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Takes place from Mon 27 April - Fri 1 May on IRC in #ubuntu-classroom.

Welcome to the Ubuntu Open Week!

Ubuntu Developer Week is here: UbuntuDeveloperWeek.

Ubuntu is a freely available, simple to use Linux desktop and server. The Ubuntu project has developed a strong reputation for technical excellence and a commitment to the free software community, and we are always keen to grow and extend our community where possible. Ubuntu does not distinguish between different Enterprise and Open versions - we have one single version of Ubuntu, and this version is and will always be entirely free. Ubuntu is used by over 8 million people and has a worldwide community of volunteers who contribute in many different areas such as packaging, documentation, art, translations, testing, marketing and more.

Find out more about the Ubuntu Desktop, Server, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Mobile, UNR, and download them.

Road test our community

In just four years, Ubuntu has become one the most popular Linux distributions in the world with millions of users and a thriving community. Ever wondered what all the fuss is about? How have we achieved such a great feat in such a short space of time? Here's where you can find out. Ubuntu Open Week is a week of IRC tuition and Q+A sessions all about getting involved in the rock-and-roll world that is the Ubuntu community. We organise this week for the beginning of a new release cycle to help new contributors get involved.

Ubuntu Open Week was a series of online workshops where you could:

  • learn about the Ubuntu landscape
  • talk to some of the key developers from the Ubuntu project
  • find out about the Community and its relationship with Canonical
  • participate in an open Q&A with Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Ubuntu

  • much more...

The Timetable

We organised a week long menu of events that touch many different areas of the Ubuntu community. If you are interested in being a part of the project, there is sure to be a session for you.

Notice: The schedule has been nearly finalized, please do not edit without contacting JorgeCastro or JonoBacon (We are still looking to fill out the last few sessions, so don't be shy!)


Mon 27 Apr

Tue 28 Apr

Wed 29 Apr

Thu 30 Apr

Fri 1 May

15.00 UTC

Introduction - Jono Bacon

sabdfl Q+A - Mark Shuttleworth

An introduction to the messaging indicator - KenVanDine

With a little Help - EfrainValles

Launchpad Soyuz Overview - CelsoProvidelo

16.00 UTC

What's new in 9.04 - JorgeCastro

sabdfl Q+A - Mark Shuttleworth

How to market and plan an Ubuntu Party - ChristopheSauthier

Running an Ubuntu Localization Team - AdiRoiban

Demythifying Launchpad Translations - DavidPlanella

17.00 UTC

Doing Ubuntu Development - DanielHolbach

Creating basic LoCo resources - AdiRoiban - AdiRoiban

Encrypted Home Directories - DustinKirkland

Ubuntu Training - Billy Cina and Belinda Lopez

Exhibiting Ubuntu at Conferences - Joe Smith / NealBussett

18.00 UTC

Screen-Profiles - DustinKirkland

Docs Day - Intro to the Docs Team - DougieRichardson

How the GNOME desktop team works ? - didrocks

Xubuntu QA - CharlieKravetz

OEM Community Netbook testing - ChrisGregan

19.00 UTC

Introduction to Brainstorm - JorgeCastro

Docs Day - Translating Documentation - MatthewEast / AdiRoiban

Kubuntu Q&A - RichardJohnson & JonathanRiddell

Intro to the Ubuntu-News Team - JohnCrawford

Gaming with Ubuntu (introduction) - BenCrisford

20.00 UTC

Introduction to Kubuntu - JonathanRiddell

Docs Day - Working on the Help Wiki - MatthewEast / Rocket2DMn

Be your neighbor's Ubuntu Guru - FabianRodriguez

HowTo Triage bugs in Ubuntu - PedroVillavicencio

21.00 UTC

Introduction to Xubuntu - Xubuntu Team

Docs Day - Getting the System Documentation - Bazaar - EmmaJane / MatthewEast

Good Practices in Reporting Ubuntu Bugs - Murat Güneş

Upstream Bug Workflow - Jorge Castro

Ubuntu Kernel Q+A - Leann Ogasawara

22.00 UTC

Introduction to the ServerTeam - MathiasGug

Docs Day - Working with System Documentation - Docbook - EmmaJane

Staying up-to-date with what is going on in the community - Nathan Handler

Launchpad Code Hosting - Jonathan Lange

Final Questions and Feedback - Jorge Castro

23.00 UTC

Ubuntu Community Learning Project - cprofitt

Spare Slot

Ubuntu Women Project - Elizabeth Krumbach

Spare Slot

Ubuntu Forums - BodhiZazen

The schedule is available in iCalendar (ics) format, subscribe to the calendar using Google Calendar or Evolution. Please send feedback about Open Week to JorgeCastro.

If you use identi.ca, you can subscribe to @udscommunity to be informed whenever a new Open Week is about to begin.

* Note: For help on time equivalents around the world, visit Time and Date World Clock, and specifically for the equivalent of 15:00 UTC see 15:00 UTC around the world.

Descriptions of Sessions


  • Introduction - Welcome to Ubuntu Open Week, in this session Jono and Jorge will explain how the week works, what to expect, and how to get the best out of your week.
  • What's new in 9.04 - So you've got a shiny new disc and you're ready to go. You've read the release notes and seem people talk but it's all techie nonsense. In this session I will cover the major changes in 9.04 from a new user perspective. People new to Ubuntu and Linux are encouraged to participate!
  • Doing Ubuntu Development - Daniel Holbach will explain how to get started in Ubuntu development. Maybe you just want to fix a small bug, or start your journey to becoming a core developer, this is the session to get started.
  • Screen Profiles - Ubuntu Server's new polished GNU/Screen configuration is taking the world by storm. In this session Dustin Kirkland will talk about these implementations and show you how the whole thing works so you can make your own contributions to screen profiles.
  • Introduction to Brainstorm - Jorge Castro will talk about how to submit good ideas, good solutions, and good feedback.
  • Introduction to Kubuntu - Kubuntu developer Jonathan Riddell will talk you through the new things in Kubuntu for 9.04, as well as answer questions about Kubuntu and KD4.
  • Introduction to Xubuntu - Xubuntu Team Leaders and contributors will talk about the popular Xubuntu derivative as well as field questions from the audience.
  • Introduction to the Server Team - 9.04 will see many improvements to Ubuntu Server, Mathias Gug will tell you about the team that makes this happen and how you can contribute.
  • Ubuntu Community Learning Project - The project's mission is to create an interactive learning environment based on Moodle to support users and organizations who are making the choice to use Ubuntu as their OS of choice. It is also our hope to help users to become more engaged in the Ubuntu community. Our goal is to take new motivated users and turn them into contributing members of the community. We intend to do this by working with existing teams such as the Beginners and classroom teams, as well as leveraging the work and ongoing training already being done by the MOTU team, Bug Squad, and LoCo Teams to develop an integrated training solution that will allow the community to undertake self-paced training in conjunction with IRC based instructor lead training.


  • sabdfl Question and Answer: In this popular two hour block Mark Shuttleworth, Ubuntu's Self Appointed Benevolant Dictator for Life (sabdfl) will field questions from users.

Docs Day

The rest of this day is Documentation Day, split up into the following sessions. These sessions will cover large areas of what the documentation team does, how to get started, and an introduction to the tools you'll need.

  • Intro to the Docs Team - Dougie Richardson
  • Translating Documentation - Matthew East / Adi Roiban
  • Working on the Help Wiki - Matthew East / Connor Imes
  • Getting the System Documentation with Bazaar - Emma Jane Hogbin / Matthew East
  • Working with System Documentation - Docbook - Emma Jane Hogbin


  • Messaging Indicator - Ken VanDine will explain how to use the new messaging indicator in Ubuntu 9.04. This is the little envelope in your panel that keeps track of your instant messages and incoming emails.

  • How to Market and Plan an Ubuntu Party - Christophe Sauthier will distill the tips that the French Team uses to pull off such amazingly huge release parties. This session is a must for all LoCo leaders!

  • Encrypted Home Directories - Dustin Kirkland is back to discuss one of Ubuntu's most unique security features, including set up and best practices.
  • How the GNOME Desktop Team Works - Didier Roche explains how the desktop team takes upstream GNOME and packages it all up for people. If you're keen on getting involved with how the default desktop in Ubuntu works then this session is for you.
  • Kubuntu Question and Answer - Jonathan Riddell returns, this time he's joined by Richard Johnson. They will be answering any questions you might have about Kubuntu and KDE4.
  • Be your neighbor's Ubuntu Guru - FabianRodriguez shares a few tips and tricks on how to introduce your neighbors, friends or colleagues to Ubuntu without becoming their 24/7 dedicated "computer guy". Empower them to become autonomous and be part of the community (or not!) with some technical support power tricks and key, chosen URLs that will help quickly understand Ubuntu and free software.

  • Good Practices in Reporting Ubuntu Bugs - QA Team member Murat Güneş will explain how to file better bug reports and share tips on keeping track of your reports, making sure they are reported in the right place and providing the required information to developers.
  • Staying Up to Date - Nathan Handler will share his tips on what resources to follow for all the Ubuntu information out there in our vast community.
  • Ubuntu Women Project - Introduction to the Ubuntu Women Project, current project status and initiatives, and general Q&A.


  • With a Little Help - Sometimes it's hard to get help around here, Efrain Valles will give you some tips on how to help people help you.
  • Running an Ubuntu Localization Team and Creating LoCo Resources - Adi Roiban will discuss how to start and maintain a Local Team, including all the infrastructure in this 2 hour block.

  • Ubuntu Training - Billy Cina and Belinda Lopez will discuss how Ubuntu Training works, and how to get help.
  • Xubuntu Bugs and Testing - Charlie Kravetz will talk about Quality Assurance, bug triage, and testing Xubuntu.
  • Intro to the Ubuntu News Team - John Crawford will outline what the news team does, and how to get involved. If you're looking to help out with the Fridge or the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, or just learn how the process works, then this is a session you'll want to attend. As Ubuntu has grown, so have the number of news articles and blogs written about it, and with the Ubuntu Community growing at break neck speed, reporting all the happenings has never been more challenging.
  • Triaging Bugs in Ubuntu - When users report a bug it's up to people to categorize those bugs into groups so developers can look at them, this is called triaging. In this session Pedro Villavicencio will show you how to do this.
  • Upstream Bug Workflow - As a linux distributor we ship a bunch of diverse software (GNOME,KDE, Firefox, etc.) When users report bugs with this software it is our duty to ensure that we are filing those bugs with the proper projects and ensuring that they get reported in the right place. In this session Jorge Castro will show you how that's done in Ubuntu and how you can help us improve that.
  • Launchpad Code Hosting - Did you know Launchpad will host your open source software and all it's code and branches? Jonathan Lange will show you how it works and what new features they expect to ship soon.


  • Launchpad Soyuz Overview - Soyuz is the infrastructure behind Launchpad's popular Personal Package Archives. Celso Providelo will fill you in on how to take advantage of PPAs.
  • Demythyfing Launchpad Translations - Launchpad Translations (codenamed Rosetta) is the tool used for translating Ubuntu. However, any project outside Ubuntu can also take advantage of its features. David Planella will take you to a tour including that and other not-so-well known Rosetta features.
  • Exhibiting Ubuntu at Conferences - As more community-led conferences and other events begin to take center stage, there will be more opportunities for LoCos to host booths on exhibition floors. Running a booth requires careful planning and dedication from the team, but is a great way to work together, promote Ubuntu, and have a blast.

  • Gaming With Ubuntu - Ubuntu wasn't designed for games, and games weren't designed for Ubuntu. But in this session Ben Crisford will help you make Ubuntu a suitable platform for your needs. The session will involve downloads (but all completely free). NOTE - not all games will run with the methods discussed in this session but there will be other ways (some cost money) which you can ask Ben about.
  • Ubuntu Kernel Q+A - In this talk LeAnn Ogasawara will be discussing features in the Ubuntu Kernel in Jaunty and beyond.

  • Ubuntu Forums - In this session BodhiZazen will give a tour of the forums and show some fun features.

  • Final Questions and Feedback - Here's your chance to volunteer to help for the next time around, leave feedback, and let us know how useful Open Week was for you.