
Revision 18 as of 2010-06-07 03:58:42

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  1. In This Issue
  2. General Community News
    1. Maverick Alpha 1 released
    2. Postponing Ubuntu User Days
    3. Call for Testing: Hardy Firefox Users (or willing to install Hardy in a VM)
    4. Linaro: Accelerating Linux on ARM
  3. Ubuntu Stats
    1. Bug Stats
    2. Translation Stats Lucid
    3. Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week
  4. LoCo News
    1. LoCo Teams Best Practices and Guidelines
    2. Help translating the LoCo Teams Best Practices and Guidelines
    3. The LoCo Directory wants to speak your language
  5. Ubuntu Development Team Meetings Minutes
  6. The Planet
    1. Daniel Holbach's blog: NGO Team during Maverick
    2. Nigel Babu: Operation Cleansweep Launched!
    3. Jono Bacon: Why Launchpad Rocks: Working With Code Is Dead Simple
    4. Jono Bacon: Why Launchpad Rocks: Reviewing Contributions Is Simple
  7. In The Press
    1. Ubuntu LTS 10.04, a Linux OS at its Best
  8. In The Blogosphere
  9. In Other News
    1. VMware User Conference – Phoenix
    2. Towards Linaro 10.11
    3. New Doctor Who game works via Wine
    4. Ubuntu Systems Management update
    5. Landscape release press coverage
    6. Severed Fifth II
    7. Project Maintainers Required
    8. TurnKey Hub: a new simplified cloud deployment service
    9. SouthEast Linux Fest Announces Full Speaker List
  10. Featured Podcasts
    1. At Home With Jono Bacon: Weekly Videocast Summary
  11. Monthly Team Reports: May 2010
    1. Ubuntu Governance
      1. Ubuntu Developer Membership Board
        1. Developer Membership Board Meeting, 2010-05-11
        2. Action Review
        3. Administrative Matters
        4. Sylvestre Ledru PPU Application
        5. Luke Faraone MOTU Application
        6. Christian Mangold MOTU Application
        7. Scott Moser PPU Application
        8. Rodney Dawes PPU Application
        9. Chad Miller PPU Application
        10. Jamie Bennett Contributing Developer Application
        11. Select a Chair for the next meeting
      2. IRC Council
      3. LoCo Council
      4. Technical Board
    2. Ubuntu Development Teams
      1. Reviewers Team
      2. Xubuntu Team
        1. Bug Triage
        2. Packaging, Development, & Testing
        3. Website & Marketing
        4. Documentation
    3. Ubuntu LoCo Teams
      1. Asturian Team
      2. Catalan Team
      3. Czech Team
      4. French Team
      5. Ubuntu Ireland
      6. Ubuntu Israel
      7. Ubuntu Colombia
      8. Romanian Team
      9. South African Ubuntu team
      10. Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team
      11. Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team
        1. Group Contribution
        2. Individual Contribution
      12. United States Teams
      13. US Teams Project
        1. Ubuntu California
        2. Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
        3. Iowa Team
        4. Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team
      14. Ubuntu Venezuela Team
    4. Additional Ubuntu Teams
      1. Ubuntu Beginners Team
      2. Ubuntu Women
  12. Upcoming Meetings and Events
    1. Monday, June 7, 2010
      1. Developer Mentoring Reception
      2. Security Team Catch-up
    2. Tuesday, June 8, 2010
      1. Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting
      2. Developer Membership Board
      3. Ubuntu Bugsquad Monthly Meeting
      4. Desktop Team Meeting
      5. Kernel Team Meeting
      6. Ubuntu Beginners Team Meeting
    3. Wednesday, June 9, 2010
      1. Weekly Ubuntu Foundation Team Meeting
      2. QA Team Meeting
      3. Jono Bacon @ Home Videocast : Various Topics and Q+A
      4. Edubuntu Meeting
    4. Thursday, June 10, 2010
      1. Ubuntu Women Project Meeting
      2. Ayatana UX Team Meeting
      3. Ubuntu Java Meeting
    5. Friday, June 11, 2010
      1. Maverick Weekly Release Meeting
    6. Saturday, June 12, 2010
      1. DC LoCo Team BugJam
      2. DC LoCo IRC meeting
    7. Sunday, June 13, 2010
      1. Ubuntu Forums Unanswered Posts Team Meeting
  13. Updates and Security for 6.06, 8.04, 9.04, 9.10, and 10.04
    1. Security Updates
    2. Ubuntu 6.06 Updates
    3. Ubuntu 8.04 Updates
    4. Ubuntu 9.04 Updates
    5. Ubuntu 9.10 Updates
    6. Ubuntu 10.04 Updates
  14. UWN Translations
  15. Subscribe
  16. Archives and RSS Feed
  17. Additional Ubuntu News
  18. Conclusion
  19. Credits
  20. Glossary of Terms
  21. Ubuntu - Get Involved
  22. Feedback



Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 196 for the week of May 30th - June 5th, 2010. In this issue we cover ...

In This Issue

General Community News

Maverick Alpha 1 released

Pre-releases of Maverick are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs.

Alpha 1 is the first in a series of milestone CD images that will be released throughout the Maverick development cycle. The Alpha images are known to be reasonably free of showstopper CD build or installer bugs, while representing a very recent snapshot of Maverick. You can download it here: (Ubuntu) (Ubuntu Server for UEC and EC2) (Kubuntu) (Xubuntu) (Ubuntu Studio)

See for a list of mirrors.

Alpha 1 includes a number of software updates that are ready for wider testing. Please refer to for information on changes in Ubuntu.

This is quite an early set of images, so you should expect some bugs. For a list of known bugs (that you don't need to report if you encounter), please see:

If you're interested in following the changes as we further develop Maverick, have a look at the maverick-changes mailing list:

We also suggest that you subscribe to the ubuntu-devel-announce list if you're interested in following Ubuntu development. This is a low-traffic list (a few posts a week) carrying announcements of approved specifications, policy changes, alpha releases, and other interesting events.

Bug reports should go to the Ubuntu bug tracker:

To see the original Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha 1 announcement please go to:

Postponing Ubuntu User Days

With the second Ubuntu User Day being less than a week away, and in going over our final checklist, it has come to our attention it would be a better event, both in attendance and in the choice of session if we were to postpone this event.

While we understand that you may have scheduled time on the June 5th, 2010, to facilitate a session or participate by attending we want the experience of both session leaders and participants to be the best possible.

Keeping in mind we want to present the best possible learning opportunity, we have made the decision to postpone this event until July 10, 2010.

It is our, the User Days Planners, sincere hope that this will not be an inconvenience to you or any helpers with your session.

Thank you so much for you understanding! We are looking forward to another great second Ubuntu User Day (but a few weeks later and with more planning, promotion, participants, and more awesome session leaders like yourselves).

The original announcement can be found at:

Call for Testing: Hardy Firefox Users (or willing to install Hardy in a VM)

Background: Firefox 3.0 and xulrunner 1.9 are now unsupported by Mozilla. Rather than backporting security fixes to these now, we are moving to a support model where we will be introducing major new upstream versions in stable releases. The reason for this is the support periods from Mozilla are gradually becoming shorter, and it will be more and more difficult for us to maintain our current support model in the future.

What we are going to do: We are going to release Firefox 3.6.4 as a minor update to the 3.6 series in Lucid. This will also be rolled out to Hardy, Jaunty and Karmic (along with xulrunner The update for Lucid is quite trivial, but the update in Hardy, Jaunty and Karmic is not quite as simple.

Before releasing these updates to the public, we need testing in Firefox, the extensions in the archive and distributions upgrades after those updates. We have published all these packages in a PPA and we will track test results before moving anything to the archive.

How you can help: We need people running *Hardy* (Jaunty and Karmic will see a similar call for testing in the following days) in bare metal or a virtual machine. If you are willing to help, the instructions can be found at the link below:

Linaro: Accelerating Linux on ARM

At our last UDS in Belgium it was notable how many people were interested in the ARM architecture. There have always been sessions at UDS about lightweight environments for the consumer electronics and embedded community, but this felt tangibly different. I saw questions being asked about ARM in server and cloud tracks, for example, and in desktop tracks. That’s new.

So I’m very excited at today’s announcement of Linaro, an initiative by the ARM partner ecosystem including Freescale, IBM, Samsung, ST-Ericsson and TI, to accelerate and unify the field of Linux on ARM. That is going to make it much easier for developers to target ARM generally, and build solutions that can work with the amazing diversity of ARM hardware that exists today.

The ARM platform has historically been superspecialized and hence fragmented – multiple different ARM-based CPU’s from multiple different ARM silicon partners all behaved differently enough that one needed to develop different software for each of them. Boot loaders, toolchains, kernels, drivers and middleware are all fragmented today, and of course there’s additional fragmentation associated with Android vs mainline on ARM, but Linaro will go a long way towards cleaning this up and making it possible to deliver a consistent platform experience across all of the major ARM hardware providers.

Having played with a prototype ARM netbook, I was amazed at how cool it felt. Even though it was just a prototype it was super-thin, and ran completely cool. It felt like a radical leap forward for the state of the art in netbooks. So I’m a fan of fanless computing, and can’t wait to get one off the shelf.

For product developers, the big benefit from Linaro will be reduced time to market and increased choice of hardware. If you can develop your software for “linux on ARM”, rather than a specific CPU, you can choose the right hardware for your project later in the development cycle, and reduce the time required for enablement of that hardware. Consumer electronics product development cycles should drop significantly as a result. That means that all of us get better gadgets, sooner, and great software can spread faster through the ecosystem.

To read the announcement of Linaro and to read Mark Shuttleworth's article in full go to:

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open (77015) +184 over last week
  • Critical (31) +1 over last week
  • Unconfirmed (36821) +268 over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Translation Stats Lucid

  1. English (United Kingdom) (634) -76 over last week
  2. Spanish (10554) -47 over last week
  3. Brazilian Portuguese (35398) -283 over last week
  4. French (39486) +/-0 over last week
  5. German (54716) +/-0 over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid Lynx", see more at:

Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week

Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or against another idea.

LoCo News

LoCo Teams Best Practices and Guidelines

Laura Czajkowski, of the Ubuntu LoCo Council writes about Ubuntu LoCo teams best practices and guidelines on her blog. Those are guidelines and practices are broken down into 3 areas which include:

  2. Monthly meeting – publish mins to mailing list/forums and update wiki.
    • Set a chair for 2-3 months and rotate it
    • Someone to publish mins to mailing list/forums and mailing list (share out the roles)
    • Update/create a monthly report
    • One person to create the report and add content to it. Mail the list and ask for input in case folks had organised or participated in events within the OSS/Ubuntu community.
    • Meet ups – face to face , publish you had these events, link these to the report
    • Take pictures!
    • Blog about them
    • For larger events publish a report after the event to the loco contacts mailing list
    • Add All of the events to the LoCo Directory!

    • Release Party
    • Global Jam
    • Create a a mentoring program on the below areas and train people in those areas
    • Help get existing members of the community into positions in the LoCo where they can do the most good

    • Help new ( and novice ) members find members to provide some level of help to ensure the new member can contribute in a useful way
    • Encourage and mentor for Ubuntu Membership
    • Try to create contact with the LoCos around you, in order to find any potential cross-action

Some other best practices that based on both Laura's blog and the LoCo Council wiki pages included delegating team roles. These roles include:

  • Chair of meetings
  • Web Admin
  • Mailing list admin
  • IRC Ops

To read more about the Ubuntu LoCo teams best practice and guidelines please go to: and

Help translating the LoCo Teams Best Practices and Guidelines

We've got some more content that would be very interesting for LoCos to have translated. Check this out:

The LoCo Council developed a series of best practices and guidelines to help all LoCos to be more successful, and it would be awesome to have it in YOUR language to allow everyone contribute making your LoCo rock even harder.

Here's how you can help:

  • Add your language and a link to the page where you want to put the translation to the table on top of I've added some few languages already for your convenience, and some folks have even already started translating!

  • I recommend creating a subpage named after the two-letter or threee-letter code for your language (e.g. LoCoTeamsBestPracticesandGuidelines/de for German). You'll find a list of codes here [1].
  • Copy the content of the page in English to your new page
  • Translate!
  • Save your translation and you're done Smile :) Check out the Spanish or Italian translations for an example:


For more information on translating the LoCo Teams Best Practice and Guidelines go to:

The LoCo Directory wants to speak your language

The LoCo Directory hackers have asked for some more help in getting the directory translated and thus more usable for your LoCo.

You can contribute to it the usual way by going to:

And leaving your suggestions or translations. We've got 7 languages which are nearly completed, and it would really be awesome if also Catalan, Finnish, French, Czech, Asturian, Serbian, Bengali, Greek, Ukrainian, Russian, Romanian, English (United Kingdom), Dutch, Swedish, Galician, Hebrew, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Vietnamese, Irish, Thai, Arabic, Tamil, Turkish, Welsh, Portuguese, Slovak, Polish, Persian, Danish, Belarusian, and more! would get some translation love.

The LoCo Directory has continuous releases, although there are generally not big string changes, so remember to check it out and translate new strings from time to time.

For more information on translating the LoCo directory please go to:

Ubuntu Development Team Meetings Minutes

The Planet

Daniel Holbach's blog: NGO Team during Maverick

Daniel Holbach discusses the NGO Team plans for the Maverick cycle in this blog post. Daniel states, " I’m very happy with the plans of the Ubuntu NGO team this cycle."

The following list is what Daniel states that the NGO Team wants to accomplish:

  • have more regular meetings – once a month
  • get an overview of NGO-related blueprints in maverick (

  • come up with specific questions for interviews
  • work on stats/feedback from the interviews – find out what works very well for NGO – tools they’ve built on their own
  • put together spec and blog, post to mailing list announcing Manifestand create branch to make it easier for others to contribute
  • document set-up and install for common applications for NGOs
  • create Facebook group
  • investigate if there’s “NGO Planet websites” somewhere
  • find list of groups of websites and list of organisations
  • See if NGOs would consider document their work – best practices

If you’re interested in stuff that non-profits, NGOs and charities do, in Ubuntu and making the world a better place. Join the team and the mailing list and contribute!

For more information on the NGO Team and to see the Blueprint for the Maverick cycle please go to:

Nigel Babu: Operation Cleansweep Launched!

At UDS-M in Brussels, Jono had announced Operation Cleansweep. Nigel announced as of June 4th, 2010 that Operation Cleansweep has launched. Nigel notes that Operation Cleansweep team has been able to subscribe to all the bugs with patches (minus the blacklisted packages).

As of June 4th, 2010, there was 1952 bugs with patches to be cleared by the project and around 80 to 90 patches being added every month. Operation Cleansweep has set an initial daily target of 15 bugs per day. Nigel tells others they can participate in Operation Cleansweep. He notes people can help by reviewing the patches, talking people into reviewing patches, and even putting up the meter on your website.

To learn more about Operation Cleansweep, and how you can participate please go to:

Jono Bacon: Why Launchpad Rocks: Working With Code Is Dead Simple

Jono Bacon continues his series on Why Launchpad Rocks. In this article he talks about Working With Code is Dead Simple.

This article is part of a series of articles about why I feel Launchpad is a great home for your Open Source project. I am writing these articles not as an employee of Canonical, but instead as a happy Launchpad user who gets agitated that not enough people know how cool Launchpad is.

Jono has the following to say the simplicity of working with code in Launchpad:

One of the things I love about Launchpad is that getting, hacking, sharing, merging in code is dead simple. Much of this is because of it’s tight integration with the Bazaar version control system. Together it provides akid-in-candy-shop level of awesome if you like to run and hack on code.

One of the things I love about Bazaar is that it is focused on simplicity, and having used CVS and Subversion in the past, and a little bit of git recently, I find Bazaar by far the most naturally connected with my workflow. The reason for this is that I don’t want to care about version control. I am not interested in it, I don’t want to learn it, I don’t plan on sending it a Christmas card; I merely want to learn enough to get code from somewhere, upload it somewhere and rock with it. Bazaar is well suited to my needs because it’s simplicity means that it doesn’t feel like a pain to use.

To read the this article in full and to find out why Jono says "Working With Code Is Dead Simple" go to:

Jono Bacon: Why Launchpad Rocks: Reviewing Contributions Is Simple

Jono Bacon continues his series on Why Launchpad Rocks. In this article he talks about Reviewing Contributions Is Simple.

This article is part of a series of articles about why I feel Launchpad is a great home for your Open Source project. I am writing these articles not as an employee of Canonical, but instead as a happy Launchpad user who gets agitated that not enough people know how cool Launchpad is. Jono has the following to say the simplicity of working with code in Launchpad:

Open Source is fundamentally driven by gifts. People contribute translations, documentation, artwork, code and more. Many of these gifts are made available in the form of patches; fragments of content that can be applied to other chunks of content to apply new features, resolve issues or add value in other ways. Patches are wonderful contributions. their authors take the time to care about a problem and invest their expertise and time in producing a solution that everyone can share and benefit from. As such, we should treat these patches with the due care and attention that they deserve.

Something we found in Ubuntu was that we were getting so many patches submitted that many were being lost in the mix and were not getting reviewed and applied if appropriate. This goes against the grain of a gift – we should always review these gifts with a strong sense of care and timeliness. The situation was not driven by carelessness or malice, but instead a lack of visibility on these available patches for a given project.

To read the this article in full and to find out why Jono says "Reviewing Contributions Is Simple" go to:

In The Press

Ubuntu LTS 10.04, a Linux OS at its Best

Juliet Kemp, ServerWatch, writes about her experience with Ubuntu 10.04. In this article she walks readers through installing the Ubuntu 10.04 Server as well as her first impressions if the Ubuntu 10.04 Server.

Juliet had this to say about the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server - It's convenient to have a server install that's entirely separate from the desktop install, and while it may not be as visually slick as the desktop version, that's not really what you want on a server. The install was straightforward; I really liked the package collections; and everything was functional on first bootup. Five years of support is good, and all the software installed was fairly up-to-date (within a couple of release points, which is reasonable given the testing cycle needed for a long-term release). Ubuntu provides security updates regularly, so any security improvements in more recent releases should be rolled out to your servers quickly.

One problem I found was that the documentation available online is a bit shaky. In some cases, it still refers to earlier releases, which isn't very reassuring. However, Ubuntu is obviously making an effort with its documentation, and it's easier to find information than it is with some other distros.

Overall, Lucid Lynx is an impressive offering and definitely something I'd be happy to use for my own servers. More console-driven system management tools and better documentation, would make it an even better option.

To read the article in full and about Juliet's experience installing and using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server go to:

In The Blogosphere

In Other News

VMware User Conference – Phoenix

Towards Linaro 10.11

New Doctor Who game works via Wine

Ubuntu Systems Management update

Landscape release press coverage

Severed Fifth II

Project Maintainers Required

TurnKey Hub: a new simplified cloud deployment service

TurnKey Linux just launched a private beta of the TurnKey Hub, a service that makes it easy to launch and manage the open source project's Ubuntu-based virtual appliances in the Amazon EC2 cloud.

To learn more, try the demo and sign up for an invite:

According to the developers, support for additional cloud platforms, as well as automatic backup and migration functionality is in the works:

"Imagine being able to develop your site on a locally running appliance (e.g., running in VirtualBox or VMWare). Then, when you're ready you can automatically migrate your appliance, with all your customizations to a cloud hosting provider of your choice."

SouthEast Linux Fest Announces Full Speaker List

The organizers of the Southeast Linux Fest released their full speaker list. The list includes many FOSS community members, but let's take a look at who from the Ubuntu Community will be speaking at SELF month.

  • Jono Bacon (keynote)
  • Daniel Chen
  • Pete Graner
  • Amber Graner
  • David Mandala
  • Mackenzie Morgan

There will also be an UbuCon on June 11, and June 13, 2010. In addition to Jono Bacon, Pete Graner, and David Mandala, Jeremy Foshee and Rick Spencer will also be taking part in the UbuCon.

To find out more about the Southeast Linux Fest go to:

At Home With Jono Bacon: Weekly Videocast Summary

At Home with Jono Bacon videocast from June 2nd, 2010 covered the following areas:

  • HOWTO: Upgrading To Maverick
  • HOWTO: Filing Bugs
  • Community Team Plans for Maverick
  • Q+A

To see the recorded video cast of this session please go to:

More about these At Home with Jono Bacon UStream casts go to:

Monthly Team Reports: May 2010

Ubuntu Governance

Ubuntu Developer Membership Board

Developer Membership Board Meeting, 2010-05-11

Chair: Richard Johnson

Present: Cody Sommerville, Soren Hansen, Richard Johnson, Michael Bienia, Colin Watson, Emmet Hikory

Apologies: Stéphane Graber

Action Review
  • Completed:
    • persia to update to reflect DMB's responsibilities in process.

    • cjwatson to schedule session at UDS for DMB meeting
    • persia to follow up with TheMuso re: abogani's application.

    • strgraber, soren: Vote on Rogrigo's application for PPU permissions for libubuntuone, rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store, ubuntuone-client, and tomboy
  • Carried Over to next meeting:
    • cjwatson to create ubuntu-kernel-uploaders team owned by the DMB that will provide upload permissions to Ubuntu kernel packages.

Administrative Matters
  • Consider changing order of application process
    • Cody to send email to the list to review

Sylvestre Ledru PPU Application

Luke Faraone MOTU Application

  • Luke is a Debian Maintainer and has enjoyed handling sponsorship as well as syncing RC bugs from Debian. One abstained from voting, while 4 others voted in favor. Welcome!

Christian Mangold MOTU Application

Scott Moser PPU Application

Rodney Dawes PPU Application

Chad Miller PPU Application

  • Chad has been bothering Ken with regards to desktopcouch. Unfortunately Chad didn't have anyone leave a comment or testimony on his application, and because of that 2 voted in favor, 1 not in favor, and 2 abstained, therefor denying his application at this time. It was recommended for him to get those testimonies and come back as soon as possible.

Jamie Bennett Contributing Developer Application

Select a Chair for the next meeting
  • Emmet Hikory will chair the 25th May meeting

IRC Council

  • Ubuntu IRC Council meeting, May 8th 2010

    • No items on agenda, no formal meeting
    • Discussed meeting frequency, decided to move discussion to IRC Team mailing list
    • Action: topyli to send mail
  • Ubuntu IRC Council Meeting 2010-05-30

    • Attendance: nhandler, jussi, tsimpson, topyli, czajkowski, itnet7
    • Discussed with members of the LoCo Council requring the Logging bot in all LoCo IRC channels.

      • The LoCo Council brought up this topic as a possible way to resolve problems with the Code of Conduct not being followed in LoCo channels.

      • czajkowski and itnet7 agreed to send out an initial email to the loco-contacts mailing list to get some feedback from the LoCos.

      • tsimpson suggested creating a Launchpad poll once some initial discussion has taken place on the mailing list in order to get a better feel for how many people are for/against this change.
      • nhandler and itnet7 will work on preparing a pros/cons wiki page to help the councils reach a decision at a later meeting.
      • This issue will be discussed again once feedback from the LoCos is received.

    • Reviewed the Guadalinex issue:

      • The Guadalinex Edu task is Fix Released, but the Guadalinex task is still open.
      • tsimpson volunteered to comment on the bug to get a status update about what needs to be done for the Guadalinex task.
    • Discussed the idea of an #ubuntu-lts channel
      • topyli agreed to send an email about the -lts channel to the mailing list to summarize the IRC Council's views on the issue.
      • The IRC Council will discuss this issue again at a future meeting after more discussion has taken place on the mailing list.
    • Logs for this meeting are available at:

LoCo Council

Ubuntu-UY was up for first. Their website has been re-branded with the the new Ubuntu branding, and they have been very active. Their Approval Application was dynamite and easily reflected their recent events as well as their hopes for the near future. Congratulations to the Uruguay Team! We really appreciate your hard work and look forward to what your team will achieve for Ubuntu.

Ubuntu-MX has done some extremely great things for the community. Their Podcast is doing really well, and they are beginning to recover from some huge hurdles (quarantined areas to help contain N1H1 for example). The LoCo Council felt unanimously that Ubuntu-MX should take a little time to get themselves back on track, asking them re-apply in September. LoCo Council members volunteered to help guide them through the re-approval process, and answer any questions they have while preparing.

Technical Board

  • Meeting of the TB, 2010-06-01
    • Chair: Keybuk
    • Present: kees, mdz, pitti, sabdfl
    • Review of Actions
      • Keybuk had sent draft mail to TB about sparc and ia64 ports, no objections were received, so the board carried and keybuk will send the mail
    • Chromium standing FFe
      • The board discussed a standing Feature Freeze Exception for Chromium, however since the package has not yet had any SRUs, it was decided that this should be deferred until a reasonable (Kees suggested 3) number had been completed. Martin Pitt will re-raise this once he feels it has proven it's worth an exception.
    • Community Bugs
      • The board resolved that the issue of ubuntu-drivers many roles should be a medium-priority bug, and should be fed back to the Launchpad team as part of the usual process
    • Chair for next meeting: cjwatson
  • Meeting of the TB, 2010-05-18
    • Chair: sabdfl
    • Present: cjwatson, kees, keybuk, mdz, pitti, sabdfl
    • Review of Actions
      • On Reinhard's patent question: pitti got a reply from Amanda [Canonical legal] and replied to Reinhard and tb@
      • cjwatson has sync'd MoM
      • pitti has switched Soyuz'
    • 10.10.10
      • The Board continued their discussion on the proposed release date for Maverick Meerkat. Concern was expressed about releasing on a Sunday: it was agreed that the release would need to be prepared by the previous Friday. Various stakeholders (webmaster, marketing) will be ready for the release on the Sunday, but the bulk of the work should wrap during the previous work week and only a skeleton team need be in place over the weekend, barring a release crisis.
      • The updated release schedule, with 10.10.10 has been published, and should now be considered canonical Smile :-)

    • Releases to 12.04
      • The Board discussed Robbie's data on the factors affecting actual development time during releases. It's now clear that April releases get reduced developer time, due to the number of Western holidays during the cycle. As a result, we would like to release the October release a little earlier than we have in the past.
      • The Board voted and approved a proposal to ask Jorge Castro to engage with the GNOME release team, to see if they have similar dynamics in their cycle, and are amenable to aligning in this way. In addition, we asked Jorge to explore the possibility of publishing a schedule of release dates for 10.10 till 12.04, now. That would allow us to fix the dates of conferences, sprints and other events further in advance.
      • The Board also discussed avoiding the final week of the month for releases, but the idea did not carry and no consensus emerged.
    • Sparc and IA64 Status
      • Keybuk pointed the Board at which lists architectures and gives an indication of their degree of support in Ubuntu.

      • The Board approved that Keybuk publicise that page, together with the statement that SPARC and IA64 are declining in levels of usage and maintenance to the point where they are candidates for decommissioning. In the case of SPARC, the issues are severe, with kernel and toolchain causing problems to the point of SPARC being unusable. In the case of IA64, there was some discussion of benefits to the team of having IA64 builds, and a recognition of the fact that kernel and toolchain are in better shape. Nevertheless, the decision was taken that unless a substantial community effort rallies around IA64, it should also be decommissioned, and Keybuk will frame the mail that way.
    • Derivative hosting requests
      • Persia asked if the TB needed to be involved in questions about new derivatives, and the decision was that yes, if the request involved hosting or modifications to key infrastructure and build services, then requests should be addressed by the TB.
    • The chair for the next TB will be Keybuk.
  • Technical Board meeting, 2010-05-04
    • Attendees: Martin Pitt (chair), Kees Cook, Matt Zimmerman, Colin Watson, Mark Shuttleworth
    • Guests: Jonathan Riddell, Scott Kitterman, Emmet Hikory
    • Action review
      • Riddell and ScottK to sort next steps of KDE Updates process
        • Outstanding, but there was progress this week
      • cjwatson to write up 2010-03-09 meeting minutes
        • Outstanding
      • cjwatson to drive libfaac issue to conclusion
        • Outstanding
    • Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed
      • That was done, added to agenda below
    • Request for Kubuntu Unseeded Packages Team
      • Would be best to create an explicit list of packages as a seed, based on the "reverse dependency" criterion
      • Once this list is done, DMB can implement
    • Scope of Canonical's acquired ffmpeg patent licenses for derivatives
      • This is believed to be strictly an OEM business, and not apply to Ubuntu in general
      • [ACTION] Martin to confirm with Canonical's legal department and follow up
    • Default sync source for Maverick
    • Chair for next meeting: Mark Shuttleworth

Ubuntu Development Teams

Reviewers Team

Xubuntu Team

Xubuntu team report for May, 2010

Bug Triage
  • Many bugs have been triaged and fixed this month.

Packaging, Development, & Testing
  • We tested and released Xubuntu 10.04, also know as Lucid Lynx.
  • We participated in UDS Maverick Meerkat.
  • In cooperation with Debian packaged and synced Xfce 4.6.2 for Maverick.

Website & Marketing


Ubuntu LoCo Teams

Asturian Team

Catalan Team

  • May 1st: LoCo irc meeting. Preparations for Lucid release party.

  • May 3rd: New LoCo T-shrits (

  • May 15th: Released press note for Lucid Lynx release party in València.
  • May 16th: LoCo irc meeting. Lucid Lynx release party conferences.

  • May 17th: badges for install party.
  • May 22nd: Lucid Lynx release party ( at Octubre building in the center of València with conferences, workshops and install party.

  • May 23rd: Ubuntu Unconference at Octubre building in the center of València.
  • May 27th: 10 four-years-old PCs made Lucid at IES Torre Vicens Secondary School ( in Lleida.

Czech Team

French Team

Ubuntu Ireland

Ubuntu Israel

Ubuntu Colombia

Romanian Team

South African Ubuntu team

Last months team report was delayed to include all our release parties.

Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team

Ubuntu United Kingdom LoCo Team

Group Contribution
  • ( Held in Liverpool.

  • Ubuntu Developer Summit attended by AlanPope, AlanBell, DaveWalker, GordAllott

Individual Contribution
  • AlanBell presented on Free Software at the Redbridge School IT technicians forum and gave out 30 Lucid CDs

  • MattDaubney presented on Improving Community Support at Oggcamp

  • AlanPope presented his Ubuntu Geekbox and talked about Mumbuntu at Oggcamp

United States Teams

US Teams Project

Ubuntu California

Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team
  • Chicago Team Monthly IRC Meeting 2010-05-03
  • Began to discuss organizing a Geeknic or bike ride

Iowa Team

Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team

Ubuntu Venezuela Team

Additional Ubuntu Teams

Ubuntu Beginners Team

  • Bodsda raised opinion that the Beginners FAQ page requires attention and an update.
  • Discussed replacing Votebot with ubottu.
    • All members present were largely in favour of Votebot's deprecation.
    • Council are to vote on Votebot's removal from the main channels.
  • BT Council proposed a new draft for the membership requirements ( process to the rest of the team.

    • Discussions to continue on the Mailing List and Wiki.
  • ZachK_ announced that the Summer of Documentation is just around the corner, and requested for any members to help out.
  • cjohnston discussed an opportunity for the BT to help out in redesigning the Ubuntu Community page on the Ubuntu site.

    • Any member interested in helping, are to email, or PM cjohnston.

Ubuntu Women

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Monday, June 7, 2010

Developer Mentoring Reception

Security Team Catch-up

  • Start: 17:00 UTC
  • End: 17:30 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
  • Agenda: nothing formal, just a weekly catch-up. Weekly Ubuntu Security Team catch-up meeting. Anyone is welcome to join if they want to watch, contribute, etc.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting

Developer Membership Board

  • Start: 14:00 UTC
  • End: 15:00 UTC
  • Location: Not listed as of publication
  • Agenda: None given at time of publication

Ubuntu Bugsquad Monthly Meeting

Desktop Team Meeting

Kernel Team Meeting

  • Start: 17:00 UTC
  • End: 18:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
  • Agenda: Not listed as of publication

Ubuntu Beginners Team Meeting

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Weekly Ubuntu Foundation Team Meeting

QA Team Meeting

Jono Bacon @ Home Videocast : Various Topics and Q+A

Edubuntu Meeting

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ubuntu Women Project Meeting

Ayatana UX Team Meeting

  • Start: 12:00 UTC
  • End: 12:30 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
  • Agenda: * Introductions * Review team charter * Organize first UX activity * Brainstorm future UX activities

Ubuntu Java Meeting

  • Start: 14:00 UTC
  • End: 15:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
  • Agenda: none listed as of publication

Friday, June 11, 2010

Maverick Weekly Release Meeting

  • Start: 15:00 UTC
  • End: 16:30 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
  • Agenda: none listed as of publication

Saturday, June 12, 2010

DC LoCo Team BugJam

  • Start: 20:00 UTC
  • End: 22:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-us-dc on
  • Agenda: none listed as of publication

DC LoCo IRC meeting

  • Start: 22:00 UTC
  • End: 23:00 UTC
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-us-dc on
  • Agenda: none listed as of publication

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ubuntu Forums Unanswered Posts Team Meeting

Updates and Security for 6.06, 8.04, 9.04, 9.10, and 10.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

Ubuntu 9.04 Updates

Ubuntu 9.10 Updates

Ubuntu 10.04 Updates

UWN Translations

  • Note to translators and our readers please follow the link below for the information you need.


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Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Amber Graner
  • Liraz Siri
  • Nathan Handler
  • J Scott Gwin
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms

Other acronyms can be found at

Ubuntu - Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu.


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