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I tried to show the idea of an ibex without getting into satanism or heavy machinery. Note that non-brown colors are used
So far the idea is based on a spiral of simple dots which should represent the horns of the ibex (the most interesting part, I think). The background shows how one could use browns and other colors...needs a lot of work, really
Palette Check for the current version. Until now this idea is only roughly based on the exact colors.
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I think its pretty and has potential but what would it be used for? The shape doesn't fit with Ubuntu enough. Maybe for a splash theme? -- Brettalton 2008-06-18 22:57:51
- I really like the colors. I think this would be great for a bootsplash. For example, progress could be indicated by the how completed the logo is. The design needs a little work. The design doesn't fit as either Ubuntu's logo nor an Ibex horns. I would really push for this to be the next bootsplash, as I can see a lot of potential. -- isaacj87
* I agree, this would be a fantastic bootsplash! I love the idea of the dots slowly appearing as it boots (So the user can see how much has booted). --LostOverThere 2025-03-06 19:00:14
As a bootsplash, it could behave as the progress bar itself. It could start by havig the center circle/oval appear, and progress outward, and once complete the "Ubuntu" name could appear. Each circle could flicker, or fade, or ocilate into view -- or perhaps have each spin or flip in-place as if they were disk-like shapes. I really hope someone tries to put a bootsplash using this together, it is really sharp. Ubuntu should brand each release with art like this... kolanos
* I have attached a different take on the same design. I think it looks really clean, i just softened up the centerpiece in my design. Great Job. SamV. *I am liking this so much, I shall work on a GDM & usplash for this, great design! -/- Rugby471
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Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/SimpleDarkIbex (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:59 by localhost)