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Hardy Heron Splash
Based on a idea of MadsRH, I hope I don't harm any rule, I have made a boot splash on this idea because it seams original. I hope it will be helpful. Thanks MadsRH!
The main concept would have had this background but with Animated GIFs I couldn't use more than 256 colours.
Is based upon the Official color of Ubuntu, with a little change on the logo which I made it a little glossy.
MadsRH's page
* I really love the idea!! very cool. However, I don't think that it would be a good idea to have so many colors in the usplash (you should think on the low end machines)... -- ~~~~
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Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/usplashHH (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:08 by localhost)