July 2010 Team Reports



  1. July 2010 Team Reports
    1. Ubuntu Governance
      1. Americas Regional Membership Board
      2. Community Council
      3. Developer Membership Board
      4. Developer Membership Board meeting, 2010-07-22 15:00 UTC
        1. Network Manager package set
        2. Network Manager developer application for Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre(cyphermox)
        3. Contributing Developer application for David Sugar (dyfet)
        4. MOTU Application for Lorenzo De Liso (BlackZ)
        5. MOTU Application for Elliot Murphy (statik)
        6. Sugar package set
      5. Developer Membership Board meeting, 2010-07-06 15:00 UTC
      6. EMEA Regional Membership Board
      7. Forum Council
      8. IRC Council
      9. LoCo Council
      10. Technical Board
    2. Ubuntu Development Teams
      1. Reviewers Team
      2. Kubuntu Team
      3. Xubuntu Team
        1. Bug Triage
        2. Packaging, Development, & Testing
        3. Website & Marketing
        4. Artwork
        5. Community
        6. Documentation
    3. Ubuntu LoCo Teams
      1. Cameroonian Team
      2. Canadian Team
      3. Catalan Team
      4. Chilean Team
      5. Danish Team
      6. Ecuador Team
      7. French Team
      8. German Kubuntu Team
      9. Greek Team
      10. Honduras Team
      11. Ubuntu Ireland
      12. Ubuntu Israel
      13. Ubuntu Colombia
      14. Japanese Team
      15. Korean Team
      16. Nicaraguan Team
      17. Norwegian team
      18. Philippine Team
      19. Quebec Team
      20. Romanian Team
      21. Russian Team
      22. South African Ubuntu team
      23. Swiss Team
      24. Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team
      25. Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team
      26. United States Teams
        1. US Teams Project
        2. Ubuntu California
        3. Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
        4. District of Columbia Team
        5. Florida LoCo Team
        6. Iowa Team
        7. New York State Team
        8. Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team
    4. Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team
        1. Ohio Team
        2. Pennsylvania Team
        3. Virginia Team
        4. Washington Team
      1. Ubuntu Venezuela Team
      2. Zimbabwe Team
    5. Additional Ubuntu Teams
      1. Ubuntu Beginners Team
      2. Ubuntu Classroom Team
      3. Ubuntu NGO Team
      4. Ubuntu Women Team

If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.

Ubuntu Governance

Americas Regional Membership Board

Community Council

Developer Membership Board

Developer Membership Board meeting, 2010-07-22 15:00 UTC

Chair: Emmet Hikory Present: Michael Bienia, Colin Watson, Richard Johnson, Stéphane Graber Absent: Cody Somerville, Soren Hansen

Action Review:

  • Cody to write an e-mail to the list concerning the layout/format of the DMB meeting - membership first [PENDING]

Network Manager package set

Network Manager package set to be defined to include: network-manager, network-manager-applet, network-manager-pptp, network-manager-openvpn, network-manager-vpnv, network-manager-openconnect, modemmanager, wpasupplicant with membership in the associated developer group to be administered by the DMB.

Approved: 4 in favour

ACTION: cjwatson to create network-manager packageset and associated development group in launchpad

Network Manager developer application for Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre(cyphermox)

Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mtrudel/PPUApplication

Approved: 4 in favour

Contributing Developer application for David Sugar (dyfet)

Declared moot, as David is already an Ubuntu Member.

MOTU Application for Lorenzo De Liso (BlackZ)

Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LorenzoDeLiso/MOTUApplication

Approved: 4 in favour

MOTU Application for Elliot Murphy (statik)

Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ElliotMurphy/3rdDeveloperApplication

Approved: 4 in favour

Sugar package set

Application: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2010-July/000088.html

Approved: 5 in favour

ACTION: lfarone to transfer ownership of ~ubuntu-sugar-uploaders to the DMB ACTION: cjwatson to create sugar packageset and grant upload permission to ~ubuntu-sugar-uploaders

Developer Membership Board meeting, 2010-07-06 15:00 UTC

  • Chair: Colin Watson
  • Present: Cody Somerville, Emmet Hikory, Michael Bienia, Soren Hansen
  • Apologies: Stéphane Graber
  • Absent: Richard Johnson
  • Action review:
    • persia to publish the minutes for the DMB meeting 2010-05-25
      • Done towards end of meeting
    • cjwatson to create ubuntu-kernel-uploaders team owned by the DMB that will provide upload permissions to Ubuntu kernel packages
      • Done
    • cjwatson to create a zope packageset incorporating the Zope, Zope Community, and Python Packaging sections, and a schooltool packageset for the SchoolTool section

      • Done insofar as currently possible due to availability of packages in the archive; sent mail
    • Cody to write an e-mail to the list concerning the layout/format of the DMB meeting - membership first
      • Not done; will do that today or tomorrow
  • Robert Ancell (core developer)

    • Approved: 4 for, 0 against, 1 abstained.
  • Micah Gersten (Mozilla package set)

    • Approved: 5 for, 0 against, 0 abstained.
  • Chase Douglas (PPU)

    • Chase applied for upload access to linux-firmware, linux-firmware-nonfree, and trace-cmd.
    • Approved: 4 for, 0 against, 0 abstained.
  • Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre (PPU)

    • Mathieu applied for upload access to network-manager, network-manager-applet, network-manager-pptp, network-manager-openvpn, network-manager-vpnc, network-manager-openconnect, and modemmanager.
    • Given that other commitments had left us inquorate by this point in the meeting anyway, we deferred Mathieu's application until next week in order for him to gather endorsements.
  • Gerfried Fuchs (MOTU)

    • Vote partially completed during the meeting, pending completion by e-mail.

EMEA Regional Membership Board

New July Members at the EMEA Meeting held on

Forum Council

Ubuntu Forums Council - July 2010

  1. LTSP Forums (suggestion) - For now we prefer if the Server Platform section is used with a tag - LTSP. If / when traffic increases we can re-consider a subforum, but the impression is the traffic is low.

  2. Request for an Ubuntu Youth Forum - This request was considered, but declined. The best summary of the FC is "We are a support forum and the entirety of the forums should be suitable for all ages."
  3. Polls will be disabled in the support forums.

IRC Council

  • IRC Council meeting on 10 July 2010
    • Attendance: topyli, Pici, tsimpson, jussi (latter part of the meeting)
    • Topic: Review the Mentoring page for approval/rejection
      • Decided to accept the current draft
    • Topic: Burnout strategy for operators
      • Discussed possible policy options
      • Decided to amend the Operator Guidelines to encourage operators to take sufficient time off regularly. Operators should inform the team in advance when they are planning to take time off.
      • ACTION: jussi to draft amendment for guidelines. We will then work from that together.
      • ACTION: topyli to create vacation calendar for operators.
      • The amendment will be publicised and the calendar announced on the IRC Team mailing list. Pici will send the mail when everything is ready.
    • No new bugs. Bug #513915 - "IRC Clients join Ubuntu channels by default in Guadalinex" has been closed.
  • IRC Council meeting on 25 July 2010
    • Attendance: nhandler
    • Due to no items being on the agenda and not having quorum, this meeting did not happen.

LoCo Council

  • Ubuntu The idea of the LoCo Health check is an inforaml way to get teams chatting about issues they are facing any thoughts or issues they have, but also for the council to remind them on ways that teams can help themselves using the tools that are available to them.

    Ubuntu We had a July LoCo Health Check on July 6th covering a range of topics such as using the LoCo Teams Best Practices and Guidelines,Hanging out in IRC Channel #ubuntu-locoteams this is also where you can contact Council members if you need us. Microblogging and using the #locoteams tag when you dent/tweet so people can follow your comments. Getting more people on the LoCo contacts Mailing list and spreading the word. Minutes

    Ubuntu We had a LoCo Council meeting on the 20th July where we reviewed applications from teams for Approval and Re Approval of their LoCo status.

    • Ubuntu Ubuntu-RO - Nobody present for application - Council taking it to mailing list instead

    • Ubuntu Ubuntu-US-MA - Not re-approved

    • Ubuntu Ubuntu-IT - Re-approved

    • Ubuntu Ubuntu-FR - Re-approved

    • Ubuntu Ubuntu-GR - Re-approved

    • Ubuntu Ubuntu-EG - Abstained

    • Ubuntu Ubuntu-NL - Abstained

    Ubuntu For those LoCo teams that were not re-approved, or for which the LoCo council could not reach agreement, the council agreed to work with the LoCo teams to help them get re-approved Full Log of Meeting

    Ubuntu Following up on emails/ queries from LoCo teams who have requested help and helping where possible.

Technical Board

Ubuntu Development Teams

Reviewers Team

  • Dholbach and Nigelb held a meeting to discuss reduced pace for patch review.
  • Patch review to be part of the Ubuntu Global Jam
  • 378 patches reviewed. 1905 patches remaining.
  • Patch day planned for August.

Kubuntu Team

Xubuntu Team

Xubuntu team report for July, 2010

Bug Triage

  • Many bugs have been triaged and fixed this month.

Packaging, Development, & Testing

  • Uploaded new bugfix releases of Goffice (0.8.7) and Gnumeric (1.10.7) in Maverick Meerkat.
  • Synced xfce4-notifyd (Xfce Notification Daemon) into Maverick Meerkat from Debian to let it work again with the latest libnotify.
  • Released Maverick Meerkat Alpha2 on 2010-07-01. This is the second development release of what will become the next version of Xubuntu, 10.10. It is available for testing purposes at http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/maverick/alpha-2/.

  • New default applications selected since Maverick Meerkat Alpha 2: Parole (Xfce4 Media Player), Xfburn (Xfce4 CD/DVD burning tool) and xfce4-taskmanager (Xfce4 process manager). Feedback appreciated!
  • FFmpeg thumbnailer support added to Tumbler (file thumbnail generator for the not-yet-released Xfce 4.8), thanks to the work of Lionel Le Folgoc (mr_pouit).

  • Development packages of Xfce 4.7.x (future 4.8) updated in Xubuntu developers' PPA. Feel free to test them and report bugs on http://bugzilla.xfce.org to make Xfce 4.8 rock!

Website & Marketing

  • Gave a presentation at Ubuntu Developer Week. Xubuntu is alive and kicking hard!
  • Xubuntu needs a new Marketing Lead. Contact us per http://xubuntu.org/devel if interested



  • We are striving to get more users to blog about Xubuntu. We would like to keep word out of the changes being made, as well as new releases.
  • charlie-tca opened an account on indenti.ca to try and keep everyone updated about changes and needs of Xubuntu. Username is charlietca1.


Ubuntu LoCo Teams

Cameroonian Team

Canadian Team

Catalan Team

  • July 16th: LoCo irc meeting. Place to hold next release party: CTUG in Granollers.

  • July 16th: New sub-team created: Equip de Comunicació (Communications Team).

    • Its primary tasks: inform to a wider audience about upcoming events and increase the awareness of our LoCo Team.

  • July 30th: ALL the machines (204 desktops and about 15 laptops) run on Lucid at the IES Torre Vicens Secondary School in Lleida. 3 years since we began using it we've made all the machines ubuntaires (some of them with dual start).

Chilean Team

Danish Team

Ecuador Team

French Team

  • July 3rd : Premier Samedi du Libre in Paris
    This is a multi-distribution small install fest where around 60 people use to come for help on configuring and installing Linux.

  • July 5th : weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
  • July 6th to 11th : RMLL in Bordeaux
    2010 Libre Software Meeting is a free (as a beer and as a speech) and non commercial conference with talks, workshops and round tables about Free Software and its uses. The LSM goal is to provide a place for exchange between Free Software developers, users and stakeholders. Ubuntu-fr was there on a booth and hold also a permanent install fest. We had a live feed via a webcam also on the install room.

  • July 12th : weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting
  • July 15th to 18th : Festival des Vieilles Charrues in Carhaix
    The Vieilles Charrues invited us for the second time to hold a webcafe on Ubuntu for the festival-goers. We didn't put any restriction, neither on which website were accessible, neither on Ubuntu, as we wanted people to discover it. The only tweaks were password and history saving disabled and a custom homepage. We also had a live feed via a webcam. story, photos

  • July 20th : French Team re-approval
    We attended to the LoCoCouncil meeting to apply for our team re-approval, to keep our Official Team status. It was a good opportunity to make a check point of all our activities.

  • July 25th : The Parisien Free software user group use to have a outdoor party the last weekend of each summer month, which we attented.
  • July 26th : weekly ubuntu-fr-webteam meeting

German Kubuntu Team

Greek Team

Honduras Team

Ubuntu Ireland

  • Barry Smyth has kicked off a project for the Irish Team. The profile of the day is an initiative to encourage members of the Irish team to get to know each other more. For more details see here and over here

  • Laura Czajkowski, a member of our loco headed off to Leeds to give a great talk on Ubuntu Women. Write up here.

  • We held a Geeknic on the Sunday 18th of July in the Peoples Park, Dun Laoghaire. It was a great day , the rain stayed off for a few hours. A nice write up can be found here with some photos.

  • Regular Monthly IRC Meeting was held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday 21st July 2010.

  • We had a great Ubuntu Hour on the 28th of July at 6pm at the Trinity Capital Hotel bar.

  • We had our first Ubuntu Hour in Limerick on the 29th July at 6pm at the Absolute Hotel.Write up

  • Planing is under way for a Bug Jam we will be holding next month as part of Globe Jam.

Ubuntu Israel

  • Almost done building our new site and forums, instead of the old ones that not under the LoCo's control.

  • Sent more than 50 Ubuntu CDs and almost 300 "Powered by Ubuntu" badges all over the country!
  • The stuff we sent made us to get 300 NIS of donations, which is about $90.
  • Our Wiki page is in repairing times, which means we're styling it and making sure we have all necessary pages (like reports, meetings, agenda...)

  • We got approved to have a booth on August Penguin, the biggest FLOSS event of the year in Israel. fun!

  • 3 LoCo members had approved as Ubuntu Members! congratulations to Moshenahmias, alonswartz and Netshine!

Ubuntu Colombia

Japanese Team

Korean Team

Nicaraguan Team

  • 15 Jul:
    • Sabores de Ubuntu (i) event wiki an event organized by the Centralamerican University LUG in coordination with the Nicaraguan LoCo Team.

Norwegian team

Philippine Team

Quebec Team

Ubuntu Quebec team report for January-July 2010

This is the first Ubuntu QC team report in quite some time. It highlights the past few months activities. June, July and August are typically slower months as Summer kicks in and everyone is out trying to get some sun but the Ubuntu QC community has been anything but dormant.

The Ubuntu Hour, held in February (IMG_0448.jpg)
Montreal GeekFest, held in March (IMG_1510.jpg)

Here are highlights of recent activity:

  • In July, FabianRodriguez invited the locoteams and general Ubuntu community to start using Shapado.com for their language-specific Q&A

  • Also in July, FabianRodriguez proposed and got confirmation to offer an introductory informal course about free software and Linux at a local library (Mile End library, on Park Ave, Montreal. The goal is to experiment a new formula in creating local communities in neighborhoods near the library. Ubuntu books have been donated previously to this library.

  • A number of Ubuntu Hour events were held (here's one in February), with low but great attendance. Ubuntu users from abroad know this event and actually plan their time in Montreal to meet us Smile :) Employees from the nearby Canonical office would bring hardware and Ubuntu gadgets to share impressions on.

  • In June the highlight was a victory in court for Savoir Faire Linux (a local company, also a Canonical training partner) who questioned the local government contracting methods which favored Microsoft. Many Ubuntu QC members followed this and participated in the effort. Details at:
  • In May a great event took place at a local IT school, SupInfo. Their students had attended the Global Jam which we organized previously and organized this by themselves with out assistance. FabianRodriguez presented there. The event was called "Libuntu" with its own branding and website: http://www.libuntu.com/ - Low attendance but a great collaboration to get huge space including free wifi and many volunteers, a good step towards organizing more formal events.

  • Also in may, Launchpad developers that were in Montreal invited the local community to meet them for drinks & chat

  • In April the Ubuntu Lucid party - good attendance, and this time we got 4 parties across the province, an all-time record. Focus has been on de-centralizing the release parties, having flexible dates and encouraging local, smaller events

  • Also in April, there was bragging about Ubuntu business cards Smile :)

  • In March, we had a kiosk at the local GeekFest, very good attendance. MagicFab, IdleOne and Cyphermox manned the kiosk.

  • In January and February the highlghts were several discussions about local media and governement launching web sites that exclusively used non-free formats, including bugg Flash implementations. In one notable case (Tout.tv), the community hacked together a workaround in a few hours and a 400+ people Facebook group brought attention to absent Linux support from such sites. Details:
  • March 26th-28th the Montreal Global Jam, many thanks to komputes and Cyphermox. Great attendance, bugwork and excellent presentations. We look forward to the next one!!!

  • Started using http://ietherpad.com for quick, realtime translations of information- this being a a multi-cultural province, we need to present information in English and French in a timely manner which is often a challenge. Etherpad makes it easy for *anyone* to organize and contribute short translations

  • Great activity in our mailing list: February: 272, March: 371, April: 240, May: 228 messages, June: 193 messages, July: 133 messages. Subjects included: problems with Flash, LPIC certifications, Antidote (an non-free dictionary / thesaurus for French, with excellent Ubuntu support), Dell, hardware for Home theaters (XBMC,etc), desktop applications support, events, and lots of troubleshooting.

  • Other LUGs are increasingly announcing their activities in our mailing list, which is a great signe of recognition - and provides good opportunities to go out of the "Ubuntu bubble"

Romanian Team

Russian Team

South African Ubuntu team

Swiss Team

Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team

Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team

Please add details of activities you or the team have done this month

  • Ubuntu Les Pounder ran another Ubuntu installation helpdesk at Barcamp Blackpool - http://lespounder.wordpress.com/2010/07/07/barcamp-blackpool-2010/

    Ubuntu Bruno Girin went to GUADEC in The Hague - http://brunogirin.blogspot.com/2010/08/guadec-2010.html - and has been busy solving bugs and implementing the import from F-Spot feature in Shotwell (Blog post to come soon).

    Ubuntu The Ubuntu In Business event was held at the BrickHouse in London. About 100 people attended presentations and demonstrations focusing on the use of Ubuntu in the work environment. A great time was had by all, however the bar staff did question the competence of the Vancouver LoCo mixologists who invented the Ubuntini.

    Ubuntu Two episodes of the Ubuntu UK Podcast were released.

    Ubuntu Meetings held on irc on 7th and 21st July

    Ubuntu We have started playing Profile Roulette

    Ubuntu Isabell Long was interviewed by Full Circle Magazine (issue 39, page 35)

United States Teams

US Teams Project

Ubuntu California

Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team

District of Columbia Team

Florida LoCo Team

Iowa Team

New York State Team


  • July 1 2010 7pm - 8pm: Ubuntu Hour at Borders Books near Eastview Mall
  • July 17 2010 12pm - 4pm: Linux Workshop co-sponsored with Interlock at Interlock Rochester


  • No mettings held

Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team

Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team

  • Held two LoCo team IRC meetings

  • Members of the NC LoCo team participated in UUD-Lucid

Ohio Team

Pennsylvania Team

Virginia Team

Washington Team

  • Valorie attended CLS

  • Valorie staffed Ubuntu booth at OSCON

  • Ubuntu Hour in conjunction with Seattle Linuxchix meeting

Ubuntu Venezuela Team

Zimbabwe Team

Additional Ubuntu Teams

Ubuntu Beginners Team

  • Regular Monthly Meeting on July 13, 2010 (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings/20100713)

    • Diego Turcios discussed his idea for a programming academy for the Development Focus Group: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiegoTurcios/DevFG

    • Reviewed the list of mentees in need of mentors in an effort to get this list down to zero.
    • Mitch Towner (kermiac), the bug traiging machine, joined the Ubuntu Beginners Team. He is highly motivated, friendly , and ready to help when he can, and will be a great addition to the team.
  • Steve Woodruff (swoody) replaced Zach Kriesse (zkriesse) as the Wiki Focus Group leader.

Ubuntu Classroom Team

Ubuntu NGO Team

Ubuntu Women Team

TeamReports/July2010 (last edited 2010-08-12 14:26:28 by 155-113)