
Revision 68 as of 2010-07-07 20:50:28

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Meeting Logs

To add a new meeting record follow the instructions below

After adding a meeting, be sure to announce it on the mailing list, using the template located at:-

Meetings usually take place in #ubuntu-uk on IRC.

Agenda can be found at UKTeamMeetingAgenda

Link to each meeting page here:-

Upcoming Meetings

The next full team meeting has not been scheduled, but when it is it will be held in #ubuntu-uk-meeting on

Previous Meetings

Adding an Meeting

  1. Do a search to ensure that the meeting page doesn't already exist.
  2. Create your page by entering the name here in the format YYYYMMDDMeeting
  3. Edit the new page taking care to put the correct date and time in.
  4. Announce the meeting on the mailing list at least a week before, requesting agenda items to be placed on the page, and provide a direct link to it in the mail.
  5. Come back to this page and add it to the top of the list of meetings above.
  6. Template
