security Team Catch-up

  • Start: 18:00 UTC
  • End: 18:30 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: nothing formal, just a weekly catch-up.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting

Technical Board Meeting

  • Start: 15:00 UTC
  • End: 16:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Desktop Team Meeting

Kernel Team Meeting

  • Start: 17:00 UTC
  • End: 18:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: Not listed as of publication

Global Jam Meeting

  • Start: 20:00 UTC
  • End: 21:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: Not listed as of publication

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Server Team Meeting

Foundation Team Meeting

  • Start: 16:00 UTC
  • End: 17:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

QA Team Meeting

Edubuntu Meeting

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ubuntu Java Meeting

  • Start: 14:00 UTC
  • End: 15:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Ubuntu Mozilla Team

Friday, February 12, 2010

MC Meeting

  • Start: 07:00 UTC
  • End: 08:00 UTC
  • Location: None listed as of publication
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Lucid Weekly Release Meeting

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ubuntu IRC Council Meeting


  • Start: 21:00 UTC
  • End: 23:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-us-dc and IRC channel #ubuntu-bugs
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

DC Loco IRC meeting

  • Start: 23:00 UTC
  • End: 24:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-us-dc
  • Agenda: None listed as of publication

Sunday, February 14, 2010

  • None listed as of publication

Updates and Security for 6.06, 8.04, 8.10, 9.04 and 9.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

  • None listed as of publication

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

Ubuntu 8.10 Updates

Ubuntu 9.04 Updates

Ubuntu 9.10 Updates


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Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • John Crawford
  • Craig A. Eddy
  • Dave Bush
  • Liraz Siri
  • Amber Graner
  • J. Scott Gwin
  • Nathan Handler
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms

  1. GDM - GNOME Display Manager.

Other acronyms can be found at

Ubuntu - Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu.


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