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Naxos Intrepid Themes
"Naxos Intrepid" is a simple and clear idea of themes for Ubuntu. The goal of the themes is make a new art theme that can be practicable with actual stable tecnology but easily extensible with future tecnology.
Currently the themes not uses Emeraland but Metacity, because the themes might be uses by many people and compiz at the moment is not usable for all.
As engine I use murrine-svn.
Currently I maded two version of the theme, Naxos Intrepid and Naxos Clear Intrepid.
Currently unavailable.
- Bug-Fix for gtkrc and metacity.
- Improve coerency.
- Search (or make?) a wallpaper.
- Make emeraland theme.
- Make a deb package.
- ...
Naxos Intrepid
Progress Updates
V. 0.6
- fixed border frame of Metacity;
- text color a bit more dark;
- changed behaviour of radiocheck;
V. 0.5
- changed contrast;
- improve buttons;
- changed gradient shades;
- changed lightboard ratio and style;
- changed and fixed panel;
- some bug fix to gtk-theme.
V. 0.4
- add gradient_shades to buttons and menuitem;
- menuitem-select and buttons a bit more dark;
- menu background like bg_color;
- some bug fix;
V. 0.3
- buttons with less roundness;
V. 0.2
- Migrated from murrine engine to murrine-svn;
- Remove line shadow on menubar and toolbar: GTK_SHADOW_NONE, GTK_SHADOW_NONE
- Improve coerency of menu;
- Improve buttons;
- Some bug-fix.
v. 0.6
This thumbline are synchronized with 0.6 version:
Naxos Clear Intrepid
Progress Updates
V. 0.6
- changed panel background;
- fixed border frame of Metacity;
- text color a bit more dark;
- title color in Metacity frame a bit more dark;
- changed behaviour of radiocheck;
- changed gradient of the Metacity buttons;
- changed tooltip background color;
V. 0.5
- start version;
Screenshoot Clear Vesion
v. 0.6
This thumbline are synchronized with 0.6 version:
Naxos Intrepid Wallpapers
Unpack the archive Naxospack.
deb intrepid main
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Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/NaxosIntrepid (last edited 2008-10-28 12:20:10 by host213-104-dynamic)